
When Yang Ming returned to the familiar classroom, the class teacher and classmates applauded in unison.

The applause was thunderous and resounded in the sky!

"Welcome home our little hero!"

Yang Ming was slightly stunned.

What's going on?

Yang Ming looked around, his gaze sweeping over the faces of the class teacher and classmates.

Everyone had smiles on their faces and sincere wishes from the heart.

Yang Ming, the first to become a mission evaluation SSS-level Terran player!

He is also the first Terran rising star to become the first Terran star on the yellow list as a Tier 1 recruit!

Yesterday, Yang Ming was proud of Jiangxia No. 1 Middle School.

Today, Jiangxia No. 1 Middle School is proud of Yang Ming!

At this moment, no one would be jealous of Yang Ming.

Because, when the gap between the two sides is as large as a chasm, the only thing left for them is to look up!

The boys secretly cheered for themselves and wanted to work hard with Yang Ming as their goal.

The girls were in the spring and quietly sent autumn waves to Yang Ming.

All this made Yang Ming feel unreal.

Seeing Yang Ming in a daze, seemingly not understanding what was happening, the head teacher quickly beckoned and said, "Yang Ming,

you come out with me."

Yang Ming followed the class teacher and left the somewhat noisy classroom.

Along the way, the head teacher briefly explained what happened during this time, only to let Yang Ming understand that after he cleared the copy world, he actually caused an uproar in the rabbit country.

The head teacher was afraid that Yang Ming would carry a heavy psychological burden, and explained on

the side: "Yang Ming, you don't need to worry about those secret evils, you are the pride of our Jiangxia No. 1 Middle School, and during the period before you go to college, we will have a special teacher arrange to be by your side for close protection."

I'm not a school flower, so I don't need any personal bodyguards, right?

Yang Ming wanted to complain about this sentence.

But thinking of the majesty established by the class teacher in the past, Yang Ming was still provoked.

Sure enough, the head teacher is a creature that will leave a psychological shadow!

The head teacher led Yang Ming to an office and said

, "The principal wants to meet you, remember to be polite later, you know?"

Yang Ming nodded.

The class teacher is still relatively at ease with Yang Ming, Yang Ming has always been the best student in the class, there is no one!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

There was a knock on the door.


Inside the office, there was a vicissitudes of voice.

The gate opened and the two entered the house.

"Good principal."

The principal of Jiangxia No. 1 Middle School is a muscular bald man, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a pair of gold wire glasses, how to see how to violate the peace, not at all like a weak scholar who teaches and educates people, but like a black-clothed thug who came out of a dynamic society.

Principal Wang Laoyu sat on the boss chair, crossed his hands and fingers to support his chin, and looked Yang Ming up and down, and couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

What a handsome boy!

Of course, don't get me wrong, he's not Billy, he doesn't have the habit of picking up soap, just simply appreciates!

"I am very happy that the school has produced excellent students like you."

Principal Wang Laoyu did not have a boring homely routine, and directly opened the confession:

"As a reward, the school will pay for the purchase of a luxury villa to give to you, and match a Maserati."

After that, Principal Wang Laoyan touched his bald head a little embarrassed, and said, "

Yang Ming, our school is still too poor to give too good treatment, I hope you don't be surprised."

Are you the legendary Versailles?

Yang Ming was a little caught by Fan.

"I won't say much else, I just hope that after you walk out of our Jiangxia No. 1 Middle School, you can come back and take a look when you have time, and tell the juniors and sisters about their combat experience, help them grow better, and reduce some unnecessary casualties."

This is a respectable principal!

Yang Ming nodded secretly, and some kind of thought in the past few days became stronger.

Yang Ming took out a skill book from the space bag.

The moment he took out the skill book, the head teacher and principal were amazed by the red light.

"Is this, this, and this an S-grade skill book?"

The head teacher was too surprised, resulting in the usual sharp eloquence, but now they have become stutterers, and it is not good to speak.

No wonder the two were so surprised, they had lived for so many years, and they had never even seen what an A-grade skill book looked like, let alone an extremely rare S-grade skill book?

They had only heard hearsay that skill books above S rank would bloom with red light!

Meeting the astonished gazes of the head teacher and the principal, Yang Ming "snapped" the skill book, slapped it on the table, and said, "

Principal, I have decided to hand over this S-level skill book to the state!"

As soon as these words came out, the head teacher and principal were full of disbelief!

S-level skill book!

This is an S-level skill book!

This is not a big cabbage that can be found everywhere!


Principal Wang Lao swallowed his saliva with difficulty, feeling that the experience of the past few decades had lost its effect in front of Yang Ming, a young man.

"Yang Ming, your patriotic feelings are touching, and I am honored to be your principal."

"However, here, I still hope that you made this decision after careful consideration."

Yang Ming's gaze was firm and said, "

Principal, I have already realized this."

In fact, Yang Ming is not without purpose.

Just look at the introduction of the skills obtained from Richard the Tiger Man to know the answer.

Sword Storm (S) LV1: [Limited Orc Royal Family Only] Spiral turns itself and attacks in all directions.

LV1 Effect: Costs 1% mana per second, deals damage per second = strength attribute X 500%

If this skill is not limited to the orc royal family, it will be a superb skill.

Unfortunately, now it can only be reduced to chicken ribs.

Food is tasteless, it's a pity to abandon it!

But Yang Ming believes that the rabbit country has experienced a hundred years of ups and downs, and there are many people in the country, and there may be wizards and eccentricities who can solve this problem.

Instead of putting this skill book in a space bag to mold, it is better to hand it over to the country, in addition to gaining a good reputation, it can also enhance the heritage of the rabbit country!

Principal Wang Lao trembled and stretched out his hands, holding the S-level skill book in the palm of his hand, solemnly putting it into the space bag

, and said, "Yang Ming, this S-level skill book is too precious, I need to leave for the provincial capital immediately and hand over this S-level skill book."

Dropping this sentence, Principal Wang Lao lost and left in a hurry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a Hongqi car drove into the provincial office.

Subsequently, the provincial government issued a total martial law to prevent any outsiders from entering.

At the same time, the backyard of the provincial capital opened a teleportation array, and a hundred carefully selected special forces escorted a box of brocades to the capital.

All these big moves naturally cannot be concealed from the attention of those who care.

Everyone is guessing what exactly is inside.

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