The Child Emperor

Chapter 520: Stand by His Majesty

When Nan Zhijin came to the Qinzheng Hall, it was already dark, and a group of officials stood outside the hall. Some people shouted to defend the capital to the death, some people betrayed the idea of ​​long-term planning, and some people vowed to find someone to count, the enemy army. Can't pass Xiaozhou City.

In the hall, more than ten important officials were surrounding the prime minister, throwing one question after another, Zhuo Ruhe was overwhelmed, and when he saw Nan Zhijin, he immediately waved to him.

Not much to say, when it comes to this kind of thing, it is up to His Majesty to decide, but His Majesty is not there, and the imperial decree will not arrive for a while, so we can only discuss a solution first. Nan Yushi knows His Majesty better, let him guess. Whatever your Majesty will do, we will do it.

The ministers looked at Nan Zhijin. Some people were more familiar with him, some only heard his name, but the expressions at this time were the same, cold and stern, as if he was a prisoner who was called to the lobby to confess.

Nan Zhijin bowed to everyone one by one, accurately calling out everyone's official position and surname, especially for his immediate boss, Qu Zixi, who bowed deeper.

Zhuo Ruhe waved his hand and said, Time is running out, less politeness. If you have something to say, Yu Shi Nan can say it.

Even the prime minister didn't want to abide by the rules, Nan Zhijin pondered for a moment and said, Guessing your majesty's thoughts is a serious crime...

Qu Zixi said, It's easy to change things over time, this time it's not your fault.

Nan Zhijin bowed and saluted again, and then said, If you let me guess, Your Majesty will never abandon the capital.

Zhuo Ruhe nodded, feeling a little more confident.

Your Majesty is a very conscientious person, and he is persevering. He will never give up easily. I don't understand military affairs, but I think that if Your Majesty is here, he will not only defend the capital, but also send troops to assist Xiaozhou City, Mancang City and Yumen Pass. Every inch of land must be fought for. His Majesty's idea is this: The brave who meet in the narrow road will win, and as long as the Chu army retreats, it will grow the enemy's ambition and destroy its own prestige.

But the enemy army is obviously bigger than the Chu army. Where can I mobilize enough troops at one time? Cui Hong asked.

Nan Zhijin shook his head, I don't know, I can only guess. Even if your Majesty compromises, you will have to wait until the front line stabilizes before negotiating with the enemy.

When it comes to military affairs, among the ministers, only Cui Hong is the most knowledgeable. He thought for a while and shook his head, There are not many defenders in the capital, so it is impossible to divide troops to support the front. At this moment, there are nearly 100,000 troops in Xiaozhou City, and there are several of them. Wannan Army, it is best to defend the nature. If you can't defend it, it is useless to send people. The wall of the capital is high and thick, which makes it easier to guard. …”

It's the same as Shenxiongguan. Zhuo Ruhe interjected, Shenxiongguan was once considered impregnable, but finally fell.

Cui Hong suppressed the anger in his heart and cupped his hands: Of course, His Majesty is not here, everything is up to the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister thinks that Xiaozhou City should be supported, I will immediately lead the troops and set off. The big deal is that there will be no return, and I will be loyal to the country.

Zhuo Ruhe shook his head, I didn't mean that. Master Cui should go to guard Hangu Pass and escort the nobles in the palace.

Cui Hong hummed.

Zhuo Ruhe said, Let's leave Xiao Zhoucheng alone and guard the capital. That's all set. The most urgent task is to choose a general to defend the city. Do you have any recommendations?

Except for Cui Hong, the Qinzheng Hall was full of civil servants, who could make decisions, but did not assemble troops. However, most of the military department and the general's mansion were brought to Jincheng by the emperor, and there were not many generals left.

In normal times, everyone would rush to recommend their own people, but at this time, no one spoke. Cui Hong recommended a few people. He just returned to Beijing and didn't know the situation. The recommended people were not there.

Nan Zhijin said: I recommend two people, one of your Majesty will agree, and you will not, and the other will agree with you, but Your Majesty may not.

At this time, don't go around in circles. Zhuo Ruhe urged.

The son of Marquis Zan, Xie Cun, although young, has participated in the Battle of Jincheng and the Battle of Yunmengze. His Majesty has followed him several times, and he is well appreciated. This time, he stayed in the capital because of illness.

Some of the ministers recognized Xie Cun, He's only twenty years old, and he's just a little general in the Suwei Army.

When employing people, age and position are not important. Nan Zhijin no longer obeyed the rules.

Who is the other person you recommended? Zhuo Ruhe asked, feeling that Xie Cun was inappropriate.

Former Junyang Hou Huabin, who once led soldiers, is quite appreciated by Emperor Wu.

The ministers were even more speechless. Hua Bin had committed a major crime of treason, and is still under house arrest at home. Being able to survive is considered a kindness by the emperor, and there is really no way to explain it to the emperor when it is reopened.

Zhongsi Lin Liu Jie hurried in and handed the empress dowager's decree to Zhuo Ruhe, The palace is almost ready, when will the palace be moved?

Zhuo Ruhe looked at Cui Hong, and Cui Hong said, At the fourth watch tonight, try not to leak the news, so as not to disturb the people in the city.

Liu Jie withdrew.

Everyone continued to discuss the candidates for the general defenders of the city, and they all felt that Xie Cun and Hua Bin had their own problems and were embarrassed for their duties, but they couldn't find a more suitable candidate for a while.

Seeing that the night was getting darker, Cui Hong was the first to retire, and he had to prepare for departure.

Zhuo Ruhe called in a few more ministers, which only made the debate more intense.

Nan Zhijin was forgotten to the side, no one asked his opinion again, and no one let him leave. Nan Zhijin observed silently, quietly approached Zuo Cha Censor Qu Zixi, and nodded to him across several people.

Qu Zixi had just said something, and his mouth was dry. When he saw Nan Zhijin nodding, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. He quickly woke up. I hadn't thought of it earlier.

I recommend another person who is older than Xie Cun, more loyal and credible than Hua Bin. Qu Zixi said loudly.

All the ministers stopped and looked over.

Qu Zixi took a step forward, It's me.

All the ministers were stunned, Zhuo Ruhe frowned and said, Master Qu understands military affairs?

I've read some books, it's not that difficult to defend the city, and aren't there many generals in the city? It's just that the position is not high enough. With their help, there should be no problem.

Nan Zhijin on the periphery whispered: Xie and Hua can also use it together.

Yes, let these two come to help me.

Qu Zixi glanced around, all the ministers neither agreed nor disagreed, they all had a contemplative expression, Qu Zixi said angrily: The enemy army has entered the capital and the capital is in danger, even if you don't think about the people of the city, you should think about yourself. Who else is willing to come out and take charge of defending the city, stand up is, I will let Xian, if not, make a decision as soon as possible.

Zhuo Ruhe said: Okay, Lord Qu will take over the duty of guarding the city.

When the prime minister opened his mouth, other people would naturally no longer object. In the name of the prime minister, he immediately appointed Zuo Cha Yushi, Qu Zixi, as the admiral of Guanzhong, and also led the military minister.

Qu Zixi cupped his hands to Zhuo Ruhe and said, I will be responsible for defending the city, and the prime minister will handle other matters, so don't interfere with me.

Zhuo Ruhe led the ministers to personally send Qu Zixi out of the Qinzheng Hall.

The major event has been decided, the troubles of the prime minister have just begun, and several ministers have come to persuade the prime minister to move the court to Luoyang.

Zhuo Ruhe resolutely said, No one can leave. The reason why the capital is the capital is because the imperial court is here. If the imperial court abandons the city, it will show weakness to the enemy. The fall of the Great Chu begins from here, who can take this responsibility?

Several ministers entered the Qinzheng Hall before being summoned, and Uncle Wang Guo was among them. At this time, he said loudly: If you want to stay, you can stay. Why can the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Rites leave?

The two parts of the palm map book and the ritual vessel are the foundation for the rebirth of the Great Chu, and should not be left in Guatemala. Zhuo Ruhe's decision was not opposed by the ministers, and they all understood the importance of these two things.

Uncle Wang Guo was still dissatisfied, What about Yuan Jiuding, the Minister of Officials? I heard that he has already taken his family out of the city. Who let him go?

Yuan Jiuding leaving the city privately is a big sin.

No, I heard that the prime minister asked Yuan Jiuding to leave. His servant sent a letter to the prime minister in the afternoon, and a large number of officials were waiting in line for the prime minister's release. Anyway, there are no outsiders here, so the prime minister might as well ask for a price. .

Presumptuous! Zhuo Ruhe couldn't bear it anymore, took a few steps back, took out the letter from his sleeve, and said loudly: The letter written by Yuan Jiuding is here, Zhuo is not talented, but he won't be in danger in the city. It's time for public service and personal benefit, has any of my colleagues seen me giving anyone an order to leave the city?

No one answered, and Uncle Wang Guo also shut up.

Zhuo Ruhe was depressed for a long time, and he didn't want to hide it as soon as he opened his mouth, Yuan Jiuding claimed that my wife interfered in the political affairs and alienated the relationship between His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. I have nothing to say, even your family members, presumably not all innocent.

Zhuo Ruhe shredded the letter a few times, The city is broken and people are dead, and the people behind me will comment on it. If I am lucky enough to keep the capital, I will lie down and apologize to Your Majesty, and no one needs to be blackmailed by this matter!

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to speak.

Zhuo Ruhe was very happy, but suddenly it really doesn't matter, Tomorrow moves to the palace, the minister's family can follow at most two people, men over fifteen years old are not allowed to leave the capital, Zhuo's two sons, the youngest is sixteen this year. , all stay in the capital!

The ministers were horrified, but there were also people who supported the prime minister. The Minister of Rites, Liu Zeqin, took a step forward, The Minister of Rites wants to escort the gift vessel away from the capital, but the Minister of Rites does not have to escort him personally, so I will stay.

Zhuo Ruhe was a little surprised that Liu Zeqin was not from his faction, and his relationship with the emperor was not harmonious, so he actually stood up to express his support at such a critical moment.

The Minister of Household had no choice but to stand up and voluntarily stay in Beijing.

Zhuo Ruhe said slowly: Everyone, we are the imperial court, and everyone has fought with His Majesty to some extent, for what? It is to prove that the imperial court is right, and now, it is not what you said that proves right or wrong, But what to do, you and I are both Chu ministers, I have said a lot, and today it is time to do something practical.

All the ministers bowed and saluted together, only Uncle Wang Guo perfunctory, turned and ran out, to intercede with the Queen Mother herself.

In the yamen of the Ministry of War, Qu Zixi began to take over the army of the capital, and ordered Xie Cun and Hua Bindu to be called.

Xie Cun's illness has not yet healed, his face is pale, and he speaks in a nasal voice. After seeing Qu Zixi, he immediately said, Do you want to keep the roads and bridges outside the city, or to abandon Mr. Qu?

Should you keep or should you give up?

Send someone to guard first, if the situation is not right, wait for the opportunity to destroy it.

You go and draw up a plan.

Even if Hua Bin had an accident in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, and spoke more directly, Did Master Qu send someone to burn Mancang City?


If the full warehouse of grain falls into the hands of the enemy, the capital will fall.

Only then did Qu Zixi react, and he immediately called the general of the Su Weijun, and dispatched a thousand troops to Mancang City. As soon as he heard that Xiaozhou City had fallen, he immediately burned the granary in the city.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that Qu Zixi finally figured out the general idea, and said to Nan Zhijin beside him, If there is anything else to do, please remind me.

The imperial court only wants to guard the capital and is unwilling to support Xiaozhou City, but I know that Your Majesty will definitely take advance as a retreat, so please allow me to recruit rebels and go to Xiaozhou City.

Nan Zhi Jin paused, This time I'm on His Majesty's side.

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