The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 134 R: Bat Incident (13)

Chapter 134 R Bat Incident (13)

In the laboratory of Stark Tower, Schiller said to Peter: Peter, can you please help me deliver something later?

Okay, doctor, no problem. Where are you sending me?

First go to the Brooklyn Bridge, then Chinatown, Greenwich Village, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty...

Wait, why are we going to so many places? Why does this sound so much like a tourist route? And what is the thing I want to deliver? Why do I need to deliver it to these places?

Nothing. In fact, it is just for you to travel. You can follow this route and come back again. Or if you have any other scenic spots you want to see, you can also go there.

Peter was very puzzled and was pushed out of the laboratory by Schiller. He said, Hey, wait, there's going to be a war at night. Why do I have to travel during the day?

Don't ask. This is related to a plan between me and Nick. We will tell you when you come back.

Although Peter was full of doubts, he really had nothing else to do. The fighting on the Brooklyn Bridge had basically stopped completely by the afternoon of the day. Both sides were recuperating. The wounded were sent away early in the morning. The sun was the brightest in the afternoon. At that time, there was hardly a vampire in sight, and there were no enemies to deal with.

In the laboratory, Ethan and Dr. Connors were already finishing the experiment. They had enough manpower and did not need Peter's help.

Peter thought, it wouldn't matter if he just went out for a walk, maybe he could meet a vampire and harm humans.

So he went out, and of course he would go to the Brooklyn Bridge first to check out the situation.

The place was almost in ruins. Peter saw George helping to carry two injured police officers onto a stretcher. He swung his spider silk and flew over to help Chief George.

George looked back at him and was not surprised. In the first half of the previous battle, Peter participated in almost the whole process, helped a lot, and saved many people, so George was very interested in this red and blue tights. To get familiar with it, he looked Spider-Man up and down, and then said, It's you, Spider-Man, why are you here at this time?

Peter saw that the wounded police officer's chest was stained crimson with blood. Even after so long, the pungent smell of blood still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

I can see that you are not very old, right? If you run out and do such dangerous things at such a young age, do your parents not care?

I... Spider-Man shrugged and said, I didn't let my uncle and aunt know. I only told them to go to my classmate's house to play.

If I were your uncle and aunt, I would definitely break your legs. Director George turned around. He was limping a little. Peter saw it and asked, Director, are you injured?

I just sprained my foot, but if I go home like this now, my wife and daughter will definitely scream again. Director George raised his head, and he seemed to look directly into Spider-Man's eyes through the mask, he said : You are still very young, and it is far from your turn to save the world. If you have this time, you might as well go back and spend more time with your uncle and aunt.

I... Peter turned away and said, If my aunt knew that I had done such a dangerous thing, she would definitely collapse.

But that's what you want to do, right?

Me too, even if I know that my daughter must be crying with worry now, I have to do this. George looked back and saw the two police officers were moved to the ambulance. He said, They are the same way. , they also have family and friends who are worried about them, but they still come here.”

Peter also looked back at the two police officers. When being carried into the ambulance, one of them screamed because he touched the wound. Peter said: That's why I came here, otherwise I would just There are many more people whose loved ones are grieving.”

George glanced at him and said: We are all working hard for our loved ones. We would rather be injured and bleed than them.

After saying that, he looked into the distance again and saw the bats hiding in the shadows under the ruins of the bridge. George said: These monsters will never understand that when humans fight for the belief of protecting others, they can explode. What a powerful force.

After saying that, George left. He had to prepare for the night's defense work. Peter took a deep breath and said to himself: I must not let these monsters continue to wreak havoc, and I must not let them hurt anyone. My family, and my friends.”

Your emotions are always like a ball of white cotton, which makes me feel amazing. I can hardly find any impurities in it. Venom said in his heart. At this moment, Venom could clearly feel the changes in Peter's emotions.

You are the exact opposite of someone I have ever met. You are like the two sides of black and white.

I can't find any positive emotions in his emotions, but you are just the opposite. Your negative emotions are pitiful. Even if you have them, most of them are a little excessive sympathy, sadness and hesitation, which is almost impossible. What a negative emotion.”

No positive emotions? This is impossible. How can there be such a person in this world? Peter questioned.

Do you want to feel it?

As soon as Venom finished speaking, Peter suddenly felt that his consciousness was hazy, and then it was as if a black hole appeared in his head. A huge gravitational force dragged him towards the endless abyss. Huge panic swallowed him, and then briefly In just one second, he saw the overwhelming black tide.

When he came to his senses again, Peter found himself breaking out in a cold sweat. He asked Venom: What is that?

The little gift that the previous host left for me, no... maybe it should be said to be mental damages.

Who was your last host? How could he have such terrible emotions?

Him? He's a bat.

Bat? You mean, he is a vampire? Have you ever parasitized a vampire?

No, the vampires you talk about may be able to turn into bats, but they will never be real bats.

Why can't I understand what you are saying? Aren't the big bats they turned into just bats? What kind of bats could there be?

You don't want to know the answer to that.

Then Venom fell silent, and despite Peter's questioning, he remained silent.

Well, Peter thought, they both liked riddles, Schiller did, and so did the symbiote.

The conversation with Director George made Peter feel a little depressed. He was not interested in continuing to wander around. He might as well return to Stark Tower. Even if there is no battle to fight now, it would be good to contribute more in research. .

But just as he was about to set off to return, his spider sense activated, and a sharp claw struck at his back. Peter quickly dodged, and then looked back, and saw a man with red eyes standing in the shadow of the building. Light vampire.

Peter was a little surprised. It was the time when the sunlight was strongest in the afternoon. On his way here, he saw most of the bats hiding in the shadow of the collapsed wreckage of the Brooklyn Bridge.

But Peter still quickly stuck a piece of spider silk to the wall, and then swung over. The vampire seemed to have lost its mind. Not only did it not dodge, it rushed towards Peter even faster.

Of course, the result was obvious. Peter knocked him down with one punch, and then used the freezing gun on his waist to freeze him. He was about to check whether the vampire's brain was broken. When he looked up, he found that There were more than a dozen vampires standing in the shadows of the alley opposite, all staring at him blankly with glowing red eyes.

Peter couldn't help but feel a chill down his back. He thought, what happened to these bats? are you crazy? Why target him?

Before he could come up with any clues, dozens of claw magic surrounded him. Peter rolled to avoid it. As soon as he stood up, he saw these vampires launching a suicide attack on him, regardless of the sunlight above his head. , turned into a bat and rushed towards him.

Spider-Man cursed secretly and swung to the top of the building with his webbing, preparing to retreat temporarily.

He has a freezing gun and brute strength, so he can't beat these bats, but the behavior of these vampires is really weird. Most of the vampires have a hard time moving during the day. These vampires are like a string. Like a puppet, he seemed to be controlled by someone, launching suicide attacks on him one after another.

As a result, to Peter's expectation, not only the dozen vampires were chasing him, but also more high-level vampires. Many of them seemed to be conscious, and they knew how to chase along the shadow of the building and not let them go. Expose yourself to the sun.

Peter felt strange as he ran, why did these vampires have to target him? Is there anything special about him?

You know, Captain America is not far away, helping the police build fortifications. He is wearing casual clothes and not Captain America's uniform. The shield seems to have been spray-painted to cover the eye-catching pattern, so no one notices it. He is the famous Captain America.

Don't you think your clothes are a little too conspicuous? Venom said in Peter's mind.

Peter looked down. His current spider suit was tailor-made for him by Stark, but it also had some technologies from himself and Dr. Connors. The overall color was red and blue. Due to the use of the latest The textile material still sparkles under the sunlight.

Okay. Spider-Man said in his heart: It seems a bit high-profile.

He glanced downstairs. The residents here had basically evacuated. The police were all wearing blue clothes, and the armed police and troops were also wearing dark clothes. He was the only one wearing a red and blue tights. Jump around the battlefield.

Do you want to change your clothes? Venom asked.

Change clothes? If you want to change, you have to go back to Mr. Stark's laboratory and ask him if he can change the color of my suit...


As soon as Venom finished speaking, Peter saw a thin layer of black mucus covering his suit. Soon, the mucus seeped into the fibers of the suit, turning the entire spider suit black.

Wait, how come you... Peter was very surprised. He said, Mr. Stark told me that this brand-new textile material must use a special method to make clothes. How can you change its structure at will? ?”

The method is nothing special. It is just to dismantle the fibers, fill them with biomass, and then arrange them into a new chain structure...

Why do you know everything? Peter asked very puzzledly: Especially when it comes to mechas and suits, you almost made me think I was talking to Mr. Stark...

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