The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 199: Occlumency learning is on the agenda

Falling in love with, the days of drawing cards at Hogwarts

In the end, it was Professor Lupin who came to help Tom untangle the tongue knot.

Tom moved his stiff and swollen tongue, indicating that Hermione would hurry up to Snape to learn the tongue charm.

"Really, Snape invented a spell to stick his tongue on his palate... It's much more comfortable than a tongue-stopping spell."

"When dealing with an enemy, wouldn't it make the enemy feel more uncomfortable?" Hermione's eyes wandered, not daring to look directly at Tom.

Tom: ...

Indeed, what Hermione said makes sense...

"Restored!" Professor Lupin pulled out his wand and restored the history of magic classroom, which had been messed up by Tom and Hermione.

The overturned desks jumped back to their original positions, the items destroyed in the battle returned to their original shape in mid-air, the candlestick flew to the desk, and the broken candle on it also returned to its original state, and the broken stool was automatically repaired and tidy. Qi fell behind the table. The traces of scorch on the floor by the flames disappeared, and it became as bright as new again. The other broken, torn, and open places in the room were also restored to their original state.

This classroom has been restored to tidy, and it is completely impossible to see that there has just been a war here.

This is the magic of repairing spells. This spell is one of the most useful spells ever invented by wizards, with an extremely high ceiling, and it can even repair large ruins that have been destroyed. For example, the Colosseum was destroyed by wizards in an accident in 1754 and was restored by Orabella Nutley, the inventor of the Restoration Charm.

While cleaning the "battlefield", Lupin also quickly replayed the battle just now. He was curious about how Jodl turned a defeat into a victory, and abruptly turned the inevitable defeat into a tie. In his eyes, Tom just looked up at Granger, and Granger froze, unable to move until Tom grabbed his wand.

Miss Hermione Granger's performance is really like being charmed, but Yordle does not have Veela blood, so it is naturally impossible to display such a skill that requires great talent. However, the idea of ​​charm is correct. Yodel should have used some kind of spiritual spell to interfere with Granger's consciousness.

Lupin has also heard about the spells at the spiritual and soul level. The most well-known ones are the Imperius Curse and Legilimency, but the effects of these two spells are somewhat different from the effects of the mysterious magic used by Tom.

First of all, the Imperius Curse can be ruled out. Saying that a wizard used the Imperius Curse on another wizard is a very serious, severe accusation. Without clear evidence, Lupin would never think Tom used the Imperius Curse. And this is too much to look up to Tom. As one of the unforgivable curses, Imperius Curse is extremely difficult to use. Tongue-locked, silent, stick-less Imperius, very few people in the entire wizarding world could do—Lupin doubted Voldemort could.

Could it be Legilimency? Lupin had a vague feeling that Tom was using Legilimency.

But does Legilimency have an effect? Lupin didn't know much about Legilimency. Although Hogwarts has two Legilimency masters: Snotling Snape and Professor Dumbledore, the grudge between him and Snape makes it impossible for him to ask Snape about Legilimency. knowledge of mind. As for Dumbledore... Next time definitely!

Maybe Hogwarts will have another wizard who is good at Legilimency. Should I put Occlumency learning on the agenda? Unfortunately, the best Occlumency man at Hogwarts is Snape...

Snape's Occlumency is not an ordinary Occlumency. It was developed by Snape to a very special level, so high that he could even be an undercover agent under Voldemort.

Occlumency can be divided into several stages. The first stage is that although you have learned it, you cannot stop the prying eyes of Legilimency. The representative of this stage is Harry. Learned, but didn't learn, for Harry's brain, Snape went in as he wanted, and came out as he wanted.

This is a simple dish. After a long period of exercise, you can enter the second stage: the detection of Legilimency can be blocked. When someone tried Legilimency, he would find that he couldn't see the other person's memory. This level seems to be effective, but in fact it is ineffective.

Gu Yan

A shameless wizard like Voldemort may directly order you to stop using Occlumency. If you refuse, it is likely to trigger the following dialogue.

Voldemort: Let me be healthy!

Passerby A: No!

Voldemort: Arvada eats a big melon!

I can't see your heart, but I can see your heart.

Those who can apply Occlumency to the third stage can be called masters. These Occlumency masters will not stop you from watching, but will modify the memory of key parts. Slughorn and Snape were both at this level. Snape might have been a little more powerful, because he could change without a trace, lurking around Voldemort for so long without being exposed.

Lupin decided to find a book to learn first, not to ask for much, just to learn the second stage, Dumbledore and Yodel should both be shameful people.

After tidying up the classroom, Professor Lupin picked up a and sat behind the podium, looking at the three with a smile.

"You guys sit down first, we can chat for a while." Lupin decided to teach the children something before the end of today's class.

The three of Tom sat down obediently and listened to Lupin talking on the podium, as if they were in class.

"Today, I'm going to teach you how to use the Freezing Spell. If you have time, I can also talk about its advanced spell, the Weather Spell—you shouldn't know it, right?" He looked at Tom and Hermione, for fear that these two People have learned.

Tom and Hermione shook their heads.

"That's great." Lupin laughed.

In the next quarter of an hour, he explained to the three little wizards in detail the spells and casting points of the Freezing Charm and the Weather Charm.

The Freezing Charm is a very practical spell. It can artificially construct a frozen zone in front of you, freezing people and slowing down the opponent's movement speed. If there is still water on the person on the opposite side, it can also freeze the enemy. As for the weather spell, it is even more powerful, it can change the celestial phenomenon in a small range.

However, weather spells are not widely used in battles, because bad weather is nothing more than thunder, rain, snow, and storms. The magic power of ordinary wizards is not enough to cause too much impact, and wizards with high mana will not be wasted in duels. Magic to change the weather. The same is true for the Freezing Curse, their lethality is not enough. Instead, these two spells are commonly used in daily life, modifying the weather in the office, making iced drinks or something.


Next, let's talk about my reserve tips~

I talked about staple food, canned food, and vacuum-packed food before. Now it's time to talk about fruits and vegetables.

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