The scale of military training is not large, depending on the cost of the investment in the exercise, and on the other hand, the leadership of this observation.

This time the six-school joint military training drills, there are really many leaders present, representing the extraordinary of the 100-school general office, and the Dakang secretary of the Wan School Alliance came to the scene. In addition, there are six principals of the principals, all of whom came to the scene for supervision.

The number of students participating in this time is actually quite a lot. Military training exercises are very important, and the safety of students is equally important.

At noon that day, Immortal Toya was called to the meeting again. He was the chief instructor of this military training, and he also had important responsibilities in the work of student safety.

In the conference room, Dakang secretary, Zhuoyi, the principal of the 59th, the president of the 60th, the president of the building materials high school, the grandson of the wild high school, the principal of the Jinyuan high school… the two leaders, the five major The principals are all there.

“How come the principal of Yueshan high school has not come yet?” In the conference hall, Dakang鈥檚 secretary sat on the bench in the middle, holding his chin and fingers crossed. He frowned and was not very happy.

“It is said that the ancestors of the mountain have just left the customs, and now they are on the way to the place.” As the alliance partner with the high school in the mountains, the principal of the Jinyuan High School played a round field.

“I know that this kid must be late…” The old secretary sighed: “In that year, this kid was a retreat. When the high school was not established, this guy built a mountain and found a hill. After the decoration of the sects, several elders took a few guest secrets, and then they went to retreat. When the customs clearance, the whole number of centuries has passed, and there are not many disciples in the sect.

Principal: “…”

鈥淒akang鈥檚 secretary and the ancestors of the ancestors were the same teachers? How do you understand this?鈥?Immortal Toya asked curiously.

“How can I get out of the same door with him? Of course, I know him because of the fact that he was founded in the high school. It was because of the problem of relying on high school in the mountains that he had been playing with him before…” Grinning, scanning the eyes of everyone, smiled: “In the territory of China, the approval of all schools must go through our Wan School League, do you know this?”

The crowd nodded: “Of course.”

The old secretary said: “This approval will certainly not be approved in a short time. We need to go through the process of working in the government department. After submitting the application, the general approval will take 15 working days.”

President Chen nodded: “Yes, it really takes so long. And the principal who needs to apply for the school is present to sign and press the fingerprint and register the school address on the spot. The school will be approved.”

“The problem is here.”

Secretary Dakang smiled bitterly: “At the beginning, the ancestor of the mountain chose to go to retreat every time after submitting the application materials. A retreat is a whole hundred years…”

Principal: “…”

Secretary Dakang: “The most important thing is that after the transfer, the materials were re-submitted, and then I couldn鈥檛 help but go to retreat… In this way, our Wan School Alliance received a total of six applications, and the high school is also separated. It took only six hundred years to apply for implementation. If you save the six hundred years, it is now a millennium old school…”

Principal: “…”

For a long time, there was a silence in the conference room.

About five or six minutes later, the extraordinary mobile phone finally rang: “There is news from the ancestors! He sent a text message!”

Secretary Dakang: “Oh? What did he say?”

“He says鈥︹€?#8221;

Zhuoyi saw the content of the text message, his face seemed very unsightly. After a little meditation for a while, he finally read the text message sent by the ancestors of the mountain: “Im dizzy! I just went out, how are everyone so quiet, no Surfing the Internet? How many ggs and mm have you come today? Is there any favorite color lotus real person? I heard that Immortal Toya is here today? I am a junior who likes purple rapeseed. I am still on the road, I will see you later. muah!”

After the exaggeration was over, everyone in the field suddenly took a breath of cold air…

“…” Immortal Toya wiped the sweat and heard that the ancestor of the mountain actually had a good impression on himself. When he felt that some of his hands were in shock, he also questioned the content of the text message: “I would like to ask the General Directorate, this really Is it made by the ancestors of the mountains?”

Unbelievable point to open the avatar, repeated confirmation before nodding nodded: “Thousands of true, such as fake replacement.”


Everyone suddenly felt that the image of the ancestors was a bit collapsed…

The reliant patron ancestors are actually a non-mainstream! It is difficult because of the relationship between the mountains, the network signal is not very good, the network in the village has just been connected?

“Everyone does not have to doubt, this tone is the ancestors of the mountains.” Dakang’s mouth smacked: “The ancestors of the mountain are a retreat, but the places that have chosen to retreat for so many years are in their own homes. The network signal in the village is really not very good.”

Everyone: “…”

Secretary Dakang: “But it’s a pity that… the ancestors always feel that they are very fashionable.”

Everyone: “…”



Ten minutes passed, and the principal of Yue鈥檚 school in the high school of the mountain still did not show up.

Zhuoyi looked at the mobile phone text message and saw the second message from the ancestors. “The backing of the ancestors has been closed for a long time. I don鈥檛 know that the single and double number limit policy has been implemented. It seems that the sword is on the road. It was deducted and is still being handled at the police station.”

Everyone: “…”

The old secretary had waited a little impatient, and simply presided over the meeting. He turned his attention to the principal of Hong: “No matter who he is, let’s open our meeting. Xiao Hong, your Jinyuan high school and the high school.” The second time is the alliance. What is going on at the meeting to be responsible for the transfer?”

“Good secretary.” Hong Hong, the principal of Jinyuan High School, nodded.

The meeting officially began.

The old secretary looked at his small book and set a lot of questions for the military training exercise. After all, this escape drill, the six schools were carried out as pilot schools, in fact, there are still many loopholes. The ability to find gaps in time to fill in the process of discussion is what they need to do now.

“With regard to this drill, General Yi attaches great importance to it. Before March, he specially customized a large amount of magic weapons to invest in this map for students to use. This is a test of the students’ ability to adapt to the flexibility and flexibility of the magic weapon.”

The old secretary said: “However, given the complexity of the operation of some magic weapons, students are not easy to get started, it may be a study for half a day. The expert group feels that this will greatly slow down the progress of this exercise, everyone has What do you think?”

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