Chapter 1063 Firefighter vs Cartoonist 6

"So this is your girlfriend." Lu Bingchen's eyes moved to Lin Zhi'an again and smiled, "She looks like that, a two-dimensional model."

"Thank you." Lin Zhi'an said calmly, "You're not the first to say that."

"I don't mean anything else." Lu Bingchen was a little embarrassed.

"I know, it's okay." Lin Zhi'an looked at the orange fireman's uniform he wore, which looked like a burning sun climbing up the mountain at dusk, making people feel infinitely safe and secure.

  She said: "I always look like this..."

People always have to experience something before they grow up and mature.

Although there are so many things that are unpredictable, the warm protection from strangers is still on the road ahead, which is very precious.

Lin Zhi'an gently patted Gu Qingtian's shoulder and watched her and Lu Bingchen scan WeChat. It turned out that the distance went from far away to close, which can be determined this way.

It’s just that she never even had a chance to say thank you to the person who once saved her.

For that person, it was one of the most ordinary responsibilities among millions of people, but for her, it was the world she had at the age of fifteen, condensed into dreams for the next eight years, until it became a secret buried deep in her heart, in the city Eliminate.

Lu Bingchen said a few words to Wei Chengze: "How is your uncle doing lately?"

"My uncle? It's still the same." Wei Chengze said disapprovingly, "But the business of the board game store seems to be not doing well this year. Can we come out for a drink some other time?"

Lu Bingchen frowned and shook his head: "...There is a chance."

 In Aida Community, the tall old elm branches are lush with leaves.

Wei Chengze arrived here and had to drive away alone.

With such a big thing happening, Lin Zhi'an accompanied Gu Qingtian back home, wondering how she felt about having dinner with Wei Chengze. Even though Wei Chengze was a little dissatisfied, he couldn't force it. Before leaving, he held Lin Zhi'an's hand and stared at her with a smile, his peach blossom eyes mixed with thick ambiguity: "make it up to me tomorrow."

That night, Lin Zhi'an slept with Gu Qingtian. In the empty room, the two girls chatted.

“Zhi’an, the feeling of loss is really terrible. You will never understand this feeling, and I hope you will never understand it.”

"So we should learn to cherish it while we still have it." Lin Zhi'an smiled softly, showing two small tiger teeth in embarrassment.

“You look at the firefighters today with different eyes, I can feel it.” Gu Qingtian held up his face, “It’s been eight years, and you still can’t stop thinking about him?”

"It might have been the case before," Lin Zhi'an said, "but now I just think about it. Even if we really meet her, it won't matter. It's just no fate. I will embrace my new life."

 “Send him a thank you.” Gu Qingtian pushed his cell phone to Lin Zhi’an. It was parked on Lu Bingchen’s WeChat chat page, and he had not said hello yet.

 The two girls looked at each other, which to a certain extent closed the loop on their past regrets.

Lin Zhi'an typed each word slowly.

The other party quickly replied that it was okay.

 In the car, Lu Bingchen turned his head and looked at the board game store at night.

 Sighed and stopped outside for a long time.

 Get off the car and walk in.

In the board game store, the lights were on, and a man was leaning on the chair behind the counter. Most of his face was sunk in the interlaced shadows of light and shadow. He was wearing a black jacket, his legs were long, his face was tired but casual, and his voice seemed indifferent. Without raising his head: "How many of you?"

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