The Bookish Scholar of the Red Mansion

Chapter 130 Xiangling Extra: After this rain

A bright orchid hangs on the pillow in the east of the jade building, and the clouds and haze shine on the rainbow at night. Sighing, the wind is blowing everywhere in the world, and the morning dew in the bright pool should meet.

————Book friend Wang Cocoon

Fireworks bloomed in bunches, and those red, blue, green, and silver rays of light swept through the long dark night, making the monotonous and empty room seem a bit special.

Putting her hands on the horizontal frame of the wooden window, Zhen Yinglian stopped and thought, but she couldn't find anything to recall from the past.

In her short life, the person who appeared the most was Xu Mazi, but the people she met the most were abducted children.

The two groups intertwined into a picture as dark as ink, but in the picture there were lotus lanterns floating away along the long and silent river.

Xu Mazi was not in the habit of taking care of children. The children he abducted would only stay for a day or two, and would last for half a month or a month. All of them would be sold.

During this period, the children naturally cried and fussed endlessly, but he didn't like to listen, and would often use fists, kicks, and threats.

The most important thing to do was to beat up a few and then sell them directly to the beggar gangs in various cities.

After Yinglian starts to understand a little, she will take care of these children silently. She would remember the names of some children who sold quickly. If she could stay for a while, she would secretly share some of her food and try her best to take good care of him.

At first, some children thought she was Xu Mazi's accomplice and often scolded her together. But after getting along for a long time, she was always called sister, sister.

The more this happens, the more painful it is for Zhen Yinglian.

There is nothing more painful than watching someone you know sell out.

Zhen Yinglian also thought of a way. Although Xu Mazi would always leave two people to look after the house every time he went out to abduct people. But when someone finally gets distracted, she seizes an opportunity and helps a little sister escape.

Sister, won't you come with me?

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and both Zhen Yinglian and the little girl named Wen knew it.

At that time, they were both eleven and seven years old.

Sister, come escape with me. Wen Yatou took her sister's hand. Although she was not as good-looking as Zhen Yinglian, she was pretty and smart. Xu Mazi had always wanted to sell her for a good price, so he let the two of them wait until This opportunity, I will take you home to find my parents, and we will live together in the future.

Zhen Yinglian looked at the doorway she finally found, feeling lost in thought for a while.

Wen Yatou had only been here a few days, and she didn't know many people in the house, but she recognized all the other abducted children.

Finally, she shook her head, I can't leave. If I leave, Xu Mazi will beat the other children to death.

You should leave quickly. If you can remember me, bring your parents back to save us.

It's already this time, sister, why do you care what others do. Wen Yatou strongly advised, If you miss this opportunity, there will be nothing else in the future...

I can't harm anyone, I don't want to harm anyone. Sister, please leave quickly. Zhen Yinglian was indescribably stubborn and just pushed the girl named Wen to crawl out of the dog hole.

Remember, if you find your parents, bring them to rescue me.

Don't worry, sister, as long as I find my parents, I will definitely bring them back to rescue you.

Girl Wen's voice finally came from outside the door wall.

As the footsteps faded away, the young Zhen Yinglian leaned against the cold wall, letting go of the anxiety in her heart.

She couldn't help but hope that Sister Wen would bring her parents and come over to save all the children in the house.

That night, when Xu Mazi came back, he saw that one child was missing and became very angry.

After learning that it was Yinglian who let the man go, he grabbed a boy on the spot and beat him to death in front of Yinglian, who was frightened and crying.

Remember, this child died because of you. It was you who killed him.



The sudden visit of the old woman and the whispers outside the door interrupted Yinglian's thoughts.

Open the door.

Hey, good mother, come and see the girl inside again.

Talk a lot, is there any movement inside?

Don't worry. The windows are all nailed shut. Even if she gets wings, she won't be able to fly out.

As the lock was removed, the door opened gently, and the MILF slowly walked into the house, closing the door behind her with both hands.

The old woman looked at the figure who didn't turn around, and couldn't help but sigh, Good girl, do you know what Xu Mazi went out to do tonight?

Seeing that Miss Zhen's eyes were finally attracted, the old woman sat down on her seat and said, I don't know how many children from good families are going to suffer from this.

Zhen Yinglian's face darkened when she heard this, and she lowered her head in confusion, as if she had done something wrong.

The old woman saw this and couldn't help but lamented, Silly girl, you are like a mud Buddha crossing the river. You can't protect yourself. Why are you worried about other people's children?

The old lady undoubtedly likes Zhen Yinglian, not only because of her otherworldly appearance, but also because of her clean-as-a-blank personality. The old woman was once very curious as to how Zhen Yinglian, who was trapped in a den of thieves, could have such a kind character.

Manchunyuan is a women's grave, and I have seen many women who sold themselves here in half my life. Needless to say, he is looking for death and survival. If he had a stronger temperament, he would be killed in front of her.

If you meet someone who is submissive and willing to accept the situation after a while, there is no need to look down on the other person with a high attitude. It is not easy to survive in this world, so why bother yourself and God.

Precisely because she saw more of these two types of people, the old lady saw the difference between Zhen Yinglian more and more.

The difference between Zhen Yinglian is not that she makes a fuss about her own experience. But when you are stuck in the quagmire, you still have sympathy for the suffering of others and have the lowest expectations for your own tomorrow.

When people live to be a year old, they will always look at some qualities with new eyes. The old lady stepped forward and held Zhen Yinglian's hand, and couldn't help but said: Good boy, please stop thinking about it and tell Xu Mazi that you want to stay. Mom, as long as you nod your head and persuade Xu Mazi to ask for less money, mom will treat you like her own daughter from now on.

The old lady really likes Yinglian and feels that she will definitely become the most famous oiran in Yangzhou.

Yinglian's loving and caring temperament is like a natural one, so many men must be attracted to her.

Why did such a treasure fall into Xu Mazi's hands?

God really has no eyes to see.

Seeing Xu Mazi rushing out in such a hurry, I am afraid that I will take you to escape to Jinling in the next two days. Why don't you take advantage of tonight to think carefully about whether it is better to follow me or follow Xu Mazi.

Don't have any big dreams about being bought as a big house. For people like us, being able to be a side house is all thanks to the grandma of the family. You have never seen the dirty tricks of a woman's back house. If this woman If I try to punish you cruelly, not even ten men can compare with me.

You might as well stay with mom and earn some money. When you get old, mom will give you your freedom and you won't have to live under someone else's roof when you go out, okay?

Zhen Yinglian listened silently, neither answering nor refusing.

She knew that it didn't make much difference to her whether she followed Xu Mazi or the old woman. Just going from one hell to another.

If you think about it again, if you really leave me, you will have no chance to look back. Those wealthy mansions are not necessarily better than our Chunlou. You still have people to serve me, and you are still half a master. .”

I know you are still hoping that meeting someone can save you from suffering. But think about it for yourself, is there really such a person in this world?

Just take this time tonight to think about it yourself.



When the fireworks were about to end, Zhen Yinglian was being led away by Xu Mazi and others.

There was a burning pain on her cheek, which was a slap from Xu Mazi's brother, because she insisted on asking Xiaohu for their names before leaving.

Xiaohu, Niuniu. Niuniu, Xiaohu.

In order to worry about forgetting, she kept chanting the name silently in her heart even on the way to escape.

There are not many fireworks in the night sky. Occasionally, a bunch of fireworks will appear. Only a rough light can be seen, which is far less sensational than before.

Xu Mazi took her all the way to the river bank. I don't know how they discussed it. They only brought a piece of wood and pushed her into the water.

The river water in winter is so bitingly cold. As soon as Yinglian entered the water, she could not stop trembling. She was not good at water, so she could only struggle to hold the board and flop around.

As she moved forward slowly, she suddenly noticed that the light of the fireworks, which was blocked by the dark roof, was silently reflected on the river. Along with them, there are also brilliant stars all over the sky.

Miss Zhen secretly looked around. Xu Mazi and others were focused on escaping and seemed not to have seen this scene.

She couldn't help but take the opportunity to quietly slow down her pace, letting herself half-hold the board and float quietly on the river.

The simple dress unfolded in the water like a lotus leaf. The stars and moon were reflected in the river and reflected in her eyes.

Do you want to just let go of your hand?

Yinglian was already out of breath, not only because of the rope around her neck, but also because of the heavy burden of her long destiny.

Are parents really still alive?

Do you really have your own home in this world?

If I find them, will they like me?

Floating and swimming quietly on the lake, she suddenly didn't care about anything.

It was as if the gods in the sky were pushing aside the obstruction of the nebula, stretching out a hand to gently caress the top of her head.

Stay, there will be no pain if you stay.

One finger after another, they are gradually loosening.

There was a bit of hesitation in her heart, but also a bit of relief.

All expectations and hopes will end with this fireworks.

In the next life, if you meet this person who sets off fireworks, you should say 'thank you' to him.

Thin footsteps sounded from both sides of the bank.

Guys, come ashore and have a chat.

In an instant, like daytime firelight, a group of people surrounded a young man, standing quietly on the shore.



Sister, sister, Xiaohu, who was rescued, took Miss Zhen's hand and pointed to the person in front and said, Big brother is the one who set off the fireworks for us.

On the way out of the city, Zhen Yinglian was a little surprised. She followed the direction of Xiaohu's finger and looked at the figure in the distance. A gust of wind happened to blow by, and she couldn't help but wrap her cloak tightly around her. The other party also sneezed in the cold wind.

When I get back, I will tell my elder brother and ask him to give me some fireworks. Then I will show them to Niuniu and my sister.

It's okay, Xiaohu. I heard there will be fireworks tomorrow.


Zhen Yinglian nodded, she remembered that he said this.

Finally added this extra chapter, hahahahahahaha.

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