The Bookish Scholar of the Red Mansion

Chapter 196 Searching for talents from all over the world

Have all the examiners for the provincial examinations set out?

Your Majesty, the adults in charge of Guangdong, Guangxi, Bashu and other places have already set off. Those in Gyeongsang and other places are still sitting at home. When he said the last two words, a smile appeared on the face of Wei Yinghong, who was already the Minister of Rites.

The so-called sitting in the Yamen refers to the provincial chiefs, deputy examiners and others. Once the imperial court determines the candidates, these people will be selected through the test of the Ministry of Rites. When Li Zhi confirms that everything is correct, he will immediately return home and start living alone.

Officials who are unlucky enough to be assigned to Bashu, Yunnan and other places will have a hard time. After the list is issued in mid-May, they will set off immediately. The distance between these two places is long, with mountains and rivers wading all the way. Needless to say, the hardships involved.

Compared with them, it is better to be selected as the examiner of Shuntian Mansion. Even if you have to sit at home for two months, eating, drinking, and eating under the supervision of officers and soldiers, it is better than running around and working hard. Every time there is a provincial examination competition, there are not a few examiners who get sick due to traveling.

Comparing the before and after, it is no wonder that hundreds of officials in the court privately call the examiner Zi Ya when he is at home, and Huarong Dao when he leaves Beijing to take office. But as long as you arrive at the place without any illness or disaster, the courtesy you will receive will be unparalleled. How many talented people from the state capital are waiting for the examiner to recognize the hero. Be creative and choose yourself.

During the rural examination, the examiner could also shout a few words in front of the governors of various provinces. After returning to the capital, most of them will be reused and promoted, which can be considered to be extremely prosperous.

After listening to Wei Yinghong's words, Li Zhi nodded. He had just returned from Linjing Hall and had just finished talking to Gu Zaiyong and others. Now I have recruited my own Minister of Etiquette, firstly because I have been having a lot of troubles recently and I need someone to relieve my boredom. Second, the boy from Yangzhou really has a headache as to how to arrange it.

Mr. Zhou has returned to the palace? Li Zhi, who had many things on his mind and was deeply worried about his future, was so angry that he directly asked Wei Yinghong about such a private matter in the palace.

If you really want to say it, you can ask the Minister of Rites about this. It is an unprecedented thing for concubines in the harem to leave the palace to visit their relatives. After all, he is a person who has left the palace, and the Ministry of Etiquette, which is in charge of the outside, has enough weight to come out and say a few words.

But of course Wei Yinghong would not be so stupid. He knew that Li Zhi was impatient with these families who were visiting relatives. Once for the Jia family in February, once for Wu Guifei in March, and now in May, there is another Zhou Guiren.

In the past two years, these three families have carried out extensive construction projects in the capital, and one or two of them have built over-standard buildings such as the Grand View Garden. Even Wei Yinghong rolled his eyes. Your Majesty is stupid, but you can't be this stupid. Do you really think that grace never tires?

Wei Yinghong couldn't answer the emperor's family matters, but Xia Shouzhong was very clever. He stood aside, leaned down and replied: Your Majesty, Mr. Zhou is returning to the palace today.

This is interesting. If you return to the palace today, do you mean you have returned or not? Zhou Guiren's natal family became prosperous suddenly. In addition, Zhou Guiren was young and beautiful. When he first entered the palace, he acted somewhat arrogantly and domineeringly because of Li Zhi's favor.

The relationship between Xia Shouzhong and her was formed over a small incident. However, Xia Shouzhong still looked normal when he saw Zhou Guiren on weekdays. Just today, let me say something unclear.

Li Zhi couldn't help frowning when he heard this. The Jia family was stupid enough, and Concubine Yuan only stayed home for three or four hours. This week, Meier took the family visit seriously and went back to stay for one night.

Humph. Li Zhi chuckled, and said with anger in his cold voice: Go and ask Mr. Hu from Yushitai to come see me.

When Xia Shouzhong heard this, he didn't dare to delay. He ran out the door and quickly ordered his people to go directly to the Yushitai to summon him.

This father-in-law has always been with the emperor and knew that Li Zhi was really angry. When your Majesty is in a good mood, he usually likes to call his ministers by their names. Those who are more trustworthy will also call them Wei Qing or Lin Qing. But when you're in a bad mood, you basically call someone by name, but in a bad tone to make it easier for people to distinguish. Only when he calls his ministers sir, he will definitely get angry.

Wei Yinghong had been an official in the capital court for a long time and knew Li Zhi's temperament, so he could better understand the reason for Li Zhi's anger. Mr. Wen from the Ministry of Revenue made a private calculation and found that the provincial residence in Jia Mansion cost at least one million. Think about it, there are two more courtyards like this in the capital.

Think again two years ago, for border military expenditures. Lin Ruhai was in Yangzhou, playing tricks and setting up traps. After several calculations, he managed to get a few million taels from the salt merchant. This amount of money allowed the border officers to last until last year.

Alas, it cannot be said. It cannot be said. Wei Yinghong lowered his gaze and continued to act like his own mute. Li Zhi ignored him and just let him stand where he was. As soon as I returned to the dragon chair and sat down, I saw the Qiupu Street Scene presented by Lin Ruhai.

The lively and peaceful scenery in the picture is very soothing. The shops on Shili Street are dazzling, and among the customers, who are equally divided between men and women, all of them are smiling. The waitress who was waiting for customers, well-dressed and good-looking, stood at the entrance of the shop and waved. With a half-open mouth smile, just by looking at it, you can imagine what the other person will say.

This picture is like a panacea, silently nourishing Li Zhi's heart. It will be twenty years since he ascended the throne. In order to leave a good image of diligence and frugality to the people of the world, he has never toured Jiangnan and other places.

Most of what happened outside Beijing and how the people were doing could only be seen from memorials. Most of this kind of stuff is just good words and empty words. Once any bad words appear, it must be a big deal.

It is far inferior to Lin Ruhai's hand-drawn picture of a hundred scenes, which made Li Zhi see it so sincerely. It felt like I was personally on Qiupu Street, watching the people under the rule live and work in peace and contentment.

If you continue to do this, will you get closer to Tang Taizong? Li Zhi raised his head and saw that Wei Yinghong was still standing. He couldn't help complaining: Wei Qing, can't you find a place to sit?

Wei Yinghong breathed a sigh of relief, but said on his face, Ah, Wei Chen was just wondering whether Master Pei would let him participate in Qiu Gui.

Hearing this, the smile on Li Zhi's face became a little thicker, and he said proudly: I have written three letters, can the teacher still reject me?

It is strange to say that Li Zhi had a very bad relationship with the Supreme Emperor, but his relationship with Pei Huaizhen was surprisingly good. Even the ministers in the court praised Li Zhi's respect for his teachers.

Knowing that Li Zhi was interested in this, Wei Yinghong raised his sleeves and said, Then when Chen Heng comes to Beijing, how will Your Majesty plan to arrange for him?

This was also a headache for Li Zhi, so he summoned the Minister of Rites to ask, What do Wei Qing think?

If he can directly participate in next year's general examination, no matter how many rankings he is in, as long as he passes the examination, it will be easy to arrange. But if it is just to promote people, it will be more difficult.

Wei Yinghong also looked troubled. All the ministers in the dynasty were Jinshi, so if someone suddenly came in, Not to mention the old party, people from the new party will also appear and drown their monarchs and ministers with saliva.

Of course Li Zhi could have his own way and act as he pleased. But the importance of rules is protection. It not only protects the other party, but also protects oneself. Everyone acts according to the rules, and each other feels safe.

As your Majesty, Li Zhi can of course go his own way and directly promote someone. But the opposition that comes with it must also be endured. If all opposition voices are suppressed, don't blame everyone for being wise and protective in the future.

Because no one knows whether His Majesty can promote a person today because he likes and appreciates him, and whether he will punish a person tomorrow because he dislikes and is angry.

Although Li Zhi is impatient, he is not stupid. He knew the tacit understanding between civil servants and the importance of this tacit understanding, and sweet sorrow began to arise in his heart.

This kid Chen Heng can do so many things in Yangzhou. When he comes to the capital, how much money can he make for the weak treasury with himself secretly standing up for him?

I want him. Li Zhi said to Wei Yinghong. The meaning of this is that you can think of the method, and I will decide the person.

Wei Yinghong bowed his hand, knowing that he could not escape from this level. Whether it was His Majesty or the civil servants, he had to come up with a way to convince the public.

I obey the order. Wei Yinghong looked worried. But immediately, he thought of another clever plan and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing the sudden change in his expression, Li Zhi couldn't help but asked curiously: Why is Wei Qing laughing? But has he thought of a way?

Your Majesty, forgive me. Wei Yinghong saluted and said, I didn't think of a way. But I know someone who has a way.

Who?! As soon as Li Zhi finished speaking, he had already vaguely guessed the answer.

The two monarchs and ministers said in unison.

Lin Qing?!

It's like the sea.

Seeing that they were thinking about the same person, Li Zhi couldn't help but reached out and tapped Wei Yinghong, Why did Ruhai make you as a friend?

Yeah. Wei Yinghong nodded nonchalantly and said with a smile, Maybe it's because I'm a good chess player.


Li Zhi couldn't hold back his laughter, and felt that all the previous depression was gone. He raised his hand and motioned to Wei Yinghong to find a place to sit, and then read the college examination essay written by Chen Heng.



Brother, don't let go, I'm scared!!!

Hahahaha, sister, don't be afraid. I will support you from behind.

Seeing Lin Daiyu riding a bicycle tremblingly, Chen Heng held her head on the back, but the smile on his face did not stop at all.

The bicycle Sister Lin rides is a prototype built by Chen Kee Bicycle Shop. It is very different from those of later generations. The hand-cranked advancement method used by Huangluzhuang was not chosen in style.

Pedaling is the eternal romance of bicycles. But after all, there are still more than a hundred years before the industrial revolution, which can still be called the last darkness before dawn. You can imagine how strange the pedal cars that can be built at this time are.

There is no chain connecting the rear wheels to provide thrust. The craftsman who built the bicycle could only more than double the size of the front wheel. There is a special seat on top to facilitate people riding on the car and pedaling with their feet.

Lin Daiyu rode a bicycle for the first time. The bicycle was a bit high, so she was a little scared to ride it. After she walked around the corner with fear, she got down with the help of Zijuan and Snow Goose.

Chen Heng threw the prototype car aside and only looked at his sister who was sweating on her forehead. I don't know whether it was because she was too nervous or because riding a big wheel was a bit tiring, but Lin Daiyu's face was obviously red.

Would you like to try another one? Chen Heng said. He brought three cars to the door today. This second model is an enlarged version of a stroller with three wheels and a pedal on the left and right of the front wheel. Regardless of whether this car is sold or not, it can be turned into a toy car and sold in the city in the future.

Seeing Bajiaowei jumping back and forth in front of the stroller, Chen Heng knelt down and picked it up. The sudden weightlessness made the kitten's blue eyes look confused and it meowed.

Be careful with your hands. Lin Daiyu was worried.

It's okay, Bajiao still recognizes me. Chen Heng smiled and scratched Bajiao's chin with his hand. Seeing that it closed its eyes comfortably, Chen Heng handed it over to the snow goose that came over.

When Chen Heng pushed the tricycle up to the three of them, he looked at Daiyu and Zijuan with great interest and asked, Which one of you wants to sit on it and try it out?

Although Zijuan is not a lady, she is embarrassed to be allowed to ride a bicycle in front of foreigners, even if she has lived in Yangzhou for several years.

Lin Daiyu also had no energy, so she only teased the eight anise in Xueyan's arms, then picked up the handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile: I won't ride anymore, I won't ride anymore.

Chen Heng shrugged, knowing that he had lost three potential target customers. Although he was heartbroken, he was not in a hurry. It's a new thing, that's what it is. It will take some time for the world to accept it.

Anyway, this is the courtyard of the government office, so leaving the car here is indispensable. Chen Heng accompanied Lin Daiyu for a walk again, chatting with each other about the recent trivial daily life.

Now that the number of women's classes in the academy has increased, Lin Daiyu also has a day off today, so she has the free time to accompany Chen Heng. After listening to Daiyu talk about the hard work of teaching, Chen Heng smiled and said: Hard work is harder. When the peaches and plums are fragrant, it will also be the time for my sister to gain a full harvest.

You know how to say weird things, and women can't take part in the imperial examination. Lin Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, If you put it this way, my brother passed the exam this time. I wonder if it can be counted among them?

It is now May, and the news that Lin Jue was the first to win the county and government examinations has spread back home. It's a pity that this is Lin Jue's first time going out. He didn't choose to go back home immediately after the exam. Instead, he wanted to spend some time in Suzhou.

You can't forget it. Chen Heng deliberately said with a straight face, We have such a smart sister at home. If she doesn't do well in the exam, she should be arrested and beaten.

Lin Daiyu rolled her eyes and couldn't help laughing: Brother, are you praising yourself?!

Chen Qingyue's results in the county and government examinations were exactly the same as Lin Jue's. These two playmates who had played together since childhood were not left behind.

Chen Heng was successful for a moment, and after chuckling lightly, he began to wink at the people beside him. Recently, he has been studying hard at the mountain chief's house day and night. It's rare to find such a relaxing moment. Thinking that the separation between the two was imminent, Chen Heng's mind moved slightly, but his expression remained as usual.

Lin Daiyu was amused by his expression, and couldn't help but raise the handkerchief in her hand, and slapped him angrily, setting off a stream of fragrant wind, slightly blowing away the heat of June.

Chen Heng coughed and walked around the yard with Lin Daiyu again. Seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye to Sister Lin.

The two of them talked and laughed all the way to the door, and then Lin Daiyu remembered what was in the yard. Busy making signs of surprise.

Oh, brother, what should I do with these cars you brought? They are still in the yard. Lin Daiyu blinked, looked at Chen Heng and said with a smile, Why don't you go back with me and take the cars away together.

Hahahaha, keep it for uncle, he asked me to bring it. Chen Heng had already stepped out of the door, and his laughter spread inside and outside the door.

Outside the side door of the government office, Xinda was sitting here driving a carriage. Chen Ji, a young owner of a well-established car dealer, couldn't travel without a means of transportation now.

Lin Daiyu couldn't help pouting, but she deliberately didn't remind the other party. Who would have thought that those weird things were just for dad. I don’t know what these two people are trying to sell., slow down on the road. Lin Daiyu leaned against the door, looking at the back of the car. Zijuan and Xueyan hid behind the door, covering their mouths and laughing secretly.

I know. Chen Heng lifted the curtain of the carriage and glanced at the girl in the door again, Sister, please go back too. If you are tired from teaching, go out for a walk with Zicuckoo. Don't sit for too long all day. Sitting for too long may cause injuries. It hurts the body and mind.”

Okay, brother, I understand.

Seeing that the girl was still unwilling to leave, Chen Heng couldn't help but said, Sister, go back.

Brother, you go first. Lin Daiyu smiled, I happen to be tired from walking, so I'm standing here to take a rest.

Chen Heng had no choice but to put down the curtain and speak to Xinda. The latter picked up the whip rope at the front of the wooden stick and waved it several times in the air. The carriage moved in response and disappeared down the long street.

Second brother, should we go home or go? Xinda asked outside.

Seeing that the side door behind him could not be seen, Chen Heng withdrew his gaze. He replied: Let's go to the mountain chief's house. It's still early, so we can go back and write a few articles.

People with lofty ideals cherish the short days and cherish the precious time.

If you have any parting words, please leave them at the end of this year.

You also have to spend the New Year at home before going to the capital.



Dad, what do you want those strange things for?

When Lin Ruhai came back from the Yamen, Lin Daiyu rushed to his study and couldn't help but inquire about this strange thing.

Didn't Heng'er tell you? Lin Ruhai had just finished his work and was still a little confused. After thinking about the various reasons, he understood. He also felt that the junior's affairs should be left to the junior to handle by himself, so he smiled and said, It's a good thing, don't worry. I think Heng'er will tell you after the provincial examination is over.

Oh. Lin Daiyu blinked and said that her brother was a little weird today. Sure enough, there is something hidden in my heart. With the certainty in her heart, she stopped thinking wildly and started applying eye drops to her brother who had not yet returned home.

Dad, my brother is going too far. It's been more than a month since the government examination ended, and I still can't bear to come back.

It's just that I passed the exam for two cases, so I have the nerve to go crazy outside. If I really wait until later to pass the Jinshi exam, that's okay. Not allowed to put on wings and fly into the sky?

If you want to go out to play, go find your brother. You just happen to come back with the two of them. Lin Ruhai smiled. Jia Min was not planning to accompany Lin Jue to the exam.

Who would have thought that a letter came from the Jia family years ago, saying that Yuanchun would go home to visit relatives in February this year. The old lady thought this was a lively and happy event, and even Mrs.

How dare Jia Min go? He immediately said that his son was going back to Suzhou to take the imperial examination. When the child goes out for the first time, he, the mother, has to accompany him. This is the reason why Jia Min is in Suzhou now.

Dad, do you agree? Lin Daiyu said in surprise, she didn't expect her father to be so open-minded.

Lin Ruhai really didn't care about this little thing. Chen Heng was changing the atmosphere of Yangzhou, and the atmosphere of Yangzhou was also changing the prefect. He did not raise his daughter as an ordinary child. When he saw young girls outside, he would treat it as normal to go out for fun. Lin Ruhai himself was not stubborn.

Chen Heng has painstakingly prepared for several years, and this is the beauty of it. It moistens all things in the silent place, allowing people to accept the little changes around them unconsciously. The snowball keeps getting bigger and bigger, until one day, the world changes into a new color.

Let's wait until our academy has a holiday. Lin Daiyu couldn't help but pouted dejectedly before she could be happy.

Okay, it's all up to you. Lin Ruhai also smiled when he heard this.



On July 26, the Yangzhou government office officially began accepting documents from candidates for the provincial examination. At that time, Cao Tingshou and Yao Ziran, the chief and deputy examiners of Yangzhou Fuxiang Examination, were only three days away from Yangzhou City.

Both of them were Jinshi during the Wuding period, and they were Lin Ruhai's underachievers in the imperial examinations. Among them, Cao Tingshou was only one year behind Lin Ruhai, but he was the number one scholar on that list, and his literary talent was truly outstanding. He was now a third-rank Hanlin Academy bachelor, and his official career was prosperous.

Such a latecomer to the top position in the Hanlin Academy shows how many people his literary talents can convince. Li Zhi sent Cao Tingshou to Yangzhou to serve as the examiner. It was a tragedy for the students in Yangzhou.

You know, under normal circumstances, it is normal for Cao Tingshou to be the examiner of Shuntian Mansion at such a level. Shuntian Mansion is the capital, so there is not much needed here. There is also the theory of a small imperial court in Shuntian Prefecture.

The registration deadline for the provincial examination is August 2 or 3, usually the day after the examiner arrives. The first is to have him look over the list, and the second is to have the examiner review each step to ensure there are no mistakes.

There were definitely the most people signing up in the first few days. Chen Heng did not join in the fun and just studied at home. It was not until August 1st that he decided to take advantage of this good day to go out.

Accompanying him were Xue Biao, Jiang Yuanbai, Qian Dayou and others. After everyone signed up, no one was in the mood to chat. They packed up their complicated emotions and turned around to go home to prepare for the provincial examination.

At this level, Chen Heng felt relaxed. In addition to reading and writing articles during the day, Xinda and I hide at home and play chess at night to have fun.

Hahahahahaha, I must be awesome. Please give me a monthly pass, please give me a monthly pass.

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