The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 118 Conversion (Part 2)

The environment of the bathroom is very good. Unlike other bathrooms used by others, these bathrooms are exclusively for the royal family, and Anna's bathroom was specially expanded by Emperor Cyril.

At the edge of the bath, sunlight shines through the arched windows throughout the bathroom, illuminating the stone walls and beige marble steps, creating a sacred and solemn atmosphere.

The interior decoration of the bathroom is exquisite and gorgeous. The walls are inlaid with carefully carved stone and blue colored tiles, depicting ornate geometric patterns and floral patterns.

The smooth marble floor reflects the shimmering light, and the bluestone at the door is paved with fine gravel, making people feel very comfortable.

Warm water vapor rises from the stone inkstone, bringing moist air and refreshing smell.

Anna stepped into the bath, her wrap robe sliding down to just below her knees, exposing her white legs.

She lifted her steps lightly and stepped into the water. Warm water enveloped her body.

The bathroom is filled with the faint scent of roses, making the girl feel happy and fresh.

The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the melodious steam. Every inch of skin on the body is embraced by the moisture of water at this moment.

She slowly sank into the water, water splashed and wet her hair.

She rubbed her skin gently, and moistening foam spread in the bathroom.

Her hair was soaked in the water, and her whole body suddenly emerged from the water. A few droplets of water remained on it, like diamonds inlaid in the shiny black hair.

After a long bath, the girl gently opened the bathroom door.

Wearing a soft bathrobe, she stepped out of the steamy space and walked into the bright and quiet room.

Her hair was still dripping with water and scattered on her shoulders, giving off a moist sheen.

Her skin is white and delicate, and seems to glow with a natural beauty due to the moisture of the water.

Several female waiters came forward and began to dress Anna, this time in traditional Muslim clothes.

The girl's eyes are bright and clear, revealing a light of innocence and purity. She walked lightly to the mirror, touched her cheek with a soft towel, and wiped it clean gently.

"Miss Anna, let's go, it's time to see the Grand Mufti."

The Ulema's voice sounded outside the door, and Anna immediately followed her out, turned a few corners, and came to the prayer room.

"Miss Anna, good morning."

The Grand Mufti bowed slightly and said.

"Let's get started. How do you understand the word Caliph in His Majesty's title?"

“Your Majesty is the Padishah of the Ottomans and all the nations, the greatest Sultan and the noble Khan, the owner of the necks of his subjects, the servant of the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina, the shadow of God in the world, the two Sultan of the Romans, Arabs, and Persians on the continent and between the two seas.

He is not "khalīfat Rasūl Allah" (the successor of the Messenger of God), nor should he be "khalīfat Allāh" (the successor of God). His Majesty is the Caliph of God. After all, according to the Quran, the people are the representatives of God. The ruler. "

Anna's answer shocked the Grand Mufti. To be honest, this was not an easy question to answer.

Because it is related to the single Quran, but not to the point where the answer can be derived directly.

As the grand mufti, the reason why he asked this question was not to test whether Anna could answer it, but more because he wanted to do some real testing before this political show.

But Anna's answer was beyond his expectation. Maybe this was God's arrangement.

The whole process went on in an orderly manner, and finally came to the final step, where the oath was taken under witness.

"Miss Anna, please read after me, about the opening verse.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Merciful, all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Lord, the Merciful, the Lord of the Day of Retribution. We only worship You, and we only ask You to help and guide us on the right path. The path of those you help is not the path of those who are condemned and angry, nor the path of those who are astray.

I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except God, He is unique; and I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant and messenger of God. "

At this point, the entire conversion process has ended. Anna walked out of the mosque with the two girls.

News of the conversion of the daughter of the Orthodox Patriarch spread throughout the Ottoman Empire and even Europe.

"So I told you not to die, Georgi, why don't you thank me quickly."

Stefan was lying on the bed and said to Georgi Ratev beside him with a playful smile.

“Just look at the Greeks and you will know that they had so much publicity that the Sultan was going to marry an Orthodox Christian to be the Sultana.

How powerful these people are in their publicity, and now their faces are so swollen from being slapped, I am just so happy to death.

The key is that these guys don't know how to be ashamed, and they got together to give the Sultan money to repair the palace. It's really... hahaha. "

Stefan was already bursting with laughter, but Georgi still had a cold face.

"Oh. I know why you don't smile. Do you think we will do the same in the future?"

Stefan laughed again.

"I think it's even funnier when you do this. Let's get one thing straight, Georgi.

From the Battle of Kosovo in 1389.

It started with our knights failing to defeat each other.

Our ancestor, Duke Bronkevich of Kosovo, chose to lead his troops to retreat to preserve their strength and retreat, which led to the complete siege of the Serbian army's center by the Ottoman army.

We're done, you know? "

No one spoke anymore in the room, only Stefan's laughter echoed.

The conversation that took place in this room was a microcosm of countless conversations between Balkan Orthodox men.

They either still have hope, or they have despaired.

However, human sorrows and joys are not the same, and Catherine II was already very happy at this time.

She issued a direct order to the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, declaring: “The behavior of the Ottoman Sultan is undoubtedly cruel and intolerable, and represents an oppression of the Orthodox Christians.

The great Russian Empire, as the successor of Rome and the inheritor of Orthodox civilization.

It was believed that the Ottoman Sultan no longer had the right to protect the Orthodox Christians, and that these rights belonged to the great Tsar.

And in view of the atrocity of the Sultan's behavior, the Tsar believed that the armistice between the two countries was no longer applicable.

The great Russian Empire will send troops at any time to protect the religious rights of Orthodox Christians. "

Having said this, Tsarist Russia's already non-existing credit rating dropped several notches.

Unfortunately, not long after Russia issued this declaration, France declared war on Prussia and Austria. Many monarchies were forced to turn their attention to the West. After all, freedom and equality are the biggest enemies of monarchs.

Of course, excluding the Ottoman Empire, the lower class was illiterate and had no way of knowing this kind of thinking. The upper class was literate, but unfortunately they had not yet evolved to the point where they could betray their own class and make their own revolution.

The revolutionary ideas that were spreading in the European continent did not make any waves when they came to the Ottomans.

What's more, Selim also specially promulgated the "Anti-Secession Law". It can only be said that whether intentionally or unintentionally, the existence of France is to save the Ottoman Empire worry and effort.

Thanks to any evil will eventually turn into black Vgo and the passing big guys for their monthly votes

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