The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 460: The disappeared Tianzhao Army

Bai Shuiyue was stunned for a long time when she heard this answer.

Before asking, she had some naive thoughts.

For example, she came with calculations, and even meant to control him by using Gu worms. Emperor Qin didn't kill her. Was it a little bit different to her?

However, the fact is that she did not threaten him at all, so she solved it at will. The reason why she didn't kill her was just because she wanted to kill him less.

But as the Emperor Enze Quartet, he was rewarded with great blessings, especially when he was a Ming monarch. When he first became the throne, he saved the people of Li people from water and fire, and Fuze could not go deeper.

But even so, he was so restrained, just for a woman hiding in her heart, Bai Shuiyue suddenly envied that woman, and felt sad for herself.

The same emperor, Qin Jue can cherish a person so much as a treasure, but what about her father? He didn't even think about her failure to seduce Qin Jue, and gave her a gu worm, encouraging her daughter to use her body to confuse men.

This is more than that. The fuse of the previous battle was that her father sacrificed one of her brothers in exchange for it.

Pity her elder brother was so sincere and coaxed by his father to commit suicide in Qin and blame Qin.

He was afraid that before he died, he thought that he had to dedicate himself for the sake of the people of Marsh Kingdom and his brothers and sisters. In fact, he died only for his greed...

After all, these princes and princesses are just chess pieces in the eyes of the father.

In order to make them obedient, his father set up extremely wrong values ​​for them from the beginning.

For example, what you want, you have to fight for it at all costs, what self-esteem and self-love? Those are all bargaining chips that can be exchanged.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this before, but after seeing Emperor Qin, she realized that she was just as wrong as her brother, and was coaxed to lose herself.

The emperor father told her that as long as she kept Emperor Qin with Gu worms and her body, she would be the most beautiful woman in Da Qin, and everything best in the world would belong to her.

But she didn't even cherish herself, and tried to win over people by means and deception. How could she let others cherish her and really care about her?

After figuring out this moment, Bai Shuiyue was completely relieved.

Now she was going to be sent back to the country, but before leaving, she suddenly wanted to see Emperor Qin again.

He let her understand what love is, let her know what step a man can do for a woman, and made her think of a girl to love herself, so she wanted to thank him.

I am grateful for the enlightenment he brought, and grateful for his high hands.

Qin Jue was reading the news report from Beidi, so Bai Shuiyue didn't have time to pay attention to her after coming in for a while. When he finally put down the news report and read it, she saw that Bai Shuiyue worshipped him deeply, with an extremely religious attitude.

"Meet your Majesty. Seventeen came here to thank your Majesty for your care over the past few months. I will say goodbye today. I may not see you again. I would like to congratulate Your Majesty. May your Majesty take care of the dragon body. May Daqin flourish."

Qin Jue asked her to get up, but Bai Shuiyue did not get up. Instead, she kept kneeling and said in a low voice.

"In addition to saying goodbye, Seventeen has one more thing I want to report to. I hope your Majesty will hold back."

Qin Jue squinted his eyes, originally unwilling, but feeling the sincerity of Bai Shuiyue at this time, he held back and said.

"Say it."

Bai Shuiyue only then raised her head, she looked at the tempting man in front of her, but was destined to not belong to her, and said seriously.

"Your Majesty spares seventeen and one life. Seventeen can't be repaid. I would like to provide your majesty with a secret in exchange for a verbal promise."

Bai Shuiyue sincerely wanted to tell Qin Jue the secret to be grateful to him, but a woman like her was used to calculations, and even at this time, she did not forget to leave a way for herself.

Qin Jue said, "Then it depends on your news, it's worth it."

Bai Shuiyue nodded and said in a low voice, "Before coming to Daqin, Seventeen was often secretly summoned by his father. By chance, he also caught some secrets. For example, the most important army of his father, the Tianzhao Army. , Hasn't appeared in Wangcheng for two years, no one knows where they have gone.

In addition, the Marsh State has allocated funds every year for the past two years to secretly purchase military supplies, and then send them to the desert Gobi overseas through the caravan. "

Bai Shuiyue's two pieces of news, seemingly unrelated, are actually thought-provoking.

At the beginning, the Marsh State asked Qi to borrow the way, and then walked into the desert Gobi, detoured into Daqin, and hit Daqin by surprise.

The desert stalls in the detour of Marsh Country are not the territory of any other country. In other words, Marsh Country is very likely to get in touch with Tianyuan of the North Country through the desert, and it is more likely to find a place to inhabit in the desert and hide the army. .

Considering that the Tianyuan Kingdom has not yet been fully unified, I am afraid that there is no spare force to intervene in other countries, so the latter is more likely.

But since Marsh State hid an army in the desert two years ago, why didn't it throw it in in that battle?

Is it that one hundred thousand people are enough and no more hole cards are needed, or is that army diverted for other purposes and can't get away?

For a while, Qin Jue thought a lot, and his expression became more solemn.

At this time, Bai Shuiyue worshipped again and begged in a low voice.

"After this battle, Seventeen has also seen through a lot, and now I am offering such a secret, one is to thank Your Majesty, and the other is...If one day, Seventeen is desperate, and I hope Daqin can take it in. Seventeen does not want anything, just hope that there will be someone A safe place to go, a shelter, I hope your Majesty promises."

She was serious about what she said. Although there are few news from Marsh Country recently, one can still catch a glimpse of the raging dark tide.

Now that the father is too old to be old, but ambition and greed are better than a year, she has no doubt that he will do more absurd things, and it is even possible that the entire marsh country may be involved.

She was a little scared, so she wanted to ask for a promise from Emperor Qin. She didn't want to die, and she hadn't lived well.

What she wanted was only a trifle to Qin Jue, and Qin Jue nodded and agreed.

At the same time, seeing that she was going back to Marsh Country overnight, Qin Jue suddenly had other ideas...

Marsh State, Wangdian Square.

Xie Linlang came here like other people, looking at the saint who was tied to the shelf from a distance.

Tomorrow is when King Marsh burns the saint to death, and at the same time, the envoys and servants of the palace will be executed.

At this time, the saint was still wearing that white robe, and her hands were tied there with blood.

Xie Linlang couldn't see her face clearly because of the blood stains, but the outline and facial features were indeed hers.

Xie Linlang thought that someone had pretended to be her before, and specially asked the easy-to-be disguised guard to observe whether the other party was disguised, but the answer was no, which is a bit strange...

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