The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 194 The Adventures of Thor (Part 1)

Well, listen big man, you can't smash those horn cars, Hell's Kitchen doesn't have a no daytime horn honk...

Steve pulled Thor back who was about to rush out, and said to him very seriously: If you continue like this, you may be arrested and sent to a mental hospital. According to the psychiatrists I know, you will Bad luck.

Why do you people on earth speak so strangely? I can't understand your accent at all. Why do you have to hold your voice? Can you be a little bit man?! Thor said loudly.

Steve took a deep breath, he had had enough of Thor, he grabbed Thor's arm with his right hand to keep him from wandering, and with the other hand he took out his cell phone and called Nick.

Nick, if you want me to take this guy, can you quickly get him a translation device? The two of us can't communicate at all!

That's right, the first problem Thor encountered after he came down to earth was his strange accent. Of course Thor can speak English, but the last time he came to Earth, the United States still didn't speak English of.

To be precise, when he came to Earth last time, English was not spoken in England.

As a result, his current language structure is Old English words and grammar, plus a strong Asgardian accent.

But the country he is now in is the United States, a place that has been planning to expel British English from English.

This made their communication very difficult. When Nick asked Steve to stare at Thor, Steve hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem. He planned to take Thor in the New York City area while running in the morning. Take a turn and show him where he's going to live next.

As a result, in just a few tens of minutes, Thor was like an energetic husky, wanting to rush up and take a bite of everything he saw. Steve was very suspicious that this might be Thor's revenge for the one he gave him. fist.

Steve stood at the intersection, with one hand on his hips, and one hand grabbed Thor, and said to him helplessly: If you want to revenge for the punch I gave you, then well, I can apologize to you, but it's not enough. Not my intention, you have to go to the doctor who specializes in physical therapy.

And this is not the reason for you to knock on people's car windows, move barricades at will, and kick paint cans away on the street. If this continues, you will not only be punched by me, you will be beaten!

Steve tried his best, but Thor couldn't understand.

Steve also saw that he was playing the piano to the cow. Just as he was about to continue persuading, his cell phone rang, and Schiller on the opposite side said to him: Captain, can I trouble you to come to Stark Tower? We may You need to do a strength test.

After Steve hung up the phone, he immediately dialed again. He said, Hello? Is Peter there? Oh, I'm his friend Steve, can you please let him answer the phone?

Hey, Steve, what's the matter? I'm eating! Peter was a little vague when he answered, obviously he hadn't swallowed what was in his mouth.

It's like this. Nick gave me a mission. Simply put, it is to take an alien on a tour in New York, but now there are other things. Can you come over and help me with a shift?

Traveling with aliens?...Is that so? Where is that?...So amazing? Oh... Peter lowered his voice, apparently with his family by his side, he paused and swallowed what was in his mouth Go down, and then say: Wait, I'll be right there.

Not long after, Peter ran over from the other side of the street. He was still wearing Captain America's commemorative T-shirt. When he stepped forward, he pointed to the shield pattern on his chest. Steve told him Smiling, he patted him on the shoulder and said, If you want, I can print you a shield for you, guaranteeing a 1:1 restoration.

Really? Peter asked in surprise, and then he said a little hesitantly: But it seems a bit disrespectful, after all, it is a symbol of Captain America's honor.

It doesn't matter, as long as you complete this task for me, I will give you one, and I will also send you an autograph.

Peter jumped up for joy, he immediately grabbed Thor and said, Don't worry, wrap it on me!

Steve gave him a thumbs up, and watched Peter pull Thor away, he sighed, he was still a little guilty, he always felt like he was lying to a child.

Thor was even more unhappy when he was being dragged by Peter. Asgardians believe in the principle that the big fist is the boss. Although he was dissatisfied with Steve attacking him and punching him, he also admitted that the man was a strong man. fighter, but what's the matter with this kid? Why does it look like bean sprouts?

Peter stopped suddenly after walking a few steps, and Thor froze there. He looked Peter up and down and said, Aren't you tired from walking? How about I carry you?

Thor's world view is very simple, except for the fact that big fists are the last word, there is also the point of helping the weak and taking care of the old, weak, sick and disabled. In his opinion, Peter is completely a child, and he can be regarded as the weaker one among the people on earth. class, will likely need his help.

I'm tired from walking, no, of course not. Although my home is a bit far from here, it's not too tiring.

I just suddenly thought of where to take you, we...

Leave me alone, that annoying guy has finally left, I want to go around by myself! Before Peter could finish speaking, Thor turned and left, he didn't need a child to lead the way.

With that said, Thor was about to leave by himself, Peter chased after him and shouted: Hey, wait! My signed T-shirt...

Don't do that! Don't cross the road, it's against the traffic rules! Wait...don't touch that car, no! Don't kick the door, people will think you're a robber...

Steve can still grab Thor, but Peter can only stop him and make him change direction.

I didn't, hey, stop! Don't go that way! There's construction going on there, no... don't come back over the barricade...there may be...

Why do you people on Earth think of me as a fool? I am the prince of Asgard, of course I know what to do! I...


Two minutes later, Peter grabbed Thor's foot and pulled him out of the mud. He looked at his mud-stained T-shirt and said, This is my new genuine souvenir, and it's quite expensive... ...

Thor said angrily: Can't the barricades made by you humans be bigger? I thought it was just a low wall, and it was someone else's yard!

Okay, listen, Steve told me you're an alien, so I don't care that you don't have any common sense, and it doesn't look like you speak Earth's language very well, and don't understand what I say It's understandable, but at least you can understand my movements, right?

Peter made a cross on his chest with his arm, and he said: This means you can't go. The place you are not allowed to go may be dangerous. Fortunately, it is just a mud pit this time. If there are wires or something underneath, you can go Oops, you really have to listen to me!

Thor ignored Peter, and walked forward on his own with his arms folded. Peter chased after him. Thor turned his head and said, You are just a child. Where are your parents? They let you fill the streets like this. hang out?

I finished my summer homework, so I can come out to play, oh, I haven't said that yet, let me take you to my favorite video game hall, you will definitely like it there.

What is that place?

It's a place to play games. There are many game consoles there, and new models have been released recently. I haven't gone there yet. Let's go!

Oh, by the way, wait, I'll call a friend of mine.

Said that Peter took out his mobile phone and said to the other end of the phone: Pikachu, what are you doing? That's right, see you at the old place...

Five minutes later, Peter took Thor and appeared in an arcade on the edge of Hell's Kitchen.

He came to the door, but didn't go in, but walked in along an alley next to it. After a while, a yellow figure jumped onto the wall, and then jumped directly into Peter's arms. Peter and Pikachu hit each other clap your hands and say, Long time no see! Dude!

Ha, I don't know who was blinded by his little girlfriend and hasn't come to play with his buddies for so long!

Dr. Schiller went on a long trip before, didn't you want to help him look after the store? I thought you were busy, okay...well, I'm sorry, don't call me!

Thor was very curious about Pikachu, he said: Is this your pet? Why is he so yellow?

As he said that, he was about to reach out to touch Pikachu. As soon as his hand reached the top of Pikachu's head, he was shocked and screamed. Peter quickly grabbed Pikachu's tail and said, Don't make trouble, you have already shocked someone else. ...Oh, I forgot to introduce, this is my good buddy Pikachu, the two of us are the best partners!

Did we have a group name before? Peter looked at Pikachu and asked, Pikachu held the two short hands, stood on Peter's shoulder and said disdainfully: The group name is spider and mouse, and the sewer is both harmful, how about it?

Of course not, the smell is too strong.

Seeing Peter and Pikachu fighting there, Thor actually calmed down, and he even said with nostalgia: I used to have a pet, a smart and clever hound, but it was a pity that it died in battle.

Have you ever raised a dog? Peter looked at Thor and asked, Do aliens also have dogs?

Of course, Asgard is not far from the earth, and many of our living habits are similar.

Then you still...

I just can't stand those cars that make noise at will, you know? If anyone dares to make a noise in a chariot on the road in Asgard, he will be whipped.

And those roadblocks, that didn't do enough warning at all, even kids could climb on them.

There are also those who use strange jars to scribble on the walls. In Asgard, if you dare to scribble on the walls, you will be thrown into prison.

Uh... In fact, they can also be found on Earth, but that place is more chaotic, and no one cares about them.

If you say that, it seems to make sense. You said that you were the prince of Asgard before, so it is logical for you to take care of these things, but this is the earth, you are not a prince, and you may be beaten if you rush directly.

My father is the master of the nine kingdoms, and the nine kingdoms also include the atrium, and I am the future master of the nine kingdoms. Of course I have to take care of these things.

Peter was about to say something, but Thor said: Where is the fun you said? I don't think it will be more interesting than hunting.

Hunting? That's all about the Middle Ages, right? Let's go, let me show you some modern amusement facilities, you will definitely find it great!

Sorry for being uncomfortable today and being a little late.

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