The Child Emperor

Chapter 467 The court cannot be divided

Nan Zhijin returned to the capital in a hurry, but did not go home. He went straight to a teahouse that he used to go to. After sitting for a long time, he slowly calmed down and looked at the busy traffic outside, as if from a lifetime.

It was almost dark, and it was estimated that the ministers should be home. Nan Zhijin left the teahouse and went to visit Prime Minister Zhuo Ruhe.

Zhuo Ruhe was also stunned that day, but he slowly calmed down, and after thinking about the emperor's attitude, he felt that he had not reached a dead end.

Therefore, he was very reluctant to see Nan Zhijin again, but he couldn't see it, so he kept the two followers by his side to prevent anyone from making irresponsible remarks in the future.

You shouldn't have come. Zhuo Ruhe said bluntly, Your Majesty is merciful, we should be wise to protect ourselves, and only do our own duty from now on.

Nan Zhijin saluted, All along, everything I do has been counted.

Zhuo Ruhe was very dissatisfied, Nan Zhijin, don't say such things in front of me, since I took office, half of the appointments and removals of officials in the court are related to you, and this is also within your share? Are you the Minister of Officials?

Nan Zhijin didn't care whether there were outsiders present or not, and said sternly: The Prime Minister can inquire, I recommended some officials, but did I get any benefits from anyone? Nan has lived in a poor street and has no money left. , the wife and children are self-sufficient, have you ever received help?

Zhuo Ruhe had indeed sent someone to investigate, and what Nan Zhijin had said was true, otherwise, he would not have allowed a junior official in Zhongshu Province to do whatever he wanted.

What exactly is your 'responsibility'? The entire Zhongshu Province does not have this responsibility, right?

There are some things that cannot be said in front of the emperor, but must be made clear to the hesitant prime minister, Nan Zhijin said: My 'responsibility' is also the 'responsibility' of every minister of Chu, the prime minister. Who do you think the court belongs to?

Of course it belongs to Your Majesty, Nan Zhijin, be careful when you speak. I am the prime minister of the dynasty, not a street citizen. You can't help but talk nonsense.

Nan Zhijin smiled, The common people can't tell me what I said. Let me ask another way, to which His Majesty does the imperial court belong?

Zhuo Ruhe was taken aback and said coldly, There is only one His Majesty in Great Chu.

Nan Zhijin shook his head, No, there are nine His Majesties in Great Chu. Today is one of them, and there are eight others, all of whom are in the Imperial Temple. The court of Great Chu does not only belong to the present day, but all nine His Majesty.

Just based on these words, you should be executed. Zhuo Ruhe winked at the entourage, and he was ready to evict the guest.

Nan Zhijin, who has always been restrained, showed a somewhat fanatical expression at this time, Even if I die, I have to tell the truth, the influence of the nine His Majesty on the court is incomparable: Taizu Dingding, the greatest credit, the subsequent emperors are nothing more than sons and fathers. It's just to keep the throne, and it is Emperor Wu who shapes the court again, and only Emperor Wu can continue the merits of Taizu.

Needless to say, Nan Zhijin, Your Majesty forgives you, you should be grateful to Dade...

Nan Zhijin sighed, I really should be grateful to Dade, so I came here to say something to the Prime Minister.

Zhuo Ruhe motioned to Nan Zhijin to continue, and he was ready to refuse.

Your Majesty can be chaotic, but the court cannot be chaotic; the court can be chaotic, but the prime minister cannot.

You think too much, Nan Zhijin, His Majesty is not in chaos, I am not in chaos, and the imperial court is still stable.

Nan Zhijin stepped forward and stared at Zhuo Ruhe, Your Majesty thinks that His Majesty's forgiveness will bring peace from now on? We all know that the imperial court has never been monolithic, and the civil and military officials are all about to move when they hear the wind, just waiting for someone Take the lead, and there will soon be countless memorials to impeach the prime minister. At that time, the prime minister's charge will not be as simple as colluding with his close ministers and listening to the will of the Holy Spirit.

I have a clear conscience.

The Prime Minister has been an official for quite a few years, can you be innocent of guilt with a clear conscience?

Zhuo Ruhe was silent. In fact, he could not say that he had a clear conscience. Although the appointment and dismissal of officials was often influenced by Nan Zhijin, he also promoted many cronies himself, which was difficult to be fair.

I won't go against the holy will again, Nan Zhijin, I also advise you, let's stop here, let His Majesty decide everything, you and I just keep our duty. After all, Emperor Wu is the 'Your Majesty' in the Taimiao, not you. recoverable.

I didn't think of going against the will of the Holy Spirit. On the contrary, I hope that the imperial court will be strong and all officials will be united in order to better serve His Majesty. The Prime Minister also has the same hope, right?

Zhuo Ruhe was silent again, he already understood what Nan Zhijin meant, and became more and more hesitant.

Nan Zhijin took a few steps forward again, came to the table, and said solemnly: The Prime Minister has promoted many officials and demoted a few. Some people are grateful, and naturally some people hold grudges, but why is everyone being at ease? Opposition? One is that the Prime Minister has the skills to govern officials and has the support of all forces in the DPRK and China, and the other is that there is acquiescence from the emperor. Those who hold grudges know that they have no hope, and they will also eliminate the desire for revenge, but that is temporary. , will not endure forever.”

Zhuo Ruhe had to admit that Nan Zhijin had a point.

When things are stable, I will follow Prime Minister Shin's example.

Leave the mess to Your Majesty?

Can't go forward, can't go back, Zhuo Ruhe is angry and annoyed, What do you want me to do?

I have already said that the imperial court must be stable and not to be divided. This is a good thing for the Prime Minister, His Majesty, and the Great Chu.

Zhuo Ruhe was silent for a longer time, and finally waved his hand, and the two entourages withdrew with interest.

Nan Zhijin breathed a sigh of relief. There was no one around, but he lowered his voice, Have you ever thought about it, Your Majesty, why is His Majesty so tolerant towards you and me?

Why? Zhuo Ruhe thought a lot, but it wasn't enough to explain everything.

Because in His Majesty's eyes, the ministers of the DPRK and the middle are united in one mind, one loss and one glory. He does not want to destroy the current situation, so he is patient for the time being. Once a large number of officials impeach the Prime Minister, the court will show signs of division, and His Majesty will never Be patient.

Can you guess His Majesty's thoughts again? Zhuo Ruhe once relied on this old Zhongshu provincial official, but now he detests him deeply.

Nan Zhijin nodded slightly.

Zhuo Ruhe didn't expect the other party to admit it, and was stunned for a moment, The matter has already been revealed, Zhao Ruosu has no chance to stay by His Majesty's side, why do you... Zhuo Ruhe suddenly woke up, It's not Zhao Ruosu!

It's him, but it's not the only one. Zhao Ruosu only wanted to bridge the gap between the ruler and the minister, but the content is too little. I have other sources to supplement. This source is safe and sound, and Your Majesty has no doubts at all. So I still know that Your Majesty Thought: Your Majesty hopes to hold on for a while, wait for the cronies he has cultivated to gain a firm foothold, and wait for the Great Chu to resolve the internal and external troubles before attacking the court.

Zhuo Ruhe looked at Nan Zhijin and suddenly felt a little scary,

I am the guardian of the imperial court. There are not only one person like me, the Prime Minister, and even you are one of them. As long as we are closely united, the imperial court will not be chaotic. If the imperial court is not chaotic, Your Majesty will not It’s easy to change the status quo.”

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhuo Ruhe's body, Don't say it anymore, let's go. I won't contact you again. After half a year, I will hand over the seal.

Master Prime Minister really thinks that he can get out of his body?

Zhuo Ruhe's face was red and his ears were red. Before he knew it, he had been involved too deeply. Since he took office, the more support he received, the more hatred he buried in secret, but he never showed it. He said bitterly, Except for Zhao Ruosu. ,Who else?

Nan Zhijin held up his hands, Even if I cut off this head, I wouldn't say it, I wouldn't dare say it.

Zhuo Ruhe suppressed his anger, Nan Zhijin, do you know my bottom line?

Of course, never betray Your Majesty.

Which Your Majesty? Zhuo Ruhe had to ask clearly.

Your Majesty today. Nan Zhijin smiled slightly, I have said it many times, Prime Minister, our bottom line is the same. Although His Majesty has some... shortcomings, he is the most qualified emperor since Emperor Wu. In the whole clan, there is no second person to be found. Nan Xingzhi swears that he will never have a second heart, and the purpose of stabilizing the court is to prevent someone from rebelling.

What are you going to do? Zhuo Ruhe was reluctant, but was persuaded.

At this moment, the key person is Lord Hubu Qu.

Qu Zixi? Zhuo Ruhe was a little confused.

Master Qu is arrogant and arrogant by nature. He has always been reluctant to integrate into his colleagues. He also has many disciples, and most of them are young people who are unstable. The court is divided, and the other party will take him as the head.

Zhuo Ruhe was silent again, and what Nan Zhijin said was true. It was for this reason that at the Qinzheng Hall, everyone would recommend Qu Zixi to be the first to see the emperor.

This is a trick. If the emperor thinks that Qu Zixi is also part of the court, he may act more cautiously.

Facts have proved that this trick is likely to work, and the emperor has indeed become tolerant after seeing Qu Zixi.

Zhuo Ruhe became more and more unable to have a clear conscience and sighed, The Ministry of Quhu has a very good reputation, and His Majesty appreciates it. Don't act rashly towards him.

Of course, that would make the court split even faster. I mean Lord Qu has been in the Ministry of Household for a long time and should be transferred to the Ministry of Officials.

The Ministry of Personnel is the head of the six departments, and it was transferred to the Ministry of Personnel. The rank has not changed, but the real power has increased. Moreover, this is the only way to get to the position of Prime Minister.

This is the same as asking Qu Zixi to see the emperor, it is to show the unity of the court.

That's it? Zhuo Ruhe didn't quite believe it.

Nan Zhijin smiled slightly, When there is a long vacancy for the imperial censor of the right patrol, Mr. Qu can also serve as a concurrent post.

The imperial censor is one step closer to the prime minister. Although the emperor is optimistic about Qu Zixi, this speed is too fast, and the prime minister himself feels the threat. Although he wants to retreat, Zhuo Ruhe is still a little uncomfortable when he hands over the position to the competitor. willing.

There are not many precedents like this. Zhuo Ruhe said coldly, the Ministry of Personnel and the Censor are both officials, but their responsibilities are different. One is responsible for assessment, appointment and removal, and the other is responsible for supervision and supervision. Except for some transitional periods, it is rare to allow the same person concurrently.

Let Your Majesty decide such a big matter. If I guess correctly, Your Majesty will definitely agree to appoint Qu Da as the censor of the right patrol. That's enough.


There will soon be a case in the hands of the imperial censor of the right patrol. If it is handled well, the court will not be divided, and the prime minister will be able to regain His Majesty's trust.

What case?

The Yan family.

Zhuo Ruhe's expression changed slightly.

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