The Child Emperor

Chapter 534 Darkness on the battlefield

The torches behind him are as numerous as the stars in the sky, but there are not many people under the firelight.

The Chu army used its bluff to the extreme. The number of gongs, drums, torches, and flags were more than ten times the normal number. Dozens of generals dressed like Fan Cangshan, armed with double guns, and charged with soldiers.

The real Fan Chongshan was forced to stay at Hangu Pass.

The enemy army might be frightened, but the Chu army quickly lost contact with each other. The soldiers dispersed quickly and attacked from multiple directions. At the beginning, some people came back to report, and it didn't take long for them to get lost in the dark night.

Only the drums keep on beating and the killing sounds keep on.

Han Ruzi took hundreds of people to stay behind, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, turned to the soldiers and said, This rush will go straight to the capital.

At this time, no one persuaded the emperor, and everyone understood that it was useless to flee so close to the enemy, and it was easier to be hunted and killed.

The emperor rode the horse in front, Meng E, Wang He, Chao Jing, Ma Da and others quickly caught up, followed by a large number of guards and a small number of soldiers.

They crossed a frozen creek and strayed from the main road. They didn't have time to find their way or recognize their way. They just ran away with firelight and shouting.

The enemy did not appear, and even his own people disappeared. Han Ruzi slowed down, holding a gun in his hand. He always felt that his hand was slippery. Somewhere, he seemed indifferent.

This is really like a weird dream, Han Ruzi thought, and then thought it was ridiculous, at the critical juncture of life and death, he had such a boring idea.

Someone screamed in front of him. A guard threw the torch first. Several soldiers were lying on the ground, unable to tell which side they belonged to. One of them was screaming, regardless of race, and the screams in pain were similar.

Han Ruzi did not stop, and continued to gallop forward. There was a fire in front of the right, which suddenly jumped up more than a zhang, illuminating a large area of ​​black soldiers, and then shrank, and the soldiers disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Han Ruzi was stunned for a moment, and wanted to turn around and rush over, but was blocked by others, so he could only continue to move forward. When he turned his head again, not to mention the soldiers, even the fire disappeared without a trace.

Han Ruzi began to feel embarrassed and wondered if he was running in the wrong direction.

With a swoosh, an arrow was shot inexplicably, and it was not discovered until near, and a knife was raised, parrying it away.

Meng E, with a torch in one hand and a waist knife in the other, followed the emperor closely and relieved a threat in time.

Han Ruzi's heart skipped a beat, he had just brushed past death, and he was only a little short before he was about to die under the nameless arrow of the nameless generation.

He veered slightly, pressed the other horses, and forced the entire team to follow him.

Finally, he saw the scene of the fight.

A small group of enemy soldiers saw the torches here and were rushing over, leading a general with a Western-style spear.

Han Ruzi slapped the horse with his legs.

He surpassed the guards, but he didn't notice it. He concentrated on the enemy general on the opposite side, and regarded it as an exit to break through the dream. It seemed that as long as he stabbed this target, all the darkness and cold would disappear.

Someone was shouting behind him, but Han Ruzi heard it, but he didn't understand it and didn't care. He just wanted to rush forward and stab the enemy general who appeared and disappear in the firelight and fell off his horse.

When the two met, Han Ruzi even saw a lot of white gas spewing from the nose of the other's war horse.

He believed that he could stab, and this belief was so strong that he never thought of avoiding the opponent's attack, and completely regarded the opponent as a moving target.

With a bang, Han Ruzi suffered severe pain in his chest, his body swayed, and he almost flew off the horse's back.

Han Ruzi still only had the target in his eyes, and used all his strength to stab him.

The spear was stabbed and let go.

The mount continued to charge forward with its master.

Han Ruzi was unable to control the reins and wanted to straighten his body, but he felt the world was spinning and he couldn't tell the difference between up and down, left and right.

This kind of ending is disgraceful. He didn't even see what the enemy looked like. After thinking about this idea, Han Ruzi fell off the horse.

He didn't pass out, he just lost control of his body, just like someone who intentionally held his breath for a long time, and occasionally suddenly forgot how to breathe.

A hand reached out and pulled him off the ground.

Han Ruzi could feel his body again.

Meng E dismounted, threw away the torch, held the knife in one hand, and said angrily, This is not the emperor's technique I want to learn.

Meng E has never been angry, and Han Ruzi was very curious. Just as he was about to speak, his chest hurt again, and he couldn't help snorting.

Can you walk? Meng E asked.

Yes. Han Ruzi tried to take a step, but it was a little difficult, but it wasn't a big problem. Looking up, I was surprised to find that I was in the middle of a battlefield, there were people and torches scattered everywhere, and the guards around me were all gone except Meng E.

He didn't know how he rushed over, and even wondered if he fainted for a while.

Meng E dragged the emperor forward, trying her best to avoid the soldiers, but she couldn't avoid it, so she slashed at him with a knife.

Han Ruzi threw off Meng E's hand and went to touch his waist knife, but he flinched. When he fell from the horse, the knife fell to nowhere.

Meng E protected the emperor to go to the dark place, and once even fought against the Chu soldiers, until both sides shouted our own people in the Chu language, and then they stopped and separated.

The soldier vaguely heard that the opposite was a woman, and was obviously stunned, but did not recognize the emperor.

When Han Ruzi saw a long spear slanted on the ground, he ran immediately and pulled the spear forcefully. There was a scream from the ground, and it turned out that the spear was stuck on a person.

After the screams were silent, and he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, Han Ruzi walked out for a while with the gun in his hand. He suddenly remembered that it was the Chu gun, and the one who was stabbed must be the enemy soldier, so he was no longer apologetic.

Someone rushed over in the dark, and Han Ruzi shouted first, Da Chu will win!

The other party replied, Han Ruzi and Meng E used both swords and spears to knock the man down.

Han Ruzi pulled out the gun forcefully and said loudly, Go to the firelight!

Meng E pushed the emperor with her left hand and said sternly, No, come with me.


No one can. Meng E pushed again.

The ground was full of ice and snow, stones, and corpses, and the two of them marched one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Do you know where you're going? Han Ruzi asked.

safe place.

Where is the safety? There are battlefields inside and outside the capital.

Then there is no need to deliberately die.

There was a tree in front of her, Meng E asked the emperor to lean against the trunk, and she held the knife and looked around.

Han Ruzi really needs to rest for a while. He has always felt that his physical strength is good. After practicing internal skills, he can sleep for a short time for several nights in a row. He has participated in battles before, and he can persevere completely. This time he only experienced one charge, one time The spear stabbed, and was already exhausted and panting.

Don't be too tight. Meng E said.

Han Ruzi nodded and slowly regained his breath. Yes, he was too nervous and wasted a lot of energy unnecessarily.

Fan Zangshan is really a fierce general. Han Ruzi admired from the bottom of his heart, and now he understands how rare Fan Zangshan is, and he is fortunate to have left him at Hangu Pass.

Well. Don't move. Meng E ran out with a knife and came back soon. A torch on the ground not far away was extinguished, and the surroundings became darker.

I can do it. Han Ruzi said, feeling his strength coming back.

Meng E didn't move or make a sound.

We can go back to the battlefield. Han Ruzi said again.

You just said that there are battlefields everywhere.

Han Ruzi was speechless, and after a while he said, I want to fight.

Kill a few more enemy soldiers, and you can't win, you survive to win.

Han Ruzi was speechless again.

The two stood side by side under the tree so quietly, listening to the screams of killing around them.

It's a bit cold. Han Ruzi said, his chest also hurt, he reached out and touched it, the heart guard was sunken, and he suspected that his bones might be broken.

Go. Meng E led the way, followed by Han Ruzi.

Several soldiers ran over shouting an alien language, Meng E immediately turned around, dragged the emperor to the side, and squatted down.

Han Ruzi put the spear on the ground, and when the enemy soldiers passed by not far in front, he suddenly jumped up and charged with his gun.

Meng E stretched out her hand but failed to catch it, so she had to follow with a knife.

The enemy soldier was startled and ran away. Han Ruzi chased after him and stabbed one of them with one shot. The other three ran faster. When he drew his gun, he could only vaguely see his back in the dark.

Meng E stopped in front of him and whispered, Are you dying?

The enemy soldiers are running away. You see, they have no weapons and their voices are very fast.

There are only a few people, and there must be people who escaped from the Chu Bing.

Meng E continued to lead the way. She was like a vigilant cat. She could always avoid large and small battlefields through sound and firelight. She had only encountered a small number of skirmishers, stopped and walked, and never stayed in one place for too long.

Only once did the two of them accidentally get caught in a fierce battlefield. The soldiers on both sides fought bloody battles. Meng E recklessly swung the knife, and no matter who was hit, she made a way and took the emperor out. .

Han Ruzi's chest became more and more painful, but he didn't say it, and he didn't insist on participating in the battle anymore, and followed Meng E with a spear.

This night was so long, and it seemed like it was only a moment. Before I knew it, the sky was bright, and the surrounding scenery and people gradually became clear.

Han Ruzi was surprised to see that the capital was just a few miles away, and there was a battlefield not far away. The battle had just ended, and a group of soldiers were wandering around at a loss.

Chu soldiers, that's Chu soldiers. Han Ruzi couldn't see clearly, but he was very sure of his own judgment.

Meng E watched for a while, It's a Chu soldier, let's go over, don't say who you are.

Han Ruzi's armor was different from that of ordinary soldiers, but his helmet was lost, his body was covered in blood and mud, and he held an ordinary long spear in his hand.

Han Ruzi walked over and gathered dozens of soldiers.

Win or lose?

What about the enemy army?

How about Master Taifu?

What about Your Majesty?

Everyone has questions that no one can answer.

Go and join others. Han Ruzi ordered as a general.

There were still scattered soldiers in the distance. Han Ruzi took the lead and quickly gathered more than a hundred people, and even got a horse.

A cavalry galloped across from him and shouted loudly: The enemy is fleeing! The enemy is fleeing!

Han Ruzi was overjoyed. The first person that came to her mind was Meng E. She turned to look, but she was nowhere to be seen.

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