The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 476: Reasons for abolishing the prince

Zhen Shicheng stayed in the hall and felt that something was wrong.

The emperor wanted to call Concubine Yang to ask the crime, why Pan Hai was so gaffe when he went and returned, and the emperor left after hearing Pan Hai’s whispers, and took away the commander Jinlinwei and the leader of Jinwuwei?

Jinlinwei commander Han Ran, Jin Wuwei command Wang Hai, and an admiral of the East Factory Pan Hai. These three are regarded as the key people for the emperor to control the palace and the outside.

There must be something more extreme that happened, something more extreme than the concubine and the guard's fornication.

Zhen Shicheng's brain that is good at speculation started to work quickly.

Pan Hai went to call Fei Yang, what could be more extreme?

Zhen Shicheng suddenly thought of something: the banquet in the palace was halfway through, and the prince was unwell and left...

This thought flashed through his mind, making him instantly excited, and he had some terrible guesses.

Compared with Zhen Shicheng's rational analysis and speculation, Han Ran and Wang Hai were already dumbfounded.

Emperor Jingming glanced at them and said solemnly: "Go to the front first. Pan Hai, Yang Fei, you can deal with it first."

Soon the achievement of Zhen Shi waited until Emperor Jingming returned.

"The emperor --" Zhen Shicheng calmly greeted him.

Emperor Jingming sat down with a cold face, and Jinlinwei Commander Han Ran immediately offered a cup of tea.

In the past, this was Pan Hai's work. Now that Pan Hai is not in front of him, Han Ran can only bite the bullet.

Emperor Jingming took the tea cup and threw it to the ground.

The valuable tea cup was smashed to pieces in an instant, and steaming tea was flowing on the cold floor tiles.

Jinlinwei commander Han Ran and Jinwuwei commander Wang Hai fell silent for a while.

Zhen Shicheng was surprised: "The emperor?"

Emperor Jing Ming took a deep look at Zhen Shicheng and said, "The prince has an affair with Concubine Yang——"

On the way back, Emperor Jingming tossed over and over again whether to let Zhen Shicheng know the truth, and finally decided to tell the truth.

His face is important, but how it ends is more important.

Zhen Shicheng knew only one more person knew. If this matter is not handled well and spread, he will become a big joke in the world, and the prince will be nailed to the pillar of shame and recorded in history.

He could not bear such consequences.

After hearing the words of Emperor Jingming, Zhen Shicheng bowed deeply: "The emperor should calm down and take care of the dragon."

Han Ran and Wang Hai immediately admired Zhen Shicheng.

They almost freaked out when they knew that the crown prince was having an affair with Concubine Yang, and Master Zhen could actually persuade the emperor not to get angry. This calmness was unmatched.

The room was very empty, except for Emperor Jing Ming, there were only three people: Zhen Shicheng, Han Ran, and Wang Hai.

Emperor Jingming eased from his anger, his gloomy eyes slowly swept across everyone's face, and he said, "I want to abolish the prince!"

The three of Zhen Shicheng knelt down immediately, but couldn't say what they persuaded.

How to persuade? The prince even dared to sleep with the concubine of the emperor. If their son had already hacked to death with a kitchen knife, please persuade him.

Of course, asking them to go along with Emperor Jingming will not work.

I can’t wait to agree with the emperor. What if the emperor repents in the future?

The room fell silent for a while.

When Emperor Jingming said this, he didn't mean to solicit the opinions of the three.

He knew very well that Han Ran and Wang Hai were in charge of the two most important guards in the imperial army, and they had to be executed without compromising what they said. This is the meaning of their existence, rather than bargaining with him like the civil and military officials.

As for Zhen Shicheng, this is a very simple and wonderful person, not much more pleasing than those who only know how to spray.

Seeing that none of the three of them said anything, Emperor Jingming continued: "But I don't want anyone to know that the crown prince was deposed is related to Concubine Yang."

This is a bit difficult.

The prince is the crown prince, and the foundation of the country cannot be shaken easily. Even if it is the emperor, he must give a defensible reason if he wants to abolish the prince, otherwise he will wait for a long tug of war with the civil and military officials.

When Emperor Jingming thought of the prince, he felt as if a fire was burning in his heart, and he couldn't bear the tug of war at all.

For Emperor Jingming in this state, he wanted to abolish the prince. Whoever dares to talk nonsense wants to kill anyone.

"Do you have suggestions?"

Emperor Jingming glanced at Zhen Shicheng, but Zhen Shicheng lowered his eyes before he heard it.

He is a pure minister, except for being interested in solving cases, don't ask him for anything else.

I dared to mix things up with the waste prince, and the murderous wife knew that she was going to kneel and calculate.

Emperor Jingming’s reaction to Zhen Shicheng was not surprising, and his eyes swept across Han Ran and Wang Hai.

Under tremendous pressure, Han Ran spoke: "The emperor, the minister has an idea."

Some ideas are not unexpected, but inconvenient to say. At this time, others must speak up.

As the emperor's eyeliner and minions, the fascinating commander of Jinlinwei, he is about to play that role. Even if he is settled by the Queen of Autumn, he will not escape for thousands of years.

"Say." Emperor Jingming uttered a word.

"If the person who instigated King Wuwei to kill King An is the prince——"

Emperor Jingming glanced at Han Ran and was silent.

This is undoubtedly a good way.

At the moment, the case of King An is being investigated, and the hundreds of civil and military officials are still waiting for the result in the front hall. It is obviously impossible to pass without any explanation.

But the truth was that Concubine Yang had colluded with the guards, which involved the affair with the prince.

No matter which one of these two passed out, he would lose face.

Pushing the death of King An to the prince, there are enough reasons to dismiss the prince, and also cover up the matter of Concubine Yang.

This is the best of both worlds.

Emperor Jing Ming thought of this silently, and secretly poked himself.

Fart has the best of both worlds, and there is no emperor more pathetic than him.

The only son left to him by the Yuan Dynasty, the prince who carried his high hopes, actually did such an unconventional thing.

The prince must be abolished.

Emperor Jingming sighed deeply, and said to Zhen Shicheng: "Zhen Aiqing, you are responsible for the case of King An, so leave it to you."

This is for Zhen Shicheng to help Yuan lie.

"Please rest assured, the emperor, the Weichen knows how to do it." Zhen Shicheng is a man of measure. Although he is keen to solve crimes, he is addicted to the process of peeling silk and cocooning to find the murderer, but he did not risk the emperor to let the world go to death. The hobby of witnessing the truth.

The prince's muddy thing that couldn't support the wall, the emperor was finally willing to give it up...

Emperor Jingming got up, feeling dispirited: "So let's go back to the palace when the wind and snow stops. Han Ran, Wang Hai, you will be left with the stability during this time."

Han Ran and Wang Hai immediately clasped their fists: "Please rest assured, the emperor."

Zhen Shicheng endured and endured, still couldn't help but said: "The emperor, there is still one thing we can't understand."

Emperor Jingming looked at him with a deep gaze: "What can't you understand Zhen Aiqing?"

"Concubine Yang instigated Jin Wuwei Zhang Hu to assassinate King An, but how did they know that today, when the wind and snow hit, the hall will suddenly plunge into darkness?"

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