Chapter 114 Whales

  Someone saw the appearance of the third district from a distance, and was also shocked beyond words by the magnificent scene.

  The 14,000-square-kilometer Three-District City rises from the ground, suspended at a height of 500 meters, just like the legendary giant who has been sleeping underground at this time.

  The man remembered that he had watched an anime called "Castle in the Sky" before the end of the day. The huge ancient city was powered by steam and flew in the sky. There were treasures buried in the city, which attracted countless people to fight for it.

   "I haven't watched anime for a long time, I really want to watch it again..." The man fell into memory and suddenly found a problem.

   "Wait, the third district flew away, where am I going?" He yelled.

   This person is a Tier 2 enhancer. Since he has no trusted teammates, he explores the abandoned city alone and hunts down zombies.

  He just left the third district for a few days, thinking about saving enough brain cores before going back, why did he fly away from the third district just as he was about to go back?

  He began to fear, no matter how bad the third district was, it was still the third district, a place to replenish supplies. Now that the third district is not there, the end result of his lone ranger would either die of starvation or thirst, or be eaten by zombies.

  Just when he was afraid alone, he found that he, like the third district, flew up and floated towards the third district.

   "Eh? Eh, eh—"

  He returned to the third district with a dazed face, and found that the people here were very different from before he left. It can't be said that they were full of smiles, but at least everyone's eyes were alive.

  He inquired about what happened in the third district, and only then did he know that the chaebol and Longtu who oppressed them were dead.

   As for why the third district could fly, someone pointed to the figure above his head.

   Besides this strong man of unknown origin, who else could have done it.

  The news of the entire city taking off quickly spread throughout the three districts. People couldn't believe it. They didn't feel anything except the initial vibration. They heard that the plane would have tinnitus when it took off, but they didn't feel it either.

   If the whole city is really flying, then the flight is too smooth.

  However, from time to time, enhancers outside the city fly back to the city and repeatedly confirm the news of the take-off. People come to the gate of the city with suspicion, and they fully believe it when they see the scenery of retreating on both sides.

  Ye Du heard that the whole city was flying, and he was so surprised that he didn't close his mouth for a long time.

  He heard the big boss say "it's a bit troublesome", and it's just a bit troublesome to co-author the three districts to take off? !

  The air is not always safe, not to mention the dead birds. On the way Jiang Li was transporting the third area to the first area, he encountered the whale zombie mentioned by Ye Wu. Countless fish zombies crawled in and out of it, like bread covered with maggots.

  The whale zombie doesn't care about the fish on its body at all. It **** its huge meaty wings, making a gust of wind, which is disgusting.

  The whale zombie is also a high-level zombie with a certain amount of wisdom, but when it saw the city in the sky, it still couldn't figure out how the city flew up.

  No matter what, it knows that there must be a lot of food in the city, and it must not let it go in the face of such a huge temptation.

  It gave a long cry and made an ugly hoarse sound, like thousands of evil spirits howling in unison in hell.

  The guards are still performing their duties conscientiously, guarding the door, even they don't know what is the use of guarding the door.

   But it is indeed working now. They saw the whale zombie exuding an ominous atmosphere all over their bodies, and they screamed in horror.

   "Yes, there are whale zombies attacking!"

  As soon as this remark came out, a series of reactions were startled.

  The power of whale zombies is more powerful than the tide of corpses. This is the fear engraved in the deepest part of memory. Back then, human beings were quickly attacked by zombies, and a large part of the reason was these whale zombies.

   Despite the huge size of the whale zombie, its flying speed is astonishingly fast, and its skin is rough and thick. When the missile hits its body, it can't even break the skin.

  Whale zombies always appeared in groups, and this time was no exception. Dozens of whale zombies were flying in the air, and even the sky darkened, as if to confirm the coming of misfortune.

  The leading whale zombie led the other whales and flew to the third area with wings flapping.

  People despaired.

  Originally, the third area also had a plan to deal with whale zombies, but that required the cooperation of all the third-tier, fourth-tier and Longtu. Now that all the fourth-tier enhancers and Longtu are dead, can the plasma protection barrier and kinetic energy missiles in the third zone deal with the whales?

  People began to despair. The strong man who killed Longtu and let the three regions fly is definitely fine, but this does not mean that he has the ability to protect everyone, but if a whale enters the city, the massive parasitic fish it carries will put the three regions in danger.

   "Contact that strong man!" Someone shouted.

   "Yes, yes, contact him quickly, as long as you kill the whales before they get close, everything will be fine!" Thinking of Jiang Li's strength, people raised their hopes.

  The leading whale zombies were level five, and Longtu didn't dare to confront them head-on. Although level five enhancers had strong resistance to zombie viruses, they might still be infected. Longtu was worried that he would be infected, and he always relied on crowd tactics to kill whale zombies.

  But that strong man was different. Since he could easily kill Longtu, it would not be difficult to kill the whale zombie.

"Where is he?"

  This question stumped everyone.

   Yes, where is that strong man?

  It was only then that everyone discovered that they knew nothing about Jiang Li, his name, age, rank, background, and purpose were unknown.

   Even where it is now, no one knows.

  People once again fell into despair.

   Others don't know where Jiang Li is, but Ye Du does.

  He wanted to experience the feeling of being in the air, so he came to the door and looked down, who would have expected such a thing to happen.

  Ye Du saw the whale zombie for a moment, his mind went blank, and the fear of his childhood took over his consciousness. Now he heard people discussing Jiang Li, and then he remembered that he could find Jiang Li.

  He pulls out the walkie-talkie.


  Jiang Li sat on the sofa, with his legs crossed on the wooden table, his legs slightly higher than his hips.

   As long as the space around the three districts is imprisoned, and then the three districts of more than 10,000 square kilometers are lifted up with ideas, the three districts can easily take off.

  Jiang Li also released his consciousness to bring back the people who left the city.

   Not surprisingly, I saw the ugly and disgusting zombie whale and its parasitic fish with my spiritual sense.

  Jiang Li clicked his tongue, feeling that his eyes were polluted.

  With the sound of tut, thick dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the thick purple-blue sky thunder rolled down, smashing the whale zombies and parasitic fish to nothing.

  Jiang Li patted his forehead regretfully: "I forgot to leave the brain nucleus."

   Brain checks are useless for yourself, but they are still very useful for people in the third area.


   "Sister! Hurry up and tell the boss that there are whales..." Ye Du took the walkie-talkie and talked to Ye Wu. Before he finished speaking, he saw the dark clouds that came with the whales change, and the appalling thunder and lightning fell, killing all the whales.

   "What's the matter? What happened to the whales?" Ye Wu asked quickly, she also had a heartfelt fear of the whales.

   "No, nothing."

  Ye Du put down the walkie-talkie embarrassingly, and fell into deep thought.

  Do I have to adapt to the boss's methods? It's not good to be surprised all day long.

  (end of this chapter)

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