The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 504 I Bloom in the Slaughter (Part 1)


The handle of the umbrella hit Mark's chin hard. When he was about to fall backward, he took two steps back to balance his body. Then there was another bang, and the handle of the umbrella hit him directly on the neck With a plop, Mark fell to the ground and passed out.

Schiller walked forward with an umbrella, wanting to check his situation, but he heard the sound of rustling behind him.

Schiller stopped, put the umbrella tip on the ground, turned around, and saw Arthur, who had been pierced by him in the throat before, with a purple light floating on his body, and the eyes and the wound left by Schiller shot out this light .

The luminous place is like a large spotlight, and the trail of the light is clearly visible in the dark night. Arthur slowly floated up and stood upright in the air. The walking stick with the crocodile head flew back to his hand. When he opened his eyes again, the long hair fluttered in the wind.

Arthur landed, raised his head slowly, and breathed a sigh of relief. There were no wounds on his body. If it wasn't for the blood stained on his clothes, which showed that he had already died once, no one would be able to tell that he had just encountered What.

Schiller was standing opposite him with an umbrella, watching this weird resurrection ceremony. When he pulled the umbrella knife out of Arthur's throat, he was very sure that Arthur had been killed by him, and there was no such thing as The possibility of feigning death, but just now, he was resurrected.

At this time, Schiller saw that the terrifying and huge figure of Kongsu appeared behind Arthur. He opened his falcon-headed mouth and conveyed some information to Schiller:

The gods of Egypt have the ability to control life and death. When people die physically but their souls have not gone to the other shore, they can be resurrected. Amit has this ability, and I also have...

Don't try to kill him, control him, imprison him, seal him up, just like we did to Amit...

Luna's voice always had a vague echo, as if it came from the moonlight, but Schiller didn't give any response, he just kept staring at Arthur.

Kong Su began to hesitate. He felt that he had made the wrong choice. He wanted a personality who could fight, not someone who could only fight.

The indifference in Schiller's eyes told Kongsu that he did not intend to follow his advice, but still wanted to kill Arthur.

But for some reason, Kong Su did not stop him, he just disappeared silently. At the same time, Arthur held up his cane, and the crocodile head scale on the cane made a click sound and began to swing non-stop.

The scale tattoo on Arthur's arm also began to shake, and he shouted: I will judge you, criminal!

The crocodile balance was swinging more and more violently, and there was no intention of stopping at all. Schiller just stood there and watched him perform quietly. Arthur didn't feel a little suspicious until the atmosphere became quiet and a little awkward. He brought the cane to his eyes, and then tried to use the other hand to hold down the head of the crocodile that kept shaking.

But no matter what he did, the crocodile head had no intention of stopping at all. The crocodile heads on both sides moved faster and faster, almost shaking out afterimages. Arthur kept talking to the air: Stop! Stop! Keep your balance and judge him!

After he played a one-man show there alone for a long time, he finally realized that something was wrong. Arthur grinned and gritted his teeth. He grabbed the somewhat uncontrolled scepter with both hands and said, Give me strength, let me Come and judge him!


The metallic umbrella knife collided with the crocodile head on the top of the cane. Arthur held the cane backwards and folded his arms to block the sharp knife that struck again. looming.

The brilliance of magic shines from the tip of the staff, and Arthur, who looked very gentle at first, becomes fierce. He holds the staff like a knife, holds the staff high, and the crocodile faces down and stabs at the shoulder of Schiller who is close at hand. past.


The umbrella was opened, and the sharp magical luster streaked across the umbrella surface with the strange snakeskin pattern. The rubbing sound was a bit harsh, but the walking stick did not leave any marks on the umbrella surface.

Arthur, who was staring at the attacking place, saw the patterns on the snakeskin umbrella blocking him, and the patterns began to rotate strangely, possessing the power to confuse people.

At the moment when he was in a daze, the umbrella was put away, and the sharp knife came out again. With a sound of 呵啦, the tip of the knife cut from the collarbone on the side of the neck to the armpit, and immediately, blood flowed like a river.

The blade was too sharp, and when the wound just opened, the blood hadn't had time to come out. At that moment, the fascia covering the bone could be seen, and when the blood spurted out, there was only a bloody mess left.

Arthur didn't let out a scream, but let out a low growl. Schiller, who succeeded in one blow, didn't rush forward again, but took two steps back.

He looked at Arthur's reaction with some curiosity. Obviously, this reaction was not normal.

Although not everyone screams after being injured, when people face pain, they will have many stress manifestations, such as contracting muscles at the first time, curling up, covering the wound, even for a well-trained Mark Agents can take a defensive posture in the shortest time after being injured, but there will still be a momentary delay, which is human instinct.

But Arthur didn't, and the growl he let out was more anger at his failure to defend than pain from the wound.

Light bloomed from the wound again, and soon, the wound created by Schiller healed.

Arthur gave a mocking smile and said, You want to beat a penance with pain, you're dreaming!

Don't you feel pain?

Schiller asked again in that weird voice and tone.

Pious faith, no fear of all pain! Arthur raised his cane and shouted: Being able to judge criminals is a good medicine to heal all wounds!

After shouting, Arthur found that Schiller was still staring at him blankly. He felt a little annoyed, because from the beginning to the end, he was performing alone, as if the person opposite was not acting against him. An actor, but an audience in the audience.

Schiller's uninvolved performance ignited Arthur's anger, and just when he was about to say something to stimulate Schiller, a black shadow that he couldn't see flashed past.

When the blade passes by, the streamer is brighter than the moonlight, and the sharp knife cuts through the air and creates ripples, just like oars across the water.

With a chi, the tip of the knife inserted into Arthur's shoulder, and moved forward along the strange lines on the umbrella surface. The hand holding the umbrella handle was white and slender, and the well-maintained fingers did not look like professional killers. .

When this hand is holding the pen, it will never be as terrifying as it is now. As the veins spread from the arm to the back of the hand, Schiller twisted his hands, then pulled out the umbrella knife, and then slashed down.

With a click, Arthur's right arm broke at the shoulder, and flew out together with the cane in his hand.

Arthur opened his mouth wide and covered his bare shoulders with his hands. Schiller took another two steps back and began to observe Arthur's reaction.

Now, he was sure that Arthur had no pain response, not because the belief he said could cure all pain, but because he really didn't feel pain.

Arthur's face was pale and ferocious. He turned his head and looked at the arm and scepter that were blown out.

Long hair covered his face, making him look like a disheveled ghost, but at the same time, the wound on his severed arm began to glow again.

And Schiller noticed that during the limb repair process, the light became stronger than before, and it took longer.

After Arthur's arm recovered, he beckoned, and the scepter flew over again. He found that the person opposite him was a lunatic and murderer, unable to communicate at all, so he didn't plan to use those foolish words anymore .

He bent his knees slightly, bounced up, suspended in mid-air, and flew back a certain distance, distanced from Schiller, purple light flashed on the top of the cane.

In front of Schiller, a purple magic circle lit up, and a ferocious hand stretched out from the ground, and grabbed the ground fiercely.

But at this moment, a sharp knife fell from the sky and directly pierced the ferocious palm. The sharp knife was pulled out, and then cut in parallel, the palm was cut off, and black blood sprayed everywhere.

The monster let out a scream and retracted his arm directly. Arthur froze on the spot. He grabbed the staff with both hands and concentrated. The purple light became more and more intense.

Purple light also began to emerge from the severed wound of the monster's palm, repairing its limbs.

This time, this monster has learned to be smart, and no longer plays handsome, making any prelude to recovery, but directly wants to climb out of the magic circle.

But the magic circle appeared on the ground. If the monster wanted to come out, it couldn't come out upside down. It must appear head first.

The summoned jackal had just emerged from the magic circle on its head, and the swipe was just a knife.

With a sound of Chila, the jackal's head flew out with spurting blood, and landed in front of Arthur, rolling around several times, dying with regret.

Schiller retracted the umbrella knife again and looked at Arthur. Arthur stood there, swallowed, raised his staff again, and said to Schiller, You damn murderer! You forced me...

Arthur murmured a strange ancient Egyptian language, as if he was praying for strength. In an instant, the top of the staff was filled with purple light, and several magic circles appeared a few meters away from Schiller.

The speed of the magic circle was obviously accelerated, and a dozen jackal monsters jumped out directly, slowly pushing towards Schiller.

Schiller still didn't move, but he retracted the sharp knife at the front of the umbrella, then tapped the ground with the tip of the umbrella and said, Don't sleep.

Following his line of sight, Mark, who was knocked unconscious by him before, slowly got up. In other words, it was not Mark who got up, but another personality hidden in his body, Jack.

When Jack stood up, he instinctively touched his chin with his hand. The slight pain from there did not make him retreat, but stimulated him even more.

Originally, Mark, like all agents, had a serious expression and indifferent eyes. This expression would bring a great sense of oppression to ordinary people. Every agent would be trained to have this sharp temperament to deal with possible emergencies.

But at this time, Jack's eyes were more like Schiller's, indifferent, gloomy, and full of killing intent, just like every natural killer.

He didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, and the moonlight condensed into a bandage and wrapped around him.

This suit is different from Mark's moonlight battle suit. It does not have the mysterious breastplate, nor the handsome cloak and hood. It only has the mummy bandage covering the whole body. Only one right eye is exposed on the whole body. Outside, there was a palpitating red light.

If Mark's moonlight form can still be called the Moonlight Knight, then Jack's moonlight form can only be called the Moonlight Killer.

And his behavior did not disappoint this terrifying outfit. He held his hands in the air, and two long scimitars appeared in his hands. The chest of the wolf monster.

As the scimitar was pulled out, the strange purple light reappeared, and the wound on Jackal's chest healed quickly. Jack took two steps back, his only exposed eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

But obviously, someone has already figured out the answer for him. Schiller, who was holding an umbrella knife, didn't look at those jackal monsters, but kept staring at Arthur. When his weird and weird voice sounded, the killing was like a flower in full bloom.

Rip them apart.

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