Han Ruzi slept until the early hours of the morning. The guard Wang He and a eunuch came in to wake him up. The eunuch served the emperor to dress. Wang He said: There was a little disturbance in the Baijia army. It is said that someone shouted that the Chu army was going to attack. The general pushed himself down, and it's all right, he came over in the middle of the night to report the situation.

Han Ruzi snorted, this is not the time to drink together last night, now he is the emperor and the leader of an army.

Wang He has always been calm, but today he couldn't hold his breath. He hesitated again and again and asked, How did Your Majesty guess that the Baijia Army would not rebel? I really don't understand.

For the Baijia Army, the time has passed. If they want to rebel, they should start early, and then go north to meet the ghosts and ghosts. Now that the enemy chiefs have arrived, and they are lined up in front, the Baijia Army will carry me. It is still a death penalty to take credit for the head of the people.”

Han Ruzi put on his clothes and armor, I understand that the gods and ghosts are Shanyu, and the Baijia Army understands better. They have been driven to a desperate situation, and they have no choice but to join forces with the Chu army.

Wang He was full of admiration, bowed and said: Your Majesty knows people, I am so stupid, I can't think of so much.

Han Ruzi smiled slightly. As the emperor, his authority is getting higher and higher, but there is no one around him who can tell the truth. He will never tell someone how panicked he is in his heart, his eyes are closed but he can't fall asleep. In my sleep, my dreams are full of scenes of myself being killed...

He won't say it, everything is hidden in his heart, and everyone can only see or hear about a well-thought-out and calm emperor.

It was still dark outside, and the soldiers had already woken up. Various voices in the camp converged, drums, gongs, trumpets, roars, whips... Different armies used different methods to convene soldiers, distribute breakfast, and conduct a Instruction and agitation.

Cui Teng and the others had already been waiting outside the hall, when they all came up to them, surrounded by the emperor and ascended to the watchtower.

Upstairs, more than ten heads were lined up, facing the open area in the north, ready to witness a great battle.

Cui Teng knelt in front of his father, muttered a few words in a low voice, then got up and stayed by the emperor's side.

The battle plan had already been arranged. The emperor symbolically beat the drum upstairs, and the officials of the Ministry of War immediately notified the messengers downstairs. A dozen soldiers carried flags and galloped out of the village to distribute the imperial decree.

As the sun was rising, Han Ruzi said, It's sunny today, it's a good day for a decisive battle.

Cui Teng raised his head and looked into the distance, smiled and said, There don't seem to be many enemy troops.

The number of enemy troops is not very large, but it is definitely not less than the Chu army, and they are all the elite soldiers of the gods and ghosts, and relying on this army, he conquered the entire West and drove a large number of soldiers to attack the great Chu.

The front line of the Chu army has already formed a formation. Fan Zangshan should be the first, but the distance is too far, and the people on the watchtower can't see clearly.

The sun rose a little, and the armies of the two sides began to shoot arrows at each other, causing minimal casualties. After three rounds, they all stopped wasteful behavior and sent the first team to charge.

Cui Teng's heart was burning, Which is General Fan? We must give the enemy a showdown.

Wang He cared more about the emperor, so he was the first to see the difference and whispered, Your Majesty...

Han Ruzi shook his head solemnly and whispered, It's okay.

Looking at the pale face of the emperor, Wang He knew that it was by no means nothing. He had clearly seen the pain on the emperor's face just now, obviously because he was not feeling well.

During the last night battle in the capital, Han Ruzi was injured in the chest and a rib was broken. Afterwards, he was only treated by the imperial doctor. Han Ruzi forbade the imperial doctor to come back, and he was not allowed to disclose information to the outside world.

He believed that he could bear it, and he had to bear it. At a time like this, a little accident from the emperor could arouse countless suspicions.

The battle between the two armies in the distance must be a fierce battle, but it is not the case from a distance. All the horses are running too slowly, the screams can not be heard clearly, and the scene of blood splashing is even more invisible.

Viewers from a distance can only use their imaginations to describe the tragic events on the battlefield.

Cui Teng clenched his fists, leaned halfway out of the watchtower, and was dragged back by two guards to prevent him from falling.

Han Ruzi looked at it for a while, sat on the only seat upstairs, and smiled to the accompanying generals and officials: There is nothing to do, let's make a bet, when will the battle be decided today?

Everyone was stunned, especially the two generals of the Baijia Army, who were even more surprised than the Chu people when the interpreter finished speaking in a low voice.

My bet ends around noon, and I bet one hundred taels. Anyone willing to bet? Cui Teng.

Cui Teng glanced at the distant battlefield again, I'll bet when the application is over, bet... 100,000 taels.

Han Ruzi reprimanded: Nonsense, you can only bet one hundred taels, does your Cui family have more money than the royal family?

Cui Teng smiled embarrassedly, Then one hundred taels, Shen Shi...a quarter of an hour before and after, count me as winning, right?


The others were still not enthusiastic to participate, so Han Ruzi continued to name him, Wang He, you can also guess the time.

I hope the sooner the better, it's time.

There's less than an hour left, Wang He, you're obviously going to send money. Cui Teng said with a stern look.

Wang He smiled, It's hard to say, maybe it's me who won? If everyone doesn't bet, won't I make a lot of money alone?

Hey, everyone is betting one hundred taels, so it's not much in total... Cui Teng got excited and urged the others upstairs to say time to bet, even the guards and two generals of the alien race were not spared.

Everyone had no choice but to place bets one after another. The vast majority of people betting on You Shi or Xu Shi was over. At that time, it was already dark and the battle could only end.

It's a head-to-head fight, and no one wants to fight at night.

A military officer wrote down one by one, feeling nervous and amused at the same time.

Han Ruzi looked at the youngest general in the crowd, Xie Cun, haven't you made a bet yet?

Xie Cun once assisted Qu Zixi in guarding the capital and made great contributions, but he has not yet awarded a reward. When the capital army went to support Cui Hong, he did not follow and escaped.

Are you betting on the end of the battle, or betting on the winner? Xie Cun asked.

It's a winner.

Do I have to bet today?

No need. Han Ruzi said.

Xie Cun thought for a while, I'll postpone the day.

Cui Teng shook his head, You can only bet for a certain hour, not for a day.

At noon the day after tomorrow... No, not before or after. Xie Cun said.

Have you written it all down? Cui Teng asked, and the military officer nodded.

Cui Teng was very excited and rubbed his hands together, Actually, I don't think there will be a winner today, Your Majesty, can I bet again?

No, just guess once.

Cui Teng thought for a while, I made a bet on my father's behalf. He is here too, so he should count as a share, right?

Okay. Han Ruzi agreed.

The application for the day after tomorrow will be one hour later than Xie Cun. Cui Teng said, and the supervising military officials wrote down.

The sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded in the distance, Cui Teng was more anxious than anyone else, and ran to the building to look into the distance, The Hundred Army has joined the war.

This was a critical moment. Two alien generals also came to the building, stood on tiptoe to watch the battle, and said something to each other.

The interpreter stepped forward and wanted to interpret to the emperor, but Han Ruzi waved his hand and said no.

After a full quarter of an hour, Cui Teng turned around and said to the emperor very solemnly, The hundred armies are brave and fearless.

Han Ruzi hummed, looking very indifferent.

Wang He was the first to lose, the morning had already passed, the war in the distance was in full swing, and there was no sign of the end.

Take the silver, one hundred taels. Cui Teng reached out to ask for it. He has always been serious about gambling.

Wang He patted his body and said embarrassedly, I didn't bring it, wait for me to get it back.

Can you? Cui Teng asked.

Sign the account. Han Ruzi said.

Wang He, deputy commander of the Sword and Halberd Battalion of the Suwei Army, owes 100 taels of silver, a certain year, month and day. Cui Teng dictated and asked the military officials to write down, and then said to Wang He, Sign it.

Wang He was helpless, picked up the pen to sign, everyone was surprised, and even cared less about the distant battle.

The second loser was the emperor himself. After noon, Cui Teng stepped forward and said with a smile, Your Majesty has lost, and your Majesty won't have any money, right?

Wait, I'm talking about noon, there's still a quarter of an hour left.

There was someone in the army who kept the time. Every quarter of an hour, the gong would be heard downstairs. Cui Teng listened carefully, and even forgot to watch the battle. As soon as the gong sounded, he immediately smiled at the emperor: It's here.

Isn't it over? Han Ruzi couldn't see the battlefield where he was sitting.

No, the battle is fierce, almost half of the Hundred Army is involved in the battle.

Han Ruzi really had no money on his body, nor did the eunuch beside him, Okay, I admit defeat and keep the accounts.

The officials of the Ministry of War did not dare to write, and did not know how to write.

Han Ruzi waved his hand, called for a pen and paper, and wrote in person: I owe a hundred taels of silver, a certain year, month, and day. The inscription draws a small circle.

Cui Teng glanced at it and said with a smile: If I win, I don't need money, I need the words of Your Majesty, take it back and seal it up, it's worth a fortune.

Han Ruzi snorted, his handwriting was not very pretty.

Fortunately, Cui Teng didn't win either. This battle was fought from morning to night. The two sides were at a deadlock. After dark, there was no winner. They had to retreat.

Fan Cangshan came back alive, covered in blood. The village had already prepared wine and meat. He first grabbed a piece of meat and chewed a few mouthfuls, then complained to the guards sent by the emperor, I'm more concerned than the enemy, and I won't let me at all. Charge.

What the guards told was another scene. Fan Chongshan entered and exited several times on the battlefield, changing three horses and a dozen long spears in front and back, picking down at least twenty enemy soldiers.

Cui Teng walked to Fan Zangshan's side and whispered, Let's make a bet.

Well, what note?

Although Cui Teng lost, he was even more excited about the bet. He showed the paper for the bet, When will the bet be decided, everyone has lost today, so Xie Cun will guess the day after tomorrow.

We fought bloody battles at the front, but you bet our lives at the back?

Cui Teng's face changed color, and he hurriedly said: This is Your Majesty...Tomorrow, tomorrow I will go to the battlefield with you and bet my own life.

Fan Zangshan laughed, I bet tomorrow before dark.

That's before and after You Shi.

Bet ten thousand taels.

Cui Teng praised refreshing, then shook his head regretfully, Your Majesty is only allowed to bet one hundred taels.

Then bet one hundred taels, wait, can my soldiers bet?

Cui Teng turned to look at the emperor.

Han Ruzi nodded.


Can dead people bet?

Cui Teng once made a bet for his late father, so he didn't need to ask the emperor, he said directly, Yes.

Okay, then bet, the vanguard army has 1,160 people, and when they all bet tomorrow's chief, one person is 100 silver, if you win, everyone will share, and if you lose, I will pay.

Cui Teng kindly reminded, That's more than 110,000 taels.

Fan Zangshan didn't expect so much, and suddenly became vague.

Han Ruzi said, One hundred taels of generals and twelve taels of soldiers are enough.

As Cui Teng wrote, he smiled and said, General Fan is not very good at gambling. You should divide more than 1,000 people into several bets, and bet at different times to win.

Fan Zangshan waved his hand, Just bet big, what do you want to win?

The gamble suddenly expanded, and several generals crowded in to place bets for themselves and their officers. Even the generals of the Baijia Army gathered around the interpreter to inquire about the details of the gamble.

Han Ruzi whispered to the eunuch beside him, You also make a bet on the afternoon of the next day.

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