The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 398: Terrifying annual profit

The e-mail is the financial report of Pangu Technology in 2020, which includes the annual revenue and profit of Pangu Technology's various departments and subsidiaries.

Xiao Ming turned the attached financial report of the report to the last page, and was also frightened by the company's horrible annual revenue and profits.

Pangu Technology's total annual revenue in 2020 is 771 billion soft sister coins, which is about 11.13 billion meters, and annual profit is 4119.3 soft sister coins, which is about 59.47 billion meters.

As a company that has just been established for less than four years, this is a pretty scary number.

Among the technology companies, the annual revenue of 761 billion soft sister coins is almost the same as that of Samsung. Samsung's 2020 annual revenue is 81 million soft sister coins.

Pangu Technology's revenue data can be ranked 48th in the world in 2020, second only to BNP Paribas, and higher than Xia Guo Bank.

The company with the highest worldwide revenue is Wal-Mart, which has reached a staggering 500 billion meters.

However, Pangu Technology's profit is astonishing, reaching 4119.3 soft sister coins, which is about 59.47 billion meters, ranking first in the world, higher than the second-ranked Apple Company. Xia Guo Industrial and Commercial Bank's profit was 42.3 billion meters.

But comparing the number of employees at Apple, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Pangu Technology, we know how terrible Pangu Technology is!

Pangu Technology has less than 10,000 employees (including sales staff), and Apple has 110,000 employees! This is the gap.

If the profit of Pangu Technology is simply taken as GDP, a horizontal comparison will be made across the entire Xia Kingdom. The profit of Pangu Technology's 411.93 billion soft sister coins can be ranked at about 28, which is about equal to the total GDP of Nanhai Province. If only compared with the city, then the profit of Pangu Technology is equal to the GDP of ordinary second-tier cities such as Qianshi.

This is only the result of a company that has just been established for three years. In this way, the results were achieved under the suppression of Pangu Science and Technology.

Qian Yi's expression of excitement is a real profit! It is the profit after deducting all costs, including Pangu Science and Technology Park and scientific research investment. Last year, Pangu Technology invested more than 80 billion yuan in soft scientific research.

Xiao Ming looks at the revenue and profit in various fields:

Chip revenue was 540 billion soft sister coins, with a profit of 310 million soft sister coins; Canghai storage revenue was 7 billion profits; 3 billion profits; micro-core battery revenue was 10.4 billion profits; 4.5 billion profits; Pangu Ecological Chain (including system) revenue was 210 billion profits; 93 billion profits Pangu Medical's revenue was 2.3 billion and profit was 1 billion; Pansha Sewage Treatment Company's revenue was 1.2 billion and profit was 400 million; Huayi Company's revenue was 100 million and profit was 30 million.

The profit margins of major products are very high! Some are closer to 50%!

Qinghe wearables, food and dairy profits from the Academy of Life Sciences have not been calculated.

Most of the Chinese translation company's products began to be free and open, so revenue and profits in 2020 will plummet.

The highest revenue and profit is still the new material hardware department, which has chips, ocean storage and flexible screens, etc. It is expected that this sector will break through trillions of revenue in the future.

Pangu Technology's strong revenue has also made it a big taxpayer in Jiangcheng, and it has reached the level of 10 billion yuan of soft sister coins with tax concessions.

A large amount of taxation gave Jiangcheng strong financial resources to lay out the entire city.

Jiangcheng invested a lot of money this year to build infrastructure such as roads, communications, and water supply and drainage networks, which greatly improved the quality of life of Jiangcheng residents.

On the other hand, the treatment of public officials in Jiangcheng has also been greatly improved. In the past, the average annual income of ordinary clerks was about 120,000 soft sister coins. In 2020, the performance bonus alone reached 100,000 soft sister coins, which is several times that in the past.

Therefore, both ordinary citizens and public officials in Jiangcheng are very grateful to Pangu Technology.

Half an hour later, Xiao Ming read the financial statements and annual financial report.

He said: "According to the relevant regulations, publish it. In addition, we added last year's year-end award."

Last year, Pangu Technology's per capita year-end award was 400,000 soft sister coins, which is a veritable local tyrant company.

In the new materials hardware affairs department, Pangu ecological affairs department and life science laboratory, the per capita bonus reached 1.2 million soft sister coins.

When it comes to bonuses, Qian Yi is also happy!

"How much more? I plan to change rooms in Jiangcheng."

"Ordinary employees added 500,000, middle-level 700,000 and high-level 1 million. The company thanked all the employees of Pangu Technology for their contributions this year in the form of bonuses. By the way, how do you think about changing rooms? What's wrong? Living is not comfortable now? Xiao Ming asked.

Qian Yi bought a house in Jiangcheng last year, next to the riverside park in the university town, a junior room with a total price of 2.6 million.

Qian Yi said, "I am going to change to a small villa and take over my parents. The elevator apartment is like a bird cage."

The price of Jiangcheng villas ranges from 4 million to 20 million, but Qian Yi has the strength to buy a set.

As the company's executives, Qian Yi's annual income is more than 10 million yuan, plus senior executives' year-end dividends, it is normal to buy a villa a year.

Speaking of buying a house, Qian Yi wondered: "It's you, I just heard that you bought a house for your uncle and aunt two years ago, how about you? Wouldn't you plan to continue living in the headquarters office?"

Xiao Ming really has no pursuit of housing. He does not need to buy a house for investment. In his opinion, housing is just a place to live.

Xiao Ming said with a smile: "I have a suite here, I also live in the village of Prajna, and I will also live in the technology park in the future, so my house is not really cold."

"Apart from the value of living ~ ~ From my point of view, the house has no other value." Xiao Ming said very earnestly: "I have always insisted on not housing."

"Ha ha ha! I believe, if you are all in the real estate, then Xia Guo's future is indeed not saved."

Xiao Ming shook his head helplessly and said, "How many Xia people have such an idea. If ten years ago, Xia Guo people regarded housing as housing without giving other concepts, a lot of funds and manpower would Flowing into the fields of science and technology and the physical industry, Xia Guo will not have only one Pangu technology and one Warwick. "

Xiao Ming even asserted: "It is possible that Xia Guo already had its own operating system and chip before Pangu Technology was established, with 30% of the funds in the property market flowing into the technology sector."

Qian Yi agreed with Xiao Ming's words. She said, "Most of Xia Guo's families have invested their life savings in real estate. Many young people in Xia Guo face the pressure of house prices as soon as they graduate. Innovation. "

Xiao Ming said: "The housing issue, we have to discuss further in conjunction with the construction of the Pangu Science and Technology Park, and first publish our annual financial report in accordance with relevant laws and regulations."

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