When Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, walked into the Huating County Yamen, he found that the principal was not in the Yamen today. Master Xiao, who was called to pick him up at the last moment, said with fear that he had ordered someone to inform Mr. Chen.

The imperial envoy came in person, with such status and official position. Xiao Ping was afraid that a mistake would cause trouble to Shangfeng. I dealt with it with trepidation from beginning to end, fearing that something would go wrong.

Shi Ding had no idea of ​​communicating with a county government official. He only sent an entourage to deal with it, while he stood in the hall with his hands behind his back and looked at the departure device.

In the lobby where guests receive guests, there are furnishings and decorations everywhere. As early as Daiyu's adjustment day by day, it changed into a completely new look. Like Chen Heng, she doesn't like things that are too luxurious. Most of the objects used in it are each other's calligraphy and paintings, except for the couple who gathered them together in their free time.

Shi Ding was a military commander and was not very interested in this style. Looking around, I felt that the owner of the house was very emotional and had a wonderful harmony.

Marquis Zhongjing, who is in his early forties, is a young man who grew up after Li Zhi ascended the throne. Unlike Lin Ruhai, Wei Yinghong and other civil servants, these young nobles have a strong spirit of military service. The ever-tightening brows make it really difficult to figure out the other person's thoughts.

When Chen Heng hurried back, the two of them met face to face. Shi Ding, who had always been serious about his words, forced a smile. His complacent expression melted away a little, and Shi Ding looked at the new celebrity in front of the emperor and said, I'm in such a hurry today that I'm going to bother Mr. Chen.

Chen Heng bowed, but he still couldn't figure out Shi Ding's purpose. I had no choice but to invite the other party to take a seat first, and said in a tentative voice: Your Majesty, the imperial envoy is here because he must have something important to do, so there is no need to disturb him.

Let’s talk about three points and stop at the end. Chen Heng had a smile on his face, but he also left a way out for himself. No matter what Shi Ding said next, there was nothing left for Shi Ding to say in his previous words. The other party was about to make trouble and insisted on giving Chen Heng full authority to cooperate. He also had a way to escape.

Shi Ding nodded calmly. He knew that his visit without warning would seem to be suspected of provoking an attack. Shi Ding knew that he would be treated with such caution. However, he didn't learn how to talk like a scholar, so he just kept silent, picked up the tea brought by his servant, and drank it slowly.

The imperial envoy did not speak, and Chen Heng happily pretended to be deaf and dumb. In officialdom, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being careful about what you say. The two drank a drink in tacit understanding, and Shi Ding finally said: Master Chen, do you know the reason why I left the capital with the order?

I've heard a little bit about it. I don't know what the imperial envoy wants to ask. I will tell you everything I know.

Shi Ding’s special surname is Chen Heng, so it’s hard to just call him ‘Master Shi’. Some little tricks in officialdom don’t need to be taught at all. If someone needs to point this out, it only proves that Dao Xing is not enough.

Seeing that Chen Heng was willing to take the initiative to talk, Shi Ding couldn't help but nodded. As long as it starts with this sentence, it's easy to mention anything he says next. Sure enough, after pondering for a moment, Shi Ding said directly: I heard that at the gate of Jinling City that day, Lord Chen took out the token of His Highness the Crown Prince?

It seemed that Shi Ding didn't ask anything, but he asked everything. Let’s not mention what happened to Chen Heng that day, let’s just talk about it from this sentence. Shi Ding clearly wanted to ask for the truth, but secretly he clearly wanted an explanation.

How to determine the identity of Marquis Zhongjing? One of our own? Or have ulterior motives? The imperial envoy's question was clever, and Chen Heng's response was also swift. In the blink of an eye, he had already replied: My wife was frightened that day. I loved my wife very much and was afraid that she would be disturbed, so I showed His Highness's token to get some peace and quiet for myself.

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, and it was hard for anyone to find fault with it. Whether the superior is willing to give the token or not is naturally Chen Heng’s business. After using it, how to explain it to the prince Li Xian is also Chen Heng's business.

It's completely different from the plot in the storybook. Whatever Shang Fang's sword is in your hand, you can use it however you want. If you really want to put it into reality, just use it once. The reasons and process must be written down one by one, and a report should be made immediately to the superior. This is just a privilege to act expediently, but it does not mean that you can act recklessly.

Ordinarily, this kind of reply is enough to push each other down the stairs. Unexpectedly, Shi Ding suddenly chuckled and said unclearly: That's what they said too.

This ‘they’ is interesting, who is it? Was he the deputy commander at the city gate that day? Or Ma Dayin who lost his only son? Chen Heng didn't care, he just smiled and said: That's what I told your Majesty.

After saying these two sentences, everyone knew what was going on. Shi Ding suspected that Chen Heng was making a fuss out of a molehill. Chen Heng counterattacked with the same words, Don't worry about what's going on inside, I've already submitted it to Your Majesty.

That's good. Shi Ding smiled, I hope Mr. Chen won't mind. The murderer disappeared from the city for no reason. Naturally, I will personally inquire about those who left the city that day.

Even if he really had a problem in his heart, Chen Heng knew that there was no need to explain it to Shi Ding. The other party has the power to report to Heaven, and he also has the privilege of secret edicts. What he said just now revealed the news to the other party.

Shi Ding thought for a while and then said: I have heard that Mr. Chen is an expert in solving cases and is quite talented in protecting the public. There are some things that I am not sure about in the Zhen Mansion case, and I would like to discuss it with Mr. Chen.

case? Chen Heng noticed the details of this word. What errand did His Majesty arrange for Shi Ding? With this thought in his mind, Chen Heng said quickly: It's all lies. Sir, just ask. I'm a junior official with little talent and little knowledge, so I'm willing to do my best.

While talking, Shi Ding kept his eyes fixed on Chen Heng. He was someone who had survived the battlefield, and staring at the other person without saying a word made people feel a bit stressed. In addition, this Shi Ding is quite majestic in appearance and has a short beard, making it even more difficult for people to see his thoughts.

Master Chen, do you really think that Mao Daqing got into the Zhen Mansion through the pawnshop owner's favor?

Chen Heng had long had doubts about Shi Ding's problem. When a wealthy family hosts a banquet to entertain guests, the concierge is the most important person. A stranger like Mao Daqing got into the house through someone else's invitation. Not to mention that the head of the Zhen Mansion was not paying attention, the concierge also wanted to report to the steward.

The things involved are strange if you think about it carefully. But if you really want to think about it, you can deal with it by coincidence. This kind of analogy is even more puzzling. Chen Heng paid attention and said, What do you mean, sir?

I suspect that what happened to Mao Daqing was by no means a temporary act. It was someone who deliberately instigated it. It is more likely that he was the person who secretly helped him escape.

After finishing his words, Shi Ding was still staring at Chen Heng intently. The latter showed some contemplation and answered quickly, If we want to find out this matter, we should start with the concierge and the shopkeeper.

Seeing nothing strange, Shi Ding asked with great interest: Why?

They say how you came here will lead to your departure. If there is really a problem, these two locations will definitely be suspicious. Chen Heng was cautious and bold.

What if Mao Daqing really stole the shopkeeper's invitation by coincidence?

Chen Heng smiled. He could see that Shi Ding's questioning was because he had some evidence on hand. He replied directly: When you come, you come, and when you go, you go. If you look at the two things together, they are all coincidences.

Shi Ding understood. He paused for a moment, and finally said with a smile: Master Chen is indeed good at judging cases.

I wonder what the reason for your compliment is. Chen Heng showed a bit of curiosity.

When I first arrived in Jinling, I arrested the shopkeeper and the concierge and interrogated them for seven days. Shi Ding showed a rather terrifying smile. He didn't know what the two people in question had experienced at his hands before he got an answer. .

On the day of the Zhen Mansion's banquet, people like the shopkeeper should not have entered. One day, the shopkeeper was drinking with his friends and boasted about his good relationship with the Zhen family. He was worried that his friends would expose him, so he secretly used the money. I bribed the steward of Zhen Mansion and got an invitation.

Chen Heng listened silently, only to hear Shi Ding continue: In the end, when I got the invitation, it was originally kept in a brocade box. When the day of the banquet started, he went to remake it in the box, and it was gone.

Mr. Chen, what do you think is suspicious about these remarks?

How did Mao Daqing know? Chen Heng immediately caught the important point and added with a frown, Then why does the pawnshop owner insist on going to Zhen's Mansion? Who is his friend?

That's right. Mr. Chen is really smart. Shi Ding praised him, then nodded and said solemnly, I interrogated the shopkeeper over and over for seven or eight days, and he was tortured several times. He didn't even have an explanation. I think he really didn't know. Affection.

When I went to track down the shopkeeper's friend afterwards, he had already disappeared. Shi Ding showed an inexplicable smile and explained, What's even more bizarre is that the concierge of Zhen Mansion committed suicide in prison that night. .”

Dead? At this time, even Chen Heng was about to exclaim.

Yeah. Shi Ding sneered and couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the tiger's beard. If the person behind it does this, I can't even think about it. Afterwards, I will offer a reward to the whole city to trace everything related to Mao Daqing. The news. Unexpectedly, someone reported to me that one night, he saw two foreigners walking with him by the Qinhuai River.

Chen Heng knew that he could not escape from this matter, and said bluntly: The people who met him that night were me and the guard Liu Xianglian. He then explained what happened, and Shi Ding was silent for a long time.

After the silence between each other, Shi Ding suddenly smiled and said: What a coincidence.

Yes, what a coincidence. Chen Heng nodded calmly. The two of them looked at each other silently, one intent on exploring, the other not shying away. After being so frank, Shi Ding finally looked back and said with a smile: It seems like a coincidence.

It's true. Chen Heng was also troubled and couldn't tell. The two times he met Mao Daqing were both coincidences. What else can be said except that I feel unlucky.

Shi Ding picked up the teacup again and said in a leisurely tone: Master Chen, do you think this Mao Daqing is a murderer or a traitor?

Chen Heng suddenly trembled, and he said that it was weird that Shi Ding called the Zhen Mansion based on the circumstances of the case, and that was the original problem. Previously he was still burdened with self-defense, but when asked this question, Chen Heng completely put down his guard and said bluntly: With such a plan, I think the other party is well prepared and has a strong background.

Yeah. Shi Ding responded with a smile, and he didn't know what he was laughing at. Just looking at his expression, he looked like an old hunter who was happy to see his favorite prey.

The two were about to continue their fight when they suddenly heard reports from outside that the prefect Liu Yanzhang came to the door. The two of them didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly got up and went to greet him outside the hall. Shi Ding and Liu Yanzhang were both high-ranking officials, so they met each other, and Liu Yanzhang always had good things to say.

The three of them walked into the hall together, and Liu Yanzhang couldn't help but ask why Shi Ding came to Songjiang and went straight to the Huating County government office. Who knows, Shi Ding said with a smile: I don't know what the mansion is about. The elders in my family have been friends with the Rongguo Mansion for generations. In the early years, I and Lin Yushi also worked for His Majesty. When I came here today, I didn't want to meet the Lin family first. Son-in-law, I'm afraid that when I return to Beijing, Yushi Lin will talk about me.

Liu Yanzhang believed most of it immediately, secretly thinking that it was his father-in-law who was at work. He then asked Shi Ding the reason for coming to Songjiang. The latter then said: A few months ago, there were fierce bandits in Ping'an Prefecture who robbed military supplies. This time I went south to find out what happened to the Zhen family. Secondly, I wanted to suppress the bandits under His Majesty's orders. This matter also requires the states in Jiangnan. The government will help us a lot.”

After hearing what he wanted, Liu Yanzhang did not dare to delay. He made a decision on the spot and signaled to everyone in the Songjiang Mansion that they would do their best to help. Only then did Chen Heng learn about Shi Ding's true intention.

Now that the foreign war has begun, do we still need to raise troops to fight bandits internally? Chen Heng always felt that it was not good. Fighting on two fronts has always been a troublesome thing throughout the ages. Your Majesty knows military affairs, why would you attack Ping'an Prefecture at this time?

Shi Ding and Liu Yanzhang, however, used the Huating County Yamen as the government Yamen. We started discussing directly on the spot how to suppress the bandits in the future. After saying this for a long time, Liu Yanzhang directly booked a banquet for the next day and arranged a meeting for Shi Ding and the Songjiang Guard Commander.

When Lao Liu started to do things, he still had no choice. Shi Ding stood up, thanked him, and said to Chen Heng, When the time comes, please come and accompany me.

Why am I, a civil servant, interfering in the affairs of your generals? Chen Heng was caught off guard, but he responded first.

When Liu Yanzhang saw that what he had said was almost the same, he hurriedly asked Shi Ding to leave and arranged for him to rest in the government office.



At nightfall, Daiyu returned home. Hearing Shi Ding's intention, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. She knew that she and her husband were forced by the situation to indulge Mao Daqing out of the city, and they were inseparable from the relationship and suspicion.

Chen Heng said a few words of comfort, but was still worried when he saw his wife. He quickly pulled her into the study quietly and took out His Majesty's secret letter for Madam to read. What Xiao Ping read that day was only part of the secret message. The other half was suppressed by Chen Heng and was not taken out.

Daiyu took the letter and read it, and saw that Li Zhi mentioned in the letter: She already knows about this matter, and it is a good thing that Aiqing is fine. Only then did she let go of her worries, and couldn't help but ask her husband when he had done this.

Chen Heng then smiled and said: How else do you think you got this great destiny? As soon as Mr. Liu's request for merit is submitted, I will report this matter together with the port and commercial street matters.

Chen Heng had hesitated on this matter. Is it necessary to inform Li Zhi? Or should I inform my father-in-law first? Or hide it secretly and remain unaware of it.

But when he thought about it, he had met Mao Daqing by the Qinhuai River. Chen Heng felt that hiding it was a bad idea and actually made him passive.

From this point of view, we can only make a judgment between the first two options. He hesitated for a long time between Li Zhi and Lin Ruhai. In the end, I relied on my own judgment and chose to apologize directly to Li Zhi.

This matter can be big or small, if you discuss it with your father-in-law first. When Li Zhi asked him about it afterwards, his father-in-law's reaction would definitely risk exposure. Now that he has been released as an official, let’s not talk about Weng’s deep feelings for his son-in-law.

As the king of a country, Li Zhi would definitely not want to see Chen Heng discuss everything with Lin Ruhai first. This is not a disregard for human feelings, but a sense of propriety that a minister should have.

The disposition relationship here can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. However, from the time Daiyu received her good fortune until now, no letters have come to her father-in-law's house. Chen Heng judged that his move was definitely the right one.

Lin Ruhai used this method to tell himself. No news, just good news. It's not that the father doesn't care about his daughter's good things, but that things have calmed down. Under the melon fields and plum blossoms, it would be best to have less correspondence.

Now that Shi Ding has come forward to ask in person, he can start writing a letter to his father-in-law to explain the reason. Chen Heng made up his mind and coaxed Daiyu a few words. The latter smiled brightly and said, Mr. Sir, please tell me what's going on here.

Chen Heng would naturally not refuse the beauty's request. Not only the father and son soldiers went into battle, but also the birds in the same forest. Chen Heng smiled and gave a clear outline of his handling and original intention.

Men, you still need to find someone smart.



Have you heard? Xue Pan took Baoyu and hurriedly broke into Jia Lian's room.

Are you talking about the news that the third uncle of the historian came to Songjiang? Jia Lian immediately guessed Xue Pan's joy.

Isn't it?! Xue Pan rubbed his hands eagerly, with excitement on his face, Before, the gang of unscrupulous people in Songjiang treated our house as a decoration. Now the third uncle of the Shi family is here, just in time to let them see what is real. Buddha.

When Jia Lian heard this, he also sighed, this Baoyu is really lucky. It's your first time out there, so don't worry about anything. Whenever there are difficulties, there is good luck that can turn bad luck into good luck.

It's really... it's really surprising that God shows mercy.

Baoyu couldn't understand Jia Lian's expression and was still standing there stupidly. At the moment, he could only think that he was about to start boring social activities again. I don’t know what the third uncle of the Shi family will say about me when he meets him this time.

Oh, what a distress.



After working in the government office for half the night, Shi Ding finally returned to his room to rest. When away from home, his food, clothing, housing and transportation are personally arranged by his entourage. After serving the Lord to wash himself, an ordinary-looking attendant came up and asked: Sir, do you want to send someone to Huating County Yamen to keep an eye on me tonight?

Shi Ding shook his head and said softly: No need, since he has made it clear to His Majesty. Even if he is really guilty, it is not our turn to keep a close eye on him. Just explain these things later and present them to Your Majesty.

Yes, sir.

Who is the commander of Songjiang Guards?

Seeing Shi Ding's sudden question, the attendant immediately replied: He was a general of the Wei family in his early years. He went to the border with the head of the Wei family, but we have lost some contact in these years. I don't know how the relationship is now...

Confused, if the relationship is not good. How can this commander still be able to do it? Shi Ding cursed before waving his hand for the followers to step back.

I'm still working overtime, so I'll post it first, and I'll polish it later, in case you guys can't wait.

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