The Child Emperor

Chapter 154 The veteran is not old

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The Chu army threw away some temporarily useless items, including most of the dry food, and kept only weapons, wine and beans for the horses. At dawn, they returned to the edge of the grassland to take a break, especially to feed the horses. Next, they To gallop continuously, return to Iron Broken City as soon as possible.

Most of the soldiers took the opportunity to sleep for a while. Han Ruzi was not too sleepy and felt that he could persevere. Fang Daye said to him, You are making everyone more and more nervous.

Han Ruzi smiled, found a comfortable and dry place, and lay down wrapped in a cloak. He wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while, but he fell asleep not long after closing his eyes, and even felt a surge of anger when he was pushed awake.

Du Chuanyun whispered, Let's go.

After resting for less than half an hour in total, everyone mounted the horses. Because they had to run continuously, they did not dare to let the horses run too fast.

There was no sign of the Huns until noon, and everyone felt relieved. When the horses were resting, Han Ruzi came to Jin Chunbao and asked, Who told you about the split between the Eastern Huns?

Jin Chunbao's injuries were not healed. He was first bound by the herdsmen, and then ran with the Chu army for a long time. He looked very haggard and muttered: Who told me? The Huns said so... Zhaheshan said more, he I often chat with me about how stupid the Huns who still want to live on the grasslands are.

How many Huns are chasing you?

There are... there are hundreds of people, I don't know, I have been running away, sometimes I can hear the sound of horses' hooves, sometimes I can't...

Look at how sluggish he is, let's just kill him. It's more convenient to just bring the head. Cui Teng suggested again, holding the handle of the knife and looking at Jin Chunbao's neck.

Jin Chunbao hurriedly stood up and opened his eyes, and said loudly, I'm fine, I can still ride for three days and three nights.

Han Ruzi ordered to mount his horse and was about to set off. A soldier in the rear waved a flag, attracting the attention of everyone in front. Everyone looked back and saw three cavalrymen appearing a few miles away.

It's the Huns. Cui Teng's voice trembled a little, Let's run.

The order has come to his lips, but Han Ruzi changed his mind, Go to that mountain and march normally.

Iron Broken City is in the west, and the mountains are in the north... Cui Teng asked many people's doubts.

Han Ruzi glanced at the three Xiongnu cavalry again, Those three were not panicking after chasing a hundred enemy troops, there must be a large army behind us, and if we run away, the army will also chase after us. .

Maybe there is an ambush, it's all Huns. Cui Teng just wanted to hurry up.

That's accepted. Han Ruzi asked several soldiers in the back of the palace to catch up. One hundred people formed a team and set off towards a mountain range in the northwest at normal speed.

The three Huns followed not far or near. After half an hour, there were still three or four miles away from the foot of the mountain, and a large force of the Huns appeared.

God, at least...a thousand people. Cui Teng was so frightened that he almost fell off his horse.

Don't panic, the Huns don't know our details and won't attack easily.

What if they're not afraid? Cui Teng had no idea in his heart.

Han Ruzi just forced his composure, glanced at Cui Teng, and said coldly, Then fight back while fighting.

There was no chance of winning against a hundred people against a thousand people, but Cui Teng dared not open his mouth to question.

Han Ruzi slowed down, the Huns followed from afar, and the three Huns in the front got closer, reining in their horses and neighing, making a whistle, obviously provocative.

Enough! Fang Daye suddenly said, he reined in the reins, handed the flag to Du Chuanyun, and said to General Zhenbei, Go slowly, don't stop and wait for me.

Old General...

Before Han Ruzi could finish speaking, Fang Daye turned his horse's head and galloped towards the tail of the team, stopped in front of a strong-bodied officer, and said, Lend me your bow.

Fang Daye's identity is a prisoner. After serving as the flag bearer, he was issued with ordinary bows and arrows. The person who borrowed the bow was a junior high school colonel with extraordinary arm strength. He was carrying a special hard bow. Multi-year old man.

Come on! Fang Daye shouted sharply, the little school trembled, looked at General Zhenbei, saw the general nodded, and reluctantly handed over the bow.

Fang Daye took the hard bow without thanking him, took a deep breath, his chest bulged, and his huge belly shrank back miraculously.

Drive. Fang Daye rushed towards the three Huns.

Although he said there was no need to wait, Han Ruzi and the others were still stationed in the horse to watch.

The three Huns spread out and fought at the same time.

The Huns in the distance also stopped.

A Xiongnu shot an arrow first, Fang Daye did not dodge, did not slow down, let the arrow pass by, suddenly stood up and shot another arrow, but missed.

Alas... Several noble children sighed regretfully.

The three Huns shot arrows almost at the same time, Fang Daye ducked on horseback, and then stood up again to draw the bow.

A Huns fell from an arrow.

Half of the Chu army cheered softly.

The other two Huns hurriedly returned fire, one arrow swept past the target, but the other seemed to hit the target.

Including Han Ruzi, all the Chu soldiers cried out in shock.

The horse was still galloping, and Fang Daye stepped forward to shoot again, using the enemy's arrows, and the second Huns fell off the horse.

There was only one Xiongnu left, who was shocked, turned around and ran away, Fang Daye was in hot pursuit, and when the distance was shortened to only thirty paces, he issued a third arrow, which hit accurately, and instantly killed three people in a row.

Fang Daye's position at this time was closer to the Xiongnu army. Instead of retreating immediately, he ran forward for a while, holding a stiff bow high with one hand, in a challenging posture.

This old guy! Cui Teng couldn't find anything else to say, so he repeated these words five or six times, looking at his companions left and right, and saw that everyone was as surprised and admired as him.

No one in the Xiongnu army came out to fight, Fang Daye then turned his horse's head and drove back to his team, his long beard fluttered, he let out a sigh of relief, his stomach bulged again, and handed the hard bow to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao waved his hand hurriedly, Please stay with the old general, I don't deserve to use this bow again.

Fang Daye was also not humble, leaving the hard bow and handing over his original ordinary bow to the other party.

Let's go, rest at the foot of the mountain. Although Fang Daye was still a flag bearer, his words had a majesty of their own. Han Ruzi nodded, and the team set off. The speed was still slow, but everyone felt more at ease.

Du Chuanyun had always had high vision, but at this time he was willing to hold a flag for Fang Daye. What he admired was not archery. From a distance, Fang Daye's confrontation with the three Huns was nothing special. Admiring the courage of the old general, in the face of thousands of enemy troops, he actually dared to rush up to fight, this calm and calm, Du Chuanyun thought to himself, and vaguely felt that even grandfather Du Motian would not dare to be here.

When the team came to the foot of the mountain, the sky was already dark, and the Huns did not catch up.

Everyone started to get nervous again, Cui Teng asked, What should I do? Do you really want to retreat while fighting?

Han Ruzi looked at his flag and said, The Huns will not attack immediately.

Are you sure? Cui Teng became more and more impatient, It looks like the Huns won't retreat.

Han Ruzi didn't know much about the Huns. Unlike the old general Fang Daye, his composure came from his personality and some historical books he had read. There are many tribes of the Huns, and there are often times when they disagree.

Han Ruzi bowed to Fang Daye and said, General Fang...

The Huns won't retreat. You have to send someone back to Broken Iron City to fetch rescue troops. The hillside over there can block them for a while. Fang Daye knew the Huns and observed the surrounding terrain.

Han Ruzi nodded and said to Du Chuanyun, Go back...

Du Chuanyun immediately shook his head, Although my archery skills are average, I have to stay. I came with you outside the Great Wall not to fetch rescue soldiers, but to protect you personally.

Let me go. Cui Teng took the initiative to ask Ying, rather than stopping here to confront the Huns, he wanted to drive the horses to the west, even if there was no rescue there, it didn't matter, as long as he could stay away from the Huns.

The confidence built up by Fang Daye's killing three in a row was about to be forced back by the night.

Han Ruzi glanced over, and there were not a few people who thought the same as Cui Teng, but they didn't dare to raise it publicly like him.

Han Ruzi called the name, two soldiers from the army, a regular soldier of the Chu army, and a son of honor, and finally Cui Teng, Five of you and ten horses, after nightfall, I will set fire to attract the Huns, you go and move Rescue soldiers, go and return quickly.

Definitely! Cui Teng replied loudly, holding the reins tightly, and wanted to run.

Bring Jin Chunbao, he can protect you. Han Ruzi said.

Jin Chunbao was stunned for a moment, but Cui Teng was startled, Why are you taking him? He ran even slower.

However, Han Ruzi insisted on his guess: The last person the Huns want to kill is him, and they are chasing this flag.

Leave the flag, you can go with us. Cui Teng said.

Han Ruzi's heart moved. Nine times out of ten, Taizu Han Fu would abandon everyone and flee alone, but he wouldn't. When Taizu was fighting for hegemony, he had a foundation and could always make a comeback. There were not many available people around Han Ruzi. If it is timid, I am afraid that there will be no followers.

The flag is here. Han Ruzi said, Get ready.

The hillside is not very steep, with a width of dozens of steps and cliffs on both sides. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but once blocked, it is difficult to rush out. Han Ruzi led his team to the bottom of the slope. The area was desolate and the vegetation was sparse. He ordered some of the saddles to be unloaded and piled up and set on fire.

Cui Teng and others escorted Jin Chunbao to the west along the foot of the mountain. Han Ruzi watched them disappear. The Huns really did not split up to chase, and he felt a little at ease.

As the fire raged, the Chu army led their horses up the hillside, more than a hundred paces from the fire, and stood in three rows with bows facing outward. Han Ruzi stood in the middle of the first row, with Du Chuanyun standing beside him, holding the flagpole in one hand and the other in the other. Shield, whispered: This is really different from the Jianghu people's martial arts competition.

Fang Daye stood on the other side of Han Ruzi, looked at the fire at the foot of the mountain, and said, Back to Broken Iron City, if the general is still interested, let's talk.

Han Ruzi smiled slightly, and it was not the words that moved the old general, but the battle.

In the firelight at the foot of the mountain, there were shadows and banners, and the Huns were forced to come up.

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