The Child Emperor

Chapter 427 Concubine Tong is nervous

The Cui family escaped once again, but suffered heavy losses. After all, the assassination took place in the Cui House. The emperor was lenient and would not be held accountable, but the Cui family could not be exempted from responsibility. Official seals, such as generals, grand masters, and chief ministers of the Southern Army, without exception.

Han Ruzi returned the letter of guilt, Cui Hong wrote it again, and even pleaded with the emperor through his daughter.

In just a few days, Cui Xiaojun was deeply affected, and he became more and more convinced of the truth of full damage, so he sincerely hoped that his father could hand over power.

My father's injuries are quite serious, and it will be difficult for him to recover for a while. He is also old. He just wants to spend his life at home. His Majesty will take back his official seal. Now that the country is busy, the Southern Army should be handed over to others.

Han Ruzi lived with the Queen these days and did not summon other concubines, To tell the truth, I also want to take back the Southern Army, but now the DPRK is investigating Han Chou's case, and the ministers are panicking, it is not appropriate to make any further changes, General If he really wants to hand over the Southern Army, let him wait a little longer.

After the assassination incident, the generals of the Southern Army did not speak out for Cui Hong. The relationship between the two sides was not as close as before. Therefore, Han Ruzi was not in a hurry to take back the seal of the Great Sima. Right now, he did not have a suitable candidate to replace Cui Hong. Leave him to stabilize the situation.

Cui Xiaojun believed in the emperor and did not urge him any more, instead he said, Concubine Hui is pregnant, has your majesty visited her?

Concubine Hui is the title of Tong Qing'e. She is now the most important person in the palace after the emperor. From the queen mother onward, everyone revolves around her. Even Zhang Youcai stays with Concubine Tong most of the day. It's a small matter. It should also be passed on to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

I've been there. Han Ruzi replied vaguely. He'd been there once and left without saying a word, Concubine Tong was nervous when she saw me, so I think it's better to go less often.

Cui Xiaojun smiled lightly, Your Majesty has put the cart before the horse. Your Majesty doesn't go there often. Concubine Hui is very nervous, so she feels nervous. If Your Majesty can visit often, and let Concubine Hui know that His Majesty's beloved son is eager, she will naturally not be nervous any more.

Han Ruzi frowned slightly, To tell you the truth again, I don't have the feeling of being 'lovely' yet.

Cui Xiaojun said solemnly: Your Majesty must have it, it is His Majesty's first child, and it is also the hope of Da Chu's future. His Majesty seeks safety in everything he does. After the birth of this child, it may bring more stability than His Majesty has so far. everything you do.

It doesn't have to be a boy... well, I'll visit often. Han Ruzi stared at the queen and sighed, It would be nice if the child was yours.

Cui Xiaojun didn't want this, but she was not jealous, Everything is fixed, there is no rush. If I have a son, sooner or later, if I can see your majesty, I will be satisfied.

Han Ruzi had a busy day the next day. In the evening, he followed the advice of the queen and decided to visit Tong Qing'e temporarily.

He has a good impression of Tong Qing'e, and it can even be said to be very good, but it is another kind of feeling, completely different from the queen. Every time he meets, he will think of the scene of being seduced a few years ago, and immediately feel that he is a few years younger. , quite embarrassing.

It was Tong Qing'e who was pregnant for the first time, and Han Ruzi felt even more embarrassed, as if she refused to eat food righteously in front of others, but was caught stealing food after others.

Tong Qing'e also felt embarrassed, always thinking that she should not be so lucky, the first person to get pregnant should be another concubine, such as Concubine Shu Deng Yun.

When the emperor came, Deng Yun was chatting with Tong Qing'e in the room. She and the other two concubines were finally confirmed not to be pregnant. It was very regrettable that she often came to accompany Tong Qing'e, in her words, borrowing pregnancy gas.

Empress Dowager Cining was wary of all the concubines except Tong Qinge. Although Deng Yun could come, she was not allowed to bring any gifts, especially food. There were always several eunuchs and palace maids in the house watching. She didn't care. The next time I came, I touched Tong Qing'e's still unbulging belly, Is the little guy a little lonely? Bless me to have a younger brother.

The arrival of the emperor still made Tong Qing'e nervous. When she got up, she moved too fast and almost fell. Others didn't have time to step forward. Deng Yun grabbed her and sat down. This is not a formal occasion. You don't need to pay attention to etiquette at all times.

When Han Ruzi entered the room, the embarrassment came again, so he had to put on a dignified expression and said, I'm going to greet the Queen Mother, stop by and have a look.

Tong Qing'e blushed, and Deng Yun said generously, The Imperial Palace is His Majesty's home, and His Majesty can often 'drop in'. I told Concubine Deng just now that as long as it is not a formal occasion, there is no need to bow before His Majesty, right?

Of course. Han Ruzi nodded and looked around. The people who served Tong Qing'e were all the hard-working people in the past. He had seen all of them.

Deng Yun smiled and said, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, Zhang Youcai, your Majesty has come down, you don't have to watch so closely.

Zhang Youcai laughed a few times. He kept looking at Concubine Shu and hardly looked away. He did stare too closely, and motioned others to leave with him, but he didn't go far, so he stayed outside the door, probing from time to time. Take a look and be there when you need it.

There was a soft couch under the window, and the two concubines sat on it. Deng Yun pointed to the chair opposite, Your Majesty, please take a seat, Your Majesty, don't you just take a look and leave?

Han Ruzi hesitated for a while, but walked over and sat down. He was more like a visitor than the owner of the place.

Tong Qing'e didn't know what to say, Deng Yun smiled and said, You two are so bored, you really don't know how to be in bed... Let me find a topic, Your Majesty, I heard that you chose a pirate to be your general, it's true ?

Speaking of this kind of thing, Han Ruzi can say, Huang Pugong is no longer a robber.

He briefly recounted Huang Pugong's deeds. Deng Yun found it quite interesting, and even Tong Qing'e listened to it and said, He is a dutiful son.

Deng Yun said: The filial son is second, this person seems to be really good at fighting. What about the Yan family? Shouldn't he be punished for hiding such an excellent general?

Without the hiding of the Yan family, Huang Pugong would have been executed more than ten years ago, so the merits and demerits would be worth it. I called Master Yan Peng into the Suwei Army and made him a deputy commander. If he is really talented, he will always Useful place.

Tong Qing'e nodded indifferently, as long as the emperor seemed normal, she would not be so nervous.

Deng Yun really took the emperor's words seriously, thought about it for a while, and smiled: Your Majesty is appeasing Yan Kang, who is far away in the East China Sea. You are also right, like Huang Pugong, who can't produce one for many years, punish Yan Kang. The family can't cure the queen, but it makes the ministers suspicious, so it's better to give the Yan family a recommendation.

Most of the concubines and concubines didn't even have the full name of the ministers in the court, but Deng Yun was able to say the name of the minister of the East China Sea casually. Han Ruzi was a little surprised.

Deng Yun has been very smart before, but many words are more like what her brother Deng Cui taught her. Now that Deng Cui is far away in the Western Regions, Deng Yun can only rely on herself, showing her true temperament.

Huang Pugong has already gone to Yunmengze. If he can really make merit, I will send him to pacify the East China Sea. Then he will return to the East China Sea and cooperate with the Prime Minister Yan Kang to suppress the bandits. This is a trouble.

The former servant has become a general, and the old master's face will not be too good-looking.

Deng Yun took the emperor's words as a question and thought for a moment, Can't Yan Kang be recalled to the capital to appoint a high-ranking official?

I have this idea, but the bureau of officials said that although some officials in Da Chu are not hereditary, they are always held by a fixed family for various reasons. The Yan family is a big family in the East China Sea, and if Yan Kang is called to Beijing, the successor must be Yan. Family, the problem is not resolved.

Little Yan family, even His Majesty can't move?

You can move, but it's not necessary. The East China Sea is remote and needs more stability than the capital. The Yan family has no serious evil. Apart from that, the officials appointed by the imperial court will not do better, but it is more difficult to control.

Han Ruzi has long discovered that the farther away from the capital and the less smooth the roads are, the more stable the officials are, and they are always controlled by a few families. Item stipulates that when the term of office is about to expire, the court will always receive a large number of petitions from the people in the area, hoping to keep their parents and officials, and the court often pushes the boat with the flow.

As the emperor, Han Ruzi didn't like this kind of convention, but he couldn't solve it now, and in the next two or three years, he needed the stability of the East China Sea.

Deng Yun thought for a while, then smiled: In this case, Your Majesty should let Master Yan Peng also go to Yunmengze, doesn't he like to lead the army? Your Majesty will reward Huang Pugong and Yan Peng's teacher at the same time, and then send them both to the East China Sea.

Han Ruzi didn't respond, but he felt that what Concubine Shu said was an idea.

Deng Yun added: When the East China Sea settles down, Your Majesty will have room to maneuver. You can follow the example of the previous emperors and move the frontier clan to the mainland, and the Yan family should be included in it.

Han Ruzi smiled, but still didn't say anything. It was already breaking the rules to discuss political affairs with the concubine.

Tong Qing'e was stunned for a moment. She would rather be an audience member and felt very comfortable. It was too difficult for her to make up her mind. I-I think Concubine Shu is right.

Han Ruzi got up to say goodbye, after deliberation and self-improvement, he stepped forward to Tong Qing'e.

Tong Qing'e stood up in surprise, and Deng Yun watched with interest.

Han Ruzi had seen her mother, the queen and others stroking Tong Qing'e's lower abdomen, so he imitated and touched it lightly, and said bluntly, Concubine Hui is very precious. After giving birth, I will congratulate you with my congratulations.

Tong Qing'e was speechless, the emperor turned to leave, and she felt relieved after going out, thinking that this was more difficult than dealing with national affairs, but she did have a strange feeling in her heart. an expectation.

In the room, Deng Yun helped Tong Qing'e to sit down and said with a smile, Your Majesty is a good emperor and a good father. No matter what, I will give birth to a prince for him.

(Dedicated to Huang Pugong and all readers by borrowing a few poems from the reader's melodious feiling: even if you have Ling Yunzhi, it is difficult to give up your parents' kindness.

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