The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 305: Ancient magic, mine-like Maho Ryo Gakuin

"The history of annihilation cannot be reproduced... just let it end here... the Creator opens... the door of a new world..."

I don’t know if it’s missing words or it’s like this, the whole sentence is intermittent, and it doesn’t make people fully understand the meaning, but the information that can be obtained is probably this: a piece of history has been annihilated for some reason. Although I wanted to make it reappear again, but there was no way, so I ended it, and then let the Creator create a new world.

Lin Luo didn't know if his understanding was correct, but with only such a sentence, of course he could only think of that. The question is what exactly is that period of annihilation? Who wants it to reappear? Who decided to end it? Who is the Creator? Is it the creator of the magical world or another person? What exactly does "door" mean? Magic or other?

Lin Luo felt that just such a sentence was filled with countless mysteries, and he also found that the fonts of these characters are not the same as modern characters, not Japanese, not Chinese, not English, nor magic words...but a kind of Unknown text.

If it were not for his proficiency in any language, he would never know the meaning of this passage.

"Is this the font of the last civilization or the last history? Let's show it to Yiwen in the future. She has lived for hundreds of years, and she is still connected with the creator. Maybe she can see anything." The Book of Roots This is what Lin Luo calls this book. Although it is not necessarily the root cause, it is definitely closely related to the root cause.

Soon after he took the Book of Roots from the shelf, the completely moldy shelf suddenly turned into a burst of powder and was completely annihilated. It has been completely assimilated by the Book of Roots, whether its "non-existence" or "existence" is maintained by the Book of Roots, and without the influence of the Book of Roots, it will naturally return to the dust.

"So what kind of surprises can this book of roots bring to me?" Lin Luo said with a little excitement. It is impossible to say that it is impossible not to be excited. The roots of the world, its strength and mystery are far from the power of rules. Above, at least above the rule power he currently masters, if he can thoroughly understand it, he may be able to comprehend a stronger power.

Judging from the phenomenon just now, this book of roots has a certain degree of ability to realize wishes, so try this.

"Give me an airborne Icarus." Lin Luo said sincerely toward the Book of Roots.

"..." After half a minute, a layer of gray fell from the sky, dyeing his entire body gray...Well, it wasn't necessarily Icarus that fell from the sky, it was more dust.

"Icarus can't be airborne, because she is not from this world? Then I will find someone from this world. Who do I want to choose? Let me think... Give me the daughter of the creator, Amaderu. "

Nothing happened.

"...Well, it seems that I am too greedy. The creator's daughter is as powerful as the creator, and she is still a dead person. The Book of Roots can't bring her here, so... Give me the little snow. !" (I don’t know who Xiaoxue’s is 9)

Still nothing happened.

"Hey, from the creator’s daughter down to the ordinary little loli, it has not been achieved. It seems that this wish cannot affect other people, but can only affect itself..." These three experiments gave Lin Luo's ability to learn the book of roots. I have some understanding, although it is a pity that I can't influence others, but, "In this case, let me become a Super Four Saiyan!"


Just as Lin Luo was experimenting with the abilities of the Book of Roots over and over again, the sky outside was almost dark, because to deal with the extremely powerful enemy of the final exam, the members of the team of Negi and the fools, and the Library Control and Insurance Agency. The people formed an adventure group "looking for magic books that can make their heads smart", and they have officially entered the library island.

A group of nine people was divided into an aboveground group and an underground group, with the bookstore Miyazaki Kazuka and Saotome Haruna as the aboveground group, responsible for contact and ground monitoring, while the others entered the library below the 11th floor to start operations.

Because Lin Luo had eliminated many traps before they came in, and with the support of two of the four kings of martial arts, even though Neji sealed himself and was unable to use magic for three days, he still found the book without any risk. Magic book. Of course, because most of them were idiots, they didn't get the magic book. Instead, they were smashed to the bottom of the library by the stone guards.

Lin Luo didn't find out about these things, his mind is now completely immersed in the book of root causes.

It took more than half an hour to do the experiment, and he found that the book of roots was not as good as he had imagined. Although some of his wishes can be achieved, how should I say... basically it is a waste of no practical effect. ability.

To use a specific example, let’s take the world’s most basic magic disarming. Although the name sounds great, it is a magic to undress, and it will not cause even the slightest actuality to the enemy. Kill.

Therefore, when the ability to understand the Book of Roots is similar, he no longer has the mind to make any more wishes, and he begins to pay attention to the actual content recorded in the Book of Roots.

After a period of interpretation, Lin Luo finally learned that the ability to "wish fulfillment" is nothing but a small ability attached to the book of roots, just like the cards in the little raccoon instant noodles, pure playful nature, but the real point is The content inside.

The Book of Roots, it is also a magic book, which records the basic theories and usage methods of various magics. There are only a few hundred pages of the book, but it contains hundreds of magics, auxiliary types, and attacks. Type, defensive type, special type... As long as you can think of almost all the magic.

However, these magics are slightly different. If the magic of this world was created by the Creator, then the magic in the Book of Roots has nothing to do with the Creator... Simply put, it is a relic of the previous history.

Ancient magic!

Although they are all magic, their nature is different. Just like the magic in the Forbidden City and the magic here, one is activated by faith in God, and the other is activated by self-training to communicate the elements of heaven and earth. .

However, these two kinds of magic have one thing in common, that is, they must be successfully cast with a certain amount of external force. If the outside world has no magical elements or belief in gods, the magic will be hindered or unable to be cast.

The difference between ancient magic and these two types of magic is that ancient magic does not require external force and uses itself as the source of magic power, so that even if there is no magic element in the outside world, it can directly cast magic. The source of magic power it needs is the human body itself. Said it is... the origin of man!

Everyone owns this kind of thing, and the difference lies in whether the quality is active or not, so in theory, the ancient magic can be used by anyone.

The information revealed in the Book of Roots also faintly pointed out that in ancient times...this is what Lin Luo called the annihilated history. In the ancient times, almost everyone can use magic, regardless of you civilians, or royal relatives, even a dog or a chicken, as long as you are still alive, you have the qualifications to become a magician.

Of course, this is only in theory. After all, animals like cats and dogs don't have enough intelligence. Even if they have the qualifications, it is almost impossible to become a magician.

On the other hand, there are two types of magicians. One is the magician, and the other is the magician. The former has no open source, just like Mikoto and Rin, they cannot recognize the source in their body. , And the other is like Lin Luo, who can correctly perceive the source in his body and use it.

The status of the magician and the magician is very different. This difference is equivalent to the emperor and the beggar. Even in that era, it is quite rare to perceive the source. Therefore, the magician who opened the source is like the overlord. The presence.

As for how the ancient history was destroyed, the book of roots did not specify in detail, but he could faintly guess...because in the first 100 years or so of the destruction, for some reason, open source became much simpler. Now, the probability that there is no one in a million will eventually become one out of ten people.

Just think about it, if there are only emperors and no civilians in the world, then how can this world not go toward destruction?

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Lin Luo. The magic he needs has been found, and it is better than his ideals. Although I don't know how powerful these magics are, they are unique.

For the next period of time, Lin Luo did not leave the library, but stayed in that place to comprehend the ancient magic in the book of roots. Although the hundreds of magic in it are definitely not all that can be learned in a short time, the kind of harmony The child got the freshness of the new toy, but he couldn't let it go, and all his thoughts were put in the book of roots.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Luo suddenly felt a vibration in his chest, and subconsciously touched it to find that the phone was ringing. Then he opened it and almost frightened him. There were more than one hundred missed calls, more than one hundred. Most of the text messages are from Mikoto, some of them are from the girls of the second A, and the remaining less than ten are the dean and other teachers.

Lin Luo didn't look closely, and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Asshole! Where did you go?!" As soon as the call was connected, Mikoto's angry but faintly caring curse came from the other side.

"Um, something unexpected happened."


"It's nothing, it's all right now, I'll be back soon, don't worry."

"Who, who is worried, what I want to say is that you are obviously a teacher now, and you have disappeared for three days in a row. It is too irresponsible!"

"Three days?"

"Then how long do you think it will be! Now even the final exams are over. If you don't come back, your teaching career may be gone from now on."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Luo couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He thought it was only one night at most. He didn't expect that three days had passed. By the way, he didn't eat or drink for these three days... Well, despite his The current physique is nothing, but it still feels a bit awkward.

After collecting the book of roots, Lin Luo left the library. When he rushed to school, not only did the exam for the dumb team ended, even the results had been announced, and the second A was ranked first. throne.

In fact, it is natural to think about it. In the second A, the first five of the school accounted for three. Most of the other people's grades are also good, but they have been dragged by the dumb team. Now the dumb team is showing off. Just leverage.

"Congratulations, Teacher Neji, you will become an official teacher in the future." After everyone came together, Lin Luo said to the Zhengtai who was arched in the middle by the girls like stars, although her face was hanging. With a smile, but a little bit of envy, jealousy and hatred in my heart, it's good to be young, the harem is so harmonious, it is really...well, hurting people.

Privilege! This is naked privilege!

There is also Mu Nao Xiang, you should come to my side, or go with Xiaosar Yuli, Niji's harem does not have your share!

"Ms. Lin Luo is the same. Let's work hard together in the future." Neji replied with a smile.

"That's natural..." Lin Luo smiled, but before he could finish speaking, Mu Naoxiang next to him seemed to remember something suddenly, and said to him, "It's not the same, because Lin Luo disappeared without any notice before. It’s been three days, so Grandpa has already extended your internship time. It will take one semester before you can become a full-fledged teacher."

"Ah?!" Lin Luo was stunned. "Didn't Niji also disappeared for three days, why did he become a regular but I still have to practice?" He felt very unfair.

"Hey, how did Teacher Lin Luo know that we were also missing for three days?" Neji asked strangely.

But Mu Naoxiang answered Lin Luo’s question with a serious face, “Because Teacher Negi was unable to come to school because of an accident to help students improve their grades, but Teacher Lin Luo suddenly disappeared for no reason. Grandpa said The nature is different, so the result is different."

"...I see." Lin Luo sighed helplessly, this is a privilege! The evil privileged class!

Although somewhat depressed, for him, whether it is a formal or an internship, it doesn't make much sense. He can only continue to sit in this "position". After the depression, he doesn't care much.

"Next is the holiday. It seems that I will have a good rest for a while." Lin Luo said, sluggish. After the final exam is two months of summer vacation. This is common sense. He plans to go back and get a good night's sleep. Jue, make up for the sleep lost in the previous three days, and then use the two months of summer vacation to learn ancient magic.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Mu Naoxiang once again strangled his ambition, "No, teacher, we all have no time off. After three days of rest, we will start the third grade class, and finally promoted to the third grade, hehe." Said the girl. I laughed happily.

He didn't know why Mu Naoxiang was happy, but he knew that if he had not heard it wrong, he hadn't woken up yet.

"What are you talking about? School will start in three days, and what about the summer vacation?" Lin Luo looked at the girl with doubts.

"Summer vacation is not here yet, doesn't the teacher know?" Mu Naoxiang also looked at him with even more puzzled eyes, and even all the students, including Mikoto, looked at Lin Luo like an idiot.

Lin Luo suddenly didn't understand, "No, right, two months of summer vacation at the end of the final exam. This is common sense!"

"That's common sense in other places, but it's different here." Mikoto gave him a white look, and then turned her head away as if feeling embarrassed.

Mu Naoxiang nodded and explained: "The system of Ma Fanliang Academy is different from some places, and teacher, do you know what month it is now?"

"The end of March."

"Yeah, so how can summer vacation be in April?" Mu Naoka said of course, "We have been promoted to third grade since early April, and then we won't have summer vacation until August."

"..." Lin Luo was completely speechless. Well, as a teacher, it is indeed very irresponsible to not even figure out the timetable for study and vacation, but...why is there such a cheating system? !

After the graduation exam, I won’t have summer vacation, Nima! Brother heard it for the first time!

Faced with the expressions of contempt and secret laughter from all the girls, Lin Luo knew that this time she was ashamed and lost her home, and if she stayed, she would only be teased by them, so she said, "I was chased and killed by Bumpman three days ago. If you were too frightened, you need to go back to rest immediately.” Such a clumsy excuse, I walked away without looking back.

Before he could walk far, the girls burst into laughter from behind, and Lin Luo couldn't help feeling blushing.

"Ms. Lin Luo, where are you going in such a hurry?" Not long after, when Lin Luo walked into a boulevard, a young girl suddenly walked out under the shade of a tree not far away and said to him with a smile.

The girl wore a teacher's outfit, no matter her figure or appearance, she was the best choice. Her slight smile gave people a feeling of spring breeze, and she looked quite leisurely and at ease.

Hello, we meet again, sister Sakiya.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lin Luo said in his heart: It's finally here!

Sakuya was "attacked" by unknown characters in the library. This was the first passive battle since she came to this world. Lin Luo did not alibi during the time she was attacked, and it was even more mysterious for the next three days. The disappearance, of course, she positioned the object of suspicion on Lin Luo.

Lin Luo could naturally think of this. He is now very grateful for the wise choice three days ago. It was not himself who invaded her, but sister Hideyoshi.

"Of course I went back to the dormitory to sleep. Is there anything wrong with Teacher Sakiya?" Lin Luo looked at her calmly.

"It's nothing, but I heard that Teacher Lin Luo was not at school a few days ago. I don't know what happened, so I came to ask."

"Oh, it's a long story. I have been on the library island of the school for these three days."

"Huh?!" Sakiya's face changed slightly.

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