In fact, 100% immune control is just one of the effects of eating a crisp face. The special strength of this body in Xiao Yin is not the other. It is the source of Wang Ling’s own instinct.

In the face of Wang Ling’s original instinct, all negative states will be instantly disintegrated, not just these simple and rude control skills, even the toxin attack is not effective for the current Xiao Yin.

Moreover, Wang Ling’s original instinct is not limited to defense, even ordinary attacks can be strengthened, and under this kind of instinctual blessing, the power of magic and spells will multiply.

The original instinct is a special substance that Wang Ling spontaneously formed in the body at a very young age. In fact, the seal on the body of Wang Ling, the “Wang Ling substance” contained in it, is actually suppressed. It is the source of the source that Wang Ling is constantly producing in the body…

Before, when Wang Ling smashed the evil spirits, it was so painful that the slap in the face could be so painful. However, because of the seal symbol, the value of the original intrinsic gas in the body of Wang Ling is normal. If it is not controlled, the concentration of the intrinsic gas will exceed the standard.

In the battle with the evil sword god, Wang Ling’s slap in the face…

The evil sword god is afraid to be on the spot.

Obviously, Xiao Yin is aware of this.

He did not know that this power is the original instinct of Wang Ling, but he can actually feel that his various attributes have been strengthened.

Now Xiao Yin finally understands that “spiritual filling” is just a small aura attached to the packaged face, and the special force that is in the body is the real key. !

However, although all aspects of the property have been enhanced, but Xiao Yin’s breath has not changed.

And this is the most magical place of “the original source of truth”… comparable to the existence of invisible plug-ins!



The successive controls failed, and Mr. Lu’s eyebrows were locked. His proficiency was already full, especially under this kind of terrain. It was the most suitable for use. For the past thousand years, he has never had control. When it fails…

If it is a common monster, especially in the extremely tense atmosphere of “battle”, it is very likely that it will be self-defeating in the event of an unexpected situation.

However, Mr. Lu is not a Mr. Lu…

As members of the tree family, whether it is a spiritual tree or a demon tree, the tree family has a considerable feature that is stable.

Diligent thinking, and basically no panic.

And for this battle, although Mr. Lu realized that the silver-haired youth in front of him was not good at dealing with it, he still had extremely strong self-confidence.

“Nothing is empty!!” He infused the mana into the sword of his hand.

Xiao Yin immediately saw that there was a colorful glass of sword flowing from the front of the sword, gradually covering the entire blade, and then the sword was under sight, as if it had evaporated, it disappeared.

Each sword has its own special attributes, like the broken sword in the hands of the evil sword god, which represents the power of devastating chaos…

The winning weapon in the hands of Thunder True Monarch represents the ultimate defense and the power of parry…

And now this day of the hands of Mr. Lu, represents the ultimate emptiness…

When the emptiness of the sword is launched, the sword will be dissolved directly in the void, and if necessary, the raid will be carried out according to the instructions… There is a sacred sword in the highest state of the heart. However, the real “heart sword has no trace”, its power is much greater than the Tianxing sword, it is almost the destruction caused by annihilation.

The emptiness of the sword of Tianxing, after all, is only the shape, but not the god.

But even so, Tianxingjian ranks quite high on the sword list…

Among the top ten spiritual swords on the list of the Spirit Swords, they are almost all sacrificial instruments. Only the Tianxing Sword is the only one.

For the weapons used by human comprehensions, Xiao Yin was too bored to stay at home all day, so I went to the Internet to check the information.

He did not expect that the sword of Mr. Lu’s hand was actually a famous sword…

Honestly, if it wasn’t for Mr. Lu’s display of “virtuality,” Xiao Yin didn’t really see that it was “the Heavenly Sword.”

Xiao Yin always feels that this sword seems to be a bit problematic, because he always feels that this Tianxing sword seems to be somewhat different from the “physical map” that he saw on the sword list…

This day, I went to the sword. When I became a sword, I became a sword.

Xiao Yin is a little bit strange, but Xiao Yin is not good at asking. After all, the human self-cultivator who has a lot of leisurely pains in this year likes to repackage the famous sword that he bought at a high price into his favorite appearance.

If the appearance of the sword is re-engineered, Xiao Yin feels nothing strange.

In the intrinsic spiritual domain, the two have already made up their minds after watching each other for a while.

Mr. Lu decided to adopt a long-lasting consumption tactics, use his superior resilience and resilience, and cooperate with Tian Xingjian and Xiao Yin.

And Xiao Yin is certainly not a fool…

The tree family’s resilience is notorious. Xiao Yin’s plan is a quick fix, and it must be attacked with irresistible damage.


After a few seconds of confrontation, an icy glass of swordsmangled from the void, almost sticking to Xiao Yin’s cheeks…

Xiao Yin hurryed sideways and escaped the attack…

Tian Xingjian, the sword that was born from nothingness, took away a few silver hairs from Xiao Yin.

This angle is very tricky, Xiao Yin feels that if it is not because of the source of the gas, so that his six senses have been improved, this blow really has to be heavier!

However, in spite of this, in fact, the attack launched by Mr. Lu made Xiao Yin feel a bit strange.

It is reasonable to say that the opposite is the iron heart to find the shackles, not to be merciless, but from the power of the sword that has just been sent out by the sword, although the speed is indeed very fast, there is a feeling of unexpected, but Xiao Yin I always feel that the power of the sword itself is not as strong as I thought…

“This man, your sword seems to be a little sick…” Xiao Yin said his doubts.

However, Xiao Yin said with good intentions, but did not get Mr. Lu’s reply. In the face of Xiao Yin, it was Mr. Lu’s next wave of attack: “The next day, but from Jingxi Mall, spend 10 million cents. Gold bought! There is absolutely no problem…”

Why don’t you believe it?

Xiao Yin sighed. He didn’t do any defense, picked up his fists and shocked his feet. The whole person was like a heavy gun and went to Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu did not expect that the opponent’s offense was so simple and rude…

I hurriedly summoned the Heavenly Sword from the void to block.

In his mouth, he thought about the law, and soon Xiao Yin felt that there was a sword in front of him.

However this time. Xiao Yin chose to ignore it directly, and she simply collided with the sword of Tianxingjian.

“Oh, hit the stone with an egg!” Mr. Lu saw this scene, could not help but sneer.

However, the outcome was unexpected to Mr. Lu…

The sword fist collided and gave a crisp crash.

This Tianxing sword is in the void… It was directly shattered by Xiao Yin’s old fist…

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