The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 368 New and Good (Part 1)

New York is a veritable city that never sleeps, especially the buildings near Financial Street in Manhattan, which are brightly lit all night. Although it is already 11 o'clock in the evening, the lights here are still as bright as day, and there are people coming and going on the street.

In the Arkham Sanitarium not far from Wall Street, Schiller was working at his desk. At this moment, a special security phone rang in his hand. He picked up the phone and said, Hi, hello, yes, I am the 'doctor'...

Yes, that's right, I am also sorry for what happened to Director Pierce... 4 bases in eastern New York? Sorry, but I have too much work on my hands now, you know, the entire New York can still maintain communication , The high-level members who have not entered the silent state, I am the only one...

...Okay, but I can only accept two bases at most, and the remaining two...I suggest you give up strategically and withdraw the personnel from them...

What? Safe stronghold?...I'm sorry, Director Pierce didn't leave me enough safe strongholds before he turned silent. Now they are all full of people.

Schiller sighed and said: It's not that I want the lion to speak up, but there are too many people coming to me... Yes, thank you for understanding me, the extra people on the security plan list, the money is calculated by the head, the senior management Security fees of $300,000 each for personnel and key researchers...

Listening to the reply over there, Schiller covered his forehead, his tone became a little colder, and he said: Do you think it is time to bargain? The West Coast is their main target. You know who will accept you, I want How much risk do you take?

Don't tell me this, everyone knows that the emergency transfer is all for you to preserve your direct lineage, and only my safe stronghold here is reliable. If you are willing to be cheated by those scammers, Then I won't stop you...

50? No, as I said, the number of places is limited. You can only get 15 places at most, and each person is calculated at 300,000 US dollars... Well, a 10% discount, since we have all worked under Director Pierce. ...

Schiller sighed, put down the phone, leaned back on the chair and stretched, and then looked at Nick Fury sitting opposite him.

Nick Fury looked up from the table and said, Another $5 million, huh?

It's still the same sentence, we split the bill 55, but I think this small amount of money can't make up for the psychological trauma caused by working overtime at all.

Schiller was about to get up to make a cup of coffee when the phone rang again. Schiller picked up the phone and said, Hi, hello, this is 'Doctor', what? Your base was attacked? I'm sorry, I'm here There is no extra manpower sent to rescue you.

The person who attacked you was Captain America? Even if the person who attacked you was God, I couldn't save you...

Well, I can only point out a retreat route for you, please go to New York Harbor immediately, there will be special agents to pick you up, but if you want to move to a safe stronghold, please send a message to your boss and let him Pay your security fee...

I repeat, this is not extortion. Now the security base is already full. If you want to come in without paying the bill, what will other people think? You'd better call your boss quickly. If he is willing to pay, Then you will be saved, if he is not willing, then God bless you...

After finishing speaking, Schiller hung up the phone, and Nick joked again: You are ruthless, doctor.

Each each other.

Ever since Schiller made Li Daitao stiff, silenced Pierce's entire channel and killed Garrett, his backhand, he completely controlled the Hydra agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and fabricated a security plan , turning the Arkham Sanatorium into a safe stronghold for Hydra.

From the very beginning, Schiller didn't want to squeeze the wool of these agents. To put it bluntly, how much money can these workers have? Even by selling immortality factors, it is slow and troublesome.

Schiller chose to find another way and opened up another industry line.

The competition between Stark and Steve gradually became fierce, and the two became more and more introverted. Therefore, the scale of this purge became larger and larger, and all Hydras on the east and west coasts were involved. Among them, because the competition started so suddenly, most of them were unprepared.

This is not the same as the investigation of SHIELD that says one thing and does another. Dealing with Hydra, Captain America and Iron Man are serious. Therefore, in just a few days, the snake heads on the east and west coastlines all Lost a lot of strength.

As the so-called safe strongholds were breached one after another, more and more smugglers turned into a silent state in order to protect themselves. more and more.

The group of snakeheads kept silent, but they were not reconciled to the fact that the direct line forces they worked so hard to build were wiped out like this. If so, wouldn't they become lonely after they came out?

Still the same sentence, Hydra's internal fighting is professional, they have to think about how to face their colleagues who are like wolves and tigers after their silence is over, if they really become polished commanders, they will only be eaten alive portion.

At this time, a rumor spread among the high-level officials that the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the most famous head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce, left behind an equally experienced silent agent before entering silence , and an absolutely secret safe stronghold.

This silent agent, code-named Doctor, is very likely to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but his identity is temporarily unknown, but there is no doubt that his security plan is quite effective.

And why the effect of this security plan is so immediate, we have to start with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just after the important Hydra agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. were transferred, S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately began a major purge, and those agents who did not participate in the security plan were directly cleaned out.

Of course, this is a wave of cooperation between Nick and Schiller. After Schiller transfers those important Hydra agents away, the rest are small fish and shrimps. Nick can find any reason to give them away. Cleaned up, the core Hydra members have left, and they can't organize any decent defense and counterattack.

Although the agents who were saved were arrested and locked up in a nursing home, those who were not saved even lost their lives. This further shows the importance of the preservation plan, and also shows that the silent agent code-named Doctor has rich experience and acts decisively. .

After the rumors of the safe stronghold spread, many Hydra snake heads began to consider transferring their direct descendants inside.

And Schiller would ask for money, which was not beyond their expectations at all. Hydra is like this. If you don't get money now, when will you wait?

On the contrary, Schiller's behavior has increased the confidence of these snakeheads. If it weren't for the pure hydra, how could it be so skillful to take advantage of people's danger and make the lion open its mouth?

As far as his proficiency level is concerned, Pierce has a discerning eye!

As expected of me, Hydra.

The snakeheads felt the incomparable cordiality from Schiller's demeanor. They didn't care about his exorbitant asking price. Hydra has been in business for so many years, and it still has some capital. It can save its own direct line with a little money. , it is more cost-effective for them.

On the way to evacuate to the Arkham Sanatorium, 80% of the people were caught by SHIELD, the preclinical SHIELD, and the remaining 20% ​​successfully arrived at the Sanatorium, but they didn't think it was a problem at all. question.

Now, the situation has become so severe that it is their fate that 20% of the people can survive.

But what they didn't know was that in the office of the dean of Arkham Sanatorium, their savior was selling them to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

To be honest, I think you should find a way to get out. In a few days, those two lunatics who are in the middle of the game should find you. Nick persuaded Schiller: We all know that we are For the cause of justice, but those two people have been a bit on the top lately, it would be bad if they accidentally hurt their own people...

Schiller was not in a hurry at all, he smiled and said, Don't worry, I already have a solution.

What way? Nick looked up at him.

At this moment, a portal appeared in the office, and Strange came out from it. He first looked up at the sky outside, then yawned, and sat next to Schiller. Schiller asked: Are you done?

That's right, the supreme mage has handed over all the affairs of Karma Taj to me. Now I am a veritable supreme mage, and there is only one handover ceremony.

I would like to congratulate you, but I heard from you before that there are a lot of troubles recently, what's the matter?

When mentioning this matter, Strange frowns a little. He said: The mages think that Stark is too stingy, and they only give them one of the dozen spaceships for research...

You also know that the group of archmages are all research freaks, and a spaceship can't satisfy their appetite at all.

Mages are also divided into many schools. Some use white magic, and some study summoning magic. The ideas of transformation are also different. Some want to completely energyize the spaceship, and some want to use enchanting technology. Recently, I have prevented at least ten A few quarrels...

In any case, at least three spaceships are needed. Strange concluded, With less than this number, it is difficult for me to balance the experimental needs of the mages.

Just like I told you on the phone before, anyway, you mages have a portal, and you should sneak up to do some research, and you shouldn't be discovered.

That's exactly what I'm hesitating... Strange said with a troubled expression, I don't want to exacerbate the confrontation between ordinary humans and mages. We are the guardians of the earth, but we are not managers, let alone rulers. Or, if found out, Stark will be very angry.

It's fine if you don't get discovered by him? Don't those archmages also get used to not picking up the trash after finishing their research?

Of course not. We are different from rich guys like Stark. Karma Taj has maintained the virtue of frugality for many years. Our magic is environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and there is no waste.

Moreover, a special item left to me by the supreme mage can also reset the time...

The more Strange talked, the brighter his eyes became. He said: I can definitely let the archmages go up to experiment, and then restore the spaceship with gems, so that Stark can't find us...

After speaking, he stood up and said to Schiller, Yes, I have an idea.

Then he opened the portal and stepped in with one foot. Before leaving, he still turned his head and said, Thank you, thank you for your flexible thinking and...morality.

When Strange's figure disappeared completely, Nick looked at the place where he left, and asked thoughtfully, Did you find a scapegoat?

Don't say that, there are a lot of doctors in this world, how could it be possible to suspect Stephen's head?

Yeah, originally no one could have suspected him, but you encouraged him to illegally seize the spaceship under Stark's nose, then who Stark would suspect, needless to say...

Schiller came over with coffee, handed Nick a cup, and then raised the coffee cup and said, If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, who knows he was inspired by me?

Nick picked up the glass with a smile, the two clinked their glasses lightly, and then showed a tacit smile.

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