The Cursed Ship

Chapter 152: Collapsed pyramid

Coming up from the cargo hold, Zheng Yang immediately searched for local sheet metal suppliers on the Internet. As a result, he learned that Meduuge, about 20 nautical miles to the south, was more convenient to purchase.

At this time, it was less than 3:30 in the afternoon, and Zheng Yang ordered a plank, immediately set off the sail, and it took less than an hour to dock at Maiduge.

After the spirit ship left, the iron sailing ship was still waiting for the return of five teammates...

In the evening, the supplier delivers the plates and hardware to the dock and transports them to the ship through the gate at the stern.

When Zheng Yang thought, the light of the magic circle enveloped these materials, and all the materials returned to their places. In an instant, directly below the hall and behind the stairwell, a total of six compartments were enclosed by panels, leaving a passage about 1.8 meters wide in between.

As a result, this floor of the cabin also appears to be a lot more regular.

Taking the stairwell as the boundary, the front four are material compartments, two on the left and right, two of which have been filled with materials; the two symmetrically distributed behind the stairwell are the alchemy laboratory and the pharmaceutical laboratory.

At the rear, there are two compartments on the left and right that are not sealed off, which can be used to keep things; under the bow deck, behind the fish storehouse is a cold storage, and there is a space of nearly 3 meters between the material compartment and the left and right sides are 8 meters long. It has a T-shape with the longitudinal passage, and both sides face the hatch.

When Elima and Loveni came down to watch Zheng Yang's construction capabilities, they saw a cargo hold that had changed drastically, and the laboratory was completely built according to their needs.

"This... are you too fast?"

Loveni felt incredible and almost thought she had hallucinations.

Zheng Yang touched his nose: "Listen to what you said, why do you feel a bit ambiguous?"

"What ambiguity?"

Loveni did not hear the deep meaning for the first time.

Elima glared at Zheng Yang, threw the large revolver and enchanted bullets Enchanted by Loveni to him, and then took Loveni up to get their experimental equipment down and set it up.

Zheng Yang played with the big revolver.

The basic power of this long tube revolver in the whiteboard state is stronger than that of the white sand eagle. Now that after the intermediate enchantment, Zheng Yang can feel its deep murderous intent just by holding it in his hand.

The ordinary three-level protection force field is absolutely unable to withstand its bombardment.

In the future, it will use enchanted bullets exclusively!


The location of the pyramid that Lola explored last time is at the northern end of the border between Libya and Egypt, about 100 kilometers away from Tubrug Port in Libya.

The soul ship traveled day and night, gradually deepened into the Mediterranean Sea, and arrived at Tubrug in the evening five days later.

"We have to rent two off-road vehicles first, and drive more than 70 kilometers before going into the mountain tomorrow. In addition, we need to prepare some blasting and excavation equipment for special circumstances."

Laura made suggestions based on the previous experience.

Zheng Yang said: "Buy two directly? Anyway, you can get on the ship? They usually park in the cargo hold!"

There are exactly four compartments at the rear of the cargo hold that are vacant, suitable for parking.

While it’s still dark? They went ashore together? They found the largest local car dealer and spent two million to buy two excellent four-wheel drive off-road vehicles. One is paid for by Zheng Yang? The other is co-sponsored by others.

At this time, it was getting late, Loveni came forward to contact the Special Affairs Bureau? Through the relationship between the Special Affairs Bureau, and applied for two international licenses overnight.

Then the eight people were divided into two off-road vehicles to purchase supplies.

The spirit ship was originally parked at the passenger terminal. When they returned, they drove the two off-road vehicles to the freight terminal. Then Zheng Yang went back and drove the ship over, dumped it into the terminal and opened the tailgate of the cargo hold. Let the two off-road vehicles drive into the cargo hold.

Then? Drive the boat aside and anchor overnight.

Early the next morning, after driving the off-road vehicle onto the pier, Zheng Yang had to moor the boat to the passenger terminal before going ashore. After tossing back and forth, Zheng Yang suddenly felt that it was time to find opportunities to reveal more secrets to them.

So when the two off-road vehicles entered the mountain area and were about to reach the scheduled drop-off position? Zheng Yang suddenly said to the same vehicles, Elima and Eva:

"I actually have an ability to use the mysterious magic circle on the ship to transport things to my side? Or to transport the objects around me back to the ship!"

"So amazing!" Erima blurted out in surprise.

"It's amazing!"

Zheng Yang flipped through his hands and took two packs of snacks and gave them to Alice and Eva, and then sent one of their backpacks back.

Eva exclaimed: "I want to play too? Zheng Yang quickly teach me!"

"You can't learn, the magic circle does not recognize you? Only I can learn!"

"Oh? What an annoying circle!"

After being surprised at the beginning, Elima thought for a while and said: "It's very convenient and practical. You don't need to carry so much luggage in the future... But don't let too many people know about it, just leave it as a trump card!"

Zheng Yang nodded: "I thought so too, so I never told you, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course, it should be, we won't mind!"

Elima told Eva to keep her secret.

Eva replied, and asked: "Do you let Aunt Loveni and Sister Seyulali know?"

With deep meaning in her eyes, Elima looked at Zheng Yang and said: "We can only let the two of them know, and we can't tell others. This is our secret!"


At the end of a fork in the road, Zheng Yang transported the backpack back, and everyone got off the car one after another.

The trail behind must be on foot, and everyone took out their backpacks and belongings.

Seeing that Tynock was about to cut branches to hide the off-road vehicle, Zheng Yang secretly sighed that he was about to lie again. He can't worry about throwing two millions of off-road vehicles here and simply camouflaging them with leaves. As long as they are discovered, they will definitely be stolen.

So Zheng Yang said to others: "No need to pretend, I will set up a hidden barrier."

Then he held the off-road vehicle in front of everyone.

As the light of the transmission seal covers the off-road vehicle, the next moment, the off-road vehicle disappears in a After Zheng Yang transports both off-road vehicles away, Technok reacts from the sluggishness and walks over. He stretched out his hand to fish around, but only caught the air in his hand.

"Damn it, this is a barrier like that valley, am I right?"

Terokk was shocked. When he and Zheng Yang went to the deep mountain cemetery for the first time, the valley was so invisible under the influence of the barrier.

Zheng Yang said: "The effect is similar, but I am not that strong, and can hide a whole valley."

"It's no wonder that you insist on buying a good car, and you are not afraid of losing it... You guy is so powerful, your abilities are endless!"

"Let's go!"


Almost three hours later, eight people appeared on a ruin.

The collapsed pyramid is no longer what it once looked like, only messy stones remain. Many rocks were broken and broken, and some were weathered, it looked more like a pile of rocks at this time.

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