The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 867: What do you want us to do

As the old owner of Liver, Stanford University also sent a letter to Pangu Science and Technology, hoping that Pangu Science and Technology would stop the experiment of creating life from the perspective of human future security.

Stanford University said in the letter: "We don't know whether human-created viruses, bacteria, or other substances will undergo gene exchange with other living organisms in the existing ecosystem, and we do not know whether this gene exchange will harm humans and The health of the planet ’s existing species. But we strongly hope that such an attempt will not be made, because if it does happen, then it will be too late. "

With the publication of the letter from Stanford University, more and more western laboratories and universities sent letters or directly protested Pangu's behavior.

Mi Guo ethicist: "We acknowledge that Pangu Technology is very powerful, and its products are against human ethics and morals. We do not know where Pangu Technology will lead humans." Environmentalists:

"This is even more terrifying than creating human beings. Humans have very little knowledge about viruses and bacteria. We cannot control the future of these microorganisms. We don't want things beyond human control. Pangu Technology should put human safety first. Not your own scientific innovation. "

Ren Q expert: "To create life that can reproduce on Mars, Pangu Technology really dares to think about it! We seriously suspect that Pangu Technology is only developing genetic weapons under the guise of this scientific research."

In recent years, the international media has been scared by Pangu Technology, which has to be much more modest.

However, many experts and scholars still express strong indignation and criticism of Pangu's behavior.

Omega Labs and academic institutions are very nervous. They are afraid that Pangu Technology has achieved the highest power in life sciences, and that Pangu Technology has God-like creation ability.

Having a virtual paradise that can make people live forever, and now you have the ability to create life, this strength goes against Westerners ’understanding of the Xia Kingdom tradition, and also gives Westerners a strong sense of crisis in the future. Will the world be Xia Kingdom? rule? Regarding the opposition from academic circles, Pangu Technology will not respond as usual.

Pangu Science and Technology published a paper on the creation of life on Mars, just to inform everyone that it is a universal norm in academia. Not to listen to whose advice.

For Western academic circles, Pangu Technology has already responded.

First of all, in terms of technology, photosynthetic bacteria from Martian life and earth ’s fungi have a “reproductive isolation” similar to that of animals, and there is no gene exchange.

Second, the current climate and temperature of the earth make it impossible for photosynthetic bacteria to survive. When the Martian environment approaches Earth in the future, photosynthetic bacteria will also complete their mission and die on a large scale, and hand over the shift to the associated regulator bacteria and Martian plants.

That's why the laboratory has a Mars-like environment to cultivate Martian life.

Finally, it is sealing and safety.

Since Pangu Science and Technology can do this experiment, it can certainly guarantee security and airtightness without the worry of Western academic circles.

The technology of Pangu Technology is beyond their imagination. Just by guessing it, Pangu Technology will not reply.

Xiao Ming also said: "These people have not grasped the focus of the thesis."

This makes Qian Yi not quite understand what it means to miss the point of the thesis.

Qian Yi took out the analysis report and attitude of Stanford University and said, "They have made it clear that they know the principles and processes of our experiments, and can even repeat our papers with their eyes closed. It is just that they have no technique to repeat the experiments Our paper, what else is unclear? "

Xiao Ming pointed to a few words on the paper: "The focus is on the conditions we need to create life on Mars and the need to launch a nuclear bomb. Westerners think we are just talking about the paper, and the actual implementation is many years later. Something happened. "

Xiao Ming said very humorously: "Launching a nuclear bomb and hitting a pit in the north pole of Mars is the focus of this thesis."

"Yeah!" Qian Yi couldn't stand Xiao Ming's half-serious and half-joking look. She said, "Is it possible, we are going to announce the news to the world now?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ming said very seriously: "Since western societies like to criticize and educate people, they always regard themselves as the highest point of public opinion, and if they have learned many times, they still don't change.

Qian Yi was a little speechless. "I thought it would be a little more shocking to them."

Shock value, Xiao Ming is also needed.

Just when the entire Western academic community was clamoring because of the experiment of Martian life of Pangu technology.

Xiao Ming made Super Xiaochu write a reply to the suggestions of western academic circles.

replied as below:

"Dear fellow scholars, hello. Pangu Science and Technology Life Science Lab has received suggestions and opinions from colleagues around the world. Thank you for your concern and comments on the Martian Life Project.

The reason why human beings can become the spirit of all things on earth ~ ~ Because we have a vision of exploration and a sense of crisis for the future. 600 years ago, Xia Guo's navigator Zheng He went to the West and discovered Africa. Eighty-seven years later, Columbus's voyage began the era of human navigation. In the 1950s, the astronauts of the Riceland landed on the moon for the first time, which opened the era of interstellar exploration. The previous year, the Xia Guoren landed on the moon again and built a long-term base on the moon. Last year, Xia Guo's Firefly landed on Mars and rescued the trapped Mi astronauts.

Human beings have never stopped exploring the universe. We must explore the universe and find a way for humans to move to planets beyond the earth. Because we all know that the earth is not the permanent home of mankind, and we also hope to continue the tinder of human civilization forever.

Therefore, Pangu Technology launched the Martian Life Plan and Mars Ecosphere Project. In order to make the project run better, implement it earlier. Pangu Academy of Life Sciences will start the first phase of the experimental site ...

We decided to explode the Arctic rock and soil layer of Mars when the helium trinuclear fusion bomb is produced and manufactured, and when it is suitable for this year and next year, exposing the ice cap that covers the rock and soil layer, and let the ice cap melt into a lake. For the future of human life sciences, and to explore the ultimate mysteries of life in the universe, researchers at the Pangu College of Science and Technology and Life Sciences will be committed to their goals. "

The Chinese and English versions of Pangu Technology's public response were announced to the world.

This is awful! When Stanford University professor Lewell saw the response from Pangu Technology, a spurt of old blood spurted out!

He originally thought that the opposition of the global academic community would cause Pangu Technology to abandon the Martian life body plan, but did not expect that Pangu Technology not only did not abandon the Martian life body plan, but also prepared to throw hei bombs in the North Pole of Mars!

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