The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 773: The three armies set off

Chapter 773 The Three Armies Departure

Tang Wanzhuang still paid the price for her act of taking the initiative to commit suicide...because she really didn't have Suzaku Burn, and she was not at the same level in this regard.

Suzaku really didn't expect that he had just been so complacent about holding down his stinky disciple's hand last night, and when he turned around, he was also held down by the same operation and output damage, which made him really angry.

  She endured it and endured it. When Zhao Changhe let her go and turned to Tang Wanzhuang, Suzaku rested next to her for a moment. Looking at Tang Wanzhuang's shy and flattering look, the demonic fire in his eyes started to burn.

 Then he leaned over and kissed Tang Wanzhuang on the lips.

Tang Wanzhuang stared, making everyone dumbfounded.

"Little beauty..." Suzaku's eyes flashed with a strange light, and his fingers moved down from her cheeks, gently stroking on the white jade-like body: "You know, I have wanted to do this to you a long time ago. Come on, look at how messed up your hair and temples are... Since you are seeking death..."

 As she spoke, her red lips moved down and kissed Tang Wanzhuang's delicate neck.

Tang Wanzhuang's whole body was tense. The poor eldest lady usually only thinks about taking turns, and she never thought that there could be tricks between each other, let alone that the man would be happier because of it.

 The result was disastrous under the attack from above and below, and they were truly defeated.

Let me show you the fight, and finally declare that Tang Wanzhuang was completely defeated. But as the initiator of drawing the opponent into the battlefield, Tang Wanzhuang was victorious.

It’s hard to say who wins and who loses, and it may take a long time to verify, such as who gives birth to the baby?

That was a long time ago...

  I don’t know how long the fighting lasted.

 The court meeting was very early, and it ended not too late. It was still early morning when the war started, but now the sun has moved away from the center, making it late afternoon.

Time was wasted on such boring things for several hours. The three sages lay upright with their thin quilts in their arms and looked at the ceiling. Unexpectedly, they thought they were all introspecting.

  In fact, both the prime minister and the general had no strength... and the effect of this double cultivation was more powerful than any other time.

Originally, Zhao Changhe believed that based on the complementarity of the skills alone, Tang Wanzhuang and Huangfu's relationship was not a combination of water and fire. In this aspect, Sanniang was the real master. But in practice, it is still obvious.

Because the ancestor of the Tang family has always understood martial arts through the observation of flowing water, his research on water even surpasses that of light. All the martial arts practices of the Tang family have the continuous changes of small bridges and flowing water, and there are also aunts. If there is any difference between the calm and gentle image of Su Tai Lake and Sanniang, it is that it is a small bridge with flowing water and an angry sea with roaring waves. How can Sanniang be as delicate and gentle as Tang Wanzhuang? On the contrary, the control group of Tang Wanzhuang and Zhuque is more in line with people's conventional concept of water and fire in conflict.

With this wave of fusion of dual cultivations, the cultivation of the three people suddenly improved a little, and the shortcomings of the two women's cultivation methods were slightly bridged. The benefits were so great that no one expected them. So much so that I was still thinking about it a long time after it was over, and I was too lazy to argue.

After a long time, Zhao Changhe tried to ask: "Get up to eat?"

Huangfu Qing said lazily: "I'm full and can't eat."

I don’t know whether I was full of anger or food, but Tang Wanzhuang’s beautiful eyes glanced over, and she seemed to be more angry because I was so disgusted by your kiss.

Huangfuqing also glanced at her and said lazily: "Some people look delicious, but they taste just like that. It's not as comfortable as Sanniang's meat, and it's not as pleasant as Delayed Youth."

Tang Wanzhuang laughed angrily: "Those are also Xuanwu and His Majesty, not you. Why are you so proud?"

Huangfuqing hummed and stopped talking. Indeed, I originally wanted to say that men only get hooked if they are blind, but after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't say this because her own figure was almost exactly the same as that of Tang Wanzhuang. Scolding her was tantamount to scolding herself. My advantage is that my waist and legs are elastic and toned, but the other person's is more moist and smooth, and I don't know which one men prefer. However, if you really want to open your mouth to compare like this, it's too despicable, so just shut up.

As expected, Tang Wanzhuang did not let her go, and sneered: "I have never thought that the Reverend Suzaku would be more comfortable with anyone else. Are you just trying to raise your status by being indifferent in this life?"

Fortunately, Huangfu Qing had expected to be criticized for this, and said leisurely: "I don't know who said fighting on the bed... If you want to fight, then fight to the end. You started it yourself, and you don't allow others to fight."

 The two were beginning to show signs of tit-for-tat, and the buns were pinched at the same time.

Both of them flinched and turned to glare angrily at the man in the middle.

Zhao Changhe sighed: "This may be our last day in the capital and we are crazy..."

The two of them were startled, and then they heard the sound of hugging Qin coming from outside the door: "Miss, the Ministry of War sent someone to report that the last batch of armaments sent from Langya has arrived in the warehouse. There are also several foreigners who said they were sent to Zhao. The king’s orders come from Dali.”

Both women narrowed their eyes, knowing that Zhao Changhe had not stopped exercising overlooking the surroundings just now. He could not see very far without relying on the underground sky, but there was no problem in overlooking the movements of the entire capital.

I'm afraid that when everyone was quarreling, he was watching Langya riding into Beijing and several people from the southwest flying over with goshawks, feeling inexplicable in his heart.

The letter to Dali has just been sent out. It is obvious that he did not come after receiving the letter, but a few days ago he asked the maids of the spirit tribe to convey it to Sisi when he couldn't find it. The letter had already been conveyed, and Sisi had already ordered it. There is no need to wait any longer for the spirit beast master to go to Beijing.

 When all military supplies are available, it means the day of the Northern Expedition is coming.

This was Zhao Changhe’s last madness in Beijing.


In fact, the person who was most eager for the Northern Expedition was Zhao Changhe himself. He knew better than anyone else that he could not wait for the Immortal God to return to his peak. The chain reaction it would bring would not only be the addition of a powerful enemy with the second level of imperial realm, but also If the Hu people who originally had rifts were quickly reconciled, all aspects would become more difficult to chew.

To put it more harshly, the mighty Hu **** would descend and kill everywhere, and the Han Dynasty would fall apart in a few days. A blind person will not help you in the fight between ethnic groups in this world. In her eyes, there is definitely no difference between Hu and Han. If you want to talk about favoritism, then you have to be partial to him, Zhao Changhe? Uh... isn't it a bit commonplace?

As early as the day he arrived in the capital on New Year's Eve, Zhao Changhe said to Tang Wanzhuang, "Shouldn't we discuss military affairs when we come back?"

This guy actually wanted to go out on the day he came back.

However, of course, the military is not like the Jianghu people who just go out with a sword. Mortal wars cannot keep up with his rhythm. They can only wait for everything to be ready, and they have no choice but to suppress the anxiety in their hearts and celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.

 In fact, the Hu people may not want to delay. It would be better if they could go south two months earlier. At that time, the Han Dynasty was the weakest. They lacked soldiers, horses, money and food, not even officials. They were in a state of collapse in one battle. It's a pity that the Hu people themselves were in a lot of trouble at that time. The Immortal God and Bo'e were both seriously injured. Batu's tribe was still in Monan. There was heavy snow and ice everywhere in the north of the Saipei. It was impossible to fight regardless of internal and external reasons, so they could only borrow the road from Guanlong Qingqi. , I hope it will be decided in a battle, but it is a pity that it was resolved.

After Batu was dealt with, both Bo'e and Changsheng Tianshen had recovered to a certain extent. Looking south, the big man was also recovering rapidly visibly. There used to be more than 10,000 elites of Huangfu Shaozong, but now there are hundreds of thousands of fighting soldiers... Although the soldiers, horses, money and food are all mobilized from all over the world, the actual internal situation is extremely empty, but it can give a glimpse of the future, as long as a few more big men are given. Years ago, the powerful military front at that time would frighten Timur.

No one dares to guarantee it.

Timur will not give the big man time to recover. He also wants to fight decisively.

 This is a big battle that both sides want. On the twenty-second day of the first lunar month, Xia Chichi, the empress of the Han Dynasty, ordered a large number of troops on the battlefield.

"I know that there are some voices in the government and the public, saying that I and the King of Zhao are resorting to war and are unwilling to live with the people. They say that even the ancient Han Dynasty did not insist on the Northern Expedition so completely. They say that it is only reasonable to rest and recuperate for a few years. They say that we This is called Yuan Jia Cao Cao, saying that Hu people prefer us to rush north in such a hurry."

“Yes, these are mature and prudent words, and they all make sense... However, times have changed, and past understandings are no longer a reference in today’s world.”

"If you don't have an intuitive feeling in the past, then the troubled times list just twenty days ago is a reminder from heaven. Nowadays, in the troubled times of gods and demons, the war situation is like the descending of gods from thousands of miles away, and it is no longer the same as in the past. King Zhao's descending of gods can kill the earthly list. , once Hu Shen comes south and Jiuyou looks east, will your head still be there in your sleep?"

“Do you expect King Zhao to sit in the capital like the late emperor and protect you? Or do you pray to the gods and Buddhas and hope that someone will protect you? Far away from the capital, who will protect the people of the country?”

"No gods or Buddhas can protect you. The holy religion has been incarnated as mortals since Emperor Ye, and has led the universe, in order to guide us to protect ourselves. It is your and my duty to protect the mountains and rivers, not some gods and Buddhas! If we talk about gods and Buddhas, Ye The four images of the emperor are present, and we are the gods and Buddhas!"

“Today we are weak, but God Hu is injured, the divine ax is gone, and the golden tents of the temple are in discord, how can they not be weak?”

"King Zhao went to war alone, settled in Bashu, and caused chaos in the pass. He drove the waves and killed Dao Zun, and single-handedly determined the west of Hangu without worry."

“Isn’t the rest what we should do?”

"When this time comes, use all the courage of the world, send out the axes and axes of the three armies, break through the holy mountains, fill up the vast sea, drag God Hu down from the eternal sky, and hang the head of the Khan King outside the city gate. From then on, the country will be here for thousands of years. service!"

"Now, the Holy Suzaku Venerable is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. He leads an army of millions and marches directly to Hu Ting. This battle will be won! I will hold a grand celebration banquet in the capital and wait for your triumphant return!"

"We must win! We must win! We must win!" The shouts of hundreds of thousands of people shook the earth and the heavens.

 Zhao Changhe and Huangfu Qingdu were all dressed in military uniform. They stood beside Xia Chichi, looking at her mobilization speech with a strange expression. They didn't know whether they had more flaws or were more surprised.

 Because they were not even able to make this kind of was really inflammatory, and even their blood boiled out. Not to mention the soldiers of the three armies, all of them had fighting intent in their eyes.

 So some positions require talent...

 The three armies set out one after another, with flags flying, and headed north.

Xia Chichi stood in front of Zhao Changhe, looked into his eyes for a long time, and then whispered: "We say we will win. Everyone hopes to win. But everyone knows that in the battle formation, swords have no eyes, and there are countless swords. The soldiers will be buried in a foreign land, even you and the master..."

She paused and took a deep breath: "Even if we are defeated, as long as you are alive, we will have the ability to hold on, and the situation will not be too bad. Don't be crazy and fight to the death with others, even if we end up together. …”

 At the end, he emphasized his tone: "I don't allow it!"

Zhao Changhe hugged her gently in public and kissed her forehead: "Your husband, I have a tough life and will not die so easily. Just wait, Timur's head will be in front of your tent soon."

 “I don’t need anyone else’s head before my account, only yours.”

Huangfuqing stood aside with his gun in angrily manner, what about me? Why are you the master and the stepmother? Why don't you show concern? I'm still the coach...


This is the first time that Zhao Changhe has followed the army on a regular expedition.

It's just that this expedition is so formalized, but in fact many veterans are not used to it.

This may be the only time that everyone has participated in an expedition. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have not recruited civilians to do logistics. On the surface, it looks like a light cavalry that relies on fighting to survive in the enemy's territory.

 Everyone is just not used to it, and the enemy may make a fatal misjudgment.

Whether it was the time it took to prepare the armaments here or the speed of the march, they completely deviated from the norm in previous years. At this time, the Golden Horde was in a state of panic. Timur summoned all the ministries anxiously. He never thought that the Han army would have crossed the mountains and seas at this time, let alone arrived in Monan in just a few days. The inner circle, the former sphere of influence of the Batu tribe.

After expelling the Batu tribe, the Monan tribe that originally relied on Batu and then switched sides to Temur again suddenly saw the vanguard of the Han army without any preparation - a murderous army with everyone's eyes red. Swordsman.

 Xue Canghai and his Blood God Cult Army.

The misery of this battle is a bit contrary to humanism, but Batu, who is eating dirt in the Gobi desert in the northwest at this moment, will be very happy.

What is most contrary to humanism is that not even one of these tribes has escaped to report the news. Timur doesn't even know that someone has exterminated the tribe... The distance between the vast desert and grassland is extremely wide. Zhao Changhe is now out of the underground sky and can't see the gold. No matter where the tent was, it was also impossible for Timur to sense such a far distance. However, what shocked him was that out of instinctive uneasiness, he released the goshawk to explore the situation, only to find that the eagle was gone.

That is an eagle secretly hiding thousands of miles high in the sky. Zhao Changhe's consciousness has reached such a level that he won't even let go of a bird?

Timur remained silent in the tent for a long time, then slowly asked his neighbors: "How is the situation at Yanmen Pass?"

"Huangfu Yongxian also led his troops out of Yanmen. This was a two-pronged northern expedition."

"He dares to go out of Yanmen... Where does he have the confidence? Do you really think that northern Shanxi has been wiped out and there will be no future troubles?" Timur's eyes were a little puzzled, but he was happy: "Send orders to all ministries to act according to the arrangements."


"Also, tell Chang'an that if they still don't move at this time, then Zhao Changhe will visit the west again in the future and catch his daughter on the bed to make a chamber pot!"

 “They really don’t necessarily dare to move…”


“Three days ago, Shi Jian, the elder of the Shenhuang Sect, led his troops out of the mountains and marched into Hanzhong.”

"Li Shentong..." Timur pondered for a moment: "Then tell Jiuyou, isn't the chaos she wants right now?"


 PS: Tonight at 0 o'clock, the first batch of card pools of Book of Troubled Times will be online. It seems to have been delayed for a bit long emmmm...

This chapter is a bit short, and it’s just a transitional chapter. I’ve been really sleepless these past few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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