There are many ways to increase the tacit understanding with the Sword Spirit. In the era when the beasts and monsters were rampant, many comprehensions would choose to use the sword as much as possible to annihilate the beasts and monsters, thereby increasing the tacit value and proficiency. This is the most significant and fastest method of all methods.

But now, the beast is blocked by the door of the outside world, and the beast has become a protected animal of all countries.

Therefore, modern comprehensions have explored the secrets of adding tacit understanding between themselves and the sword.

For example, King Fa, the most common method is to use the innate god Lei to give his own spiritual sword a gentle massage therapy; for example, True Monarch, since indulging in the study of broccoli given by Wang, he has to put his own sword Soak in the broccoli vegetable field…

In contrast, Wang Ling’s approach is simple.

His method is to hold Jing Ke in his hand…

Wang Ling refers to this method collectively: the tacit gain method that holds you in the palm of your hand.

The name looks faint and LOW, and there is a hint of a second-class atmosphere in the country, but Wang Ling feels that even if it is re-earthed, it is not a gold arch.



Every month, Wang Ling will take such a day to improve the tacit understanding with Jing Ke, but the time is usually not too long.

After waiting for about an hour in the downstairs, Thunder saw Wang Ling coming downstairs, and turned his eyes directly without any mercy… This is the attempt to use the software to read the original A warning of rude behavior.

This white-eyed sighed in the heart of Thunder, and immediately sighed with some sighs in his heart. It seems that he can only sacrifice the limited edition of the double-yellow flavor of the package to apologize!

Speaking back to the topic, the white youth looked at Wang Ling seriously: “Let brother, I came to recycle the last time you said the demon king’s arm.”

Wang Ling nodded. As soon as Thunder True Monarch came to the door of the Wang Family Villa and the old man, Wang Ling had already known the purpose of his trip.

After the two went to the backyard, Erha was kneeling on the ground and saw the little master coming. He consciously moved his position and shook his tail to come to Wang Ling’s feet and squat again.

Wang Ling opened his eyes to the void, and the power of vision has opened.

At this moment, Thunder True Monarch once again saw Wang Ling’s open pupil like a petal. Because of the power of the eye, the pupil was rendered dark gold.

A moment later, Wang Ling’s vision of the void, the spiritual force rolled up a torrent of water and opened a space.


The white youth saw a huge black shadow falling directly from the space in front of his heel… After that, even the ground was deeply sunken because he could not bear the huge weight of his arm.

Thunder True Monarch: “…”

This is the demon king’s arm, but also from the troll family, although it can be imagined its huge, but when you see it, Thunder True Monarch still feels a sense of horror.

The density of the demon king’s arm is so great… If you don’t hear Immortal Toya telling yourself, Thunder True Monarch will not think of it, this thing was pinched off by Wang Ling.

With the eyes open, Thunder True Monarch quickly reclaimed this huge demon king arm into his own vision.

Although this arm has been pinched for a long time, but the devil is still full, this just released, but how long ago, the flowers and plants near the ground have already showed signs of withering… Fortunately, the flowers and plants of the back garden are not often taken care of. Or else offend Wang’s father, Thunder True Monarch feels that he is definitely a big loss! Even with dozens of tons of broccoli, it is impossible to recover…

“The demon king’s arm has great development and utilization value, so I will study it when I go back and open it.”

Receiving the demon king’s arm, a hanging string in the heart of the white youth has fallen by a large part.

Thunder True Monarch breathed a sigh of relief, but his face did not relax. He thought of the game space yesterday. He looked at Wang Ling and asked: “Let brother, about the space yesterday, What’s your opinion?”

In fact, even if he didn’t say it, Wang Ling was like a mirror in his heart. He knew that this matter could not be separated from the “Xianfu”.

It is not as easy to solve this problem as it is, but it is not complicated.

Just… 斩 除 除 除 除.

Wang Ling thought of it and blinked.

He remembered that there were too many troubles in the past because of this fairy.

For this kind of thing that destroys his quiet life again and again, Wang Ling’s attitude has always been zero tolerance.

As a long-time friend, Wang Ling’s attitude, Thunder is actually well-informed. He took a deep breath and looked at Wang Ling: “In fact, before, Tan Qian gave me a clue, Xianfu’s The Eastern Bureau is about to be shot. Regardless of what the brothers have, the brothers will give up their lives with the gentleman and accompany them to the end!”

Wang Ling looked at the white-eyed youth’s eyes, and the words of the rushing words revealed a few rare colors.



About the evening of the day, a tremor trembled on the east road of the Wangjia villa, and the ground was shaking, and many birds were shocked.

A figure descended to the front of the villa with a strong pressure. When the figure landed, the ground cracked open, and the endless aura of light surrounded the body into an invisible body, causing the ground to break, even the air. All of them once produced a feeling of illusion and distortion.

“It’s here!” The middle-aged man, who was in the aura of glory and suffocated, was cold-smiling. He stared at the Wangjia small villa, revealing an unprecedented murderousness.

He has been in the East Bureau for a full hundred years. Now, as long as he can really grasp the information of this family, it is just around the corner to promote the senior elders of Xianfu!

The middle-aged man’s mouth couldn’t help but rise up. He waited for this day and it was waiting too long!

This is the biggest and most recent opportunity for the highest level of promotion in the past 100 years…

The machine can’t be lost!

The eyes of the middle-aged man stared at the door of the villa, and the real murderousness penetrated into the Wangjia villa without any cover.

About two minutes later, the door of Wangjia Villa opened.

However, the door was not fully opened, just opened a door and stopped.

A brown light emerged from it – the light that turned into a light-grained material gathered at the door, giving people a sense of ethereality. When the light particles completely condensed into a mahogany sword, the middle-aged man’s face finally changed color… This mahogany sword is too horrible, and the sense of oppression brought him to have a kind of crushed meat sauce. illusion!

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