The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 83: duel again

"Apparition belongs to space magic, and the biggest difficulty of space magic is the movement of living bodies."

"I'll show you a few more moves first, so you can feel it seriously first."

Helena took Rey's hand, and after he nodded, the two disappeared.

After doing this several times, Helena and Rey appeared on the grass in Godric's Hollow. The relaxed Helena smiled and asked, "How is it, how do you feel?"

After moving several times in a row, Rey sighed and replied: "It doesn't feel good, it's like being suddenly forced into the tube. It was suddenly pulled down to another place by the huge suction."

"It's the first time I've heard such a description. It was the same when I first learned it. It's good to get used to it. So you already know the three key points of Apparition?"

Rey replied, "Well, I know. Goal, determination, calm."

Step 1: Focus your awareness on the object you want to move to.

Step 2: Make up your mind and think that you will be able to move to your goal. Let the thought of wanting to go there flood from the brain to the whole body

Step 3: Feel the body become nothingness in place and move calmly.

These so-called secrets do not need to be told by Helena, and Rey is also very clear. What he wanted to know was how to do it, presumably Helena would not disappoint him.

Sure enough, after hearing Rey's answer. The little teacher, Helena, nodded, then cleared her throat and continued: "The first is the goal: our consciousness must be focused on the goal. Concentration of consciousness is actually the image of the restoration of the goal in our minds. ."

"Recovery?" Rey asked in surprise.

"Yes, restoration. That is to say, the imaginary target must be very close to the real one. Moreover, it must be the view from which you are standing when you are standing at the target."

"It's going to be like this!?" Rey was a little surprised, but he didn't expect to practice Apparition with such details.

"Well, when the restoration imagination reaches an amazing fit, you will have a very mysterious feeling. If you close your eyes, you will be surprised to find that the target seems to be under your feet."

This is only the first step.

When the first step is completely achieved, the second step is the firmness of the spiritual will. At this point you don't think about anything but one thing: I can definitely move there.

This is actually the implementation of an idea for magic power, just like an instruction to magic power, a process that causes magic power to resonate.

The third step: the control of magic.

At this stage, you need to control the magic power to the extent you want. When your thoughts arise and the magic power reacts autonomously, you need to use the magic power of these autonomous reactions to spread all over your body instantly, and feel the magic power to turn the body into nothingness. This is the beginning of the movement.

So for the high-level magic of Apparition, the three-step secret is absolutely necessary.

After listening to Helena's explanation, Rey understood. It is absolutely impossible to practice this apparition in a short period of time. But he still didn't give up and asked: "If I want to practice, how long will it take?"

"I practiced this for three years. If it was you, it would take four or five years." Helena said with a smile, feeling very good.

Although there are some exaggerated elements in her words, Rey believes that what she said should be the truth. The key is the control of magic power in the third step. In order to achieve the ideal magic power control, you can achieve the best magic effect with the least magic power, which is the kind of intermediate wizard.

The wizard's high-level magic is really not something that can be achieved overnight.

In the next time, there is time to practice.


"Ah! I must put the trash can on your head." A sharp roar sounded in the hallway of Hogwarts.

This is Peeves' angry voice.

When Peeves was first born, although his appearance and dress were strange, he was also a very polite elf. He would politely say to everyone entering Hogwarts: Welcome to Hogwarts.

However, in just over three years, the little wizards who studied at Hogwarts completely changed him.

Little wizards practice magic in the castle. Destruction is a frequent thing, and Peeves is the elf of Hogwarts, so it is natural to feel it.

However, this is secondary.

The little wizards are all mischievous beings. The little wizards with magical powers are naughty and mischievous, which is simply a headache. For a while, there was a rumbling sound here, or the bricks were knocked down there. Facing these energetic little wizards, he was helpless with only the intelligence of a child.

In modern society, any teacher would definitely go crazy if he taught this group of little wizards.

The teacher is still like this, not to mention that Peeves is facing a bunch of little wizards who are naughty in their own bodies.

So Peeves' resentment became more and more serious. So he returned all the mischief of the little wizards on him in a prank way.

An elf who was originally polite turned into a little wizard's nightmare in the end.

Of course, it is indeed a good choice for the two sides to return to balance in this way. In future generations, as long as they are freshmen, they will be the targets of Peeves' teasing, because this is his way of venting.

Life and life are like this. After encountering and getting along, they will naturally evolve into what they should be. Everything seems to be very logical.

And logic, that is, things that can be calculated, maybe these things that can be calculated are the so-called fate.

"Fate, this thing is not very good."

Rey sneered in his heart, if destiny is known in advance about the bad things that will happen in the future, the mood will naturally not be better.

This bad thing in the future will happen to Helena Ravenclaw.

For Helena, Rey can't say how much she likes it. But even so, Rey never wanted to see her intended ending.

"Can I change?"

Standing at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, with both hands on the railing, Rey asked himself while overlooking the Hogwarts landscape.


For more than three years, Rey has been practicing the basic control of magic. Now he should have reached the intermediate wizard stage. And the practice of apparition, in these three years, is only a long distance movement.

Whether it is a white wizard or a black wizard. The basic control of magic power is heavy. The so-called high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and this is exactly the reason.

However, with this strength now, if Helena's tragic fate is not to happen, it seems that it is not enough.

The source of Helena's tragic fate is Terence Barrow.

For three years, Terence has been collecting pure dark power, practicing the black magic taught to him by Salazar Slytherin.

At this time, he was eighteen years old, and his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Rey, who was about fifteen years old, was already 1.75 meters tall, and Terence was a head taller than him.

Perhaps it was the result of his black magic practice. At this time, Terence Barrow was more stylish than before. Rey was also very impatient, but in contrast, a cold, cold, evil man like Terence was more sought after by girls.

No, now he walks in Hogwarts and can cause girls to scream.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Rey, who was overlooking Hogwarts. In the same way, Terence also found Rey on the top floor of Ravenclaw Tower.

Under the onlookers of a group of girls, Terence Barrow suddenly disappeared and appeared beside Ray. Without waiting for Rey to speak, he took the lead in saying: "I heard that you have been practicing basic magic for the past three years, and you haven't even collected dark power?"

When Terence suddenly appeared, Rey was not surprised, and replied casually, "My magic foundation is a shortcoming. I want to lay a solid foundation."

Terence is completely different now than it was three years ago. Three years ago, Terence was not good at words and felt a little awkward, but now his whole person has changed. It became very deep and incomprehensible, and became a very standard Slytherin from the inside out.

"Come back to find Helena again?"

Terence has changed a lot, the only thing that hasn't changed is his obsession with Helena. He has come back three times in the past three years, and every time he comes back, he will chat with Helena, and he is not as entangled every day as in the beginning.

With such a change, he also eliminated Helena's disgust.

"Seeing Helena is certain, but the most important purpose is to find you."

"Looking for me?" Rey turned his head and glanced at Terence. The two were not very good brothers and friends, and suddenly said that they were looking for themselves, which made Rey a little surprised.

Terrence also put his hand on the railing. He was a head taller than Rey. At this moment, he felt condescending. He smiled and said with a straight face, "I'm going to fight with you."


This guy hasn't mentioned these two words for a long time, not since he started practicing black magic three years ago.

Rey originally thought he had forgotten, but now he is completely sure after hearing this sentence. His appearance has changed, but he is still the same Terence Barrow who is obsessed with Helena and treats all the men of her age around her as enemies.

Still so stubborn and extreme.

It is extremely difficult for a stubborn person like this to make changes.

The stubbornness of wanting to duel with Rey, the stubbornness of wanting to get Helena, this guy hides all these very well. If it wasn't for him saying that he was going to duel, Rey would have thought that he had forgotten the scene of losing to himself in Godric's Hollow.

"I am not interested."

Rey turned his head and said lightly. He is not an aristocrat, so he wouldn't do something as stupid as a duel. Rey even despised the etiquette before the duel.

They have reached the level of killing each other, and they are pretending to have some dueling etiquette, just like what Voldemort forced Harry Potter to do in the movie.

"Hehe, why, are you afraid?"

Terence Barrow laughed, his voice full of contempt.

"Ah, I'm afraid. Even if you win."

Rey ignored Terence's aggressive tactics.

Rey is very familiar with the thirty-six strategies of Sun Tzu's art of war. How could a mature Chinese be irritated by a teenage foreign boy.

Rey was not provoked, but who knew that this indifferent attitude now directly provoked Terrence. The originally calm Terrance, the expression on his face at this moment, turned cold, and then stared at Rey's eyes have changed.


Terence has indeed improved a lot now, and he has been able to gradually control his emotions.

After his eyes changed, his whole face slowly returned to normal after a deep breath: "Don't you want to know what the stakes are?"

"Not interested." Rey shook his head and replied casually.

But this time Terrence was not angry. Regardless of Rey's performance, he said to himself, "This I won, and Helena will be mine."

Rey looked back at Terence: "Helena is not an item. I've never fought her with you."

Terence's words were not unexpected by Rey. This also proved that Rey's judgment on Terence was not wrong.

This guy is a selfish, self-righteous person.

"I'll be back today in three months. When you don't fight, I'll take Helena."

Terrence snorted coldly and unilaterally announced the duel, while Rey returned an idiot look.

For more than three years, everyone has grown, and Helena is no exception. The current Terrance has changed a lot, but Helena's strength is not bad, and she will not be taken away like an ignorant little girl.

"Hehe, if you have absorbed pure dark power in the cemetery, you might encounter some interesting things. Dark magic is more useful than you think."

Terrence laughed. His laughter was a little disturbing. Rey's heart jumped, and he immediately asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

"You'll understand when you lose."

Leaving an inexplicable sentence, Terence Apparated again and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Terrence's words were very offensive, and they successfully caught Rey's attention.

Rey narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, he missed the rule of later generations: Apparition is not allowed in Hogwarts. If not, you must grab this guy and ask to understand.

Terrence just now was definitely not joking, he should be confident enough to take Helena away.

This method may have something to do with black magic, and I don't know what adventure the guy encountered when he absorbed the dark power in the cemetery, so he became so confident.

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