The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 595: Heavy rain market

In the extremely depressed atmosphere in London, the BBC technicians decompressed the compression package sent by Rennes. After decompression, it was impossible to say.

If a series of experiments by Rennes could not prove that Pangu Technology did launch quantum communication, then the reporter of the BBC really deceived itself.

How do you report now?

Since Pangu Technology's communication technology can be so good, it can surpass the hundred-year-old Nokia and Ericsson in a short time, and it can also surpass Warwick, which is also a Xia Guo company, and let Warwick willingly get on Pangu Technology's chariot.

How do I report it?

The BBC, looking forward to receiving first-hand video, did not know how to report it. Objectively, such a blow to the European communications industry can be imagined.

"Without mentioning quantum communication, report the security of Pangu Technology. Let's say that Pangu Technology and Warwick cooperate to open a new communication system, which poses a serious threat to the security of users."

The senior management of the BBC can only report to the news from the perspective of security, and only from this perspective.

This is the principle of the Western media such as the BBC. The facts are just news materials, and the content of the report will definitely conform to their own positions.

The BBC report goes back to the report, not everyone is a fool who was led by the media.

The same similar test report appeared in the laboratories of Nokia, Ericsson, Cisco and Samsung. The executives of the two companies discussed countermeasures in an atmosphere of extreme tension and depression.

Cisco does not know where to get the upgraded Qinghe equipment to get laboratory research. Unfortunately, apart from successfully dismantling Warwick's 5G module, how can Pangu Technology's quantum communication module not be disassembled.

Cisco also does not know that there is no separate module for quantum communication at all, and all the contents are in Qinghe's Mingqiu quantum chip, but the Mingqiu quantum chip cannot be read by external devices and cannot be disassembled, as long as Dismantling with external force will start the self-destruct process. Cisco got nothing more than a pile of carbon slag.

Cisco hurriedly informed Pangu Technology of the launch of quantum communications to the National Laboratory of the United States and the quantum physics laboratories of universities such as Harvard and Stanford, hoping to work together to find a way to technically break the monopoly of Pangu Technology.

The Stanford Quantum Physics Laboratory clearly told Cisco that quantum communication is not difficult, and Stanford can also cooperate with Cisco to produce quantum communication equipment.

When I heard this, Cisco was really excited for a while.


Stanford University's Quantum Physics Laboratory has not yet said.

However, the current technology at Stanford University can only guarantee simple quantum communication, not to mention popular use, let alone civilian use.

What is simple quantum communication.

Stanford Professor of Physics replied to Cisco: "It's that we can observe the quantum in the end device and get some information."

Cisco: "That's it?"

Stanford: "That's it. Of course this observation can be used for communication, such as transmitting simple encryption codes."

Cisco: "What about communications? What call?"

Stanford: "Quantum technology can be used as a means of encryption and combined with ordinary communications."

Cisco immediately understood the meaning and said, "Can't rely on the principles of quantum mechanics to build a real communication network?"

Stanford: "What is your dream? Even the Mozi quantum satellite that Xia Guo has launched, its main function is encryption and experimentation. It cannot be used as a universal communication satellite. We also have this technology."

Cisco: "What do you think of Pangu Technology's introduction of quantum communications?"

Stanford: "..."

Stanford has nothing to say, because they haven't really grasped the specific content of Pangu Technology's introduction of quantum communication. Just now the news is that Stanford said it didn't believe it.

Cisco knows that if Stanford doesn't have an answer here, its stock price will plummet again tomorrow.

Sure enough, Cisco's stock price continued to fall 15% the next day.

Cisco has tears and can't stop crying. It hasn't lost much of its profit in the war against Warwick in the United States in the past few days, and Cisco doesn't know how long this fall will take.

The global communications industry was lamenting under the impact of Pangu Technology's quantum communications, Xiao Ming was watching the video surveillance video contentedly in his office.

The monitoring screen is the real-time monitoring of the Qinghe Experience Stores across the country. Many consumers are standing in a long line in front of the Qinghe Experience Stores, hoping to purchase a Qinghe equipment as soon as possible.

The major sales stores are also constantly contacting the future technology company at the headquarters, and all the inventory is sold out.

Yu Hong adjusted the order on the spot at the headquarters, and immediately replenished the goods without the goods, which must meet the needs of consumers.

"The Qinghe equipment in these places has not been included in the upgrade plan, and consumers are so crazy." Qian Yi kept sighing at the scene of the snap-up.

Qinghe devices are not mobile phones, but they are a bit expensive.

Xiao Ming broke the mind of the consumer, "If it costs me 10,000 yuan to buy a device that can be used without any region and has no Internet speed limit, I am willing. Consumers know that the device in their hands will sooner or later Upgrading ~ ~ On the big screen, there is also Xia Guo's stock market quotes displayed on one side.

Xia Guo ’s stock market is as dead today as it has been in the past few years, but Xiao Ming ’s focus today is on several stocks. The three most commonly used communications in Xia Guo ’s life—Xun Mobile Communications, Link Communications, Telecommunications.

It is a pity that these three stocks have also been affected by Pangu Technology's quantum communication, and have fallen to their limit.

This is already the three stocks' daily limit for three consecutive days, along with their lower limit, there are Xia Guo's second- and third-tier communication equipment manufacturers.

From the perspective of investors in Xiaguo's stock market, it seems that Pangu Technology is launching quantum communication today, and these non-quantum communication manufacturers will go bankrupt tomorrow.

In the stock forum, many small shareholders were even more lamented.

"It's over !! The traditional communication is over. Get ready for the 20 daily limit!"

"Pangu technology is really too fierce! Let's buy the Chinese translation technology if we have the money. As many stock review experts said, it is not too late when Huayi technology gets on the bus. As long as Pangu technology continues to make a profit, Huayi Newsletter Will continue to rise. "

Xiao Ming turned his head and asked Qian Yi with a smile, saying, "Are we breaking the monopoly and giving consumers more choices?"

Qian Yi joked: "Are we breaking one monopoly and realizing another?"

Xiao Ming said seriously, "In fact, we should tell these manufacturers that the launch of Pangu Technology's quantum communication is an opportunity for them, not the end."

"Oh?" Qian Yi wondered. "What do you say?"

Xiao Ming said, "It's very simple. With the launch of quantum communication, Warwick will not spend a lot of energy in the field of 5G and 4G, and a lot of blank markets will flow out for the second and third tier manufacturers. Competition, but to keep your own territory and not be taken advantage of by overseas companies. "

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