"Don't come back again!"

Seeing Yang Ming ignoring the life and death of his teammates, Scar Man, Hot Woman, and International Friends looked terrified!

Yang Ming cast a getaway, and the white cloud phantom was born under his feet, like a fairy in the clouds, but the bone knife with the length and width of the door panel in his hand was a little disturbing and ruined this picture of Taoist masters.

Yang Ming really attaches great importance to his teammates!

In order to let his teammates ascend to heaven as soon as possible, he really worked hard!

Emptying the surrounding Luo Net Killer, Yang Ming gave a thumbs up to his teammates, his teeth shining in the sun:

"After going to hell, remember to be a good person!"

Teammates: "I have a saying that I don't know if I should talk about it!" "

It's a pity that my teammates were so moved that they couldn't say half a word.

Because as Yang Ming came forward, the Luo Net Killer saw that the hostages could not shake his iron heart, and immediately chose to tear up the ticket.

The sharp blade slit the throat of the Scar Man and his group.

Their fallen corpses fell to one side, and a pair of eyes stared directly in Yang Ming's direction, and a thousand words could not compare to the deep meaning implied in their gazes at the moment.

If there is still an afterlife, they will not let Yang Ming go!

In this regard, Yang Ming had no burden in his heart.

Even in the general studies class of Mercury High School, there will be a special course to teach students how to deal with the current situation, and in most cases, they will prioritize their own safety and ignore the life and death of their teammates.

Sometimes, it is not you who are kind-hearted and help others to gain gratitude and friendship from others.

On the contrary, it is like going into the water to save a drowning person, the rescuer may be killed by the drowning person, and in the end he will not get any thanks, but will be ridiculed that the rescuer has poor water quality and has no ability to learn how to save people.

When Scar Man and his party were caught, they should have had such an awareness.

Can't complain about anyone!

What's more, Yang Ming didn't owe them favors.

After a while, this narrow mountain road was soaked in blood, which complemented the maple forest on the side.

Among the red colors, there is only a touch of white that amazes the years.

Yang Ming dressed in white, carrying a bone knife on his shoulder, whistling an unknown voice, swaggered forward.

On a mountain peak far away from Yang Ming, Luo Net's heaven-level killers were present one by one.

Salamander, cover the sun, really rigid, cut off the water.

The four looked gloomy.

"Not afraid of wind and fire, invincible to all kinds of poisons, invincible to swords and guns, even acquaintances cannot shake him."

"Doesn't this boy have any weaknesses?"

The four of them felt chills in their hearts.

In so many years of working as a killer, it was the first time they had encountered such a tricky target.

Looking at the direction Yang Ming was heading, the salamander spoke with difficulty, "Looking at

his appearance, it seems that he is going all the way to the base camp of the Qin army, what should we do?"

Hidesun shrugged.

This slight movement actually caused a wave to rise in her chest.

"What else can I do, I can only mix it cold."

"Let's go back quickly now and inform Marshal Bai Qi of this news, as for what punishment we will receive in the future, it is better than dying tragically at the hands of that young man."

The four of them gradually drifted away, and only a long sigh lingered in the mountains.

Walking in the Qinling Mountain Range, Yang Ming looked ahead, all of them were a precipitous and steep mountain, and the path of sheep intestines winded, all the way to the depths.

From time to time, you can see various apes in the mountain forest, playing in groups of three or two in the trees, or slapping their belly, making strange ape sounds in the distance.

The stream gurgles out of the mountain stream, carrying the purity and coolness characteristic of the mountain, and as long as it is close to the stream, the temperature of the surrounding air is much lower than in the distance, and the cold wind with moisture rushes towards you.

Fortunately, Yang Ming only needed to pass through this section of the Qinling Mountains, and did not need to cross the entire Qinling Mountains.

Otherwise, even if he has light skills, without a month or two, I am afraid that he will not be able to walk in Qinling.

After five days of climbing the mountains, Yang Ming stood on a cliff, looking at a majestic fortress rising from the ground on the horizon, and finally saw where the base camp of the Qin army was.

The main force of the Qin army did not choose to station in the border city, but chose to build a fortress in this barren mountain, apparently because of the unique terrain here.

On the left-hand side is the tributary of the Yangtze River, which has a wide surface, gentle current, clean water quality, and a deep waterline, which can accommodate the transition of large ships, facilitate the dispatch of troops and horses and food from upstream, and also facilitate the daily use of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the fortress.

On the right hand side is the endless mountains of the Qinling Mountains, the precipitous terrain is enough to block the large-scale advance of the enemy army, coupled with the abundance of wild animals in the forest, this era does not pay attention to the protection of wildlife, but also opens up a food road, only need to send a part of the soldiers into the forest every day to hunt, you can get a large amount of meat.

In today's era when you may not be able to eat full, it is a godsend to be able to eat a bowl of hot meat soup!

This place is very close to the base camp of the Qin army, and various inconspicuous places in the forest are arranged with the secret sentry of the Qin army.

Along the way, Yang Ming's perceptual attributes far exceeded ordinary people, and he had already been the first to detect that there were no less than eight places in the secret, casting a concerned gaze.

However, it was clear that at this time, these secret sentries did not intend to scare the grass snake and attract Yang Ming's attention.

Because, right now, this fortress is facing a heavy siege by the army of the Zhao State.


The battle horn sounded vigorously.

"Knock knock!"

The soldiers beat the drums passionately!

Hundreds of thousands of Zhao troops were distributed on the narrow plain, and they could not fully unfold the formation at all, and could only attack in batches.

Looking down from Yang Ming's perspective, the entire battlefield looked extremely spectacular.

The Zhao army rushed to the fortress from all directions, and the rows of soldiers were like a big wave crashing on the reef, stepping on the cloud ladder to climb the wall, and before they could climb up, they were relentlessly attacked by the Qin army on the wall.

Hot oil spilled and logs made of cut tree trunks fell from the sky.

What is more vicious is the gold water made from rice fields, which drips down the head, not only scalding and foul smell, but also infecting wounds, in this era of backward medical technology, as long as the wound is infected, unless the constitution is extremely strong, it is basically related to death, not far from death.

From time to time, front-line soldiers fell from the ladder.

The soldiers in the back row did not have time to feel sad, so they replaced the gap in front and continued to climb up.

The two go on and on, using human lives to open the way to victory!

The soldiers further in the rear formed a phalanx of archers, and under the unified dispatch of the overseer, they threw them towards the fortress in unison.

The horse's Lu is fast, and the bow is like a thunderbolt!

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