The Dark King

Vol 6 Chapter 781: : Big killing ring

Du Di'an waited for him to be close, and he would let him get out of this way, and immediately swooped forward, and the whole body grabbed it, blocking the retreat of Amos, and the limbs of the chest were stabbed, such as a few slender daggers.

Amos was shocked, snarled and lifted his foot. He slammed, and the car beam under his feet burst into tears. His body shrank downward, escaped Dudian’s hug, drilled under the chariot, and rushed out from behind the rut. .

The pioneers who were squatting around the chariots just pulled the chariot and did not attack the Amos.

Du Di'an did not expect them to work for themselves with all their heart and soul. The toes were a little bit, soaring, and they rushed to Amos, and the magic wings flapped like a black magic bird.

"How is it possible!" Ulita was shocked. Amos was seriously injured and fell into the wind. In contrast, Du Di'an, the sound of the tiger, the speed of chasing, completely suppressing Amos, which made her unbelievable, to I know that Amos is a well-known insider who has been famous for many years. He can say that he is better than him. In addition to the former great country teacher, the three descendants of the demon family, the dragon mother, the rock demon, etc. people.

When Du Di'an took the shot, she noticed that Du Di'an's body was soaring to the endangered level, but she did not expect it to be the same, and Amos couldn't help such a new person.


She did not dare to continue watching, immediately swooping down, Jiao Jiao said: "Stop!"

Du Di'an did not look back, his eyes locked Amos, rushed out at full speed, with the promotion of the magic wing, in a twinkling of an eye, approaching Amos.

The demonized body of Amos is more physically strong, and he is slightly awkward to move with Du Di'an. He feels the sound of the wind behind him, turns around, hurries his tail and sweeps to Du Di'an.

Dudian waved the sickle arm and cut it away.

puff! puff!

The green tail that Amos had beaten was cut off on the spot, but Du Di'an was also uncomfortable. This Amos's demonized tail was tougher than he had imagined, and he was licking his arm, but he couldn't help but he couldn't help. The pain in the arm, rushed out, and the whole blade flicked, such as the blade storm, and quickly approached the body of Amos.

Amos's pupils tightened, waving in the horror, and the palms highlighted the cone-shaped monster.

Puff puff……

A piece of blood spattered out, along with large pieces of broken pieces of meat splashing around the ground.


Dudian's body passed Amos and stopped on the road where he fled. He turned and looked at it. He saw Ulyta show the singularly singularly magical body, which rushed in, but on the ground in front of his feet, scattered The ground meat and broken hands in one place, almost no complete body, including the half head of Amos, the eyeballs attached to the ground, huge.

Du Di'an licked the blood on his lips, and a warm rust smell came from the tip of his tongue. His eyes flashed a trace of excitement and bloodthirsty. He didn't expect the previously unbeatable inner powers to be so vulnerable. Or, at this moment, he is stronger than he imagined, which makes his confidence more than ever, and he is full of pride.

Ulita looked at the minced meat scattered in front of Dudyan's feet. The fluffy face flashed a trace of shock. The speed of the rush to Dudian stopped suddenly. She wanted to come and help, and Amos smothered Dudian, but not Thinking of this short distance, Amos did not hold on, a fame master who has been famous for many years, actually died.

It’s so fast, it seems to be a master!

Du Di'an lifted his foot forward and stepped on the body of Amos's broken meat. His eyes flashed with a dark evil, whispering: "His Royal Highness, it seems that you have seen the situation and confessed to me. I can leave you a little life, at least to keep you until your father returns, how?"

Ulita woke up and heard the face sinking, cold channel: "No more nonsense, I still can't take you to spare, you want to stay with me, just want to wait for my father to come back, take me hostage, To marry my father, I tell you, you want more! Compared with the entire giant wall, what am I? My father will kill you on the spot, blood sacrifice my undead!"

"You misread me." Du Dian stepped closer to her and said: "Use your hostage, it is nothing more than two possibilities, or your father is soft, let me live, or let me kill you, then he Kill me again, give you revenge, no matter what the result, there are risks, so before your father returns, I can leave here directly, the existence of the intruder also proves that this world is not only this giant wall, I You can go to other giant walls."

Ulita sneered slightly. "Then go!"

"Do you think I have no way to cross the abyss?" Du Dian said slowly: "There was no, but after the intruder appeared, I had it."

Ulita stunned, and the thoughts in her mind suddenly got an answer. She suddenly realized that "they are like this, you collude with the invaders, they help you get the kingship, and tell you how they cross the abyss, you help them Take the corpse, so that when they leave, my father will come back, you also have a retreat, no wonder you are not afraid of the abandonment of the gods..."

"His Royal Highness..." Du Di'an once again made a noise, and seemed to want to say something, but only said the word, the figure suddenly slammed. It turned out that he had unconsciously walked to the place where Ulita was about ten meters away. This is a storm. Ten meters away, one step away, instantly crossed.


Du Di's safe body blade rolled up and turned into countless afterimages.

Ulita stood still, and when the afterimage passed, her figure slowly dissipated, such as light smoke, but the next moment appeared 20 meters away, the furry little face was full of mockery, "This little trick, thought I Will you not notice that you used to kill people, relying on this kind of cleverness, little treacherous?"

When Du Di'an saw no feeling in the stab, he knew that the sneak attack failed. He was shocked. The last time he saw the speed of the movement that Ulita showed when attacking the invaders, he was greatly surprised. I did not expect her reaction rate to be faster than herself. The imagination is fast, it is simply the reaction of electro-optical. Hearing her ridicule, he raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at her in a cold, and said: "That will make you look smart."

Finished, turned to guard from the front of the steps.

Ulita saw Dudian's whereabouts, and she was shocked. Her face suddenly showed anger. "You have the ability to rush me!"

Du Di'an heard it as if he had not heard it, and rushed to the guard in front of the steps.

The whole body's sharp-edged limbs fluttered, and the guards holding the shields and the rifle were instantly torn out of a gap, just like the meteorites that swept away and were unmatched. All the walls of the copper wall were as weak as paper.

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