After the test results came out, Ruan Shiqing went to Garland's laboratory again to do a full set of strength tests.

    The test results showed that apart from the fact that his physical functions were better before, he did not have much increase in strength - according to Garland's conjecture, he woke up after a coma, whether outside In terms of appearance and internal functions, there have been no small changes compared to the past, so there should be an increase in strength.

    After all, if Ruan Shiqing and Ruan Jiao are related, they are both closely related to the Zerg. The Zerg has always been known for its powerful strength.

    The results of Ruan Shiqing's strength test are still the same as those of ancient humans. It's just that in the past, he was ranked in the middle and rear at most. Now that his physical function has improved, he can move forward, but there is no essential change.

    Ruan Shiqing was not surprised by this, but he was even more surprised that Ruan Jiao had a blood relationship with him.

    Seeing that he was in shock, Rong Heng remembered that he didn't say anything, and hurriedly told him all the speculations about Ruan Jiao's identity.

     Ruan Shiqing fell into deep thought after listening.

    Since waking up, he has been busy comforting Rong Heng and the cubs. Many things have not been sorted out, and naturally he has not mentioned the dream he had when he was in a coma—in a dream Here, he witnessed with his own eyes that the queen gave birth to two eggs. According to the Zerg, that is the king egg.

    According to Rong Heng, the Zerg queen has been dead for many years, and the current Zerg queen, including most of the Zerg, are artificial products, and the genes of these artificial Zerg are from Ruan Jiao. And Ruan Jiao has been trapped by the Zerg for many years... He immediately thought of the king egg that was taken away by the Zerg before he could hide it.

    The dead queen is the last queen of the Zerg. She completed the final evolution, possessed a human form, and accepted the human mind, trying to end the war that lasted for thousands of years, but finally died in a murder. On the verge of death, two king eggs were left behind.

      the first king egg.

    In the records of the Zerg, the statement that the queen will give birth to males has never been mentioned.

    The Zerg is a typical matriarchal social structure, and the queen who holds the reproductive rights is respected, so the king eggs laid by each queen must be female.

    Now he has too much information missing, as if he can correspond everywhere, but there are contradictions everywhere, and he cannot justify himself.

    But in that dream, everything he saw was so real and reasonable. Whether it is the silence of Blue Star, the expansion of the Zerg to evolutionary division, or the death of Queen Farah... It seems nonsense, but many details just explain many unexplainable situations at present.

    Thinking of Queen Farah, Ruan Shiqing glanced at Rong Heng subconsciously.

    When the other party mentioned his deceased mother, his expression was always nostalgic and sad, but never anger or hatred. Obviously, he did not know the truth about the Queen's death on the frontline. The cause of the queen's death announced by the empire was that the queen took the lead and died in a once-in-a-hundred-year-old insect wave on the front line.

    Ruan Shiqing couldn't confirm which one was true or not, so he could only find a way to verify the authenticity of the dream before telling him the truth.

    He skipped the part that could not be said, and only vaguely said: "When I was in a coma, it seemed that I did not lose consciousness." He described his whole being immersed in a boundless body of water: "At that time, my forehead grew the same tentacles as Ruan Jiao."

    Tentacles are a feature unique to the Zerg.

    Galan listened thoughtfully, and after a while said: "From what you describe, it is very similar to the state of the spiritual body. The discipline of studying spiritual power in the Empire is very unpopular, but I recently I have also read a lot of related books and research papers. Some scholars have put forward the hypothesis that the essence of human beings is the spiritual body. '. The spiritual body is self-consciousness and the embodiment of the id. When people look at their 'spiritual sea', it is like 'people' immersed in the sea. The sea is endless, but 'people' are small. When' When a man's ability to come and go freely in this sea, he has mastery of spiritual power."

    This theory is only a hypothesis, it has never been verified, and it was even dismissed as a heresy. The scholar who once put forward the "spiritual sea" theory not only was not recognized, but also suffered a lot of ridicule and attack, and finally died in poverty.

    In the past six months, in order to explore Ruan Jiao's abnormality and the reason for Ruan Shiqing's coma, Garland has read a lot of works related to spiritual power. In addition, Ruan Jiao, a ready-made living example in front of him, gave him a lot of insights.

    He felt that the "spiritual sea" theory may not be nonsense, and now Ruan Shiqing's words have strengthened his idea.

    After pondering for a moment, he suggested: "Do you want to see those Zerg captives? If the guess is correct, those Zerg captives should react to you."

    Before he was on the horns, and now Ruan Shiqing's words pointed him in a new direction - the power of the Zerg is indeed powerful, but the direction of their ultimate evolution may not be power, but spiritual power.

    For example, those anthropomorphic Zerg, such as Ruan Jiao.

    The closer they get to their full human form, the stronger their mental powers; however, their physical powers are weakened accordingly. But that doesn't mean they're weaker. For example, the anthropomorphic Zerg has a very high status in the Zerg, and after training, Ruan Jiao can even make those hostile Zerg captives surrender.

    Recalling the falling star vines that grew wildly in the repair shop a few days ago, Garland felt that Ruan Shiqing could verify it with the detained Zerg.

    But before Ruan Shiqing answered, Rong Heng became nervous first: "No way!"

    He had a sullen face, his body was tense, and he subconsciously held Ruan Shiqing's arm.

    Ruan Shiqing fell into a coma because of the dead newborn queen. The talent has just woken up now, and if he is plotted by the Zerg again... As long as he thinks about this possibility, he begins to become restless.

    Ruan Shiqing could feel the strength of his arm, and understood Rong Heng's concerns.

    But he does have many guesses to verify, and after a little thought, he has made a decision.

    Backhand pressed the opponent's tight arm, Ruan Shiqing's slender fingers flexibly descended down the slightly stretched muscle line, and finally folded on the back of the hand with the bulging veins, the fingers interspersed between the fingers In between, fingers intertwined.

    He squeezed each other's hand tightly, making him feel his determination: "You go with me, I will be careful, and there will be no accidents."

    Rong Heng looked at him for a moment, and finally had to compromise.

    It was just that he was reluctant. When he went to the prison where the Zerg was being held, he gave Garan a vicious look.

    Garland just didn't see it.

    The Zerg prison is built underground in the arsenal. In addition to the three anthropomorphic Zerg captured at first, with the increase of rescue operations, many more prisoners were added. From high-level anthropomorphic Zerg to low-level ordinary Zerg, they are all imprisoned in prisons, and only the minimum survival needs are guaranteed every day. for the Garland Institute.

    The lower the Zerg, the more imprisoned in the periphery.

    When Ruan Shiqing and his party entered, they heard hissing roars and crashing sounds. These low-level Zerg IQs are not high, and without high-level Zerg command and dispatch, they appear stupid and only use brute force.

    When they passed by, just as these Zerg had just drank the nutritional supplements, and with a little strength, they began to bang against the prison railings again.

    The entire underground prison echoed with banging noises and was very noisy.

    Ruan Shiqing frowned subconsciously.

    I saw the low-level Zerg stop the ramming action, and all retreated to the corner of the prison in horror, the sharp arthropods shrank in the carapace, the abdomen was close to the ground, and even the tentacles on the top of the head Don't dare to lift it up.

    Galan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ruan Shiqing: "When Ruan Jiao came before, this would not have happened. What did you do?"

    Ruan Jiao is still young, although through study and exercise, he can make these low-level Zerg surrender, but it is not as easy as it is now, and the attitude of those Zerg surrender is far from being tamed now.

    Ruan Shiqing shook his head, also somewhat inexplicable: "I didn't do anything."

    While speaking, they moved on.

    The Zerg detained on both sides of the corridor retreated to the corner of the prison, posing a gesture of surrender.

      , a pair of red compound eyes landed on Ruan Shiqing after scanning back and forth.

    There are no more banging noises in the prison, instead, there are successive "hissing" sounds.

    It was a Zerg-specific sound, like a fingernail scratching irregularly on rough paper. In the past, Ruan Shiqing didn't understand and needed Ruan Jiao to translate.

    But this time, he clearly heard their conversation.

    "I smell familiar."

    "It's the queen."

    "The queen has long since died, and there has been no queen for many years."

    "What a male..."

    "Perfect anthropomorphism, he evolved more perfect than the queen. Did he mix into humans?"

    The messy chatter poured into my ears, Ruan Shiqing calmly swept across the cells on both sides, remembering the Zerg who mentioned the queen one by one.

    At the end of the corridor is a separate prison cell.

    "The one detained here is No. 4, the highest level Zerg we have caught so far. His genes are different from those of the artificial Zerg. I guess he is a natural born from a small number of insect queens Zerg." Garland numbered the Zerg for easy data recording.

     Ruan Shiqing looked from the gap in the fence and found that the prisoner was an adult male, tall and thin, with sickly white skin, wearing a shirt and trousers, at first glance, he had nothing to do with humans different.

    Rong Heng saw his doubts and explained: "He seems to have evolved a little more completely than other anthropomorphic zerg. When he turned into a worm form, he was half-human and half-worm."

    He caught this zerg during a rescue.

    The evolved anthropomorphic Zerg are very cunning. They disguise themselves as ordinary humans, hide in the rescued survivors, and issue orders through Zerg's unique mental fluctuations, commanding other Zerg to fight.

    That rescue operation was very difficult. Whether it was the rescue team or the rescued planet, the casualties were incalculable.

    The other party is mixed with the survivors and is familiar with all the conditions inside the planet. Under the circumstance that the enemy was dark and we were clear, the rescue operation took nearly a month to end.

    If I hadn't seen the anthropomorphic Zerg disguised as a human before, Rong Heng kept his mind and ordered people to spy on suspicious objects, almost letting this cunning Zerg escape.

    Then finally caught this Zerg, and when escorting him back to B3024 star, he also encountered a mobile insect wave. Those low-level Zerg are not afraid of death, and they charge their warships again and again, presumably to rescue this Zerg.

    Based on this, Rong Heng determined that the status of this Zerg was quite high.

    It's just that he is obviously more cunning than other anthropomorphic Zerg. After several tortures, he failed to ask much useful information.

    Ruan Shiqing looked at this Zerg across a door.

    He always felt that this Zerg gave him a very familiar feeling, but he looked at each other carefully and was sure that he had never seen each other. Even in dreams, no Zerg is half-human and half-worm.

    He frowned and thought for a while, Ruan Shiqing didn't want to let go of any clue, and still said: "Is there a photo of him becoming a Zerg?"

    Garland said yes, and recalled the stored image from his brain to show him.

    Ruan Shiqing turned over one by one, and finally fixed his eyes on one of the photos, his expression became solemn - in the photo, the man looks like a Zerg from the waist down, and stretches out from the spine behind him There were three pairs of arthropods, and the naked body was covered with strange patterns, but the most striking thing was the conch-like red pattern on his chest.

    He had seen this pattern once - in a dream.

    When the queen broke out of her eggs in human form, countless Zerg worshipped, among which the Zerg who stood closest to the queen and was the largest in size, when standing up, had a chest and abdomen. There is such a red conch pattern.

    But it was only a Zerg at that time, and it did not evolve.

    Ruan Shiqing's eyes sank, suppressing all emotions, looking at No. 4, and lightly wrote: "I have seen you."

    The Zerg looked up at him, the pupils shrank, and did not speak.

    But Ruan Shiqing inexplicably sensed his hostility and a trace of fear.

    This feeling was inexplicable, but he really felt it, he looked at Ruan Jiao, and saw the cub holding Rong Heng's clothes, his eyes widened, staring at each other vigilantly, obviously Also aware of the other party's injustice.

    He squinted, this time he did not ask, but said in a certain tone: "It seems that you also recognize who I am."

    When he said this, his expression also brought just the right sarcasm.

      It is impossible to recognize him because of the inheritance memory.

     Ruan Shiqing extracted a lot of information from his words.

    First, it is indeed the Zerg in the dream;

    Second, dreams are not just dreams, but inherited memories.

    The analyzed information quickly passed through her mind, Ruan Shiqing continued to speak calmly: "She had anticipated your betrayal and made preparations."

    No. 4 showed such an expression as expected, his eyes turned to Ruan Jiao, and gritted his teeth: "She deliberately left a defective king egg for us, but hid you properly. It's no wonder that we have spent countless efforts over the years, but we still can't cultivate a real queen."

    The reproductive rights of the entire ethnic group are in the hands of the insect queen, but since the insect queen has completed the transformation of human form and sneaked into the Galactic Empire several times, she is no longer the same as before, for the entire ethnic group. future, and they spawn.

    It even began to be whimsical, wanting to shake hands with humans to make peace and coexist peacefully in exchange for the "Sky Stone" that promotes the evolution of the ethnic group.

    However, the "Sky Stone" is very important to the evolution of the ethnic group. How can the lifeline of the ethnic group be handed over to the aliens?

    This is naive!

    Instead of being constrained by others, it is better to completely occupy this star field, and then the entire group can go further.

    Originally, they had a perfect plan, forcing the queen to a desperate situation. When she was dying, she would definitely give birth to a king egg. As long as she brought back the king egg and cultivated the next queen, all that will remain the same.

    I didn't expect the king egg to be brought back, but it was a male!

    Without the queens, the number of tribes dwindled with the war, and they had to find a way to artificially breed new queens.

    The eggs they lay are weaker and die completely after up to three spawns.

    The reproduction of the Zerg has fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

    It's not that they didn't suspect that there is something wrong with this king egg, but the queen can only give birth to one king egg at a time, so even if they doubt it, they can't confirm it again.

    The appearance of Ruan Shiqing now made him confirm that they fell into the trap of the queen.

    She deliberately left a defective king egg, but hid the king egg that had all the inheritance.

    And now, this grown king egg, like his mother, is close to humans.

    The Zerg was unwilling to let out an angry hiss, and slammed on it, the limbs behind it suddenly stretched out, trying to attack Ruan Shiqing.

    Rong Heng, who was guarding the side, had a sharp look, stepped forward, caught the sharp arthropod with his bare hand, and chopped off his other hand in a knife-like shape, breaking the opponent's arthropod.


    Ruan Shiqing condensed him for a moment, guessing that there was nothing to say today, she simply turned and left.

    Just told Garland not to let him die easily.

    After getting on the elevator and getting away from the Zerg, Rong Heng, who said nothing, said, "What kind of riddle were you playing with that Zerg just now?"

    Garland and Ruan Jiao were obviously very puzzled, and three pairs of eyes stared at him, waiting for him to clear their doubts.

    Ruan Shiqing sighed slightly: "I'll talk to you when I go back."

    It is confirmed by the words of No. 4. He has basically determined that the broken fragments in the "dream" are real.

    That is the memory passed down by the queens of the past generations.

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