Chapter 539

The hibiscus tent was warm, this was the most comfortable night Feng Yinshuang had spent in so long.

Accompanying her is her beloved husband and the man she will spend the rest of her life hand in hand with. In her heart, she has never been more secure and satisfied.

Han'er was taken to the next room by Hongluan to take care of them, and they could have a good life together.

Feng Yinshuang served him to wash and change clothes, and she was very virtuous.

Qian Qixue was enjoying her care, and there was a gentle and intoxicating smile on the corner of her lips. With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?

Looking at the scars on his body, she felt distressed and didn't know what to do. She hugged him tightly from behind and kissed the scars with her lips.

Seeing these traces, she could imagine how he was injured at that time, and how much suffering he had suffered for so long. She only hated that she couldn't share for him.

"Girl, if you continue like this, I'm not sure if I can hold it." He said in a hoarse voice.

They hadn't seen each other for such a long time, and the excitement and joy in his heart almost drowned him, but he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that if it got out of hand, he would not be able to control it, and he might hurt her.

However, Feng Yinshuang obviously didn't care at all, she hugged him even tighter, wishing that she could become one with him.

"I'm your wife, you can do whatever you want."

Tonight's Feng Yinshuang was very active, making Qian Fongxue unable to bear it any longer, she turned around and hugged her into her arms.

The strength he was holding was just right, and it was airtight around her, but not so much that she felt unacceptable.

His kiss was so gentle and tender, with unhurried urgency and tenderness full of longing.

During the whole process, Feng Yinshuang felt as if she was being pampered by him in the palm of her hand. She felt a bone-chilling joy, but he was blindly forbearing, because he was afraid of hurting her.

When Feng Yinshuang saw him like this, her heart ached fiercely, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of grief.

He has always been so aloof, why did he feel so wronged for her, this is not what he should be like.

Feng Yinshuang's heart was stunned, and she turned over suddenly, pressed him under her body, and led all this by herself.

"Xiao Bai, I really miss you, I miss you so much!" Feng Yinshuang buried herself in his chest, and when her love was so intense, her tears couldn't help pouring out.

After the cloud and the rain stopped, the mood of the two slowly calmed down.

Feng Yinshuang lay beside him, feeling the satisfaction she had never felt before.

"Xiao Bai, how did you find me at that time? That underground palace is so secretive that even you haven't noticed it for so many years. How could you find me in such a short period of time?"

If he said that he was relying on telepathy between them, she would definitely feel extremely sweet.

"At that time, you were taken away by him, and I followed him anxiously, but he set up many obstacles along the way. Although it was not difficult to solve these obstacles, but in the end I lost it. I was really anxious at that time. Yes, but later, I found your hairpin on the road, as well as the entrance to the underground palace, and a bead hairpin. I knew that this must be a clue you left for me, so I searched for it. "

"Clues? No!" Feng Yinshuang shook her head quickly, "At that time, I was worried that your powerful younger brother would be bad for you, so I wished that you would not come here or encounter danger, so I didn't think about staying behind. What clue, could it be..."

After thinking about it carefully, they understood that it must be Qian Linglie!

It was a clue he left on purpose, and he wanted Qian Qixue to find it. He really had a good intention.

Feng Yinshuang couldn't help laughing: "You said, he made such a big turn to prove what? In fact, I can understand why he hates you so much, but I have never understood why he finally Give up hatred."

"He can hate me and I don't care about that! I just don't want him to put his hatred on me on you and everyone else. I mean what I said to him, 20+ years of debt , I want to compensate him well."

Feng Yinshuang smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will be with you. He has been alone for so long, and he must be eager for family affection. Now he not only has your brother, but also my sister-in-law, and even Han'er, Han’er is his nephew, he has so many relatives all of a sudden! As for friends, so many friends around us will also be his friends in the future. But there is one person that cannot be replaced.”

"Who is it?" Qian Fangxue looked at her with some doubts and asked.

"Look at you, how did this brother act, he's too careless! It's still my sister-in-law who has a heart! This person is naturally his future wife, the one who can really accompany him for the rest of his life. Even if we are his relatives, It's impossible to accompany him all his life, he can find a relationship of his own, have a woman who truly loves him, and can have children for him, isn't this the happiest life?"

Well, men's and women's thoughts are different. He hasn't thought about it that far. He's just thinking about how to comfort his younger brother and make up for the damage he has suffered over the past 20 years.

It's just that Feng Yinshuang's words reminded him of a person, a person who never really wanted to break into their world and would always act as a back.

He gently held Feng Yinshuang's hand, not knowing how to tell her about this.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that person doesn't want him to mention it in front of her.

However, he has done so much for them, but in the end he has become like that. It would be really unfair to let him bear everything by himself.

He was hesitating in his heart to speak, but at this time, Feng Yinshuang had a good heart with him.

"By the way, I almost forgot. When Han'er was kidnapped by Qian Linglie, I remember that a man in black suddenly appeared to help us. I just glanced at him in a hurry at that time, and always felt that his eyes looked like A little familiar, who is that person, why haven't I seen him since I came back?"

Feng Yinshuang asked like this, and looked straight at him, causing him to fall into silence again when he finally reached his lips.

He didn't even have the courage to speak to her.

"Why don't you speak? I'm just a little surprised why he covered his face and didn't show his true face. Could it be the secret guard you trained?"

He took a deep breath and took her hand.

What should come is still coming, she has the right to know the truth, and that person's contribution cannot be wiped out in vain.

"No, he is not a secret guard, and he is also my most important relative."

Feng Yinshuang looked at him fixedly, her expression seemed to become a little erratic.

From his return, to the reunion, to being kidnapped by Qian Linglie and accepting a life-and-death test, all the changes were just in one day.

Because she has experienced too much, there are some things that she can't think of for a while.

Now their grievances have been forgiven, and their families are reunited, but there is news of one person, but none of them have mentioned it.

Feng Yinshuang suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"The person you are talking about, shouldn't it be..."

Qian Zongxue's eyes were filled with a hint of pain, and there was an inescapable sadness and guilt between her brows.

"If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be like this."

"What's wrong with him?" Feng Yinshuang's voice trembled slightly. If that person is really him and he is still alive in this world, then she should be very happy, so why does she feel a sense of panic now .

"It was he who saved me, otherwise, no matter how talented I was, I wouldn't be able to come back to see you again. At that time, I jumped off the cliff, and he jumped with me. When I was scorched by the flames at the bottom of the valley, it was him. Blocked the flames and poison for me. You saw the scars on my body, but you wouldn't think that his injuries were heavier and more horrific than mine."

Feng Yinshuang's heart was clenched fiercely.

She thought of the Huang Ye she knew, Su Ri, dressed in red, with peerless elegance and unparalleled wickedness.

He was so optimistic and cheerful that he would call her Xiao Shuang'er with a smile, or tease those innocent maids and guards, and both men and women would blushed and heartbeat at his teasing.

No one can hate him. Even if he betrays him, everyone believes that he has difficulties for the first time.

But she thought of the person she had seen before, the slender figure wrapped in black clothes, and his body was dead, as if there was no anger at all.

He is so beautiful, what would he look like if he was burned beyond recognition.

Feng Yinshuang looked into his eyes nervously, grabbed his hand and questioned.

"So... how is he?"

"As you can see, at the bottom of the valley, his will to survive was very low, and he woke up after lying for nearly two months, with all the muscles in his body broken. During that time, I tried my best to reconcile myself. The internal injury on his body, while helping him heal and prolong his life. In the end, he finally survived, but his heart died."

Feng Yinshuang couldn't help but shed tears, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

"Then I... can I go see him tomorrow? I want to thank him well."

Qian Zongxue pondered for a while, and then said, "In his current state, it's better not to. Even if he can face everyone, he may not be able to accept it when he sees you."

It was because he knew Huang Ye's mind and said such words for his sake. No one was willing to show their vulnerability in front of their loved ones.

Even if Huang Ye was his rival in love, he was also a rival in love that he couldn't help but feel bad for.

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