Chapter 535 Hidden Poison

  Similar to the world of ringing bells, the imitation bullets and annihilation cannons are fired like rain. The range is only ten meters, but their power is better than that of the world of ringing bells.

  Bai Hongtu felt like he was facing a big enemy. These weapons were very powerful, enough to tickle the itch of the fusion period.

  The little monks don't know the power of these weapons, and they don't need to know, because Jiang Renhuang is there.

  Bai Hongtu laughed wildly, blocking all attacks: "Hahaha, don't be afraid, with me and Jiang Li here, even if Hunyuan Wuji Immortal makes a move, you won't be hurt at all."

  Jiang Li glanced at Bai Hongtu: "You will probably stand with the little monks then."

   Seeing that the attack didn't work, the Tool King launched a new round of attacks.

  Radiation, laser, ultrasonic, electromagnetic waves... attacks of various energy forms emerge in endlessly.

   "It's not as powerful as the imitation bullet and the annihilation cannon." Jiang Li shook his head.

  If the fusion period does not have the characteristics of the three-in-one, it is difficult to resist the high temperature of the imitation male bullet and the positive and negative annihilation reactions of the annihilation cannon during the integration period.

  If the imitation male bullet and the annihilation cannon fall on the sixth-level zombies, the sixth-level zombies will suffer.

  But attacks such as radiating lasers have little effect on the body during the fusion period.

  Jiang Li ignored these attacks, and walked towards the Tool King, with a leisurely posture as if he was taking a walk after a meal.

  The King of Machines quickly retreated and took out a button from his arms. The entire metropolis was like a living thing, the streets were raised like the arms of an octopus, the foundations moved, and the high-rise buildings changed freely like plasticine, becoming a part of a huge machine. The army actively integrated into it and turned into an electronic part.

  Bai Hongtu saw that the road under his feet had also changed, so he took the little monks out of the city and came to the suburbs.

  Looking from a distance, the metropolis is full of dust and red light is shining, and some kind of sleeping ancient life is reviving.

   "This city is the strongest weapon in our forging world, no one can survive its attack!" The King of Machinery laughed, and he also integrated into the metropolis, as the center of the metropolis, controlling the entire city.

   Metropolis is like a mechanical octopus.

   Through the thick dust, the little monks could clearly hear what the King of Arms was saying.

   "As long as I wave these eight mechanical arms at will, even the mountain will be cut in half!"

   "The laser on the arm is concentrated at one point, and the temperature is so high that the sun will pale in comparison!"

   "I still have a gravity stand, any attack close to me will lose its power under ten times the gravity and fall to the ground!"

   "As long as I want, I can dig through the continent in half a day!"

   "I launch a bomb at will, and the shock wave can shake the entire continent slightly!"

   "What are you fighting with me with?"

  The dust dissipated, and the big octopus lay on the ground like a dead dog.

  The little monks looked at each other, and they always felt that something was missing.

  Jiang Li brought out the King of Arms.

  The King of Weapons sat upright.

   "Let's talk, what's going on in your world, why are all the clones one person?"

  In the underground base, Jiang Li noticed that the prototype of the clone came from the same person, a man.

   That is to say, the robot souls in the forging world are all male.

  The King of Weapons sighed: "That's why I'm jealous of your Kyushu world. Your individual strength is strong and your lifespan is long. I also heard that your world has a Mahayana period that can live for 100,000 years."

  Jiang Li pointed to himself: "Coincidentally, I am Mahayana."

  The fact that the Mahayana period can live for 100,000 years is passed down by the Changcun immortal. The Changcun immortal said that the Mahayana period is the same as the earth immortal, and can live for 100,000 years.

   Facing the righteous master, the King of Machines didn't even have a heart of jealousy, only a wry smile: "One hundred thousand... Our history is not even one hundred thousand years old."

  “In the beginning, we just replaced some organs with machines, and we didn’t intend to enter the age of machines for all employees. Some people advocated becoming robots, but more people opposed it. After becoming robots, we lose our five senses. Who wants to live this kind of life, but there is something that forces us to do so.”

   "What's the matter?" Bai Hongtu walked over.

  The King of Machinery looked dignified: "Historical records show that we lost our fertility 12,000 years ago."

   "Things happened very suddenly and strangely. We haven't found out the reason until now. Women lost their fertility, and the stored seed bank disappeared overnight. It seems that there is a hand controlling all of this."

   "Women lose their fertility for about a month. During this period, the ancients exhausted all methods, but they did not find a solution."

  “At this time, those who proposed the age of all humans stood up and said that this is a god-sent opportunity, and God is destined to make all human beings into robots.”

   "The ancients had no way. It took a full generation to complete the transformation from human to robot, and kept the human body, or corpse, as a clone sample."

   "But something went wrong again."

  "A certain disease spreads throughout the human body, causing the human body to collapse and make it impossible to clone. We also cannot explain this phenomenon. The only thing we can do is to name this disease cloning disease."

   "In the end, as you can see in the underground, only the only clone sample is left in the blacksmith civilization."

  “This period of history is too bizarre and weird. The leaders of all dynasties chose to conceal the truth, making people think that they were born as robots.”

   “Babies only have memory when they are two years old, so we take out the soul when the baby is one year old and put it in the robot body.”

   "Maybe the body is a robot, but the soul is a human being. People always like some fresh life. For example, zoos are the places people go to the most. Another example is the rise of skin changing shops. People subconsciously think that they are human."

  Jiang Li frowned, this world has reached a dangerous situation, if the last cloned sample becomes impossible to clone, then the robots in the whole world will be destroyed.

  At this time, the Daru copybook and Huang Chengdan, the suzerain of the elixir sect, rushed over.

  The metropolis turned into a mechanical octopus. There was a lot of movement, and one person and one weapon rushed over after hearing the sound.

   "Human Emperor, Sect Master Bai." Huang Chengdan saluted, guessing that the disciples of the sect were in danger and summoned Jiang Renhuang and Sect Master Bai.

   "It just so happens that I have a new discovery in this world, and I want to tell the Emperor."

   "What discovery?"

   "I found out that there is a virus hidden in the forging world, which makes women sterilized and causes untrained mortals to die slowly. Their bodies are damaged and cannot be preserved."

  Jiang Li told Huang Chengdan what the King of Weapons said.

   "I don't know much about cloning, but judging from the function of the poison, it is indeed possible to cause the result that the body cannot be copied."

   "This kind of poison is very similar to the theory of the Five Poison Immortals, the founder of our Spirit Medicine Sect. It is hidden in the air and is very secretive. If you don't have relevant knowledge, it is difficult to find abnormalities even with a spiritual scan."

   "The ancestor of the five poisons said that if he becomes a fairy, he can refine this poison."

  The Spiritual Medicine Sect was formerly known as the Black Medicine Sect. It used to be a famous poison sect. Huang Chengdan, as the suzerain master, was proficient in the principles of poisons.

   "Then is there a way to crack this poison?"

   "Yes, as long as the air is drawn into the body and enters the Qi training period, the poison will naturally dissipate."

  (end of this chapter)

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