The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 93: the queen who stayed

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for more than three years, but you're getting worse and worse? Where did the ingenuity that escaped from this king go?"

As soon as he was saved, Ray felt relieved and sat down with his back against the stone gate.

The woman twisted her waist, full of temptation. She walked over to Rey, bent over and lifted Rey's chin with her index finger. She was teasing inside and out, as if Rey was a raw and shy little daughter-in-law in front of her.

The faint body fragrance wafted through his nostrils, and Rey couldn't help but peeked at the snow white inside the cloak. Then he looked into the woman's eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

The woman in front of her is none other than Repel, the evil spirit who chased and killed Ray in the Valley of Evil Spirits.

It is correct to say that she should be the queen of the valley of evil spirits. At that time, she used Rey's hand to destroy her old opponent, and also devoured the ghost orb that originally belonged to Rey. After her strength was greatly improved, she became the queen of the valley of evil spirits.

Now she is more solid than what she saw in the Valley of Evil Spirits. The black cloak that was full of loopholes at the beginning has also become a complete and new look.

Maybe it's because her aesthetic opinion has changed, she may feel that such a cloak is more attractive to men to wear on her body.

"Giggle, why am I here? Didn't you take me away when you left the Valley of Evil Spirits?"

Reper laughed heartily, but Rey regained his composure after the brief gaffe just now.

Lust is a man's nature, but not everyone drools when they see beautiful women. There are many people who can control their desires, and Rey is naturally one of them.

Repert's sentence: 'You took me away. ' It reminded Rey of the ghost girl he met in the so-called fantasy world when he was out of the valley. It looks so pitiful and memorable.

"Are you the little girl in the fantasy?"

Rey questioned, he was a little unsure, because Terrence said at that time that the illusion was not real.

But then again, what Terence said always buried a lot of holes.

Terence should not have buried this pit on purpose. According to Reper, the ghosts in the pre-exit vision are real. It's just that they are too weak, so weak that one can wipe out a single thought, so it's like an illusion.

As for the ghost that was finally promised to be taken out of the valley, although it was attached to the person who left the valley, it was too fragile and would disappear soon after leaving the valley. So all this was called an illusion by the wizards who came out of the valley.

A powerful evil spirit cannot leave the valley, but the king in the valley of evil spirits is an exception.

The king in the valley of evil spirits has never been born since ancient times, and it was not until Ray appeared that Reper seized this opportunity.

She became the king of the Valley of Evil Spirits, so she naturally ignored all curses and robbed ordinary ghosts of the opportunity to come out of the valley.

A newly born king, no one dares to rob her. So, at that time, Rey was very lucky to only meet her, the evil spirit that changed her image.

There is a price to go out of the valley, and her power is greatly reduced because of this. This is the so-called price. So she just lived in Ray's ghost pearl and slowly recovered until now.

At that time, Rey was meditating under the guidance of Salazar, and she saw the dark power in the spiritual world that she saw. As for the black cloth that rescued Rey many times before, it was also the black cloak on her body.

After listening to Reper, the Queen of Evil Spirits, Rey, who was almost a mummified corpse, showed an ugly smile: "That means you made a home in my ghost pearl, right?"

Reipel looked at Rey with disgust and replied, "My lady is the queen, it should be your honor to stay in your Nether Soul Pearl."

Hearing such an answer, the smile on Rey's face became wider, but at this moment he was in the shape of a mummified corpse, and his smile became even more intimidating.

Repert admitted her statement in disguise, not to mention that she also rescued herself. In other words, the two of them are now grasshoppers on a rope. If Rey dies, the life of Reper, the queen of evil spirits, will not be easy.

"Since that's the case, then, noble queen, should you also pay some rent?"

The shriveled throat is like a dry cracked field, and the voice of the words is especially harsh.

"Rent, giggle. With your broken house right now, it's too bad for this queen to live in a separate room."

Although Repert's mouth was disgusting, but there was no shortage of movements in his hands. She put her right hand on Rey's wrinkled forehead, and began to chant an incomprehensible incantation.

At this time, Rey let her do what she did. Anyway, it was a broken jar, and no matter how much it was broken, it would not go anywhere. What's more, she has already saved herself, so she would never let herself die so easily, otherwise there would be no need to save her.

Sure enough!

With a long list of incantations uttered, Rey's mind slammed, and his eyes were blank. At this moment, his whole person actually passively entered his spiritual world.


The dry land, the yellow weeds, the dilapidated city.

When Rey entered his spiritual world, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The vitality of the past is now barren, and there are heat waves in the air. The world has changed so much, it's like a dream.

In this drought-themed world, a single breeze can blow up dirt that turns to dust, giving breathing lungs a searing pain.

There is not a drop of water in the whole world. Under the erosion of wind and sand, the modern city that Rey is familiar with seems to collapse in a short time, and then turn to dust.

The purple-black transparent light curtain still exists, dividing the whole world in two.

The light on one side of the city is decaying, but the darkness on the other side is thicker.

Through the purple-black light curtain, Rey saw that in the opposite world, pure dark power began to infiltrate the world of this city.

They are like fog, attached to the purple-black light curtain.

However, when they penetrated, it turned into a spring rain that nourished the whole world.

From this, the world seems to have some vitality.

The spiritual world began to recover, and Ray suddenly woke up.

Repert still put his hand on his forehead, looked at him playfully and nodded. She is like a crazy shop customer, quite satisfied with the goods in front of her at this time.

In surprise, Rey checked his body, and as expected, his body miraculously recovered.

This is like a recovery spell. He who was like a mummified corpse miraculously returned to his normal size. It's no wonder that Repel nodded in satisfaction at this time.

"It's a waste of time for such a pure dark power to not know how to use" Repel withdrew his right hand and hit Rey as always.

Rey stood up and thanked him. At this time, Reper was right no matter what he said. He did know too little about the dark forces.

"Is this black magic?"

There is an evil queen who is ready to use dark power, so Rey naturally wants to find out.

"Haha, black magic."

Reipel glanced at Rey and smiled, and the look at the ignorant fool made Rey extremely embarrassed.

"I just mobilized the pure dark power in your body to deny your body. You are the master of these powers, you don't know how to use them yourself, and you need help from an outsider like me. You really... ..."

Repel shook her head speechlessly, maybe she didn't want to understand. How did such a stupid boy escape from her palm in the first place.

"If I didn't need to live in your Nether Soul Orb for a while, I would definitely kill you and absorb all these powers."

Reper spoke harshly, with a serious expression, not joking at all. At this time, Rey realized that her forehead was slightly sweaty. She must have mobilized the dark power in her body just now, obviously not as easy as she showed.

After all, she is only a tenant, not the real owner of these powers. Maybe this is the limit that she can achieve as a tenant.

"Okay, my mother wants to rest, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

Seeing that Rey noticed her tired suspicions, Reper said impatiently.

As soon as the voice fell, Reper turned into a mist and disappeared. Even the last few sounds of this sentence sounded in Rey's mind.

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