The Child Emperor

Chapter 429: A Confrontation

The Holy Soldier was in his forties, with a thin body, unremarkable appearance, but hard bones. He was tortured repeatedly, but he refused to recruit Han Chou. Every time he was asked, the answer was similar, It's not easy for the emperor to kill a minister. Why do you need my help?

Unlike other prisoners, he was not detained in the prison of Jingzhaoyin Mansion and enjoyed special treatment. He was admitted to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and was interrogated by different ministries almost every day. , but not used to it.

Hey, prison head, it's time, I haven't eaten today's 'Bamboo Shoot Fried Pork'!

The Prison of the Department of Punishment is located underground. There are not many rooms, but the prisoners are all felons. After the Holy Army Division shouted, there were sparse applause and faint applause from the depths.

The Holy Soldier was interested, sat on the straw mat, sang loudly, shook the chains on his body as a musical instrument, and sang an obscene ditty, from the jailer up to the emperor, the daughters of the family could not escape his arrangement.

Two jailers came with sticks and shouted angrily from the door, but the Holy Army division sang even more vigorously. He was a criminal in the imperial court and was beaten frequently during his trial, but no one dared to move in the prison. If something went wrong, the jailers cannot afford responsibility.

Gag his mouth with a rag, a jailer said.

Add food to him, the dirtier the rag, the better. Another jailer catered to him, and the two turned to leave.

The Holy Army Master laughed, You two have the dirtiest mother-in-law, bring them all, I will not refuse anyone who comes! After that, he sang.

For a long time, the jailer has not come back, and the air is filled with musty, stinky Punishment Prison, and it seems that a dirty rag cannot be found.

The Holy Soldier had a hoarse voice, and finally felt bored, lying on the ground humming, his stomach was really hungry, even if it was rancid meat, he could swallow it without hesitation.

There were footsteps outside, followed by the sound of the door opening. The Holy Soldier sat up, stretched his waist, twisted his neck, and said in a hoarse voice, Can you be more punctual in the future? Delaying my rest, I wonder if I'm chatting with the Jade Emperor in my dream?

The prison door opened, and two people came in. They were not the jailers. The Holy Army Division recognized one of them as Jin Chunzhong, who had tried him many times, and the other did not recognize him, so he took a few more glances.

The man held the lantern, put it on the ground at this time, and asked, Is that him?

Jin Chunzhong said, It's him.

I'm not 'he', I'm called the Holy Soldier.

The appearance is consistent with the rumors, but the temperament is not very similar. The stranger said.

Which immortal are you? Have you asked about my temper?

The man didn't answer, and nodded sideways to Jin Chunzhong, who withdrew and closed the cell door.

Interrogation in the cell is a bit new. But you're alone, wouldn't you be locked in to be my company? I'm not interested in eunuchs.

That man was a eunuch, walking slowly to the front of the Holy Army Division, with his back to the lantern, looking down at the prisoner from a height, the Holy Army Division struggled to get up and looked back proudly.

My name is Yang Feng.

The Holy Army Master looked at it again, and suddenly laughed, So you are Yang Feng, who came back from Yunmengze on purpose? Haha, I thought the famous Yang Gou was a great person, but it turned out to be just an ordinary eunuch. .

Each each other. Yang Feng said flatly.

What's the matter? Several judicial judges have exhausted their torture tools and failed to achieve their goals. You just want to convince me with just one mouth?

For people like us, we have all the skills in our mouths. What's the use of our mouths?

The Holy Army Division was stunned for a moment, and put away the arrogant expression on his face, but his words did not change, I'm not the same as you, you are a good man who stands above the ground, you are a court eagle, an emperor's lackey, and we have nothing in common. .

Yang Feng turned around and walked halfway around the small cell, neither refuting nor angry, Yun Mengze won't survive this winter.

Speak this kind of thing to the emperor, he will definitely like to hear it.

The assassination was unsuccessful, Luan Banxiong decided to participate in the Alliance Leaders Conference, thinking that he would gain the support of the entire Jianghu after becoming the leader of the alliance. Yang Feng just continued on his own train of thought, not caring about all kinds of ridicule, let alone answering.

The Holy Army Master's face remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, When I was leaving, I specifically instructed him not to participate in the Alliance Leaders Conference. It seems that he did not withstand the temptation. Forget it, I am already like this, what else can I do?

All your resistance now is meaningless. Why don't you call out the truth? You will suffer less and give us less trouble.

Even Mr. Yang has come forward in person. What else can I resist? If you want me to confess, yes, there is only one condition.

Please say.

Let the emperor come to judge me in person.

This is impossible. Yang Feng immediately vetoed.

As if he hadn't heard him, the Holy Army continued to put forward conditions, It's not that I go to the palace to see the emperor, but that the emperor comes to see me in the prison, and he must make it clear when he speaks to the emperor.

His Majesty's presence in prison will not change anything, and he will not come. The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty will not agree, and neither will I. Your Majesty has His Majesty's dignity and will not give up because of you.

Will only give up for the Huns? Haha, anyway, if you can meet the emperor, tell him these words, if he is the real emperor, he can make up his own mind.

I don't understand, you are from Jianghu, you don't care about the life and death of Yun Mengze and Luan Banxiong, but you have to help a corrupt official get out of crime?

I didn't help anyone, especially the emperor. He wanted to kill the minister. He wanted to find a way. Don't use me as an excuse. The Holy Army Division said these words again. It was very effective before, and often made the interrogators speechless.

Yang Feng seemed to have nothing to say so far, and was silent for a while, The assassination case has dragged on for too long. Starting tomorrow, the captured assassins will be executed one after another. It was completed a year ago. You are the last one. Probably around the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month.

Hey, I finally waited for this day, I was waiting for the emperor in the underworld, where he said nothing, everyone is evenly matched and we will fight again.

And Luan Banxiong, you will meet first. He is meeting with heroes from all over the world, and he wants to control the Alliance Leaders Conference, but these heroes will persuade him to surrender and accept the peace. Whether he agrees or not, as long as he shows hesitation, he will die. undoubtedly.

I don't care anymore. The Holy Legionnaire said indifferently.

That's good, because you are the reason for Luan Banxiong's hesitation.

The Holy Soldier didn't say a word.

Yang Feng continued: Those heroes will not immediately persuade Luan Banxiong to surrender, but will expose your true face: it was the Holy Army who lobbied Yun Mengze to participate in the Qi rebellion and colluded with the Huns, and the result was a complete defeat, and Yun Mengze was notorious for this; The Holy Army Master planned a complicated assassination plan, but the result was a complete failure. Your Majesty is living well, but Yun Mengze has lost a number of good players, especially Luan Kai and Zhao Shiniang, one is Luan Banxiong's adopted son and the other is his Your concubine will die at your hands.

The real name of Ah Zhen, who was assassinated in the Cui Mansion, was Zhao Shiniang. Although she was highly skilled in martial arts, she was not well-known in the arena, and only Yang Feng could find out.

The Holy Army Division was not surprised, looking at him coldly, Why tell me this?

Follow the trend, those who look for qi pay attention to this, so I will tell you the current general trend.

I want to learn the technique of looking at the breath, you haven't started yet?

According to the gourd and the scoop, there are always two or three points similar. Yang Feng smiled.

Hey, you didn't even learn half a point. The Holy Soldier looked disdainful, then returned to his normal expression, thought about it, and said, The general situation is actually like this: Luan Banxiong doesn't care about the loss of these people in the capital, the Holy Soldier? It's just that Just a famous lobbyist, with no life-threatening friendship; Zhao Shiniang? One of the many women, one less is more quiet; Luan Kai? Just a silly boy, although his martial arts skills are high, he will cause trouble sooner or later, and he will die if he dies, what's the matter? What a pity? Luan Banxiong is not the only one with these two masters. He will pretend to participate in the conference of alliance leaders. When the government relaxes its vigilance, he will preemptively destroy the stronghold of the imperial army, and then wait for the opportunity, or stay in place to fight, or retreat. In the East China Sea, the heroes of Zeli are still the overlords at sea.”

Yang Feng shook his head, You're right, but there are too many lies. I found out clearly in Yunmengze. Although Luan Kai and Zhao Shiniang are not the only masters around Luan Banxiong, they are the most loyal. He will be sent to assassinate him, especially Zhao Shiniang, who knows that he will die in this trip, but still has no turning back, how many people like this are left around Luan Banxiong?

The holy army teacher laughed, It's a waste of you to hunt down so many heroes in the rivers and lakes, but you only know the rules of the rivers and lakes, but you don't know the details: Zhao Shiniang's son stays with Luan Banxiong, she dare not obey? Luan Kai is easy to cultivate, After Luan Banxiong killed the children, they were raised to be dead men. Luan Kai’s martial arts skills were higher, but not outstanding. How many people like this are around Luan Banxiong? Countless. Emperor Dog escaped, More assassinations await him!

Do you want the court to shift its focus from Yunmengze back to the capital? Yang Feng smiled coldly, Great Chu has both offensive and defensive capabilities, and has the strength to fight on two fronts. Luan Banxiong won't be able to hold on for long, and the assassins who entered the capital are nothing more than to die.

There are people like Luan Kai in Yunmengze, I'm afraid you won't be able to kill them.

Yang Feng stared at the holy military division for a while, and suddenly said, You are not Chunyu Xiao.

The Holy Soldier was stunned.

Yang Feng turned around and picked up the lantern on the ground, knocked on the prison door, waited for the outside to open, and added, Chunyu Xiao won't be as stupid as you.

The Holy Soldier was stunned again.

The door opened and Yang Feng went out.

Jin Chunzhong closed the door and asked with some confusion, How much of what the Holy Soldier said is true?

This is just a verbal confrontation. It doesn't matter how much it is true or false. He won and lost at the same time. Yang Feng raised the lantern and illuminated another person beside Jin Chunzhong.

Assassin Luan Kai was firmly tied to a long wooden board, with a cloth stick in his mouth, unable to move or speak, his face was flushed red, his eyes were full of hatred, as if he wanted to eat people.

About him and Zhao Shiniang, the words of the Holy Soldier are true. Yang Feng said.

Four soldiers came and carried Luan Kai out. After walking a dozen steps, the roar of the Holy Army Division suddenly came from the prison: Yang Feng, come back and fight again!

Yang Feng didn't want to fight anymore, so he got out of the prison and went to another room. He told the soldiers to let go of Luan Kai without loosening the ties.

Luan Kai vomited a few times, and said angrily, There is a human head in Han Chou's house, which was buried by him and the Holy Army Master. I saw it.

Yang Feng nodded, but Luan Kai didn't calm down: Foster father... Luan Banxiong really killed my family? And he doesn't care about my life or death?

Yang Feng nodded again, and he didn't even want to move his lips towards Luan Kai.

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