The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 417 Hal's Unlucky (Part 2)

How can I stay calm?! I'm glowing! Green! Dick yelled at him too.

Clearly, he was a little bewildered by the situation, like a real kid, and he said, My God! I can't believe it. How am I going to go to school tomorrow? How am I going to explain this to the teacher? Overnight, I will glow?!

As he said that, he said a little dejectedly: Our school's management is very strict. We must have the traditional hair color. We are not even allowed to dye our hair. If the teacher sees that not only my hair has turned green, but my whole body has turned green. If she chooses green, she will definitely find her parents angrily!

Hal was speechless. Obviously, he had no experience in raising children, so he didn't know how to deal with Dick's logic, which was quite realistic but somewhat too realistic.

Also, I'm going to visit my biological parents at the end of this month, they are very old-fashioned, they only use dark green for Christmas, how do I explain that I suddenly become more than a Christmas elf Still green??

Hal stared at the ceiling of Wayne Manor. When he first obtained this ability, he also imagined how great it would be if he could obtain this ability earlier, but now, he found that the mind of a teenager is the world. The biggest mystery in the world.

Dick didn't seem to care about this magical teleportation ability, nor did he care whether he could control this powerful force, he only cared about the green light all over his body.

At this moment, Hal, who was in such trouble, suddenly had some different thoughts.

Is he really sober?

After an ordinary person got the green light ring, he should indeed have doubts about his weird appearance when he activated his ability, but Hal found that he didn't seem to have this feeling at all.

Even if he caused a big traffic jam because he was too much like the green light in the traffic lights, he still didn't feel puzzled by it.

At this moment, Hal suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, just like the horror that all human beings have when they find that they may be controlled by something, Hal, who suddenly broke away from the green light ring due to an accident Er, found too many abnormalities that he hadn't noticed before.

Thinking back to what Alfred said to him before, cold sweat soaked his back, and the thick bomber jacket couldn't make him feel warm.

What the hell is he doing? Got the power of aliens, and reported the information here to aliens? Was he bought or controlled?

There is no doubt that even the fledgling Hal is a good person with a fairly correct three views, and his strong will makes him not afraid to admit his mistakes and immediately find ways to make them up.

He tried to move his body, turned his chair back, looked at Batman and said, The problem may be more serious than we thought.

Indeed, if you can't come up with a plan to make Dick heal, then...

No, I'm not referring to this! Hal interrupted Batman, Batman is rarely interrupted like this, he looked at Hal silently, but Hal said to himself: I think this some problems.

He sighed and said: As you all know, I accidentally obtained a green light ring that allows me to have magical abilities. The person who gave this ring to me was a foreigner who died in a spaceship crash. Starman, he told me about the existence of the Green Lantern Corps.

Afterwards, the power of the ring allowed me to get in touch with the Green Lantern Corps. They told me about the history of the Legion. I was deeply moved and honored to be part of such a team.

The first official mission I received was to go to Gotham to investigate the coming of the yellow light. You all know what happened afterwards.

And the second task I received was to monitor the movement of members of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

In the messages I have received, the Yellow Lantern Corps is described as a very terrifying existence. They will interfere with the work of the Green Lantern and bring destruction and fear to the universe.

And the horrible monster I saw in the dream world before proved this, which makes me believe even more that the Green Lantern Corps is determined to maintain the peace and tranquility of the universe.

But, I don't know... Hal showed a hesitant expression, and he said, I may indeed have leaked too much information to this mysterious Green Lantern Corps. I haven't even been to their headquarters, just contacted them remotely. ...

I am eager to complete the task, and I feel that I should report the ins and outs of this matter to prevent the evil members of the Yellow Lantern Corps they say from causing any harm to the earth, so...

When Hal looked up, he saw Batman squinting his eyes. For some reason, Hal had a bad feeling when he saw this expression.

Why do you think that the safety of the earth must be left to outsiders to protect? Batman asked a very fatal question, and Hal was speechless.

Did they tell you the true origin of the Green Lantern ring? Batman asked another question, and Hal still couldn't answer, saying:

I heard that it was the first race born in the universe to create this army to maintain the peace of the universe...

In other words, it is still created by intelligent creatures. It has leaders, division of labor, different departments, bases, and various members...

Batman crossed his arms and asked, How do you ensure that the information you upload will not be seen by people who shouldn't see him? And how do you ensure that the leadership of this team has no ill will towards Earth?

Hal shook his head, and Batman looked him in the eyes and asked, Is it that you don't want to answer, or do you just don't know? I hope it's the former.

Hal felt that his lips were a little dry, he pursed his lips, and said in a low tone, ...I don't know.

You didn't understand the nature, scale, personnel structure, and operating system of a company, so you joined it rashly, and uploaded all the data about you, your family, your neighbors, and the street to their network...

As Batman's tone became deeper and deeper, Hal's bad premonition became stronger and stronger, but at this moment, Alfred suddenly said, Master, your university just now Professor Rodriguez called to inquire about the situation here.

He said he heard Aisha screaming and expressed concern, he said he would wait on the phone until it was confirmed that things were safe here, I think, in order not to keep your esteemed professor up all night , you'd better call him back now...

The air pressure around Batman was extremely low, but after hearing Alfred's words, he remained silent for a while, then turned and walked towards the telephone table.

As soon as the phone was connected, Schiller's voice sounded over there: I guess, you should have caught Hal by now and are pressing him about the Green Lantern Corps?

I didn't 'catch' him, and I didn't 'question' him. Batman immediately denied Schiller's words, and Schiller immediately said, Well, I think you should have Green Lantern by now haha Er sat in a chair and made some security restraints on him.

Then in the chat with him, I got some information about the Green Lantern Corps very unexpectedly.

What do you think of the Green Lantern Corps? Schiller asked him.

A group of aliens who may pose a threat to the earth at any time, and have developed spies on the earth, with evil plans.

As expected. Schiller said to the other end of the phone: First of all, I have no idea why Hal appeared in Wayne Manor. Secondly, if you want to investigate the Green Lantern Corps, there is a best way , that is to start from the green light ring.

Remember that box I gave you last time? You should already know what's in it...

After Batman put down the phone, he felt a little calmer. Taking any violent measures against Hal now would not help the development of the situation. The most important thing was to deal with Dick's situation first.

During the period when Batman was on the phone, Hal was still communicating with Dick, but the two of them were more like talking to each other.

Hal kept emphasizing that Dick should learn to calm down and learn to control his strength, but Dick was panicked in the face of this unusual state, and the two were not on the same channel at all.

When Batman came back, Hal sighed and said: Although I admit that I am not a good teacher, but I don't know how to teach a teenage child to use the power of will. When I was ten years old, I said Maybe you can't even spell the word will correctly.

I don't think I can teach him, but I don't know who can teach him. If you want to teach him to control this power, at least you should have controlled this power yourself.

However, the criteria for the Green Lantern Corps are very strict, and there is no one in a billion who can meet the requirements. Where should I go to find a Green Lantern?

Batman stared at him silently, Hal saw his eyes, and he said: ...No, there is no way, and why don't you understand? The green light has very strict requirements on willpower, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. owned.

Seeing Batman watching him all the time, Hal could only explain: Well, if there is a trick, you have to concentrate and show your willpower...

Although, I got this ring from another alien, but it took me a lot to get the green light approval...

Just at this moment, a familiar green light slid through the window, Hal's eyes widened, and a ring emitting faint green light quietly stopped between him and Batman.

Hearing the all-too-familiar Green Lantern Corps oath, Hal opened his mouth wide, and said in surprise, Wait a minute, I know the Green Lantern Ring will be reissued, but I haven't reported the damage yet, why...

As soon as I said this, the ring emitting green light flew towards Batman, and kept rubbing against Batman like a pet dog waiting for its owner to pet it.

Just when Hal was astonished, something that shocked him even more happened. Batman slowly opened his mouth and said, I refuse.

The green light ring stopped in mid-air, and then slowly floated out of the window of Wayne Manor at an extremely slow speed, stepping back and forth three times. Unfortunately, Batman did not regret it in the end.

I'm just trying to see if it's really going to work.

Hal coughed a few times, and he said: The opportunity to be selected by the Lantern Ring is very precious. There may not be many people like this in the world. You just...

While Hal was talking, Batman left the hall, and after a while, he came back with a box in his hand, sat on the sofa, and opened the box while Hal was watching.

There was a soft crash sound——

A pile of lantern rings was dumped on the table.

Sorry for the lateness.

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