In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine in New York came in through the cracks in the curtains, Stark moved his arms and covered his eyes with his arms, as if he was resisting the light. Pepper opened his eyes dimly, and tilted his head in confusion. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he woke up suddenly.

It's 9 o'clock, damn it! I still have a meeting!

Pepper grabbed her hair and sat up from the bed. Stark was awakened by her movement, but turned over with a confused face, put his arms around her waist and said, Don't worry... baby, we can, um can sleep for a while.

Pepper grabbed his arm and threw it out, then sat on the edge of the bed, brushed his hair up with his hands, turned to Stark and said, You muddy busybody! I'm not the group of people who accompany you Models messing around on the yacht, more than half of the orders signed at the expo have yet to be negotiated...

Pepper sat on the edge of the bed and covered his forehead, and Stark woke up a little bit. He lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, opened his eyes a few times, and said vaguely, ... what meeting... what order?

Pepper looked back at him, as if doubting his life, he said, How could I believe your nonsense last night? God...

Don't be like this... Stark still muttered sleepily, he turned over and put his arms around Pepper's waist.

I remember you were very moved last night. It was the first time we chatted like that. That's really nice...

Seeing Stark's trembling eyelashes, Pepper sighed, turned back, and glanced at the sunlight coming in from the window. The drowsiness of being awakened had not completely dissipated. Between the hazy vision, there was some distinction between the morning light and the sunset light Unclear, the conversation from last night replayed in her mind.

After the negotiation, Stark's mood was very complicated. The military bowed to him, Hammer Industries paid the price, and Ivan's revenge was completely unsuccessful. It stands to reason that he should be very happy, but he is not.

He always felt a little empty in his chest, and an indescribable sense of loss surrounded him. It wasn't until he saw Pepper that he realized where this emotion came from.

Stark is not one to talk about missing, but he has to admit that when the sense of loss disappears when he sees Pepper, he finds that he misses her.

Pepper walked into the room and saw Stark standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was already late at night, and the starry sky in New York was not as bright as imagined. After sunset, the fog covered the moonlight and starlight, making the whole night sky look like A falling black curtain.

There was some dim light in the room, but it was not enough to illuminate everything clearly. Stark stood in front of the glass with a faint cold light, and turned to look at Pepper.

Pepper finds it amazing, because Stark's eyes are moist all the time, as if there is a glimmer of light, even if there is no light source, he can clearly see his emotions from Stark's eyes .

I don't know if it is this emotion called missing that lights up his eyes, or the sun in his eye sockets is shining, but whenever Pepper is stared at by him, it is always difficult to say no.

Pepper walked to his side, and then looked into his eyes. In the past, whenever this time, Stark felt like a child learning to speak, full of words, but couldn't say anything.

But today, as if his language system had just come online, he said to Pepper, Do you know when I was the happiest today?

Pepper has dealt with too many Stark's unrestrained questions. She knows that in many cases, Stark doesn't need an answer, but a listener, so she simply thought about it and answered: I think, It should be when you saw Hammer's surprised expression after activating the defense facilities?

When you decided to renovate the building, I was not very in favor of it, because it was a bit risky, but now it seems that this choice is correct. If you can't show enough strength, then there will be endless troubles.

I don't want to discuss this.

Pepper raised his eyes to look at Stark, and always felt that his expression became very focused. Stark said: The happiest time for me is to see Peter and his girlfriend visiting the exhibition.

They carried their schoolbags and walked up to each product, showing surprised expressions, listening carefully to the explainer's explanation, discussing in low voices, avoiding crowds, and whispering...

I saw them too, it's nice to be young, right? Pepper said with a smile.

I'm happy because... Stark said, looking at Pepper, I thought, if only we could do that.

I will wait for you at an appointed place, and then we will follow the flow of people into the exhibition hall, and we will be surprised and happy with every new thing we see...

Pepper shook his head, sighed and said, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. That girl named Gwen is very interested in those machines, and she is even more eloquent than Peter when she mentions these things.

But I don't understand these things at all, and I'm not very interested. If you want to find someone who can accompany you to this kind of industrial exhibition for a whole day, and surprise you from beginning to end, it will definitely not be me.

Did you know? Stark suddenly changed the subject, I had a dream a few days ago, a very real dream, you can listen to it as a real story...

Pepper looked at him and heard his hoarse voice echoing in the room:

One day in the future, after many disasters, the Stark Group will go bankrupt.

I woke up from a chaotic dream and found that I had nothing left.

I was living on the street, hungry and cold, barely surviving on food from the soup kitchen.

I felt very tired and humiliated. I had to move slowly on the street like a beggar, trying to find a whole cardboard box or an unextinguished oil drum to keep warm...

Pepper looked at Stark and saw a trace of fear between his brows, Pepper touched Stark's face with his hand and said, I can't imagine that if this kind of thing really happened...

Then, she suddenly came to her senses and said, ...But this can't happen, you still have so many friends, how could they let you fall into this situation?

What if they're all dead?

Pepper shook her head and said, Whatever it is, if they're all dead, then you can't be alive, you're always going to want to protect them.

No matter how bad the disaster is, you will be the first to rush.

Pepper stroked Stark's face, looked intently into his eyes and said, Sometimes I don't want you to do this, but if you live by stealth, it's not Stark.

Stark turned his head away, smiled helplessly and said, You just made it impossible for me to tell this story.

Then don't talk about it, it's just a dream, there's no need to worry about it.

Dream? Stark murmured, Maybe...

But this story has a very important ending, don't you really want to hear it? Pepper, stared at by Stark's expectant eyes, couldn't say anything to refuse. She asked, What ending?

Stark opened his mouth, and seemed to have returned to that state of aphasia, and after a pause for a long time, he still said: To put it bluntly...when I thought I was going to die, the first person I thought of was you.

Perhaps because he felt that his words were too abrupt, Stark explained: I dreamed that I was about to die, and before I died, I was thinking, where did you go? Then I woke up and found that this was just a Dream.

Do you know why I realized it was a dream?

Stark held out a hand, paused in mid-air, then covered Pepper's hand touching his cheek, and said, Because you're not going to leave me, are you?

Pepper looked straight at him, then burst out laughing and said, That's all you've come around to say?

I know I'm a bit shameless, I didn't give you any guarantee, but I asked you for this kind of answer first, but it's not the first day you know me... Stark also laughed: I'm just so shameless.

Then you deserve to be bankrupt. If you can't continue to pay me such a high salary, I will definitely turn around and leave.

Star held Pepper's arm, and he stood closer, saying: A man who claimed to be a mind reader suggested to me before that he could tell me an answer at an appropriate time.

what is the answer?

...Do you really love me?

Pepper just wanted to say that there is no mind reading in this world, and then she suddenly realized that she looked at Stark in shock.

Those brown eyes were like rich honey, and Pepper felt like a bewitched bee at this moment, a little dizzy.

Outside the glass curtain wall of the Stark Building, a cloud of gray mist floated around the corner of the building. Spider-Man stuck a spider silk to the eaves and hung there upside down. Looking at the scene inside, Spider-Man turned his head, Said to the gray fog: Although I don't know what you are, it's wrong to peek...

The gray mist suddenly turned into an arrow, pointing in the direction of Stark and Pepper, Spider-Man turned his head back, and he saw the two kissing each other behind the shimmering glass curtain wall.

After the kiss, Stark let go of Pepper, and before he could say anything, a cloud of gray mist slowly turned into a symbol in the corner of his vision—it was a check mark.

Recalling the scene of last night, Stark lying on the bed covered his eyes and couldn't help laughing.

While changing clothes, Pepper turned her head and said angrily: Are you happy to see me late? What are you laughing at?

I didn't. Stark tried to sit up from the bed, he scratched his messy hair and said, I'm your boss, I can give you a day off, we...

Don't say that kind of nonsense. After I'm on vacation, what about the pile of lists? What about the meeting? What about the company?

It's okay, I can replace you for a day, and I will take care of these things.

Yeah, then I can indeed take a day off. Pepper said indifferently: Then in the next three months, spend twice as much time dealing with the losses caused by your day.

Stark quickly changed his clothes. Since Pepper knew him, he has never seen him move so quickly. Stark put on his coat, put on his sunglasses, and went out in a hurry. Before going out, he said: Then I have to prove to you that there is nothing Stark can't handle in this world.

An hour later, the Holy of Holies received an unexpected call. Strange took the phone from the salesman with one hand, put one hand on his hip, and said helplessly, We are the special line for the universe, what can you do? Can you call me on my personal phone?

Get some help, buddy, shit, I seem to have made a mistake, this contract seems to be from last year, but I've already signed it...

Strange heard Stark's broken voice: Since you can provide services to so many messy people, it shouldn't be difficult to get this done. Come here quickly, or Pepper will kill me!

Our place is the Holy of Holies, and we are mainly engaged in tasks related to the Cosmic Demon God...

I am also a cosmic demon god!!! Come here quickly!!

For the Stark Group problem, you should go to a professional staff team, we are all a bunch of fraud... I mean the financial staff.

What I'm looking for is a financial worker!

Then why don't you go to Wall Street?

Aren't you on Wall Street?!!! Stark yelled.

Half an hour later, Strange and a dejected Stark appeared outside the door of the Arkham Sanatorium. Schiller blocked the door and said, If you want to be admitted to the hospital, you need to pay first.

Also, pay for yesterday's answer.

But you told me that yourself, Stark said, glaring at Schiller.

Schiller smiled and said, What gave you the illusion that I wouldn't buy and sell by force?

Unscrupulous quack!

I'll say it again...

I don't know what to say, let me remind you of the double monthly pass at the end of the month!

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