Marquis Guiyi has never been interested in adventures. If Prince Du had not made hype and promised all kinds of benefits, he would never have agreed to leave Da Chu—he was already used to the life here, and had only a very vague impression of the grasslands. And not a good impression.

But Prince Du died, and the dream of the grassland was shattered. On the first night of wandering outside, Marquis Guiyi suddenly discovered that life in the capital was better. Enjoy the tenderness of three wives and concubines.

But his daughter killed Chai Yun, and Marquis Guiyi was trapped in a dream and did not dare to wake up, but the dream became more and more like a nightmare.

So, after being persuaded by the Prince of Xiongnu, Marquis Guiyi was persuaded by the King of Donghai again. There were no twists and turns. Marquis Guijiu couldn't wait to find a new backer. As soon as the King of Donghai came, he immediately said: Master Cui can protect us. family?

Cui Taifu can, but there are conditions.

Not long after Hou Juan and his party went north by boat, Hou Guiyi found his eldest son, Jin Chunbao.

The house was too small, and there was no partition. The three wives and concubines sat in the corner on the kang, throwing aside their usual jealousy, and hoped for the success of Lord Hou.

Jin Chunbao was instructed to guard the Hebian Village. He just finished a tour and looked at his father blankly, not knowing why he was called.

Marquis Guiyi paced back and forth silently, looking preoccupied.

Knowing his father Mo Ruozi, Jin Chunbao stepped forward and whispered, Father, if you have something to say, just say it.

Marquis Guiyi stopped and sighed, You are eighteen years old this year, you should have started a family and a business, but you were delayed by being a father.

I am still young……

Marquis Guiyi couldn't help shaking his head, Last year I was looking for a marriage for you, because Prince Du, I didn't talk about it... Let me not talk about this, I ask you, do you really want to be this so-called general?

Marquis Tien said he would send the Jin family to the grassland, we have to do something for him.

Do you really believe him?

Jin Chunbao hesitated for a moment, The King of the East Sea is here, which means Hou Juan has the support of the Cui family.

Marquis Guiyi smiled and patted the eldest son twice on the shoulder, This means Marquis Lian is being used by the Cui family. After the use, the support will be gone.

Jin Chunbao was slightly startled, Father said...

Well, the East Sea King has come to me, and he can guarantee the safety of his family.

Jin Chunbao lowered his head and said nothing.

Marquis Guiyi gave the eldest son time to think about it, and then said: The Jin family can't stand the toss. It's a long journey to the grassland. Even if we get there by luck, without the guidance of the prince, who should we go to? The Cui family is about to take power. , the King of the East Sea is likely to be the new emperor...

Jin Chunbao raised his head, As long as the father thinks it is right, the order is, and the child will follow it.

Marquis Guiyi smiled, this was his son, and he immediately put away his smile, Marquis Tien is very careful, the King of the East Sea is worried that he will not be able to control him, but will be controlled by him, so he needs the help of the Jin family.

The volunteer soldiers in the stockade all respect the Marquis Juan. How can the Jin family help?

It can be of great help. Tien Hou asked you to guard the stockade. This is a godsend opportunity.

Jin Chunbao looked ashamed, and Marquis Guiyi sank, The life and death of the Jin family are in your hands, this is not the time to talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality.

The King of the East Sea... Won't kill Marquis Tired?

Of course not, the Cui family still uses Marquis Juan. Marquis Guiyi sighed again, Our family is already in a quagmire, whether we can get out of it is up to you.

Father, I will listen to you.

Marquis Guiyi leaned into his eldest son's ear and whispered, There are still a few people in the stockade who can be trusted...

Jin Chun couldn't help nodding, and finally said: Understood, I'll arrange it now.

Marquis Guiyi grabbed an arm of the eldest son, Beware of your younger brother and sister, they have been persuaded by Marquis Juan, and I will explain it to them later.

Jin Chunbao snorted, pushed open the door, went out, walked halfway around the stockade, came to a room, and knocked lightly on the door.

It was Zhang Yanghao who opened the door.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Jin Chunbao said, The King of the East Sea asked me to come.

Zhang Yanghao asked Jin Chunbao to come in, and the other three noble children came up to meet them. There was no light in the room, and the five people stood in the dark, disgusting each other, but tried their best to cover it up.

Jin Chunbao said coldly, From now on, you are my guards.

Someone sneered in the dark.

If you have an opinion, say it now. Jin Chunbao raised his voice slightly, If anyone can do better, stand up, and I will serve as a guard for you.

No one answered. After a while, Zhang Yanghao said, We are all doing things for the Cui family and the King of the East China Sea, so don't fight. Young Master Jin is the general guarding the village. We all listen to you.

Let's go. Jin Chunbao pushed out the door, followed by the other four.

A group of five went to Chao Yongsi, the chief clerk, and compared the roster on the door panel to rearrange the rotation and defense locations. They were all designated by Zhang Yanghao and ordered by Jin Chunbao.

Chao Yongsi didn't know why, but he didn't want to ask too much. He stood on the side and watched, and slowly discovered the pattern. Zhang Yanghao chose the righteous soldiers with the words Zun and Shang in their names. There were 15 soldiers in total, and there were only a few hundred of them. The team guarded the stockade, and the other centenarians either rested or moved outside the stockade.

Is this the emperor's order? Chao Yongsi couldn't help asking.

Jin Chunbao patted the arrow in the quiver at his waist, Of course.

There are too few people guarding the officers and soldiers. Can less than ten people guard a hundred people? Chao Yongsi was puzzled.

The old fisherman said too much, Jin Chunbao winked at Zhang Yanghao and others, and the two noble children suddenly pulled Chao Yongsi's hands behind him.

Why? Chao Yongsi said angrily.

Don't talk too much. Jin Chunbao said coldly, although they did not fit in with other noble children, but they were the same kind of people after all. They regarded fishermen as lowly people and were unwilling to explain more to him.

Chao Yongsi became more and more annoyed, The emperor trusts you... come here!

Keep his mouth shut. Jin Chunbao said hurriedly.

Qilang pulled out his knife and poked it at Chao Yongsi's stomach, Don't be so troublesome.

Jin Chunbao was shocked. He remembered clearly that just a few nights ago, Qilang, like Zhang Yanghao and others, knelt under the wall shivering, kowtows and begged for mercy, and suddenly turned into a ruthless character who kills without blinking.

Chao Yongsi fell down slowly, and Qilang said in a puzzled tone, Why are you all looking at me? This is a commoner who is fishing, who has committed a crime of great treason, and will die sooner or later.

Then there's no need to do it now, in case someone comes looking for... Zhang Yanghao shook his head impatiently, Forget it, hurry up and do something serious, these fifteen people are all experts sent by the Cui family, all of them One top ten, if they are here, this stockade is ours. Yan Dong, it is up to you to convince the captured officers and soldiers to make them guilty and make meritorious deeds. If necessary, you can name your father. Deputy Commander Jingzhao is enough to frighten live with them.

Yan Dong is Qilang, and the deputy commander of Jingzhao is not a high-ranking official in the capital, so he can only be a sidekick among the noble children, but killing an unarmed old fisherman makes him more courageous, As long as you send a signal , I immediately brought the officers and soldiers over to meet.

Zhang Yanghao looked left and right, Tomorrow, as soon as Marquis Juan returns to the village, we will do it. We will hold Marquis Juan and support the King of the East Sea. The rest of the matter will be decided by the King of the East Sea. He has a plan.

Okay. Several people said at the same time, only Jin Chunbao didn't say a word, and suddenly found that he was pushed to the edge again.

Let's go and get the rest of the arrows together, and then we will send orders separately, let's go. Zhang Yanghao naturally seized power.

Wait. Jin Chunbao has been unable to regain power, and can only make some suggestions, My sister has a bad temper, so let me go alone.

Thinking of Jin Chuiduo's cruelty, the four of them shuddered. Zhang Yanghao said, Can you persuade her to join the King of the East Sea? If not, you have to find a way. She can ruin our plan by herself.

My sister is only good at archery, and I will order arrows to come, and she will be helpless.

Then you have to send someone to watch her tomorrow, and your brother, he seems to be working hard for Hou Juan.

I'll talk to him. Jin Chunbao became a little impatient, and glanced at the corpse on the ground, Wanhou won't be back until noon tomorrow at the earliest. This corpse... sigh, you should clean it up.

Jin Chunbao turned and walked out of the house, the remaining four looked at each other, Zhang Yanghao said, I'll go with him, you guys pick up the bodies.

Qilang Yandong was still holding the unsheathed knife, My hand, it's time for you to move the corpse.

The two were not ordinary people. Their father's official position was higher than that of the deputy commander of Jingzhao, so they were not afraid of Yan Dong. One said: Who asked you to kill? You can handle it yourself. The other said: Forget it, What are you talking about, Qilang grabs his hand, let's lift our legs, move the corpse to the corner of the house together, and block it with a door panel.

The three of them quarreled and moved the corpse, and the topic quickly turned to Jin Chuiduo, If I marry her, I will never allow her to touch the bow and arrow again, not even a glance. The Jin family is hugging their thighs, and they will definitely marry their daughter to the King of the East Sea...

Outside the house, Zhang Yanghao caught up with Jin Chunbao and walked side by side with him silently. Jin Chunbao knew that he was not trusted, so he didn't speak, and went straight to his sister's residence.

It was already deep at night, and many volunteer soldiers could only sleep in the open air. The snoring sounded one after another, and the night risers found a place where no one was there to relieve themselves, and the smell was everywhere.

The rabble is the rabble. Zhang Yanghao whispered, sincerely despising these so-called righteous soldiers.

But these rabble are very obedient. They don't have the arrows. They really don't obey the orders. I only have five arrows, three of them are handed over to the volunteer soldiers outside, and there are only two left. I must bring all the arrows in my sister's hand. …”

Zhang Yanghao gave a perfunctory hum, saying that he understood all these principles.

The two stood in front of the door, and Zhang Yanghao asked in a low voice, What do you want to say?

Jin Chunbao nodded, raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no response. He knocked again, and finally came the voice of the maid, Who is it?

it's me.

Are you making me guess?

I'm Miss Jin Chunbao, the eldest brother.

Oh. The room was quiet for a while, It's so late, is there anything wrong with the eldest son?

Marquis Juan sent someone back to say that he is short of manpower, and asked me to transfer troops. Jin Chunbao paused, I don't have enough arrows in my hand, so I have to borrow my sister's arrows and return them to the village tomorrow.

After waiting for a while, the door opened a crack, and a bunch of arrows was handed out from inside.

Jin Chunbao took it in his hand, and the door closed immediately.

Is the number correct? Zhang Yanghao asked in a low voice.

Jin Chunbao checked by the moonlight, nodded, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, everything was in place, so they could send orders and set up an ambush in secret.

The dragonfly in the room also let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the people outside did not insist on seeing the lady.

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