The ink clouds rolled, and the rain gradually became heavier.

Jade beads are strung together into a curtain of beads and hang down, and the humid autumn breeze blows the earth, bringing a cold and piercing breath.

Yang Ming took the recovery potion, covered the wound pierced in his right shoulder with his left hand, and warm blood continued to flow from the gap between his five fingers that were close together, ticking and falling on the muddy yellow earth, soaking this piece of ground, like a blooming cherry blossom, with a little sentimental poignancy.

Not far from Yang Ming, there was a bone knife that fell to the ground.

This blue-quality weapon has been completely scrapped, leaving only the lone hilt left under the rain curtain, let the wind and rain blow, the original blade has long been broken into pieces, scattered around randomly.

A military boot slammed on the handle of the bone knife, and Bai Qi walked step by step.

The three-headed and six-armed god-killing illusion condensed on his body, with an exaggerated arc at the corner of his mouth, seemed to be mocking Yang Ming's lack of strength.

In terms of strength alone, a Tianren-level expert has the power of nine oxen, that is, nine thousand catties of strength!

That's a pretty scary number!

In terms of strength alone, Bai Qi didn't know how many times he could crush Yang Ming.

If it weren't for the strong defensive power of Luo Hanjin, Yang Ming wouldn't even have the qualifications to compete with a Grandmaster-level master, let alone walk in front of Bai Qi.

"In the face of true strength, how do you feel to see that you are so weak and pitiful?"

Bai Qi's face was flat, as if he was telling some kind of human reason.

"In the end, you are just a toad sitting in a well and watching the sky, mistakenly thinking that the sky you see is everything, but in fact, it is only because your position and environment limit your vision and pattern, and when you see the real sky, you will understand the vastness of this world."

"I didn't say this to you to ridicule and ridicule you, but because I appreciated that you are a rare talent, and I didn't bother to talk to him so much if it were someone else."

"My patience is limited."

"I'll give you one last chance."

"Or, choose to join the Qin Kingdom."

"Or, choose to die!"

A thunderbolt flashed in the sky.

The white lightning reflected the white face was extremely terrifying, as if it was a killing god who held the power of life and death, and he could casually strangle the young man in front of him who did not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.

This is from Bai Qi's strong strength!

No matter how strong you are, you can't turn over!

The chill of the rain curtain mixed with the murderous aura that permeated heaven and earth, making Yang Ming feel like he was in the extreme north, and as if the whole person was squeezed into a corner by the world, and he could only watch helplessly as he was swallowed by the darkness.


Yang Ming coughed up blood in his mouth, but his face was unexpectedly white, and he did not show a desperate expression.

"It's really embarrassing."

Yang Ming steadied his figure and took a deep breath.

The moist and cold breath in the air poured into the chest cavity along the nasal cavity, cooling down the burning sensation caused by the injury in the body, and instantly felt the transparent coolness like drinking a glass of iced cola in summer.

At this moment, Yang Ming thought of the alien players he had seen before, and he was also so condescending towards the Terrans.

Perhaps, this is the so-called strong man.

The strong man who thinks he is standing at the top has always held this posture of overlooking the crowd below the pyramid.

Yang Ming released his left hand covering his right shoulder, and his blood-stained hands brushed the bangs that fell on his forehead, and the sticky blood was like hairspray, brushing his hair into a back hair style.

"Bai Qi, you know what?"

"No one in this world stands in heaven from the beginning, neither you nor me, not even God."

Yang Ming's eyes were far away, as if he saw the Terrans struggling in the game of national transport.

Why should Mercury be invaded by the heavens?

Let me ask, if the Mercury Terrans can stand among the heavens and races, who will dare to bully us?

Since crossing over, Yang Ming's heart had a fire, and now it was like adding fuel to the fire, becoming more and more intense.

"But the window of the throne of heaven is also coming to an end."

"From now on, I will stand at the top!!"

With Yang Ming's wild hopes, the whispers fluttered with the wind.


"Congratulations to the host for saying the classic line of Lan Ran Yusuke in Death, and won a lottery opportunity, do you want to start the lottery wheel?"


In the retina, the phantom of the lottery wheel appears.

In the middle of the roulette wheel is a large empty head, and the roulette wheel pointer is a long tongue.

Yang Ming directly swept over the ordinary prize area and looked at the special prize area.

Slashing Knife: Mirror Flower Water Moon

Ghost Road: Sixty-three Thunder Roar Cannon of Breaking the Way, Ninety Black Coffins of the Broken Way, Twenty-six Curved Light of the Bound Road, Eighty-one Broken Sky of the Bound Road, 995 Dragons of the Broken Way...

Special Items: Avatar

Summoning Characters: Koyatai Stark, Bailegon Ruisenbun, Tia Hribel, Ulquiorra Sypha, Neutra Girga, Grimjo Jakajack...

Three consecutive draws!

First draw, indigo dyeing experiment notes.

Second draw, Bangyu.

The third draw, the mirror flower.

Direct character explosion!

A slender slashing knife appeared in Yang Ming's hand.

The blade is restrained, three feet long, the tip is slightly curved, and the handle is light green.

From the appearance alone, it is impossible to associate this slashing knife with the word powerful.

But the information about the mirror flower water moon really reveals its power.

Kagami Mizuki (Golden): The illusion is a slashing knife, which is a knife that can create false worlds.

Additional Attribute 1: Sharpness + 500

Additional Attribute 2: Spiritual Attribute Boost = Character Level

Additional Attribute 3: Enhanced Illusion Skill Effect 1000% Additional Attribute 4: Expand Illusion Range 1000%

Additional Attribute 5: Non-Wear

Additional Attribute 6: Initial Unlock

Additional Attribute 7: Ultimate

Weapon of Gold Quality!

In the National Games game, the quality of weapons is from low to high, gray, white, green, blue, black, silver, orange, and gold.

It is said that on top of this, there is also higher quality equipment, but that is no longer within the scope of Terran players.

Under normal circumstances, gold-quality equipment is already at the top of the food chain!

The moment Yang Ming grabbed the handle of the knife, a strange feeling of flesh and blood connecting was born.

In Bai Qi's confused gaze, Yang Ming made an extremely strange posture.

But see, he held the handle of the knife with his backhand, and the tip of the knife was facing the ground.

"Break it!"

"Mirror Flower Water Moon!"

With a murmur, the slender blade emitted a hum.

Immediately afterwards,

this slashing knife emitted a blue demon blue.

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