The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 274 The Fearful Laughing Demon (Part 2)

Question: What is more frightening than opening your eyes and discovering that you have time-traveled?

That is, when I opened my eyes, I found that I had traveled to Gotham.

So what is more terrifying than opening your eyes to find yourself in Gotham?

That is, when I opened my eyes, I found that I had traveled to Gotham, and Batman and the Joker were fighting in front of me.

And what's scarier than finding out that Batman and the Joker are fighting in front of you?

That is to find two clowns fighting in front of you.

What's scarier than finding out that two clowns are fighting?

That is finding out that there are three clowns fighting.

What's scarier than finding three clowns fighting?

That is finding the three Jokers fighting while Batman looks on.

What's scarier than finding three clowns fighting with Batman watching?

That's finding out that Batman is teaming up with two clowns to beat up another clown...

Because this kind of situation usually happens, it should be the editor's father Wei Yixiao...

On the edge of Batman's consciousness, such a battle is taking place, but what they are facing is not the Laughing Bat, but a monster that looks like a clown but is not the same.

Its limbs are all thin and long, and it seems that it can barely support the body, but it just doesn't fall down, and the head is a gray egg with a terrible smiling face on it.

At this time, the teeth in the big grinning mouth were full of blood, and on the other side, Jack was covering his hand, and the blood was flowing down from his hand.

Just now, the monster broke free from the operating table and bit Jack.

Jack was not seriously injured, only a wound in the shape of tooth marks was left on his wrist, but this indicated a very dangerous thing, that is, this dangerous thing in the deepest part of Batman's consciousness is very likely not Not just mere clowns.

He was able to escape under the siege of Clown Schiller and Clown Jack, and even killed Jack, which shows that his strength is probably stronger than it looks, and most importantly, he is just an embryo now.

What exactly will this laughing embryo hatch, everyone has a bad premonition in their hearts, including Batman himself. He has never realized that there is such a terrible thing hidden deep in his heart.

On the edge of Batman's dream, there is still a dark Gotham, where the wind and rain continue all night long, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, the thunder is getting louder, the night is getting darker and deeper, and the two clowns, one The Laughing Spawn, as well as Batman, stand above the city.

The battle was very tense at this time, the clown Jack wielded the dagger, and every time he could leave a deep bone wound on the slender limbs of the Laughing Egg, while the clown Schiller's fighting style was more inclined to a magician, a kind of Unseen forces are used by him to control the movements of the Laughing Spawn.

Batman was standing there without moving, but he was not simply watching, but was fighting with this monster for control of the dream.

That's right, this monster with deformed limbs and a big mouth on the whole head has almost the same authority as Batman in the dream. Batman must do his best to resist his struggle for control of the dream.

Originally, before Batman knew the truth and the egg of the laughing man had not been dug out, the clown Jack and the clown Schiller both had part of the power to control the dream, but once the two lords appeared, the control of the dream returned completely. The two of them, and now, the two are still fighting in the invisible field, trying to completely control the dream and consciousness space.

To Batman's surprise, it seems that what he is dealing with is not an enemy, but himself. Every time he exerts his strength, he has an awkward feeling of wrestling with himself, as if his left foot and right foot are giving each other. To make a trip, the left arm and the right arm and foot are entangled together, trying to hang the other party.

Batman has never faced such a situation before, so he suffered a lot at first. There was thunder in the dark sky of Gotham, and several bolts of lightning almost hit the other two clowns. Obviously, this is the egg of laughter. Use the power of dreams to interfere with the actions of the two.

But fortunately, it may be the reason why this terrible embryo has not yet hatched. Although he is crazy and irritable, he does not have much reason, like a newborn who acts according to instinct, or the kind of weak premature baby Batman, also quickly regained the initiative.

A Batman and two clowns began to press harder and harder on this deformed monster. It was obviously difficult for this unhatched embryo to resist the attack of two clowns and a Batman.

The cold wind howled in the dark night, and the torrential rain in the high wind slapped on the body like bullets pouring out. Even Batman, in the midst of such strong wind and rain, was a little unstable, and his cloak was constantly being thrown towards him. Pulling back, hunting in the wind and rain.

He seemed to hear a childish voice wailing, which was also mixed with a faint maniacal laughter. This voice echoed in Batman's mind, making him feel sad and sad, as if he was walking towards die.

He finally discovered this, and confirmed that the terrifying and deformed monster opposite him was actually himself, a certain personality in the depths of his consciousness, a certain aspect of him, and when this personality was facing death, he would also Feel the same fear.

In such a heavy rain, Batman slowly half-kneeled down, and the fear was conveyed to his mind through consciousness, making his entire consciousness space tremble a little.

No one in this world is not afraid of death, especially when his own death happened in front of him, a dark emotion began to surge in Batman's heart.

During the wind and rain, the hair of the clown Jack and the clown Schiller were both wet from the rain and blown up by the wind. When Schiller looked up, he saw the end of the sky, a thin black line appeared on the edge of the boundary between the sky and the earth, and then pan With a wave, Jack slapped his forehead and said, Ah! Looks like we're going to be in trouble!

But in just a short moment, that thin wavy line was approaching in front of him, it was an overwhelming black tide revealing an aura of fear.

The attack and stimulation on the Laughing Egg made the black tide in the depths of Batman's consciousness surge out, turning into an irresistible violent wave, attacking everything on the edge of the dream.

Almost in an instant, the Laughing Egg standing in the front was devoured, and its slender limbs could not resist the attack of that terrifying wave. In just a short moment, the monster's limbs were corroded, leaving only one with a Smiley's eggs float on the surface of the sea.

Schiller and Jack began to flee until the violent black tide smashed Gotham on the edge of the dream into ruins, and the tide slowly stopped. But the world has been completely destroyed, and the entire edge of the dream is riddled with holes. tracked.

Standing on the brink of the Kuroshio, Jack burst into a maniacal laugh and said, I just said Batman won't let me down! That's him, that's him! Hahahahahahahaha!

This is the darkness that only belongs to him, the fear that only belongs to him... Jack opened his arms and said like a dream: This is Batman, this is his heart...

However, the Kuroshio that washed everything away did not stop completely. Countless eddies formed on the surface of the tide, and then turned faster and faster until a towering waterspout rose upwards.

Countless small waterspouts began to converge towards the center, and then merged into a huge tornado. The huge waterspout swept in the entire Gotham city on the edge of the dreamland.

The two clowns standing on the edge of the dream could barely resist this terrifying force.

All the tides of the Kuroshio turned into huge tornadoes, soaring upwards until they broke through layer after layer of dreams.

Upward and upward, the tornado formed by the black tide is like a sharp sword, breaking through the dreams of the deep consciousness layer by layer, until it reaches the barrier between the surface consciousness and the deep consciousness.

More and more black currents kept surging upwards, and the entire space of consciousness began to vibrate. Gotham in countless layers of dreams collapsed almost at the same time. After a short period of silence, the barrier of surface consciousness was broken through.

The Kuroshio didn't stop after reaching Batman's surface consciousness, but continued to surge upwards, rushing out of his body along his soul.

Before Bruce woke up, an invisible force of terror shot straight into the sky along his body.

Standing in front of the French windows of the office, Schiller suddenly turned his head. He squinted his eyes and looked out of Gotham City. At the same time, many mysterious forces in the universe felt this irresistible black tide of fear.

It is a kind of completely abstract power, and nothing can be seen in reality, but people with special perspective and spiritual sense can feel that kind of devastating power.

The tornado formed by this black tide did not stop after breaking through Bruce's body, but rushed towards higher altitudes.

Over Gotham, over the east coast, over the entire American continent, until you come to the atmosphere, outside the earth.

In the vast and mysterious universe, a black sharp sword rises into a higher starry sky, breaking through all barriers, until in the deeper starry sky, a mysterious existence suddenly feels this shocking fear.

Just as Bruce's consciousness was gradually getting rid of the Kuroshio, following the hole made by the Kuroshio tornado, floating up from layers of dreams, and regaining control of his body, he heard a distant and deep voice ringing in his ears:

The day is dark, the night is bright,

Evil gangsters fear my divine light,

Incinerated with fearful fire, those who rebel against me perish,

Fear is the source, Sergey's authority!

Intelligent life has been locked, Batman of the Earth, you have the ability to inflict great fear on others, welcome to join—Sinestro Corps!

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