The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2228 Jincheng comes late to autumn (18)

Lex keenly noticed the change in Schiller's temperament.

This made his heart sink as he found the change to be negative and Schiller became angry.

Lex immediately put down his knife and fork. He sat down and lowered his head and said, Professor, I'm extremely sorry for taking up your personal time, but I'm afraid the academic problem is a problem we have to face now. Maybe we can solve it here. , we will go to the restaurant to finish dinner later.

Schiller came to his senses and glanced at Lex.

He was sure how much pressure his glance would bring to the other person. That kind of indifferent and focused gaze would almost pull anyone into the abyss of introspection.

I know that during the completion of the entire project, I lacked some communication with you. Professor Frith once pointed this out to me. The fact that the graduate tutor has no sense of presence during the graduation process does not completely mean that the student is good enough and independent. , it may also be a sign of his arrogance or perfunctory attitude.”

But I think it's not too late. You are right. It is a good choice to solve the academic problems of Professor Frith first. We still have at least three months to solve the problems of psychology and sociology. I am confident that you will sign my graduation file before December.

Schiller almost applauded him.

It was the perfect response, from start to finish.

In the face of Schiller's capriciousness and repeated temptations, Lex has always expressed himself firmly. He did not tremble at the contradictory topics raised by Schiller. He was slightly doubtful and confused, but he was completely awake and able to think rationally.

Later, the evaluation of the taste of the dishes was more about perfectly expressing one's own feelings. There was no effort to explain the unclear things, such as why I like this taste, and no perfunctory excuses such as privacy or personal preference.

Moreover, although he seemed to have answered the multiple-choice questions thrown by Schiller, he was not actually answering the options, such as why cooked food tastes better. He did not provide any explanation from beginning to end.

He simply said that he preferred the flavor of spices in cooked dishes, which was not one of Schiller's options but a topic of his own.

Not explaining is the most obvious characteristic of not being manipulated.

Schiller then tried to put further pressure on him. Although recalling Bruce did make him a little angry, he could actually hide his emotions very well, but he didn't, in order to make some of the anger that was really revealed become real. Pressure to further test Lex's pressure.

Lex's performance was perfect.

He didn't complain that Schiller called him here for dinner, but he got angry for no reason. He didn't tell Schiller not to talk about studies at first, and then he got angry erratically because of something other than the dinner table. Feeling angry, his emotions were stable throughout.

There is only one core of everything he said, which is to solve the problem. First come up with a reliable plan, that is, not to eat to speak clearly, and then eat somewhere else after the professional problem is solved.

After Schiller denied the answer with his eyes, he began to hand over more core cards, admitting some of his mistakes in his graduation creation, but instead of talking about his own feelings, Victor said what a certain type of person is like. made a mistake.

Unrepentance and sophistry are usually shortcomings, but depending on how they are expressed, they can be transformed into foresight, courage and positivity.

Lex demonstrated this perfectly. He first expressed his attitude of actively solving problems, and then explained that his choice to prioritize Victor's academic problems was the right one, expressing a paradoxical This is not a mistake, everything is fine. I'm under control, then gave a deadline guarantee, and finally mentioned in secret that he had clearly said that he would sign the contract the next day, but who is going back on it now?

Generally speaking, he is still a typical example of unrepentant, but because his emotions are too stable and his response method is too perfect, it makes the party holding the responsibility appear aggressive and unreasonable.

This is actually the reaction that a normal person with stable emotions, strong self-control, and rich social experience can make.

What was unusual was that Schiller did not sense any manipulative tendencies in this.

Luther is indeed more normal than the people in Gotham, but he is still an arrogant genius, even more arrogant than Batman. Arrogant people with narcissistic tendencies often have the tendency to manipulate others. Is there any real mental illness for the transfer.

Could Lex Luthor be so innocent? Schiller didn't believe it at all. Even in his own analysis, Lex Luthor in this universe was definitely not a good person.

Then he has hidden his manipulative tendencies, and this may not be the case for everyone. Victor has obviously been manipulated to a certain extent, and he only has good things to say about Lex.

That is to say, he only hides this tendency tightly in front of himself. Is he afraid, waiting for the opportunity, or does he have other motives?

Schiller was not sure whether to continue testing, because there is a threshold for the pressure a person can withstand in a short period of time. If the threshold is exceeded, he will not only collapse but also become numb, and the effect will not be very good. But if he does this repeatedly in the short term, it will actually It's also emotional abuse.

Throw a bait and see how deep the fish hide.

Schiller sighed, put down the tableware and said, As I said, this is not a conversation about your academic problems. You have disappointed me a little, Lex.

Lex looked at Schiller, who looked into his eyes and said, Maybe I'm being pretentious. I thought your decision to choose Gotham University was at least partly influenced by me, or at least approved of. My academic abilities.”

In my opinion, your talent and ability are completely enough to complete the theoretical study of most textbooks during your undergraduate period, but you don't seem to be very interested in it.

Of course, in the process of graduate school, there are many opportunities to embark on a more professional path, but it seems that you care more about the breadth of the subject than the depth of the major.

Schiller wiped his mouth and said, Can I understand that a double master's degree certificate in physics and psychology will have a more significant impact on your future than I imagined?

Lex heard the sharp irony in this sentence. How could Luther care about a double degree? This is like someone laughing at Wayne for his poor grades in college. An academic degree means nothing to them, not even the icing on the cake. superior.

But Lex was indeed very shocked by Schiller's words. He really didn't expect Schiller to say that.

So Schiller was waiting for him to find him?

After understanding this, Lex actually wanted to say, then why don't you come to me.

But after thinking about it, he felt that he was going a little too far. He is the world's top psychology expert, but he still wants you to pursue further studies after you are an undergraduate?

Then Lex felt a little confused. He did not study psychology very seriously, but because of this, he almost never showed any talent in this area.

Even if Bruce Wayne is good at this, it can't be said that he is better than him in all aspects, right? Or is it that Schiller does not want to teach a genius, but just wants to teach a rich man?

Lex analyzed calmly. Although his emotions were indeed partly excited because of Beyond Wayne and because of Schiller's affirmation and attention, this did not affect his reason at all.

I'm very sorry. Lex lowered his head and said, Actually, I have always planned to do this. It doesn't mean that I am not interested, but I'm afraid that the level of psychological knowledge I have come into contact with is too far from your professional level. I don't think people can Run track and field without being able to walk.”

The fish are cautious, but the anglers are more patient.

If you want to say that this is your level, then you are lying. Schiller picked up the tableware again and began to eat in an orderly manner. While cutting the food, he said: The period of living alone, accumulated in the cruel struggle Experience reflects your figure through other mirrors, which is enough for you to judge what level you are at, so don't mess around with me.

I never meant that, Professor, but I've never been good at thinking about things so simply. This is not something that can be solved by just walking over, knocking on your office door, and expressing your wishes.

Then what other difficulties do you have?

Lex opened his mouth and took a slight breath. He pursed his lips and said, When I saw you back then, your condition was not good. I'm not sure what happened at that time. The contact information you left me made I got a lot of help from somewhere, but because of the circumstances, I was never able to get into it.”

Not enough, Schiller thought, just one more step.

Lex Luthor, you are not such a hesitant and fearful person at all. In fact, you are as arrogant as you are smart. You are confident that you can find your position and anchor your existence in any situation.

You do something, not because you believe it is like this, but because you are convinced of who you are, so no matter what happens, as long as you do it, everything will change with you and be controlled by you.

And if you don't do something, it won't be because you don't understand certain situations, but because you fail to find your place in the environment. If your genius and wisdom don't even allow you to see that you are ultimately in Wherever you go, you won’t be able to do anything.”

Veins popped up on the back of Lex's hands.

I'm sorry, Professor. After Lex was silent for a while, he lowered his eyes and said, I think I mentioned some of my imagined identities and positions in an inadvertent way, but you didn't respond at the time, and you didn't respond after that. .”

I guess I interpreted this as rejection, the least fallible option, and I had no clue then or now as to what level of offense you would accept from me.

Taking the bait, Schiller smiled inwardly.

Schiller admired Lex's expression.

The slightly furrowed brows reveal the fear, the eyelashes seem to be covering up the slightly sad eyes that are constantly attracting attention, the pursed lips reveal the angry qualities, the raised zygomatic arch muscles, and the tightened corners of the eyes are all reflected. Expressions similar to wry smiles and nostalgia, they all have a common name - mental manipulation.

Too skilled, a pure habitual criminal. Because of this, his disguise when facing the police is also more perfect. If Schiller doesn't deliberately throw bait, he can perform this act for at least ten years until no one can shake his advantage. .

Schiller was also bored and decided not to lift the rod but to pull it for a while, so he let go of the fishing line first.

Lex, I'm sorry if I've caused you to miss your place in an environment.

But I ask you to answer honestly. For you, even if you are in an extremely disadvantageous position, controlled and harmed by drugs, does it make you feel safer than living in an environment with no landing point?

Lex loosened his grip on the tableware, and gradually took his arms off the table. He leaned back on the chair a little crookedly and lowered his head. After a while, he nodded silently.

High end bureau

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