The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 195: Play chess without regret

Qin Jue's voice was cold, but every word was full of blood.

His meaning is very clear, he will mutiny on the day of sacrificing the dragon veins, and then grasp the power as quickly as possible. At that time, if the foreign enemy takes advantage of the emptiness and the inner ghost is causing trouble, he doesn't mind the bloodbath.

Xie Linlang was frightened by his words, she was taken aback for a long time, shook her head and said.

"This operation is feasible, but it is too risky, spread too much, and sacrifice too much."

"Besides, I have money and food, so why not follow the policy of gentleness? Right now, all parties are watching and panic. It is a good time for you to make a move. As long as you use the right methods, it is much less risky than if you go directly in. "

Qin Jue understood what Xie Linlang meant. The family who had participated in the Xia family massacre case must not want him to go back, but the family other than them hoped that he would return.

Because he returns, once he is in power, he will definitely be liquidated. Then, when he fights with the families that have participated, the rest will be able to profit.

Out of this consideration, as long as Qin Jue is willing to secretly plan it, coupled with the threat of the current general trend, there must be many people willing to turn to him and help him.

In this way, he will have power in the future and there will not be so many hidden dangers, and this method will not affect too many innocent people.

Qin Jue was a little unwilling.

If possible, he really has the idea of ​​changing all the people in the courtroom.

Seeing him frown, Xie Linlang knew what he thought.

She reached out and nodded her head, then said slowly.

"With regard to the bloodbath of the court, His Majesty the Emperor had a similar idea when he was in the capital. At that time, I told him that it was a bad idea."

"Because cultural inheritance is in the hands of aristocratic families. Before the poor students are in the climate, doing so will cause cultural gaps and even greater hidden dangers. For example, the new generation will not be officials, and the people will hand it over to them. Very dangerous thing."

Xie Linlang's words made Qin Jue think deeply, if it is normal, this problem is not unsolvable.

If the superiors really bloodbath the court, as long as he is diligent and savvy enough to take care of everything and give those new officials time to grow, the hidden dangers raised by Xie Linlang can be resolved.

But at the moment, the whole world is looking forward to it. This kind of time is just for the use of people, and there really is no time for them to grow.

Seeing Qin Jue understand, Xie Linlang walked a few steps in the study, and said again.

"This strategy is what I told you just now, slowly.

Because of the matter of the Concubine Die, coupled with the old grudges from the past, the relationship between the emperor and various families can be said to be incompatible.

Coupled with the coercion of the environment, everyone in the family is in danger. If they don't dare to trust the emperor, they will have the idea of ​​changing to another emperor.

And your blood is orthodox, and the relationship with the emperor is hostile. As long as you show your intentions, many people will be willing to turn you down. "

"By then, I will have money and you will have soldiers. As long as you are patient, you will soon be in power again."

Qin Jue smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He didn't know that Xie Linlang's method was better, but... he was almost impatient.

In addition to the persecution of the general environment, but also because he has almost no patience to restrain Xie Linlang...

But he could never refuse her proposal. He asked when she said this.

"Then what's the best policy?"

Xie Linlang's expression was a little heavy, and she said a little complicatedly, "Wait."

"Wait?" Qin Jue raised his eyebrows slightly, Lin Lang meant that after the war broke out? But the situation was even more chaotic at that time. If he stepped in again, wouldn't he hurt more people?

Xie Linlang nodded, "I told the emperor before that Xiangcheng is very important. I said the same thing to the emperor, but none of them believed me..."

Xie Linlang was also very helpless at this point, she said, looking at Qin Jue, a little hesitant.

"If you are willing to believe me, then listen to me and wait a little longer. I don't know how long to wait. Maybe one month or two months, maybe one year or two years. At that time, that will be your best opportunity.

The key is, are you willing to believe me, wait a minute? "

With Qin Jue already prepared, waiting one more day would lose a lot of food, money, and risk, but after listening to Xie Linlang's words, Qin Jue did not hesitate, but was a little helpless and could not ask her. Helpless.

"I believe you."

His voice lowered a little, "But can you tell me, what is the best opportunity?"

Seeing his promise, Xie Linlang walked to him with a smile, calmly arranged his clothes, and then said in a soothing, calm voice.

"When the day is chaotic and the game is out of control, if you are able to turn the tide and restore the game to the right track, then that will be your best chance."

Xie Linlang's words made Qin Jue's heart startled. He seemed to have foreseen the future and saw the turbulent situation.

But his Lin Lang would pull him together, and teach him how to play chess in this turbulent time.

Qin Jue couldn't help but think of playing chess with Lin Lang when she was a child. At that time, she never thought about chess, so she lost nine times.

But one thing is very scary, that is, when she plays seriously, even the national masters who teach chess cannot beat her.

And she has never regretted it.

As if knowing a hundred steps in the next step, who else is her opponent with this talent in controlling the overall situation?

Time flickered, and another two months passed. In these two months, Xie Linlang changed from laziness and stayed in the workshop every day, not knowing what he was doing.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the various construction projects in Xiangcheng have slowly stopped. Only the workshop is still working day and night.

On this day, Xie Linlang came home with soot, and as soon as he walked in, he saw Xiaoxi greet him with a post.

"The son, son, that Xichuan, he has come to pay his respects again!"

"Xichuanhou?" Xie Linlang was a little bit impressed. He wanted to marry a wife before and called her to go, but she didn't go. As a result, he gave a greeting card again. Wouldn't his wife be sent out again? Marry a fourth?

Xiao Xi handed the post to her, frowning.

"The person who sent the post said that their Lord Hou really wants to befriend the son, so he must go to Xichuan, and said that if the son doesn't have time, they can also come over, as long as they don't bother."

Xie Linlang took a look at the post and said with a chuckle.

"It doesn't matter if he comes here, this kind of person doesn't have to take my lovely city people away. Anyway, Xichuan is not too far away. It will be there in about ten days. I will meet him!"

Knowing Xie Linlang's plan, Qin Jue also decided to go with her.

Then Xichuanhou showed good wishes one after another, and the purpose was obviously not simple. He was not relieved that only Xie Linlang would pass by alone.

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