The Child Emperor

Chapter 498 Matchmaker

The East Sea King has less contact with outsiders recently, and the news is not so well-informed. He sent Mrs. Ping'en Hou away, and returned to the back house to ask Mrs. Tan, Have you heard of the Queen Mother's favorite Wang Cuilian?

Tan's attitude was much better than yesterday, and she immediately replied: Of course, although she is not a life wife, all life women want to please her, just to have a relationship with the Queen Mother. In fact, she is a long-tongued woman who spreads gossip everywhere. It is said that she has been a matchmaker in the countryside for many years, and she can speak well, so she is very fond of the queen mother, and now she has not forgotten her old business, and often tells her family to the noble family.

The King of the East Sea smiled and said, Have you ever flattered her?

Tan's face turned cold, Although our Tan family is not very expensive, we still need some face. If you want to please me, she is not worthy. After a pause, she added: In your situation, everyone is like Just like guarding us against thieves, Mrs. Ping Enhou visits occasionally, who else can I please?

The King of the East Sea smiled without saying a word, thinking in his heart, how can I see Wang Cuilian, it is definitely not possible to go to the door in person, it is really unreasonable for the princes to visit the women, and Wang Cuilian may not be at home.

The King of Donghai looked at the annoyed Mrs. Tan, had an idea, and said with a smile: You are right, how can our family please a matchmaker? We have to let her please us.

Tan stared at her husband coldly, Are you crazy?

Me? Of course I'm not crazy, no, I'm a little crazy. Since everyone else is guarding us like a thief, let's just be a thief once - you send someone to mourn the matchmaker Wang.

She's not dead, so what's the mourning? Tan asked in surprise.

You'll know when the time comes, send someone, and say—what do you call her?

Aunt Wang. Tan said with disgust.

'I heard that Aunt Wang is dying soon, and the Princess of the East China Sea sent me to greet her.'

Tan was more and more surprised, and was stunned for a while, Why use my name?

You are all women, and I don't know her. Have you met before?

Mrs Tan thought for a while, Are you trying to force the matchmaker Wang to come to the door to ask the guilt?

The King of the East Sea smiled and nodded, Don't ask more, you let me solve the problem, just follow my method. When my big problem is solved, the Tan family's small problem will be solved naturally.

Tan looked at her husband a few times, It's done, you are the head of the family, if you can't do it, see how I deal with you.

The next morning, the servant girl sent by the Tan family was scolded back, and her face was still red when she got home, Princess, we have offended others this time. Aunt Wang is not here, her family is not to be messed with, what is it? If you dare to scold you with swear words, you will almost hit someone.

The servant-wife had lingering fears, and the Tan family was also a little nervous, but the King of Donghai was meaningless and sat at home waiting for an answer. That afternoon, Feng Ju and Yuan Jiuding came again, rambling, coercion and temptation in the hint, and the King of Donghai took the lead. If you don't understand, greet each other with a smile and send them off with a smile.

Wang Cuilian came in the evening, riding a small sedan chair, and a woman accompanying her shouted to the gatekeeper, Where's your princess? Let her come out, Aunt Wang has something to ask!

Wang Cuilian is in her 40s, with a mean face, she looks kind when she smiles all over her face, and looks like she wants to eat people when her face is frosty.

The servant welcomed Wang Cuilian into the main hall, and Mrs. Tan came out to greet him and kept apologizing, Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, didn't the King of Donghai just come back from Luoyang, I didn't know what I heard there, but... In short, it is a misunderstanding, Aunt Wang must not take it to heart.

Wang Cuilian looked suspicious, Can the King of the East Sea also hear about me in Luoyang?

Mrs Tan smiled and said, Aunt Wang, who is unknown to everyone, where is there no news from you?

Wang Cuilian's momentum subsided a little, You ask the East Sea King to come out to see me, I want to listen to his explanation.

The King of the East Sea was already ready, and as soon as he entered the hall, he cupped his hands and smiled and said, I'm so sorry for making such a big misunderstanding.

Wang Cuilian was just an ordinary woman, but she did not stand up in the face of the lords, and said arrogantly: It is said that the king of the East Sea is very clever, and his reputation is well-deserved.

I've won awards and awards, where did I get cleverness? I'm not smart at all.

That's right, if you were really smart, you wouldn't just be a prince. Wang Cuilian poked at the sore spot of the King of the East Sea.

The King of the East Sea did not take the bait, and still smiled: The princes are very good, I have no regrets in this life, but Aunt Wang... The King of the East Sea looked at it carefully, and seemed impolite.

Wang Cuilian became more and more annoyed, What did you hear in Luoyang, you actually cursed me to death?

Mrs Tan stood on the sidelines, but wanted to see how her husband dealt with this famously difficult aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang is testing me, right? How could the well-informed Aunt Wang not hear about such a big thing?

Before Wang Cuilian came, she had a three-point doubt in her heart, but at this time it increased to five points, I am a commoner, and the news is not well-informed at all, and I heard you chewing your tongue all by yourself.

Aunt Wang really doesn't know?

Don't play tricks, if you have something to say, this is the capital, I'm not afraid of you when there is trouble. Wang Cuilian felt a little guilty.

Donghai Wang frowned slightly, Oops, then I made a big mistake, Aunt Wang, please forgive my unintentional mistakes, I apologize to you, if you are not satisfied, I will come to the door tomorrow to apologize and send a copy. A generous gift as an apology.

The more Wang Cuilian didn't want to say it, the more curious and anxious Wang Cuilian became. The woman who came with her was not very knowledgeable and misunderstood the master's meaning, and said, Well, you Donghai King, now that you know that you are soft, just apologize. Now? Think beautifully, tell you...

Go out. Wang Cuilian shouted.

The old woman was startled, unable to hold her mouth, said Tell you again, and then exited the main hall with a flushed face.

I can say it this time. Wang Cuilian understood the scruples of the East Sea King.

The King of the East Sea cupped his hands and asked, Aunt Wang is about to have a big disaster, she really doesn't know anything about it?

I don't know, I'm just chatting with the queen mother and reminiscing about the past. Where did the disaster come from?

It's not about people, it's about things. King Donghai stepped forward. This was the palace, but he was like a guest, Aunt Wang should have heard about Wang Pingyang's fate, right?

Cut off official positions, distribute frontiers, and never use them, but what does this have to do with me? Although they are all surnamed Wang, they are not family members. Wang Pingyang is a foreign relative, what am I?

Wang Pingyang said he was a relative, but he was reluctant, right?

Well, he was a relative whom he later recognized... What did you say he did? Wang Cuilian was a little impatient.

If Aunt Wang hadn't come to the door today, I would never have disclosed a word, but since you are here, I can no longer hide it. Why did Your Majesty clean up Wang Pingyang?

He broke the law.

Yes, but it's not an unforgivable crime. There are two reasons why Your Majesty is unwilling to tolerate it. One is to show the world that the king's law is selfless, and even relatives can't stay out of the law. The second is... Hey, let's In private, will Aunt Wang not spread the word?

Of course, you go ask, am I the kind of talkative person?

I believe Aunt Wang. King Donghai put away his smile, The second is to remind the palace to stop interfering in the affairs of the state.

Wang Cuilian was stunned for a while, The more you talk, the farther you go. The matter between Your Majesty and the Queen Mother has nothing to do with me.

The King of Donghai shook his head solemnly, No, it has a lot to do with it. His Majesty disposed of Wang Pingyang in the hope of giving the Empress Dowager a reminder, but the Empress Dowager obviously had a misunderstanding and seemed to hold grudges against His Majesty. His Majesty is far away in Luoyang, and it is impossible to come back and explain in person, so he has to continue. Remind the Queen Mother.

The East Sea King stared at Wang Cuilian again and smiled meaningfully.

Wang Cuilian panicked, It still has nothing to do with me.

Wang Pingyang has already been assigned to the frontier, who will your majesty remind the queen mother next? My relatives will definitely not work, that will only anger the queen mother, and her majesty can't bear it. It has to be someone like Wang Pingyang, the queen mother is more concerned, but not completely reluctant. to the point of.”

Wang Cuilian's face changed slightly, Your Majesty...know me?

What doesn't your majesty know? The big and small affairs of the capital are reported to your majesty every day, and your majesty is hidden, waiting for an opportunity.

Wang Cuilian's face turned pale, I am more in love with the queen mother than sisters, the queen mother will not...never...

As long as the queen mother is willing, she can definitely keep Aunt Wang, but is it worth it to offend Luoyang for Aunt Wang?

Wang Cuilian's face changed uncertainly, Is everything you said true?

The King of the East Sea smiled and said, It's up to me whether to say it or not, it's up to you to believe it or not.

Wang Cuilian murmured: You know, Your Majesty must know, even if you don't know now, you will tell His Majesty when you go back to Luoyang.

This matchmaker is not stupid. King Donghai has nothing to say, and glanced proudly at Mrs. Tan on the side.

Tan's face was expressionless, but in her heart she admired her husband and felt tender.

What do you want me to do? Wang Cuilian asked, not caring about the funeral.

It's not what I think, it's Aunt Wang, what can you do?

What can I do? Wang Cuilian asked, running out of ideas.

To find the source, Aunt Wang's danger all stems from the bad relationship between His Majesty and the Queen Mother. If mother and son can be harmonious, what danger is there for Aunt Wang? She will make contributions on both sides and her position will be more stable.

Let me persuade the queen mother to go to Luoyang?

This is the only thing that can restore the family relationship between the Queen Mother and Her Majesty.

Wang Cuilian pondered for a long time, then raised her head and said, King of the East Sea, you are the one who was ordered to welcome the Queen Mother, not me.

The King of the East Sea nodded, I am the one who has been ordered, but anyone who has made meritorious deeds can be.

I don't want credit, as long as the queen mother is happy.

The queen mother is happy, and your majesty is happy, and your majesty is happy, so naturally there will be no more right and wrong. East Sea King did not mention himself.

Wang Cuilian stood up with a smile on her face, You are indeed a smart person, but you have found the wrong person, King of the East Sea.

I don't think I found the wrong person. Donghai Wang smiled.

I'm really just chatting with the queen mother, there are other people who prevent the queen mother from going to Luoyang.


The King of the East Sea also has times when he is not smart. Of course, he is the one who calls the shots in the capital.

Being the master in the capital... Prime Minister? King Donghai couldn't believe it. Zhuo Ruhe had always been very loyal to the emperor.

Wang Cuilian said with a smile: Men are like this, thinking that they are all men. Don't ask me, ask the princess. Anyway, I don't want to cause trouble. If the king of the East Sea can get through the joints, I am willing to persuade the queen mother a few words.

Wang Cuilian didn't say goodbye, and strode away.

On the contrary, King Donghai was puzzled and asked Mrs Tan, If it's not the prime minister, who else could it be? It can't be the queen mother herself, right?

Mrs Tan has woken up, It's the princess.

Which princess?

Of course it's the princess of the Zhuo family. Don't you forget that the prime minister is also the consort.

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