The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2249 Autumn comes late in Jincheng (thirty-nine)

Indeed, Schiller's method is very good. From a psychological point of view, retreating in order to advance is essentially taking advantage of other people's guilt. They think you will fight, but in fact you don't fight. To a person who is in an emotional explosion period, To the people, it was like a bell-ringing pillar, every stroke was deafening.”

Natasha folded her arms and analyzed: I believe this can solve the problem between Stark and Pepper very well. At least it can shake Pepper and make her gradually accept Stark.

But there are still traps hidden in it. Don't forget, although Pepper is not a superhero, she has her own moral bottom line. She is not the kind of woman who will be dazzled by love. A momentary wavering is short-lived after all. Wait. She wakes up and she still makes good decisions.”

She emotionally accepts Stark, but her moral requirements still prevent her from accepting the various behaviors of this evil Iron Man. So the only way is to supervise him and reform him so that he can no longer do bad things.

She believes that the love the Evil Iron Man showed her not only meant that she should reciprocate the same love, but also gave her the responsibility to get him back on track.

So it is conceivable that their reconciliation is only the first step, and if Stark is even willing to endure jail time for Pepper, then the forced supervision in the future may definitely have an effect on him.

Isn't this a good thing? Pamela said: The prodigal son returns with gold.

But that doesn't mean he won't suffer. Impulsive bad guys may be able to change their minds. Letting the born bad guys become superheroes is tantamount to locking them in a small cage. Pepper will become Stark's heaviest shackles.

But that's not even the most serious thing. Natasha turned her head to the side and said, I believe Stark's mind must have been very confused before he came here, because he was facing too many troubles, being interrogated, and his future was uncertain, Pepper Injured, the superheroes gang up on him.”

But coming here to face Schiller gave him the solution to all his problems. The invitation Schiller sent him allowed him to temporarily escape the troubled universe, and if he wanted to, he could prepare himself outside, Until no one can limit him.

The most important thing is that Schiller solved the problem between him and Pepper and cleared his mind of confusing thoughts.

Isn't this a good thing?

Just like there is never a vacuum in power, the storm in Tony Stark's overly emotional brain will never stop. Before, he pinned all his emotions on Pepper, and now he has a long life ahead of him. If you can't see or contact Pepper for a while, who do you think he will project his abundant emotions on?

Pamela swallowed.

And you. Natasha squinted at Pamela and said, Actually, you are also...

Just when she said this, a tall black figure walked over from the porch, and over the bushes, Natasha saw a pair of dark and blue eyes.

Batman? Natasha called tentatively. She didn't know if this was her former teammate Batman, but it looked very similar.

Ma'am, I didn't expect to see you here again. Batman walked out from behind the bushes.

To Natasha's surprise, Batman wore a dark purple suit with black fleur-de-lis and a patterned scarf. It looked gorgeous and solemn. She thought she would see him dressed in black again.

Batman seemed to know what Natasha was thinking. He said, To avoid matching clothes with the doctor, Alfred chose bold colors for me.

Actually, it's easier to wear clothes. Pamela muttered softly.

What are you doing here? Visiting the gardens? Natasha asked.

Is Dr. Schiller here? I'd like to talk to him.

Natasha immediately became alert, but Batman was obviously not affected by the answer to this question. He just asked casually. He actually came here to observe Schiller's bedroom window from the best angle.

He quickly found what he was looking for. He saw Schiller's figure flash past the window and seemed to be walking towards the corridor. Batman immediately turned around and rushed towards the corridor on the second floor.

Natasha's actions and words to stop her were too weak and were quickly blown away in the night wind. She could only sigh and take back one hand, comforting herself in her heart that Batman is a mature adult and he has a sense of proportion. .

Not half a minute after Batman left, another pair of blue eyes appeared behind the bushes. Natasha pinched her temples with one hand and watched the younger Batman in front of Pamela pose. He waved his hand and said, Hey, Bruce, you're finally here. I heard you got sunburned?

It's a little bit, but not serious. Selena helped me cover it up with liquid foundation.

Where is she? Pamela asked.

I went to say hello to Cobot. Cobot helped her when she rented a new house. She wanted to ask Cobot when he was free and we invited him to dinner.

Just as Pamela was about to say something else, Natasha interrupted her, looked at Bruce and said, Don't tell me that you came to see Schiller too.

Bruce was startled and said instinctively: Of course not. I heard from Lex that there are two beautiful ladies in the back garden... Wait, who else came to see Schiller?

That's a lot. Natasha said angrily: So you are here for the banquet. I thought you were planning to let Schiller solve all the troubles in the rest of your lives here.

Bruce's eyes widened slightly and he said, Is Professor Schiller conducting psychological consultation?

First of all, it's not Professor Schiller. Secondly, it's not happening now. Finally, I think it's not psychological counseling, but illegal manipulation.

Who did he manipulate?

There are many, some you don't know, and some you know. The closest one is Stark, oh, no, maybe Batman.

Is there another Batman coming?

You don't know? Natasha looked up at the banquet hall where there were more and more people. She said, Just standing here, I have seen at least two of them, both of whom I participated in the game before. Teammate of the time.”

Who's the one who went to see Schiller?

I can't tell which of you is who, but he is older than you and much stronger than you. If I must say, he is the hottest and sexiest of all Batmans.

Halfway through Natasha's words, Bruce had almost reached the porch. He turned around and gestured OK to Natasha and said: If Clark or Diana comes to see me later, you can just talk about me and Celine. Na went to the lounge.

Very good, let's send in another teenager. Natasha rubbed her temples, and then quickly reacted and asked: Why did he hide it from his two friends?

It's hard for me to explain. Pamela said: This matter is too complicated to talk about. If you must want to know, then ask them two.

The opportunity came quickly, and Clark quickly came over. After Natasha looked him up and down with a knife-like gaze, she not only made sure that he was a handsome guy, but also made sure that he was a normal person.

Where's Bruce? Have you seen him? I heard he got a sunburn? Is he okay? Where is he now?

His sunburn was nothing serious, uh... he and Selena went to the break room.

Clark narrowed his eyes.

Oh, please, you can't read my mind! Pamela lowered her hand helplessly and said, You know I don't need to lie.

Unless he told you, where did he go?

Going to find Schiller.

Then Natasha watched helplessly as the expression on this extremely handsome face cracked.

Clark turned around and left, but Natasha quickly stopped him. She said, Where are you going? Do you also want to find Schiller? Don't you think there are too many people looking for him now?

I'm sorry, ma'am, let me go. I have to go there quickly. I'm afraid the two of them will make some big noise again. I have to wait aside to stop them.

Clark was afraid of hurting Natasha and did not dare to hold her hand. He just walked forward on his own. Natasha quickened her pace and followed him and said, Making a big fuss? They have made a fuss before. What's the big news?

Clark stopped suddenly, but Natasha didn't stop the car. Her shoulder hit his shoulder, and she let out a cry of pain.

Oh, God. Clark quickly turned around to support Natasha and said, Sorry, I just thought of some bad things, very scary memories. Are you okay, ma'am? I'll take you to the lounge.

God, are your shoulders made of city walls? How come they are so hard?

Of course Natasha was asking questions knowingly. She had to hold this stupid young man back. Although he was a normal person, he was still a teenager, and he was the same type as Pamela. It was fine when he was under control, but what if he was not under control? That's a devastating disaster, and teenagers usually have no control over it.

Sorry, madam, I am indeed... stronger. Let me help you to the lounge first. However, my friend's situation is more urgent. I'm afraid I have to go there immediately.

Is it an emergency? Sorry, I really don't understand. When the guests attending the banquet have a close relationship with the organizer of the banquet, it's okay to meet before the banquet starts, right?

Well, they're not...

Isn't it more intimate?

No, they are quite close, but... the way of intimacy is a bit too advanced.

Natasha narrowed her eyes. Of course she wasn't hurt, it was just a joke. Judging from Clark's expression, there must be a long story to this.

Sorry, but I heard that Bruce Wayne has a girlfriend, so you and him...

What? You doubt the two of us...

Why else would you be so clingy to him?

It's really not that I'm clinging to him, but the situation may be very urgent. Clark was a bit at a loss for words. He said, You don't even know what they did before. God, you might not even believe it when I tell you.

Why don't you believe this? Tell me.

Clark took a deep breath, which he had obviously been holding for a long time. At this point, his super brain finally began to work quickly, and in the most concise and accurate language, he accurately summarized the past four years of Bruce and Natasha. How Schiller tormented each other.

Natasha's mouth opened wider and wider as she listened, and by the end she was simply stunned.

Then without waiting for Clark to support her, she rushed upstairs with rapid strides, turned around and roared: What are you waiting for!! Stop him quickly!!!

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