The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 620: Pangu Technology's most confidential laboratory


Super Xiaochu appeared on the big screen and said happily, "I have chosen my favorite look and figure, the rest is up to you!"

Create a body for Super Junior!

Su Yi is extremely shocked!

This experiment is not a simple clone of humans, but something that is created out of nothing, starting from zero and creating a body for Xiaochu.

The appearance and shape of the body are still chosen by Xiaochu, and the appearance of the body may be unique in the world.

The technology of Pangu College of Science and Life Sciences has reached such a degree, and the key to the future opened by gene expression regulation can have such great charm!

At the meeting, Su Yi also knew that Xiaochu's body genes were not derived from a donor's embryonic cells or somatic cells, but directly derived from Pangu Technology's gene bank.

In Pangu Technology's gene library, gene samples of tens of millions of people have been stored. This is the product of cooperation with hospitals and the consent of gene donors themselves.

Select gene fragments one by one from these gene banks, then synthesize them, and finally form chromosomes. These chromosomes are grouped together by technical means to form a complete cell.

The most critical part of the experiment is to allow the cell to develop. By means of gene expression regulation, the cell is differentiated into embryonic cells, and then developed in accordance with the requirements of the laboratory. Meet the requirements of the laboratory and elementary school.

Su Yi took a deep breath. This is no longer a simple genetic project. To put it bluntly, this technology can not only completely create a new human who has never been in the world (there is no new generation of human beings with genetic origins in their parents ), You can also directly create new species of creatures that have never existed in this world.

"Very terrible!" Su Yi said inside.

If the technology is to scale, then what will change the world in the future? Su Yi dare not imagine.

Maybe it will create most of the same genes as humans, but stronger and more invincible genes, they will go to the battlefield.

Maybe Pangu Technology has created a new class of life. The new city metabolism of this life does not require oxygen, so they will adapt to the environment of Mars and Europa to achieve true space migration.

At this moment, Su Yi really thought a lot. She was more certain about one thing-Xia Guoren was evil, Pangu technology was evil.

The life science laboratory of Miguo must prevent this practice of Pangu technology. If it cannot, then we must master the same technology. In the future genetic war, Miguo talents can maintain the world's continuity and restrict Xiagu people. Arrogant.

Throughout the meeting, Su Yi took notes in detail. Her task was to control the variables of gene expression factors to bring them to the level required by the laboratory.

After the two-hour meeting, Gao Siqi left Su Yi alone.

Gao Siqi looked at Su Yi's eyes and said in a soft voice, "Will there be pressure?"

Su Yi shook his head and laughed: "Si Qi, I will not be under pressure, but I was surprised. I did not expect that Pangu Technology's life science technology has reached such a high level, which surpasses other laboratories around the world. In my opinion In the future, the Nobel Prize in biology for the next ten years should be taken over by Pangu Technology. "

Gao Siqi held Su Yi's hand. "Just no pressure. The experimental content you are responsible for, although mainly operated by computer, can achieve complete intelligence. As a laboratory staff, you must understand the principles and comprehensiveness of the experiment. process."

"I know." Su Yi nodded firmly.

"Do you see if you are free tonight or tomorrow?" Gao Siqi said, "I want to take you to the core laboratory to see the core points of soul gene expression regulation in the Pangu Science and Technology Life Science Laboratory. I hope you can do it sooner Learn better. "

Su Yi's heart continued to beat wildly. She stroked her glasses, and quickly swiped her right thumb with the invisible button on the side of the frame near the temple. She said, "If you can, I want to know today."

Gao Siqi nodded and looked at the time. "Then you have to prepare all night. There is coffee in the laboratory. Come with me."

Pangu Science and Technology Life Science Laboratory, basement 9th floor.

This is the soul of the life science laboratory.

Just entering here, Su Yi saw the glass containers one by one.

Inside the container are all kinds of tissues, organs and even living things.

Gao Siqi introduced: "This is the core part of the life science laboratory. The container on your right contains a lung. The human complete lung produced by genetic engineering has vitality. This technology can be used in clinical Save those patients with lung cancer or severe fibrosis of the lungs.

Our technology will be used in the clinic to save patients ~ ~ This is one of the meanings of life science laboratory. "

Su Yi said: "I know that Jiang Affiliated Hospital recently did a similar experiment."

Gao Siqi pointed to the glass bottle on the right-hand side and said, "This is a sample of our previous beef tissue. We activated a totipotent type of gene expression control technology through a somatic cell on the body of the cattle, and then produced such a piece Beef, with protein, fat, and fiber, is the epitome of life science laboratory technology and the technical foundation of popular food factories. I am the most satisfied masterpiece. "

Gao Siqi looked at Su Yi thoughtfully and said, "Do you know the great significance of this technology? There are still many people around the world below the poverty line, and daily food and clothing are a problem. Where they are also because of Technology and weather, environment and other reasons can not get enough food, but our technology can meet their needs for food. According to Pangu Technology's plan, our food factory will provide more than 90% of the world's main food in the future. "

Su Yimo nodded silently.

Gao Siqi pointed to a glass container in front of her and said, "Here is a culture sample, a sample of South China tiger embryos. South China tiger was extinct decades ago, but we extracted the body of frozen samples of South China tiger. Cells can be resurrected, and you can create a South China tiger population by adjusting genetic differences. This is a collaboration between our laboratory and the Xia Guo Endangered Animal Protection Association, and we aim to protect global biodiversity. "

Su Yi nodded again in silence.

On the other side, Xiao Ming was sipping chicken legs and drinking beer in the headquarters suite, watching the video.

In the video, Gao Siqi and Su Yi chatteringly introduce.

Xiao Ming lowered the chicken leg, thought about it, and picked up a duck neck again.

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