The Child Emperor

Chapter 530: Attack the Capital Again

The middle-aged man laughed and turned to leave. The others also walked out of the front room. The King of the East Sea was stunned on the spot. He didn't know why, there were curtains everywhere in the tent.

Soon, another man walked in, wearing a narrow-sleeved robe, a pointed hat, and a beard on his lips. He looked like a man from Chu. When he came in, he snuffed out a few candles, and only three remained to keep the lights on. .

There are flammable things everywhere in the tent, you must be careful. The man approached the East Sea King and looked up at him.

Are you from Chu? Donghai King frowned.

What are people of Chu? The man asked back and laughed, Those who are ruled by the state of Chu and ruled by the emperor are the people of Chu. I was born in the Western Regions and grew up in a more western country. No one can be said to be my master when the princes and nobles do business. Only the emperor is the exception. He taught me what real power is. So I volunteered to be a slave and worked for the emperor. By the way, I have a kingdom of Chu. Name, Qiu Hong.

The King of the East Sea smiled and said: You don't need to explain to me the reason for being a slave, your appearance and dress have already explained everything.

Qiu Hong was not annoyed, I have seen the arrogance of countless people over the years of following the emperor, and I have also seen the same amount of fiasco and begging.

I'm here to negotiate with the god and ghost Da Chanyu. The King of the East Sea said coldly.

The name you said was called by the Huns, it's better not to say it again.

'Best' is often an extravagant hope. For example, your country thinks that you have entered the realm of Chu, but you don't know that the rear is in danger, and you have no way to go home. The King of the East Sea was eager to find out that the nobles were laughing. what.

Qiu Hong snorted, No wonder everyone laughed, it was because of this. He walked to a couch and sat on it, but did not invite the King of the East Sea to sit down.

The gods and ghosts want to let a minion negotiate for him?

I'm not here to negotiate. Qiu Hong said flatly, pausing for a moment, I'm here to see how sincere the messenger of Chu is, and then make a suggestion to the emperor.

Da Chu is very sincere and can ignore your country's rude invasion. As long as you withdraw from the Chu realm, Da Chu will also recall all the Chu troops in your country.

Qiu Hong laughed again, You really don't forget this matter. It seems that you don't know it, and it's no wonder. From here to the west, all paths are under our control, and the news cannot reach Chu.

Don't know what? Donghai King was worried, but his face remained calm.

You have a general named Deng Cui, who entered our country with a small number of people, and fought a few small victories at the beginning, but the whole army was wiped out in Shenye City.

East Shaowang's expression changed slightly.

Qiu Hong continued: Your country once sent an envoy named Han Xi, who claimed to be a royal relative.

He is indeed a descendant of the clan. King Donghai vaguely remembered that the emperor sent a messenger a few years ago, which should be called Han Xi.

He stayed in Shenye City for a long time, and this time he was also killed together. The Emperor Zhengtian has issued an order, and all people from Chu who travel west will be killed, so you see, I am not from Chu, I just inherited a piece of Chu people from my ancestors. face.

You are indeed not from Chu, and the real people of Chu will not forget their ancestors.

Haha. You still have an army all the way, starting from the sea, and the general also claimed to be a relative of the royal family, and said he was the emperor's uncle.

The King of the East Sea was taken aback, Who are you talking about?

It seems that the information from the state of Chu is not well-informed. Maybe that person is lying, but he did call himself Uncle Huang, seized an island in the state of Java, made himself emperor, and has no plans to leave. Announcement? It's strange, we got it very early.

Qiu Hong looked at the East Sea King with a smile.

The King of the East Sea became more and more confused. If Huang Pugong brought a group of pirates to proclaim himself king, he would believe it, but calling himself the emperor and proclaiming himself emperor was far beyond his expectations.

Of course, you can choose not to believe it, it doesn't matter, I just tell you, you can no longer use these two Chu troops to negotiate with us.

The King of the East Sea was speechless for a while. Regardless of whether the news was true or false, the emperor's purpose of using these two news to scare the enemy seemed to be unachievable.

But he didn't give up, he burst into laughter, quietly observed the reaction of the other party, seeing Qiu Hong a little impatient, he said: You can also choose to believe, I just came to tell the gods and ghosts Da Chanyu, this is the last time he returns home safely. Opportunity.

Qiu Hong put away his smile, got up and left.

Soon two servants walked in from the other direction and motioned for the King of the East Sea to follow them out.

King Donghai wanted to rush into the depths of the tent, or stand here and shout a few times, but he didn't dare to follow the servants back to their original residence. He was flustered. If what Qiu Hong said was true...

Your Majesty will definitely not be as panicked as I am. Donghai King said to himself, comforting himself a little, I am not here to argue whether the news is true or false, but to make the enemy hesitate.

The King of the East Sea was very dissatisfied with the reaction just now, and he made up his mind that he must act confidently when he has the chance to see Qiu Hong again.

The servant brought wine and meat. The King of the East Sea was really hungry, but he had no appetite. Why? Don't I need to see the ghosts and ghosts on an empty stomach?

The servant probably didn't understand the Chu language, so without even raising his head, he put down the food and turned away.

The King of the East Sea devoured it for half a meal, and suddenly thought that this might be a meal, he was going to die here, and he lost his appetite again.

The servant came in to take away the food, and the King of the East Sea was sitting on the bed in a daze, trying to talk to Zhao Ruosu, but there were guards at the door and he was not allowed to go out.

The King of the East Sea kept encouraging himself, but as soon as he stopped and thought about it, he felt that it was completely impossible. The god and ghost Da Chanyu must keep in touch with the extreme west. The news is much smoother than that of Da Chu. How could he be easily deceived?

Early the next morning, King Donghai was called out again. This time there was no soft sedan chair. Four guards took him to an open space like escorting him. Here, he saw Zhao Ruosu and others. was executed.

The two countries will not fight against each other. It seems that the gods and ghosts do not understand this truth. The King of the East Sea said loudly to Zhao Ruosu.

Zhao Ruosu didn't say a word, and folded his hands in his sleeves, as if watching the scenery.

The East Sea King was in awe, closed his mouth, looked around for a while, and found that it was not right. This was not the execution ground. The surrounding soldiers were mobilized in batches, as if they were going to the battlefield.

Not long after, someone brought the mount of the Chu envoy.

The King of the East Sea breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became nervous again. Taking advantage of the time to mount the horse, he said to Zhao Ruosu beside him, This is about to start a war? What should we do?

Act by chance. Zhao Ruosu still has these four words.

What kind of opportunity do you see? The King of the East Sea was a little embarrassed and angry, I can't see the gods and ghosts at all, only a cousin and a servant.

Zhao Ruosu nodded, jumped on the horse, and said nothing, still standing straight.

The King of the East Sea also got on the horse, thinking that he had to make up his own mind.

The envoy of Chu followed the army south, and the enemy could not see the front and back. The King of the East Sea wanted to find someone to talk to. There were many soldiers around, but no one could speak the Chu language. , or Hangu Pass?

The capital.

Hey, did you hear the news?

Zhao Ruosu shook his head, God and ghost Dadan Yu is a strong and unyielding man. He has advance and no retreat. Last time the enemy failed to capture the capital, and he was frightened by His Majesty with thousands of soldiers. He must be very dissatisfied, so he wanted to force the capital and use Set your mind.

The King of Donghai thought it made sense, Guess again, will the god and ghost meet me at the end?

If the capital is breached, he may meet the King of the East Sea with Yu Wei. If the capital is not breached - it's hard to say. A person like him can do anything in a fit of anger.

The King of the East Sea could not have imagined that his destiny was actually linked to the survival of the capital, Then...will the capital be breached?

I only guess people, not things.

The King of the East Sea was worried about gains and losses. He not only hoped that the capital could be kept, but also hoped that he could leave alive, so it was not so important to pass the news.

After walking for a day, the army camped behind a mountain. The capital could not be seen, and the enemy soldiers were even more numerous. At a glance, it looked like an endless ocean.

The envoys of Chu were scattered into various tents again, and the King of the East Sea still had one, but there was no charcoal and other things to keep him warm. After nightfall, the cold wind whistled outside, and it was so cold in the tent that people could not sleep, and the King of the East Sea shivered all night. I cursed that the enemy could be frozen to death.

Early the next morning, the envoy of Chu was brought out again. This time he only rode for an hour and stopped on a high ground, where he could see the capital from a distance.

A huge high platform was also built on the high ground, which was extremely ornately decorated, surrounded by a large number of soldiers. The ambassador of Chu stood under the high platform and was watched by soldiers. No one was allowed to raise their heads. In fact, even if they looked up, they could not see anything.

The gods and ghosts are on the top. The King of the East Sea whispered.

Zhao Ruosu snorted and looked at the capital like a statue.

Qiu Hong didn't know when he came. Standing behind the ambassador of Chu, he suddenly said, You can go home today.

Zhao Ruosu didn't move, the East Sea King turned back and looked at Qiu Hong coldly, You are giving up the chance to go home.

The world is home, and the emperor is home wherever he goes. If you are lucky, you will be able to see the emperor in the palace tonight. It is said that the Chu palace is very gorgeous, and I have always wanted to see it with my own eyes.

The East Sea King turned around, angry in his heart, but had nothing to say.

A group of soldiers escorted a person to the front of the high platform. The King of the East Sea was surprised to see that the detainee turned out to be the cousin of the god and ghost Da Chanyu.

The cousin knelt softly on the ground, trembling, and seemed to be crying.

Qiu Hong explained in a low voice: He commanded the siege before, and he was too timid. In the face of thousands of Chu troops, he didn't dare to attack. After a month of siege, there was no progress. This kind of person will not stay.

A gong rang on the high platform, the soldiers retreated, and only the cousin was left on his knees. He shouted in a strange language, as if he was begging or praying to the gods.

An arrow shot down from the high platform, hit the top of the cousin's head, followed by more arrows, and the cousin turned into a hedgehog when he fell to the ground.

The sound of the gong sounded again, and the enemy army made a sound of shouting and shouting, and it was passed out layer by layer.

In the distance, strangely-shaped siege machines began to fire huge stone bullets, and groups of soldiers carried ladders like ants and marched toward the city wall.

Climb up to the top of the city or die under the city, this is the order they received. Qiu Hong sighed softly, I'm even more sorry that this legendary capital of Chu State will be completely changed after today.

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