“Frozen killings?” Nangong Ye looked at Ji Zi and said suspiciously.

“That’s right, there was a so-called freezing killing incident before last year, which shocked the whole city at that time, and the people who died at that time included the family of that terai dragon, and the person who did this was Izaka Crimsonro.”

“As for the freezing event that occurred during this time, it was not done by Izaka Crimson, then he is hiding from studying the memory now, and there is no time to do these things, and the freezing event that happened this time was caused by another doped, an ice age doper.” Tsuko explained.

“I’m very curious about that knight transformed by Terui Ryu, I haven’t seen him for a long time, so I’ll meet him this time, test it by the way, and then find something for that guy from Izaka Crimson Lang.” Nangong Ye touched his chin.

“Okay, if you want to go, go quickly, don’t disturb me and Mina at work, we still have a lot of things.” Ji Zi pushed Nangong Ye out.


After pushing Nangong Ye out, Yanzi turned around and closed the door.

Nangong Ye looked at the closed office door, shook his head helplessly, and turned around and walked outside.

Walking out of the company’s gate, Nangong Ye suddenly found that he had not yet asked who was using the ice age memory.

There is no way, only to enter the Earth Library and check the corresponding materials.

Consciousness entered the Earth Library, searched, and quickly found the information he needed.

“It’s kind of interesting, the mother actually wants to atone for her son’s sins, it is worthy of maternal love, no, no, it should be called doting.”

Knowing the target, he directly teleported to the nearest place he had been.

Slowly walked to the destination, the flower shop opened by Makiko Katahira, and when he found his destination, he happened to see the criminal police officer Ryu Terui and his half-hanging detective Shotaro Zuo.

“Ah! It’s that guy! Yashuzi next to him saw Nangong Ye, who had just walked to the door of the flower shop, and shouted.

Hearing Yashuko’s shout, Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui looked at the door of the flower shop at the same time.

“You guy!” Zuo Shotaro shouted when he saw Nangong Ye.

“So it was you.” Terui Ryu said with an indifferent expression.

Nangong Ye waved his hand at the three and said with a smile, “Long time no see, how have you been lately, half-hung detective.” ”

“You guy! Does this incident have something to do with you again? Zuo Shotaro bypassed Terui Ryu and walked to Nangong Ye and questioned.

Nangong Ye shook his head and said with a smile, “How can it have something to do with me, I am a good citizen of the Wind Capital, I am not in the Wind Capital during this time, if it has something to do with me, do you think it will be so simple?” ”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Terui Ryu frowned, looked at Zuo Shotaro, and wondered, “Zuo, do you know him too?” ”

Hearing Terui Ryu’s words, Zuo Shotaro pouted, “It’s not just that you know, this guy is simply an unforgivable sinner, and his sins can’t be counted.” ”

Nangong Ye covered his chest, revealing a wounded expression, and said faintly, “Half-hanging, how can you say that about me?” Where can I see that I have sinned deeply? ”

“Oh, what you have done yourself, don’t you count in your own heart? Do you want me to help you say it one by one? Shotaro said loudly.

This is Yashuzi running over and quickly pulling Zuo Shotaro away, “Don’t argue, we are here to investigate the case, what is it like to quarrel here?” ”

“Is there anything going on with you standing in front of my store?”

Terui Ryu and Zo Shotaro looked at the person who spoke, and Terui Ryu asked, “Are you?” ”

“I am the manager of this store, the son of Makiko Katahira, Kiyoshi Katahira.” Katahira introduced himself.

“Are you looking for my mother?” Katahira Qing, who had parked his bicycle, asked.

“That’s right, we came to find your mother, do you know where she is now? Or do you have any clues? Terui Ryu walked up to Katahira Kiyoshi and asked.

“Please don’t joke, although many people say that he is not good, but my mother is just more strict with the work.” Katahira quickly waved his hand and explained.

“I’m just here to ask, you just have to tell me where she is, you don’t need to say anything else.” Terui interrupted.

“She’s probably in Fengduyuan.” Katahira thought for a moment.

Hearing the answer he wanted, Terui Ryu bypassed Katahira Kiyoshi and rode on a locomotive towards his destination, Fengduyuan.

“Hey, Terui Ryu, are you just leaving?” Shotaro pushed Katahira away and ran out as well.

Katahira Qing, who was pushed away by Zuo Shotaro, fell towards Nangong Ye, and Nangong Ye directly turned around and dodged Katahira, and as a result, Katahira Qing fell directly to the ground.


Katahira, who fell to the ground, couldn’t help but scream.

Hearing the voice behind him, Shotaro Zuo quickly said sorry, and then left.

Katahira Qing looked at Zuo Shotaro who left and Nangong Ye who was still standing here, and his eyes showed hatred.

Nangong Ye did not care about Pingqing’s gaze, and also walked towards the outside of the store.

When Nangong Ye came to Fengdu Garden, he saw a large number of people running outside, shouting about monsters or something while running.

“Has the battle begun?” Nangong Ye quickened his pace, and when he rushed inside, he found that a three-way battle was underway.

A red Kamen Rider and W are fighting Ice Age Doped.

“Oh?! Isn’t that the new Kamen Rider? Kind of interesting. Nangong Ye stood on the hill and looked at the three people fighting below.

Accel took the engine sword in his hand and slashed out with all his strength, slashing at the ice age doped body, directly cutting the ice age doping body to the ground.

The Ice Age Doping quickly got up, looked at the two Kamen Riders on the opposite side, stretched out his hands to them, and sprayed cold gas from his fingers, freezing W and Accel.

Looking at the two Kamen Riders covered in frost, the Ice Age Doping Body laughed, “Hmph! Just listen to your own broken voice. ”


After saying that, the ice age doped shouted and rushed towards Accel.

Just when the Ice Age Doping thought that he could destroy the enemy immediately, Accel twisted the handle on the right side of the drive, and a burst of flame emanated from his body, directly eliminating all the frozen places on his body, and slashed at the Ice Age Doped that rushed directly over.

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