The Child Emperor

Chapter 401 Exceptional promotion

There are many things in the box, including gift slips, IOUs, accounts, and conversation records. If you look at any one of them alone, you will find it unbelievable. If you look at it together, you have to believe it.

Qu Zixi put down the paper in his hand, the sacrificer of the Imperial Academy. He hadn't read it yet, but it was no longer necessary. He sighed, I always thought that the imperial court had decayed, but I didn't expect it to be so serious.

The boxes of evidence collected by the ugly king were lined up, and Qu Zixi said with some confusion, Are all the bribers from Luoyang?

Han Ruzi nodded, Seeing Weizhishu, Luoyang is like this, how much better can the capital and other places be?

Although there is no earth emperor like Han Chou in the capital, but there are many aristocratic families and powerful dynasties, even the prime minister of the dynasty, Shen Mingzhi, is unavoidable to accept bribes and bribes, not to mention others? In fact, the evidence in Luoyang has also revealed a corner of the capital’s corruption and bribery. The officials are very clean in the capital and live in the mansion assigned by the imperial court, but they already have fertile fields and mansions in their hometown. The premier rich man.

Qu Zixi sighed again, but Han Ruzi summoned him not to express emotion.

Qu Zixi used to supervise the resettlement of refugees in Luoyang, and was nominally the boss of the Ugly King. Although not many loopholes were found, but given his position, there was no evidence of bribery, which was considered a strange thing.

When Han Ruzi passed by Luoyang, he specifically asked Wang Jianhuo's impression of Qu Zixi. The Ugly King commented: Like Caomin, who often seek a living in the quagmire, His Majesty wants to find something from the pond and arrest a person. Caomin is competent enough, but Caomin can't leave that quagmire, and sooner or later, they have to return to the quagmire. As far as Mr. Ru Qu, he has been away from the quagmire all his life and is spotless. He is forced to enter and can't figure out the doorway, which is of no benefit to Your Majesty. This quagmire belongs to Mr. Qu.

Han Ruzi firmly remembered these words. At first, he was not in a hurry to clear the quagmire. After talking with Zhao Ruosu, he was even less anxious, so he kept Qu Zixi in Guozijian and kept a certain distance from the imperial court.

Some recent events have made him change his mind.

Han Chou became more and more arrogant. Not only did he secretly support the debt collectors, but he was also unclear about Yun Mengze's assassins. He was so bold that he must have received the support of some ministers in the DPRK. Han Ruzi couldn't turn a blind eye to such a challenge. It's time to ask Qu Zixi.

If Mr. Qu is the supervisor, how will he deal with the chaos in the DPRK?

The positions of the two censors on the left and right have been vacant for several months, and the important censor desk has always been managed by the prime minister Shen Mingzhi. Before that, censors were usually selected from the six books. cut, and have the opportunity to compete for the position of prime minister.

Right now, Qu Zixi is just a sacrificial wine of the Imperial Academy, and he was directly promoted to the censor, which is an extremely rare exception. Qu Zixi did not show much surprise, nor did he show the joy he deserved. He knew very well that this was not a reward, but a severe punishment. test.

After thinking for a long time, he said: If Your Majesty asks for a good strategy for a while, the minister can't think of it now, and I'm afraid that it won't happen in the future. No matter what position the minister takes, he only acts righteously, speaks righteously, and has a righteous heart. Power, no party, nothing else.

This is not the answer that Han Ruzi is most looking forward to, but if he can achieve these points, Qu Zixi is a rare worthy minister throughout the ages.

Okay. Han Ruzi encouraged a few words, without giving any specific promise, he sent the eunuch to send Qu Zixi away, and then summoned Zhao Ruosu.

Han Ruzi said directly: I intend to appoint Qu Zixi, the Imperial Supervisor, as the censor of the Zuocha, in charge of Beijing officials, and Feng Ju, the minister of personnel, as the censor of the right inspection, in charge of the foreign ports, and when Zhuo Ruhe returns to Beijing to take over as the censor of the personnel department, you give me To draw up a plan so that the court can smoothly accept such an arrangement, I do not want to conflict with the ministers.

Han Ruzi did not fully accept Zhao Ruosu's advice, but he still needed his experience to reduce conflicts between rulers and ministers.

Zhao Ruosu was not the kind of stubborn person who found that the emperor had made up his mind, so he did not speak up, but thought about it for a while, and said, Feng Shangshu took over as the imperial censor of the right patrol, there is no problem, he should be discussed according to his seniority. Zhuo County Shou used to serve in the six departments in rotation, and was sent abroad for several years, and it is time to come back. The personnel department is the first of the six departments, and he was directly promoted to the minister of the personnel department. It's not a big problem. Only Qu Jijiu is more troublesome.

So I need you to come up with an idea. The position of the censor is very important. Feng Ju takes over one of them, which is a concession from me. The other censor can only be Mr. Qu. Han Ruzi did not give Zhao Ruosu a chance to persuade.

Zhao Ruosu thought for a while, Is Your Majesty going to appoint it immediately?

You can wait for a while, up to a month.

One month is a bit less, if it were three months, things would be smoother.

Let's talk about your idea first.

With Qu Jijiu's qualifications and official rank, going straight to the Censor's Desk will inevitably meet a lot of opposition.

When I was trapped in Jincheng, Mr. Qu led the disciples from Luoyang to the dangerous place, straight into the Xiongnu camp. He was neither humble nor arrogant, and his merit was very great. Can't it be an exception?

Of course you can, but the reward for meritorious deeds has ended. Your Majesty will reward one person alone at this time, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the public. Wei Chen has an idea, so that Qu Jijiu can make another merit without any effort and enter the censor. Taiwan will also follow suit.”


Qu Jijiu is now serving in the Imperial College, and he is a well-known scholar in the world. Why didn't your Majesty appoint him as an imperial teacher? After giving lectures for a few months, if your Majesty has something to gain, it is not an exaggeration to be a rewarding teacher.

Han Ruzi nodded, thinking that the idea was very good, Has the emperor ever done this before?

This can be regarded as a practice. In the past, it was usually the prince's teacher who was rewarded heavily. His Majesty was a little later, but it was harmless.

Han Ruzi smiled, Okay, that's it, Zhuo Ruhe is not in a hurry, the appointment of Mr. Qu as the emperor's teacher and Feng Ju as the censor of the right patrol, we must start as soon as possible, you can draw up a decree for me, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. , I will raise it at the Qinzheng Hall in two days.”

Zhao Ruosu bowed and saluted, saying that he obeyed the order, but did not retire as usual.

Do you have anything else to do? Han Ruzi asked.

Your Majesty asked Wei Chen to make up his mind, but Wei Chen did not dare to hold back. Your Majesty thinks it is feasible. It is a blessing for Wei Chen, but Wei Chen has a word, I don't know if I should say it or not?

Zhao Ruosu has been an official in Zhongshu Province for many years, and he is well versed in the art of twists and turns. He will never directly compete with the emperor when he is aggressive. He will try it when the emperor is satisfied.

Han Ruzi smiled and said, Speak.

Zhao Ruosu cupped his hands first and then spoke, Your Majesty is often in the army, so let's take this as an analogy: Is Your Majesty a general who wants to stand alone, or is it a fierce general who will fight where?

I want to be a general alone.

Can a soldier on paper be a general?

Han Ruzi hesitated for a while, No, you must first try with a thousand people, command them properly, and then teach them to 10,000 or 100,000 people. Only those who perform well can become generals.

Han Ruzi already understood what Zhao Ruosu meant, and without waiting for him to open his mouth, he continued: There are always some people who don't follow the small details. There are not many such people, but there will be.”

Han Ruzi thought of Deng Cui, but he didn't mention his name. Deng Cui's success often had an element of luck, and the final judgment could only be made depending on how well he did in the Western Regions.

Zhao Ruosu pondered for a moment, Your Majesty is right, but Wei Chen still wants to say one more thing: Zuo Cha Yushi is in charge of Beijing officials, and His Majesty's appointment is unusual, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of suspicion. Wei Chen suggested that it is better to put Qu offering wine with Feng Ju's reversal, Qu Jijiu supervising officials outside the capital, is both a training and an inspection, and Feng Ju being on the left can at least stabilize the minister's heart.

Han Ruzi didn't make a decision, Zhao Ruosu didn't say more, and bowed to retire.

The night is getting darker, but Han Ruzi has no sleepiness. The emperor's technique is like dancing a sword under deep water. The load increases, but the speed is greatly slowed down. It is difficult to achieve both. Monthly calculation.

After thinking for a while, he was relieved. His grandfather, Emperor Wu, had been in power for decades. In the early stage, he had to be restrained by relatives and ministers, and he would not be able to run wild until his later years, not to mention that he was a young emperor who was not long on the throne.

He is not short of time, what is lacking is available people, Han Ruzi is more worried about another thing: he is running between the Marquis Mansion and the palace every day, will he still have the opportunity to discover talents like before? The imperial court pays attention to the seniority ranking. I don’t know how many people have been buried, or how long will it take for talents to be revealed?

Meng E quietly walked into the room, cleaned up the table, and stood behind the emperor.

Han Ruzi didn't notice her for a while, and found that she was more vigilant than usual, What happened?

Jingzhao Yin's house has begun to arrest the assassins, and Deputy Commander Wang ordered me to protect His Majesty from now on, and not leave an inch.

Only then did Han Ruzi remember that there were still a group of assassins hiding in the city, Yun Mengze actually believes that using assassins can change the general situation, which is also an anecdote.

If you don't believe in assassins, what else can they believe? The truly powerful weapons are in the hands of His Majesty and the government. Meng E understands what robbers do. When she was on Righteous Island, she also believed that many things could change the general trend. She will serve the Queen Mother together with her brother.

She doesn't believe it now.

Well, everyone only believes in their own advantages, and yes, what does it mean to believe in the advantages of others? Han Ruzi couldn't stop thinking about it for a moment. When he talked about assassins, he thought about assassins, Strange, Yunmeng Why doesn't Ze use poison?

In the previous assassination, the assassins from Yunmengze used slow poison, which was quite effective, but this time they abandoned it and instead went directly to the house to assassinate.

And why did you assassinate General Cui Hong in the first place? Isn't that stunned by the grass? Han Ruzi's doubts became more and more.

Perhaps Yunmengze is just trying to scare the snake. Didn't the first assassin who was caught said that His Majesty had their people by his side? If His Majesty was frightened, he might have given him a chance.

Han Ruzi looked at Meng E, who was one of the closest people around him and had some connections with the assassin - Meng E's brother was probably hiding in Yunmengze.

The two suddenly laughed at the same time. Han Ruzi's smile was normal, while Meng E's mouth only moved.

Someone knocked on the door outside, Meng E went to open it, Wang He hurried into the house, and said with a serious expression, An assassin has been found in the palace.

Han Ruzi was startled, got up and said, Is anyone injured?

Only two guards were injured while chasing the assassin.

Do you know who the target of the assassination is?

Wang He hesitated for a moment and replied, Queen.

Han Ruzi was shocked and at the same time deeply puzzled. The target of Yunmengze's assassin was clearly himself, why did the two assassinations target the Cui family?

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